
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Jamaica to band DI Thomas ALBOA EST EER REWED vote back as The Journal of the Jamaica Ag. St. Vincent to of.
ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY upwards, despatch to kairn will arrive here at an early them if they knew of an individata to take up his appointment. dual living in the vicinity. They New M. replied in the negative and the The Government bave offered urney was continued. When Prisoners in Custody the appointment of a nema odred about two miles from the car the Hagley Gap to Dr. Thomas women to stop. Her com inanded tbe in Clarendon. and he has accepted the ofier companions The medico is a ran away but imogene Jamaican and Thomas practised here several years ago, was held up by the highway Incident In The Circuit but left for the United States ab He demanded ber to up and afterwards Canada where he led for help he slashed her with money and when she yel Court Which Met at settled down but he is returning a razor, also across the adonen May Pen Yesterday, to the colony to resume his prac. Fortunately her wound is not as tice here, serious as that ot Wilson. The second case case occurred 20 DELAYED ENQUIRIES Sonase minutes Owing to persistent of the plaints of the Jamaica Railway, believed that the same and it is er Remarks of His Honour the the Government has decided to holding up and wounding Wilson appoint a Commission of Inquiry went arter Chief Justice To The Crown and her It was clear that he Prosecutor.
The Government accordingly friends agreed the of 1, 000 was out to hold up the country to an but English expert whose people the was unsuccessful in obtaining the At the sitting of the Claren. presence is said to be indispens.
money which he don circuit Court at May Pen able on the Commission, but demanded from the women.
yesterday, His Honour the Chief the gentleman in question has Thomas is also a patient at the noticed that there were three guineas for three months stay Justice, who presided, said he fixed bis own figure of 1, 500 Pablic Hospital.
Yesterday the Police arrested a ni prisoners in custody as far in the colony, with a pro rata man named Naaman Brewster as the 6th instant, and the addition for any unadvoidable connection with holding up and of wounding the two enquiries were only that morn. extension, The Secretary women. He ing. He wanted to know why State has accordingly been was apprended at Clifton, the it took thirteen days to hold the asked to stay his hand, pending same district where the alleged examination a consultation with the gisla offences were committed.
Mr. King (who prosecuted on tive Coupoil.
behalf of the Crown. understand that the Civil CourtThe Chief Justice: But what ricultural Society, referring years has the Civil Court to do with its the trees planted seven The Census Why had not the Magistrate ago in the Port Royal Mountains District taken the inquiry?
Does he of the St. Andrew the grape The 1921 report of the Census wazt me to keep these prisoners Jamaica, says that in custody for four months? fruit and sweet orange were a of the people of the Colony of mong the healthiest and already St. Vincent, and its dependencies Mr. King said he could not contributing to the export trade disclose the population on the present the indictments. of the Island. The West Indian 24th April last to be 44447, an The Chief Justice: What is cedar trees were also affording ncrease of 2, 70 or 14 per cent the state of affairs? The men much needed shade to the coffee as compared with ine census of were brought in custody from on many holdings and there 1911 which was 11, 877. The the 6th instant and up to now were the Mahoe trees towering Sentry considers the report satisthe indictments ca not be pres. up Each tree way be factory, if not gratifying, ented Why didn they fix a coming a centre of distribution, Saturday Court. Mr. King you apart from its intrinsic value as Unofficials Oppose Meas had better apply for instruc timber, so that before long the tions.
work will automatically extend ure, Mr. King am going to itselt telegraph for instructions.
In July last the unoficials in The Chief Justice: That is the Legislative Council of St.
what you should have done since Two Women Are Vincent opposed en bloc a Gov.
ernment measure which sought Mr. King:said he would bare to Badly Slashed By Ordinance.
to annend the Customs Duties The Bend up the papers, matter was Honour sit another day?
referred to the Secretary of State for the Colonies who in a The Chief Justice: That is not the question! Why didn the states inter alia. In view of.
Attorney General appear to Called On To Deliver Up the desirability of obtaining uniWow prosecute his cases in the West Indies and Mr. King: have no inherent Money They Screamed; poweravecially because St. Vinceps Then Man Cut, cannot afford to lose revenue at The Chief Justice: have the present time. have arrived e due nothing to do with your inber with regret at the conclusion.
ent power, You had better ROAD IN ST. ANDREW that the Bill should apply for instructions by telethrough the Council by the use gram. suppose they can trust of the official majority. feel the you with the responsibility. If Victims Are In Hospital less hesitation in adopting this they can they had better One In Bad State: course as there is some improve.
come themselves, in the market for cotton Man Arrested. and arrangements being made for providing advances on Selected For MediTwo daring attempts at high the position of a large section of on unsold cotton. Accordingly cal Post in This way robbery regulung in the the community may be expected wounding of two women one shortly to become considerably Island.
being in a serious condition OC. easier.
curred in lower St. Andrew.
It appears that shortly after Dr. Stratkairn of Fiji o clock a young woman named Administrator Suggest CultivaM Maud Wilson alighted from a tion of Other Crops.
Coming Here as Super Constant Spring car at Mary Intending Medical Brown Corner and proceeded along the reod leading to Clifton The Administrator of St. Vin.
Inspector. Her destination was Manning cent in a memorandum issued to Hill. where she had planned to the members of the Legislative HAGLEY GAP DISTRICT spead a with She Councii, suggests the cultivation was in company with a little of other crops in addition tº cot.
girl and two other women, and ton and arrowroot. The former Dr. Thomas Has Acwhen they had got a little way he states to be a speculative arom the car line they were crop subject to a maximum cepted Position of Medi joined by a man who wore a risk climatically and commercial cal Officer here, dark suit and a hand ly while the latter, at present grip. After they had proceeded aheader forei unsaleable.
has to complete with about a mile the man said to cheaper foreign starches. ComThe Gleaner learns that the Maud Wilson Stop here and menting he says These two Secretary of State for the Colo give me (your money!
no nies has selected Dr C. Strat bawled out: murder! murder. a basis sufficiently broad to kairn, Chief Medical Officer of and those with whom she was or Fyji to all the post of Superinten. in company ran away. The men future of the Colony, and am men strong is of opinion that the ding Medical Inspector under then endeavopred take away revival of cane cultivation and the the Health Law.
parcel which the woman was carrying, but introduction of modern machine As newspaper readers aware, the Legislative Council are failing to do so he drew a sharp ry for the manufacture of sugar bas approved of a scheme for the the unfortunate woman across supplant but to. supplement cutting instrument and slashed and syrup is essential. not to setting up of a health department in connection with her abdomen She fell to the existing industries.
Mecical Service, and Dr. Strat passers by.
the ground and her groans attracted kairn will practically be the bead she was rushed to the Wnen picked up Barbados of that section of the service.
for lower St. Andrew. Her Provision is made on the Esti intestines were protruding and mates for the appointment of her condition was such that it Formation Of Conthree Medical Officers of Health was thought advisable to hurry but the Central Board of Health her off to the Public Hospital decided that these appointments where she lies still in danger.
sular Body.
Within a few minutes of the the arrival of the new Superintending Medical Inspector. wornan, Imogene Thomas, was attack of Maud Wilson, another Mr. Hanschell, Senior That it would be well for the also attacked on the same road.
Elected Dean.
doctor to submit a scheme and She stated that she was going then the three new Medical Of along the road with a few other ficers of Health could be selected women when she was joined by We are glad to be able to an afterwards. man dressed in a dark suit and nounce the recent formation of a It is expected that Dr. Strat wearing a cap. The man asked (Continued on page 7)
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