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THE WORKKAN, BATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1922, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News Do You Want Something cheap, but beautiful and lasting for a Birthday, or Wedding Present?
DO YOU WANT TO Economize in these depressing times? If so, then come to the cheapest asd best Jewelry Store in Colon Call and ses our novel assortment of X, SILVER TEA SETS, EGG SETS, ETC, ETC.
JOHN WILLIAMSON Watchmaker Jeweler.
109 Bollvar Street Colon. P.
REPAIRS NEATLY DONE MUSICIANS WANTED All musicians are invited to get satisfaction in buying their Strings and accessories, at the NEW DRUG STORE 5th Streets. Colon We have a big assortment of Strings for VIOLINS, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, BANJOS, VIOLINCELLOS Also DRUM BANJO HEADS, CHIN RESTS, TAIL PIECES, PATENT SCREWS, TUNERS, BOW HAIR, ETC, ETC.
EP VAN KWARTEL, Prop. Gabriel Union The People Grocery and Dry Goods Store at 30 with the first res pers of La Boca Literary the Purification. There will be a rarish corporate communion at Society an early bour on Thursday morning. At o clock solemn High Mass will be sung to a beautiful arangement in plain very interesting meeting of the song notaion by Rev. Father society was held last Tuesdy night to Croft of the Society of St 17h at the Clubbouse, the principal Peter and St. Paul London. subjects handled being the setting up of 30 there will be Evensong reso visos on account of the irreparable and sermon with Procession and lors to its membership and to the com closing with a solemn Te Deum. muity in general, due to the death of The Rt Rev Morris, De Guy Lord and fostallation Bishop of the Panama Canal officers for the ensuing term. The Zone, the venerable Archdeacon deceased who was an affable and courte H, Carson and all other clergy ous gentlemen was one of the wires on the Isthmus will be present of the society and together with Mrs.
at these services Lord added admirably the moralen On Friday ev eveniog the second its members. At the previous meeting vespers of the Parification will of the Society the deceas w. elected be sung closing with the. Bene to serve as official Critie for the Society diction of the Blessed Sacrament The following resolutions were adopted after a short service of Devotion Pesolution of Sympathy The Candlemass and other ser vices held on Thursday will be WHEREAS, It having pleased the repeated on Sunday Almighty Creator and Preserver of the Universe to remove from our mide by death, Dr. Gay A, Lord, who for many Royal Victoria Instaila months had held a prominent, social and professions tion.
position in this community and had evinced under all circumstance the characteristics of sociability, geaisliy and The bi annual installation of Officers cheerfulness, and WHEREAS, By his death the LA: to serve the term January June of the BOSA Royal Victoria Ladce No. 2348. the pleasureable association of a respet LITERARY SOCIETY has lost Order of Druids, Friendly Society, wed friend and e worker, therefore be it beld on Saturday January 14th at the Lodge Hall, 6th St, RESOLVED: That the said socie Hudson, Lane Colon, and we give expression, in this ite testing brillant success while it lasted. Bro. sembled, to its sincere sorrow for the Seally, assisted by Brossad event by suspending its regular Morris, Springer Lawerense, All business and standing in the attitude of devout ailenes for one minute in token did same in masterly sad able manner of the departarogard for the cmofy AS, performed the ceremonies, and 19 reep ctful to the entire satisfaction of all present Demb. and it is veby The following elected officers were then RESOLVED: That a beartfelt ym.
installed in pective stations pathy and condoleuse of the Society be Gittens, NGA; Moore, this medium on be expressed throu. Caristain, Per, Sectv. Davey, half of the relatives of the deceased that our Trea: Coristopher Linton, Asst. Seety. the fervent prayer will Crawiord, Conductor; Phillip Tetrio, NGA. Clifton Jordan, LB. NGA naisha of their ad bereavement, give Larin Campbell, GA; Peter hem pec nad cylation evin in the Brien, LBNGA Callendar, LG. Shadow of the Tomb, suite only tu Arber, OG Heling Destante en livly of at bruids before hops of a installation ceremonies, the and be it for her Lodge was then closed and all the man RESOLVED bers repaired to the banqt Hall, to sit lativa be forward to be wife and UVED That copies of this reso.
down to well decorated table in the the mother of of the letter and diu justice to of the deceos d, o pies to the the many nice and delicious nec ssaries local press and a cow to he spread upon the face of the minutes of the Society of life, Bro, Christain Per. Seety.
JO COLLINS, President made a beautiful address on behalf of RW RILEY, Secretary the Order, and be encouraged all to stick to gether as fraternal brethren, so that COMMITTEE the flag of the ruids will ever wave JW REYNOLDS in the city of Colon. He was heartily A REID thanked at the close of the address, and was followed by many other speakers of MRS. FLORENCE SMITH which space is not sufficient to mentiun. Installation of the following officers The newly installed Noble Grand Arct elected at the previous meeting was per Bro, Gittens returned thanks to the formed by Mr. Reynolds: sitors and especially to the members of Jo Collins, President (re elected)
the Loyal Enterprise (Female) Lodge Mrs. Florence Smith, Vice President No. 2350 for their kind attendance at (re elected)
the funosion, as he vincerely trust that w Riley, Secretary Treasuter Creo they will always attend at future func tione, The gathering broke up siter the wc Dacres, Asst. Secretary FA singing of the British National Anthem.
Chaplain Miss Wilhelmina Allen, Pianist (re was beld on Saturday Chont Corner 4th Street Hudson Lane Phone 98 The most modern and up to date house in Colon.
All at popular Prices Orders taken by Phone SMALL, Proprietor CAVE, Manager, their Father the a After the in heir respective Kerr Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. lform. Man Receives Elec wickets for 18 rans: Lynton, for 11, other bowlers for the inning tric Shock were Atherly, Price, Eversley and Brewster opened the ininng for Sussex, and the scores were made At Cristobal Coaling Plant. 10. Reid Price Atherley 1, in the following order: Brewster Layne Nurse Lynton 18, Harding 22, Parker, not out 11, NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH Sealey, St Hill 0, Extaas 3, Total 83.
Colon, Jan. 23. Brown for Spencer captured wickets for many years moyed at the 42 runs. Reid for 42, and HamilCristobal Coaling Siation at an for present an inmate of Colon Hoe pita! is in a serious condition as the result of an electric shock Baptist Church Activities received while at at work on Thurs day morning last the 19th inst Harvest Thanksgiving services It is claimed that while the will be held at New Providence on current was of Brown fore. Sunday Rev. Thrift will preach man sent him on the viaduct to at 11 am and 30 do some work, but before he Mrs. Thrift will be the preacher reached the spot the current at the Colon Baptist Church on was turred on known to him Sunday morning and the Rev.
with the result, that on attempt. In rift at the night Service.
Ing to execute the order he was heavily shocked He was inc.
On Sunday last the Rev.
mediately rushed to the Hospi Thrift conducted Divine Service tal where he in the Clubhouse, Gatun. Arrange regained conscious ments were made for another ser s some time after.
Brown resides at Silver City vice at an early date.
Mount Hope, house 6066, and Pueblo Nvevo on Sunday moroPastor Witt will preach at has a wife and three children, ing and at Corozal Road on Suoday night Prince of Wales Lodge In Miss Mabel Barnhouse, Some stalls, time since Missionary in Colombia, will be the preacher at Chor rillo Sunday night. Miss BarnThe ball yearly installation of house always has a hopeful the Prince of Wales Lodge No. message.
2632, Loyal Order of Ancient Two Baptist Evangelists are on Shepherds, Ashton Unity, Friend their way to the Caual Zone and ly Society, working under the it is expected that they will hold a jurisdiction of the JAMAICA DIS weeks meeting at Colon and TRICT was Chorrilio. The date will be an January 14th, at the Loyal St. nounced later. They will probabCharle Lodge hall, 10th and ly be at Chorrillo early in Febru.
Streets, Colon, de Bro. W, ary and in Colon the following. Ward, SP. was Master of week. The Evangelists are Di Ceremonies and he performed Latimer and Dr. Dutton, both his duties in an able and creditable able preachers of the Gospel and insi mentality brought the function to States, a successful end, with the assis tance of the brethren assembled The following officers were then Memorial Service Mrs. Ida installed ins chairs as follows: Johnson, M: Zach. Abrahams, DM; AC in Foulk, Per, Secty, Jervath, Colon, Jan. 28. very imAsst. Secty: Mayo, Treas. pressive Memorial M, Ogg, Chap. Rose, touching the death of the late Freeman, Lim: Blake, Sick Mrs. Ida Kerr, who expired on Steward; Crawford, Sick November 16, last was held by Steward; MacFarlane, IG: the Housebord of Ruth, No. 291, Winter, G;C. Bingley 0, in their Lidge room James, Street, The newly installed Wortby The service was conducted by Master then returned thanks and Mr. Kerr of the National Pratitude on behalf of the Lodge Baptist Church, 7th and to the Installing Master and those Streets, step son of the deceased that assisted bim, and also to the and his solemn and appropriate visitors from the sister lodges sermon from Revelation 7:14, 15 BO. A, Strickland, Immediate will long be remembered, The. st Master then arose and con words of the text are: These gratulated the the newly installed alled are they who came out of great officers, and wish them success tribulation, and have washed ful administration. The Lodge their robes and made white in was then closed and all went to tpe bloood of the lamb.
tre banqueting table and did jus Therefore are they before the tice to the many nice dainties pro throne of God, and Aim day and vided for the occasion. As a coin night in His temple.
cidence to the Bro. Zachariah Abrahams who was installed as M, also was installed as Vice Sudden Death, Grand of the Loyal Perserverance Loipe, No. 10, 105 Grand United Charles Harriett Expires On 10 ige. Osafellows or Order of evening and he had to divide his Way To Hospital In Coach.
time between both ceremonies.
Credit must be given to sister Winter, of the Euse buis riete a young man of about 39 Colon, Jan. 25. Charles Har.
Lodge for making such a sumpt departed this life suddenly yesous repast, for which she was terday at about 7:30 pm, while heartily thanked at the close of he was being conveyed to Colon toe gathering, and all wended Hospital in a coach taeir ways homeward after an en joyable evening.
Deceased who is a shoemaker by trade was last seen about half 20 hour before his demise ар.
parently well and strong in CRICKET search of ome tooalleged to haye butu tolen from him. He Wanderers Defeated by collapsed, while walking in Street in the vicinity of Ilth and Sussex was immediately placed in coach in which he died. Teacher as he is commonly Colon, Jan. 23. The initial meeting of Wanderers and Sussex known, was a devoted cricket fan and an ardent supporter of for the season took place in terday fixture of the sinclair Wanderers Cup Competition on the Mount Hope Baseball Park The day Candiemass at Christ being an ideal one, an unusually large crowd gathered to witness Church by the sea the much talked of match. Both teams were in excellent form and Colon, Jan. 26. Thursday, the contest was keen, resulting in February 2, will be observed a win for Sussex; 83 55.
with special services at Christ Sussex, winning the toss sent Church by the sen. Beside bein their opponent to chat. wepiled to a double function of the chur ton and deputed ie do the bowling. The first wicket and the purification of the Bless for 10, and the last for 55 runs. ed Virgin Mary, it will be the scores were as Patronal Feast of Christ Cnurch.
follows: Thomas 2, Johns 15, Reid by the sea and the 20th Anni Spencer 2, Hamilton 2, Clarke versary of the ordination to the 14, Wentt 1, Barnett 0, Roberts o, sacred Priesthood, of Father Welsh 8, MeDonald not out o, Cooper, the rector. The festival Extras 5, Nurse captured will open on Weduesday evening GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE When you wish a cheap, but docent Suit (complete. hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth. י 50 Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller Address: MULLER BUILDING elected)
CALIDONIA Reid, elected)
Rose of the Isthmus Lodge WC King, Publicity Reporter reelected.
on the same THIS 600 TONS STEAMER is 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins.
beam. She has two decks. tween decks ft. high.
Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig.
erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
We must Buy her for our Service The installation of the R190 of the Court John Wallace 9111 Isthmus Lodge to plaesst its lodge room, 24th Street Guachapali, on Mon day night, 23rd of January 1922. The Holds Installation and Passiig installation ceremony was duly pero Ceremony.
formed by the Past Supreme Councillor, Bro. Wilson, assisted by Bro. Brown Sir Koight, who acted as At a regular general meeting held at Grand Conductor, and Sis. Rebecca the abov: named Court, on the evaning Cogle Lady Koight, as Grand Condue of January 21, among the business tress, transacted, was the installation of The following formed the Adminis officers for the ensuing term Jan July trationThe ceremony was ably performed by Sister Albertha Thoma, our esteemed Veteran CR. Bro.
Amelia Tucknell, K. of Font. Jonas T, Wilson, in Ancient RituslisAdriana Armatrading, of Sanches. Chas. Ford, Sam. Appletie custom assisted by Broe.
Record Rebecca Williams, LK of F, Clarke, Rs of the said Court, Bro, white, Humphrey and Ann Darien, of E, Day, of Court Brook 6725, Colon, Jestins Simpson, LK, of Jerome Conway, Edwards of Mary An Lindsay, L, K, of Court Mizpah, 9198, Alfred Riley and Inniss of Court 9202, and Bro. Butcher Whelemena Liodsay, Dept. of Court 9751, all being Rs.
Edith Richards, of The following forms the administra. Henretta Lowe, of Nightengale, CR. Stewart Irene Barclay, to A, King, Alex, Sanches, Agnes Armstrong, K. to PD Soety, John Humphrev, Tress.
Sam. Applewhite. Sub. Seety; Wey.
Iris Dixon, S to of Pont mouth Williams, Alfred Brown Henretta, Laws, LKL to D, of JW. Norman Fenty, Edward Font.
Thompson, M. Wilson, Albertha Downie, PP.
Keeper After the closing of the installation At the close of the installation, one of the Brothers and sisters retired to the the most important ceremonies was banqueting hall where all good things performed which was the passing of were providedi Bro, William Howard, Retired to the Sublime and coveted degree of British Consulate Notice. Past Chief Ranger of the Order.
The funcston being closed, the newly The British Counsul at Colon installed officers, along with the visiting would be glad of information as Brothers from our various Sister Courte, to the present whereabouts of repaired to the banqueting room where one Matilda Gordon, a native of ample justice was done to the good Jamaica, who left that colony things provided about fve years ago, accompanied The customary Toast were proposed, by a child named Alice Manda and responded to in the wal and Brown patriotic manner tion 0: 31 WE NEED 60, 000 MORE MONEY You may subscribe some of this by purchasing some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound each and become part owner.
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