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to may free and open West Indians carage of their them have hymus been Hiram that alleas this hide in and Rumours of Big Liquor Shake Up employment on state clu thappan Frenchman to of The President of Panama has The Diario de Panama of the Old Grudge Between Union Men issued a deeree prohibiting the 2nd inet contains son liestire. Continues Shrouded In Myrtery into Republic the effect that His Hon.
and Strike Breakers is Cause any more alien immigrants. This Alcalde. bas issued an official step has become necessary be notiflcation to the Inspector Annonymous Letters Received cause of the acute situation General of the National Police, Havana. Jan. 17. There was a can, and soon stones began to brought about against the custom of West fierce batt in Regia this morn fly and the others of both sides number of unemployed in the Indians Another week has passed by made against Howell.
holding unauthorised and still the brutal murder of ing shortly before o clock be. who were nearby joined in the country. It cannot be dispade processions during interment Dr. Guy the Lord policemen remains tween union and non union men tight. There were dead, On Wednesday afternoon Roi well was brought over to his of working on the Reglia docks, in there supposed to be guardin tion, has arisen when it is con blocking or impeding the trattic, mysterious mystery. Nothing Ace by the Superior Jure for which 11 of the non union men the non uniouists, but 80 sidared that the United States for hours. That in these pro: been gathered so far to cast the the purpose of transacting por: absolutely nothing definite has the mostly Jam sicans, were more or was the attack made that the Congresi Finne Committee less injured, Revolvers, knives, a tacking party got in their work has only appropriated the rest carried and that such actions are tragedy. committed as it were the removal of office tixtures and aittee cessions drawn words are merest light on this terrible sonal business in connection with hiy hooks and all and the made their escape to smell amount of 000. 000 this a dangerous menace to the lives in broad daylight in such a thick giving up of the sorts of weapons were used the ferry, crossing to the Muelle year for the maintenance and of peaceful citizens.
premises As ly whlie the mpole lasted, and is de Luz, where they attacked operation of the Panama Canal.
In virtue of this anomaly that pulated and civilized city as 800n as this news became general people began to gather and at is a wonder that none were killed another party of non union en or more injured working there, injaring several, pects of any large industriprose the Inspector General will comwith gathered one time so de ase was the crowa the disposition Proin information of that lined the two side walks of It was the old grudge between and finally making their geta vay enterprises opening vigilanes which prohibits the govern number of very an the street, that the polica was the union mn who had been before any of them were caught in the country during th formation of any meetings or ony nous letters have been compelled to interfere on be strikers, and those who accepted in to police headquar.
the impede the work on the open shop plan While miny of those of that that West Idians be advised processions on the streets which ars preunably by malicious Occasions to disperse it: while the strike was on Th tacking party were known, only remain at home and cultivator without first who havent Inside the dental offices were tight started when one of the eight must find other tields of transit of con the Judge, and his Secretary, It is is also understhod obtained a permit from the pro the anion members attacked a Jamai arrested.
victions to g) forward and reveal Dentist Hwall, Messrs leaving per authorities; and which but cuntry only be granted on the indis. their identity, would will only be permitt to return pensable Jacobs and Joseph Hamlett that the the dark stab Executors of the late Dr. Bailey, if they can show before leaving, public will not suffer any disea fellowman in the back. Sach Mrs. Howell. Me Lord, Mr.
bave property persons must be characterized as turbances on the highway, Trent, and Mr.
lished business, or a guarantee Waldrond being a great assassins as the of the Workman Printery. The of continuous em murderer of Dr. Lord, iron safe was opened up, and its their return. The power to. Cecil King Gets But itinay be well to cash contents taken out: And make sure your return must be riit here that while these the after paying the rant of secured at the ottica of the Fractured Leg.
an premis as the balane of the nous letters may serve Secretary of Foreign Relations Dispose they should no: be al tween Mes memorial must be presented ted to divert the investigation Lord. by Hovell was then money wise divided eqully bwith two copies of your photo Last night about 11, 45 a partient from pursuing and wr IN CITY OF NEW YORK and the name of a well known very serious occurrence LOOK ore to give u oramises personas security given in the place at November Street, the bitterest end any which we understand we clearmons clues being worked on.
memorial, at the same time.
Cecil King and ed out yesterd. y. And thus Reports Are Coincident With Federal who is known as Jalio Poto had During the weak, sworn state ended the rear of the most Any alien person who may an altercation at his Director Visit to Washington have to deposit money in coming Saloon which resulted in a tight. Saprior Judge which it is reestablished by the lat: Dr. Chas.
Billiard ments have been made to the successful colorad Aantal otices to this country cannot reclaim The Frenchman who seems to be ported greatly contradicted Bailey about eight years ago, in the amount until after the ex. a very great kicker, succeeded previous damaging statements this city.
RESTAURANT RAIDED piration of six months.
in kicktog King foot into splin is 1, 019, 467, 62 dollars. The apters, so bad are the injuries inpraised value of the property Secular Concert, flicted that bones were seen Large Number of Arrests destroyed amounts to 6, 786, 25 be protruding dollars. The total amount for violation of Dry Law Cooke taxes and penalties reported for St. Paul Churchmen Club King was hurried to the Ancon Shown by Statistics. assessment is 5, 736, 152, 60 dollars will stage their first Concert Hospital for medical aid, and the while the amount of taxes and at the Excelsior Theatre, Pana Frenchman placed under arrest penalties collected is 125, 233, 36 ms on Tuesday, February 14th, and lodged at the Central Police LAST YEAR RECORD dollars (Valentine Day) select pro Station. Ball was offered at New York. January 10 Ralph Mr Parson figures show that gram is being prepared. More 100 balboas pending a medical later.
cartificate from the hospital. Day, Federal Prohibition only 3, 323, 89 dollars in expenses King is an employee of the Ancon Director for New York, wis in incident to seizure and sale were Post Office and the arrest LACK OF BUSINESS IDEAS conference at Washington yes incurred. Under the heading Panama Charity Orga was made by Private policeman terday was Assistant Commis. numbers of causalities, killed or nization. Noville sioner and again reports injured. the report reveals only Claimed he Mixed Race Propaganda were in circulation that Mr. Thomas Wanted Reports 5, 422 Arrests With Business Matters For positive information to all interested, the promoters beg revelations. Commissioner Jones District Attorney Joab Ban to announce that the Concert was quoted as saying that the ton yesterdays paverting to the ulfan under the auspices of the above tisement appeared on the sixth partial editorial comment from enemies. One of them shot at On Saturday last an adver.
We publish below a very im to hoe He has powerful discussions were confined to figures be at number of major importance, and the Country in 1921: Arrests, 599) Geddes Hall on Wednesday a house for sale at the Sabanas The writer has shown com them triad to prevent his return none Gage violations in New York appointments, none offering ulto Some 922: Feby, 15th. begining at pm. by Mr. Thomas, Box removal of the headquarters beld for Grand Jury, y, 258: Ancon. cz mendable amount of human the United States when he persons here from the Earlington Build summary disposition by MagisRent Receipt Books in Span ing information of price, locality, has accomplished an alarming business man, but a propaganda ing. on West Twenty seventh trates, 666; at this vertice require sympathy for Me. Marcus Garu was in Jamaica (he told us this who, however, misguided; himself.
He is nothing of Street, to the Albermarle Build Grand Jury, 294; indicted by ing at Broadway and Twenty. Grand Jury. 454; convictions 18, ish and English, for sale at the and the possible opportunity of amount of success as a pro ist of recognized seeing raetorical the tals, 16 pleas of guilty, 9t. Workman Printery.
fourth Street Thomas will do well to call at power, and it is significant that Mr. Day announced that he discharged by Justice Horst this office to day, so as to leave We endɔrse the remarks of our the Magizine section of the New month or two ago a writer in expected to remain in Washing disagreements 6; awaiting trial.
ton another day to talk with Pro 213: pending Grand Jury. 503 ting the loading of the alleged the necessary informations for contemporary. that Mr, Garvey York World predicted that Gar.
beer on a van. crowd lingered prospective purchasers, principal set back is, that he has hibition Commissioner Roy A statement issued yesterday in the vicinity to watch the proHaynes, who had not returned at Bellevue Hospital by De ceedings Summonses return demonstrated a very inefficient ves would shortly find he had kuowledge of business. But we made a mistake in mixing up from Chicago.
Medical able to day were left for John New Pastor. refuse to believe that he has race propaganda with business.
John. Parsons, Chief State Superintendent, said: Dunstan, President of Jack He will be called upon to account any intention to defraud. We do sin Enforcement Officer. yesterday The total of alcoholic cases Inc. and William Dustan his son, one time Deacon of the Chorillo sincerely host of those concerts said the writer, and it he cannot hope, that Mr. Garvey for has made public statistics disclosing admitted to Bellevue in 1921 has Treasurer of the company.
the work accomplished by the not been as large as before proCharles Madden of 139 Dean Baptist Church, after completing ed, ani berase of our pro satisfactorily do so his to fluence Prohibition Bureau in this state hibition went into effect, but we St. and George Palmer of esin his studies in the United States found West Indian sympathy to will suddenly come to nothing in the past year, as follows: are having entirely too many Pacific Street, both Brooklyn has been ordained to the minis: the cause will emerge from this and he may have to defend him try. Mr, Barclay will return to charges Forty three illict distillerier, admissions for a proper obser addresses, were arrested yester the Isthmus at no distant date legal struggle triumphant and self against serious by general agents on be.
15 stills and three worms have vance of the Law.
The article Evidently this was an instan be seized and destroyed: 59. 712 Jack restaurant at Sixth Ave. ch irge of impera nating a Fede to take no work amongst the from the Glezner: reads article of coming events casting their ral prohibitioa ođicer, Each was ed before.
people wisa whom he has labour low shadows bafore: certain it is that galloris of spirits seized of which nae and Forty third Street was he Garvey will have a great deal of 189 have been destroyed: raided yesterday for the third heldi in 10, 000 dollars bail to trouble to contend with in the 188 fermenters seized and des time since last Summer. Yester Grand Jury.
the action of the MARCUS GARVEY.
Federal To Purchase Canal next few weeks or month.
troyed: gallone of day Agents keized of which 990 has been Smith and Peter Reager, armed To ba arrested on a charge of Einstein, Washington despatch dated fraud in Eagland is a serious It is not for any of us to say destroyed; 98, 922 gallons of wine with a search warrant, visited cer Parecate Enforcement Offi yesterday disclosed January 9th, states that three thing; what it may be in America that there has been fraud on his seized and 14 486 destroyed: 638 the noted resturant and carted that forged doctor prescription Cabinet members. Secretaries we do not know. For in Ameri: part in connection with the Black persons have been arrested, and away sixteen cases of what they blanks were being receivod in Hoover, Weeks and Danby to ca one can tight a case from Sear Line. We know nothing about it. we can that 435 recommended for prosecu described as real pre Volstead small numbers at headquarters day urged Congress to authorize court to court it one has money the Black Buta reline hasa nebar tion.
beer. As happened in last week The names of some of the most the expenditure of 11, 600, 000 dol and the man with money seem: from the The statistics show that the raid, the Hippodrone was letting reputable physicians appeared lars to purchase the Cape Cod often to have the victory. But been a success, and dotal value of the property seized out while the agents were direct on these torged blanks he said. Canal.
Marcus Garvey has a hard row (Continned On Page 8)
Marcus Garvey to Answer Grave Charge Jones, and would be a further shake there one person.
the offices here and addicionin of Several have called at ves a. acquittals, Mr. pagandist a day by gallons bay Chief Stars


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