p. 8


PAGE EIGHT Big Benefit Race 98. a.
Meet To morrow THE IDEAL PHARMACY Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
NO SUBSTITUTES USED a very much divided Mutuel ing card PACIFIC THEATRE TO MORROW having Mr. Arias, the Luring Lips In Jollys Trial a tieid Trajedy Timely.
3890 ioc SSSS Savage and Blood Curd(Continued From Page ling Murder; By Whose of all. From the first of February Tomorrow will be the banner Hands?
next our control over the Excel meeting of the Jasn Franco Rac)
No. 1, 24th street East Calidonia Cuatro sior Theatre will be absolute and Track Eight races are on the without any outside interference, card, and the race for the big. OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
To touch or dabble in a case of therefore we will be free to carry gest purse ever offered in this such blood curdling criminality, out our policy, amply shown in country will be hotly contesta sub justice, one should proceed our Management of the Pacific by the imported thoroughbred with caution and circumspec Theatre, to wit the best pictures. Popular rumours have stated, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN tion am referring to the courteous service to all the lowest that Chagres and Sibarita are as assassination of Dentist admittance price possible fit in their condition as any pair Lord.
We offer this Theatre for the of horses, which has ever faced However, since others have staging of all entertainments, the starting point. All preparataken precedence, a way is now theatrical shows. lodge society tions on the track for the big left open for others to also offer and church meetings, and festi event has been completed and a suguest on. It is in this frame vals, in fact, for any legitimate the promoters of the Jockey mind that have decided to of is Club, Jeels contident that to mor.
purpose for which the house most express myself, but with the suitable at reasonable rates, and row racing will be the honest wisli not to do harm or we shall be glad to give you our successful and historical of any injury to either the ferreting unstinted assistance towards the previously recorded in this coun out of circumstances helping to success of those eatertainments. try.
Unless the unforesee happens, reach the guilty party or parties One more word, which we be the first race will gey Wild Bill or the clearing of the innocent any suggestion which might well as to ourselves We solicit Match Box at the tape for three urage your cooperation in making this tur uiter would tends to encourage Theatre a place where you can Bill have spoken confidently of Only the purest and most genuine Drugs comfurlongs. Supporters of Wild the agents of the law not to to take your family and friends at his springing a surprise, as he leave a straw or stone unturned all times and pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over the publieke might present itself asing in a respectable, moral and clean bas been doing well during his obstacle to tracing and In the second race of chestion surroundings. We engage the assassin. In any suggestion selves to do our very best to en: Tom and Drummer, will give a 40 years experience our furlongs, Toro, Surprise, Ola that sideration of my theory might make in the con force our rules looking towards good account of themselves. In WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor.
side case from the good behavior con literary and suced bahan or end schreiberly you this race opinions seem layman view point. desire to help in this will insure success.
divided, as to the chance yosso seisoesiscx55x55s Sesso of the winner make it clear that am One of the management will be The third race, will be making no suggestion that it is the my opinion that the culprit or within call at the Theatre in Minor Lilliputians, Raider. the culprits who murdered Dr. every performance and will be late Post Boy) Cricket, lash Lord are already in the arms only too pleased to attend to your light and May Be, a pretty good Solo OSXSSX the law.
Were of this complains and to smooth over bunch will make this race very that a opizion would not put myself any difficulty you may encounter interesting. It is said to the pains to touch the subject Yours Very Truly surpri:e is in store at the Pari.
for the successful draw.
as am attempting to. But, as PINEL AROSEMENA.
has near or about the same age as Fourth race, will be the Carni was Dr. Lord, tho not of the not possib! for me to know: val Handicap of furlongs. It TO NIGHT immediate social circle of the do not move in this or like so is in this race that all lively in deceased when he was alive, and cial or iratenizing grove. terest will be shown. The supformed very favorable are again Other Considerations porters of Chagres willing to take their chances on Sunday January 29th Saturday, Jan. 28th impressions of the latter from his very amicable bearing. There are other considerations the game little horse, that he have felt shocked and wished which might be inquired into at will this time turn his last de that there was anything that this point, and which rumor has feat by Sibarita into a victorious Carmel Myers Edith) Roberts might do to aid in uncovering indulged in: clean up. Mr.
si any motive which prompted the It seems to be a matter of owner of Sibirita, and his sup. ININ committal of the heinous crime common belief that thers were porters ente tain no fear that Speculation.
other eyes and ears than those bis horse will again prove to be of the murderer and murdered the betier Lorse of the two, and Of course, Lord tragic death that saw and heard what po will leave no doubt as to the fu has created a margin ALSO COMEDY ture. Risas, it is said, has for very pened not much speculation. And, a I It is said that screams of a yet done ber best, and her have have talked to some persons female voice ALSO COMEDY were heard as owner is expecting that sue with more acquainted with the social well as what sounded like show it by lading all the other NEXT WEEK environment in which Dr. Lord Sharp removal of feet of more of horses.
noved, as well as with others in than one person from where the This race wil be for purse of While New York Sleeps Entire change of Programme terested one way or another, screams seemed to 530 winner. The to go to the com heen led to, in my mind, from.
turties are requesting that certain propositions from watch garment or garments of a female there will be ho batea It is also alleged that a there this de SOS 50X59XSESSE SSSSSSSSSS theory might be established which and the Jockey Club is presented a pointing toward poss ble motives appearance were found in the vigilance in seeiof the arrangehereby requested to use their for the commission of the homi cide.
oom where the murder was Racers For Panama.
com witted. There are stubborn ments, run smoothly. we take Funeral of Edward Initiation and Installation, shall now proceed to pro objections taken to some of this opportunity of expressing US Moise.
pound my theory from a three these fold a pect: namely. 1) profes. when the question is asked opinion as far as our know allegations: especiall racing will be adm tted, The Gleaner of the 23rd inst, On Monday night the 16th inst, the sional rivalry or jealousy. 2)
that of owners are ing that it is persistently claimstates that the tirst batch of members of the Rʻk. Lodge No feminine ja busy; and (3)
the ed that Lord spoke but refused the business of the Sunday lost will prove to the thou horses from this island to race O, of had two more links added og jealousy and revenge of a hus to to say who his assassin was, and not the police, their duty is sands of spectators an epsch in the bis at Panama has been selected by to beir chain by the way of loitiation, band.
whom he was trying to shield to preserve order.
tory, of ne roism and the wood work Mr. Charles Allen the well. After the Initiation the Installation of Proposition one: Did Dr. Lord But repeat the question: It Among the important that Chapter No. 14 is performing tohorses Officers to cers to serve the Jn.
the racing will be the tifth and re leave to day by the excel in his profesional practice female was concerned in the Santa tnok plase. Officers in Did he get unsatisfactory work tragedy, if she thought her life eighth, Chancellor, As de Oros, Wards its ohjeece and sims. The re Marta. They are Dorris Martin, Samuels, RW. C: Rosch, RW.
which was done by another op at stake and screamed, if she Merry Morton and Lord. This mains of Edward Moise deceased, age 36 Martinique, attached to the Lady Peerlene, My Dear, alic; Dutton, new, r: LVII, X, other dental practitioners more was influenced or ordered to will be very exciting and it with French Friendly Society and a member winners First American, a well s; Grant, Ad Sety, als.
commented on the silence, and soon rushed from be very hard to stamp the win of Chapter No. 14, IA. and bred tilly, by At Last out of Gale, w C; Brown, 1. Bro in Merry Maker by Minto, Sis. Edwards work the scene, who was she? And her.
which the said The deceased was ill for some time and Stockade.
Handicap, was done at any time and in the then was it nyt her husband who presence of such Chagres Glorita and Chandelie: expired on the 21st inst. The body was Merry Earl out of Charity, Minto persons as perpetrated the foul deed. The solemn ceremony was ably per will meet. This purse will be in possession of the French Friendly fine colt of the famous Zillah were likely to take it to the den Are there any persons closely for 250 Chagres and Society and then proceeded to Liberty family, also Devotion, a fine dilly who failed to give the satis connected to faction desired, and who could facts of the case taught to igno and it is expected that Glorita religious ceremony was performed by our horses should make a name for M, 19isted by Bro. P, Murray aset the persons and will be sitting at equal weights Hall Gunchapali, at about 4, 45 Th. by Oniko out Ladysmith. These formed by Bro. E, Brandford, de Much credit is due the have cherished ill feelings? If so, nantly make misleading state performances this time will be Chaplain Whittaker. The pro Jamaica in Panama.
who pirformed the ceremony 18 this would engineer professional ments to divert the ends of much improved.
cession with over 500 mourners came to jealousy, hate, and revenge, and justice from the channels which could not be done. The meeting standstill at the French Friendly well attended, a goodly number of menlead to the employment of means might lead to the capture of the Mass Meeting of Chauf displayed and thence towards central Panama District Society Hall where military honore were Order Of Ders from bers from the Sister Lodges dirty real At the cloee of the ceremony the and brutal job.
avenue vis 16th street to the Herrera feurs at Standard Oval.
Druids Friendly Society. members went to the banquet room and Again, it is said that Mrs. Lord Proposition to two: Feminine Cemetery where the last sad rights were went to Colon just a day or two the partook of the nice things that The Installation of Officers of jealousy. Was Dr. Lord ever in performed before the commission of the On Monday 30th inst, at the any familiar intercourse Panams District, Order of Druid provided by the jenial hostess several with heinous dead.
The procession was as follows: delivered for the year 1922, took place on Satur appropriate addresses were Might it not be Standard Oval, at 3p. a any anticipating young woman asked if tpere was any person public meeting will be held for The Black Star Line Band. day the 21st January, at the Druids after which the function was brought to who was ignorant of his marital or Lodge Hall 20:h Street Central. The a close at am persoh interested in her the purpose of discusixmat General Mayer Brigade, relationship, and who might of visit out of Panama city besides ters of vital importance with Chaplain and Escort Officers installed were: RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY Douardians whose parents her husband?
the West Indiaa and Panaman. Chapters Choir.
District Bros. Charles Corbin, hopes for believe the murderer is at ian chauffeurs Grand Master, from Royal domestic Victoria WHEREAS: it has pleased Almighty om This meeting has heen ar Chapters Charter and Guard.
Lodge. No, 2344, Colon.
God to enter Bath ny circle and remov.
for have been blighted later? If so, other theory which is propound above, because in the opinion of The President E, Gadsby, escorted Henry Sterling from ed by desth our beloved Brother Chas.
Reid PM of the Ryal Kinz then a father, brother, guardian ed here on this occasion may the promoters between and or other agent could have laid lead to the capture of the brutal o clock are the by Com, and Capt. of the Iron Perseverance Lodge, No. 2292, William Benskin, M, from G. in the St. Helenor District, Georxe Lodg» No. M. of also brutal hands on the doctor.
dull hours of the Duke, whatever his commercial activities assassin, who, RESOLVED: that in the Proposition three: death of this Lady President and Military Escort. Britains Pride Lodge No, 2343, calling in life, the higher the Fitz H, Griffith, District Treasurer, Bro. Charles Reid our Lydge and Order and te city, are more con Chapters Banner, with its three dis from Perseverance Lodga No, 2202, therefore, more dangerous is a menace to sort of weird or uncanny Sensa: society. and no doubt sheilding venient to the parties interested has lost one of its staunch tinctive attributes, One God, One supporters tion as proceed in a considera socie tion of this position. But ask, under the protection and patron giving an open invitation to all The opportunity is taken of Aim, One Destiny, Thomas 1: Headly, strict correspon and assiduos workers whose company No.
was any married woman of De age of persons with influence those in the trade; and the mat. 10. Black Crows Nurses, Iminaculately ding Secretary from Perse verance Lodge was a pleasure to enjoy Lord social circle enamored who do not know the evil which ters BE IT FURTHER attired, RESOLVED: to be dealt with will be with him and courted his attach is hereby being done to an several proposals The installation ceremony was per that the Ldge now in to improve 11, The St. Anthony Catholic Friendly formed by Bro, Julius Harding G. stand in silence for five minutes as a ments to such an extent as to unsuspecting exsisting conditions in the trans Society and sympathizers. Assisted by Bro. James Roberts arouse her husband suspicion feel positive, however, that portation of this city. It is an 12, Hearse with Arm Bearers, crew of G. in a most solemn and impres beloved brother and our dispensation be token of respect to to our departed and and jealousy as if he is a pro the hands of the assassin who ticipated that all the chauffeurs the Duke.
fessional man and decided to kiiled Dr. Lord does not have a sive manner.
draped in black for six months and we brethren offer to bis bereaved relations our heart guard against an open scandal drop of Caucasians Asihice so who can make it possible and 13. Members of Chapter No. 14.
After the ceremonies the or Liis procesional Latia blood in ITS veins. He The deceased leaves a wfs to mourn retired to the bragtet halind lid jnfelt condolence in this career contrived bring requested, that about a monster, whatever the motive that the West Indians who may to the Naval ami iXilitary Guards for which many loyal and patriotic toasts may bring speediy relief to their burhis lose. Congratulatioas must be given tice to the good thiogs provided after sorrow and pray that infinite goodness a function or something and a which prompted the brutal act, read this notice, are asked to way to get at him under cover the amiable way in which they conduct was submitted.
den heart.
assist in extending the invitation of night to put him out of the RESOLVED: that a copy of this way? If so, then the husband Rent Receipt Books in Span to the others so that this meet ed the procession to ite destination, also this Chapter No. 14 condoles with the ing will be a auccess, resolution be presented to its bereaved ROOMS TO LET wife and childrea and a copy be spread hand dealt the mortal blow, Ish and Engllsh, for sale at the Be punctual at the hour named bereaved wife of the deceased.
But have created a margin Workman Printery.
so that you will hear all of the on the face of our miautes, copy sent for inquiry. Was there a social to the dutrict, a copy sent to the PreRent Receipt Books In Spanproposals.
CALLE No ternal Recorder in Kingston Jamsissa B, WYNTER function of any sort on the night Advertise in The Work Bsh and Enlish, for sale at the of the murder of Lord. If so, Panama, APPLY ON PREMISES Copy sent to the Workman Printeryd by whom was it gotten up. It is man It pays.
Jan, 27, 1922.
Worl man Printery, have have in Suspicious face our (see all disputes ledge of red Stewards other known trainer manner tist officers better WA being wer of a of feel a open Dessin public, hour of their It is furtaer to.


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