
TAE WORRMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1922, PAGE THREE Varied Assortment of STATIONERY CAN ALWAYS America WORKMN PRINTERY and 1920, Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
number of town VIGOR TONIC Dalmon to tind on the Dominica cecsus, states that the taking of a census in the island is by no means a trip WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP ing enterprise, owing to the illit eracy of a large proportion of COMPANY LTD.
the population, the thioly populated mountanious areas to be be traversed Dear Sir:by the enumerators, and the hostile attitude assumed by the ignorant. There are 9, 926 am pleased to inform you that an at an.
io habited, and 10 uninhabited nual general meeting of the shareholders of the houses, the former number re. West Indian Steamship Company held at this presenting an increase of 176 on the figures of last census. Office on the 1st inst. a large gathering of bout 50 per cent of the houses members of the organization were present and are wooden structures Of Every Description enthusiastic speeches were made in support of The is 37 island population 059, showing an increase of the furtherance and development of the Com3, 196 during the decade, and of pany. The members in a body voted confidence BE HAD 8, 115 on the figures of 1901. The report states that Owing to the in the administration, and pledge their wholeincreasing stream of emigration hearted support.
of AT THE to Cuba, the United States Canada and other It was also unanimously agreed that each countries of late years, the in shareholder will advance his shares by purchascrease of the last ten years must ing more stock so as the enable us at once to be regarded as purely natural whe increment. When the apailing procure and put afloat our large steamer conintantile mortality caused by insanita templated for the conveyance of freight and ledge in the elementary care of asion, the lack of know passengers to the ports agreed upon in our WWhen passing drop in and inspect our yaried the young amongst the labouring prospectus class, the absence of a proper Stock of inedical service in the country You are therefora, respectfully requested districts, the alarming not ony to act in conformity with the decision spread of yaws and other disea ses are taken into consideration of th: shareholders who were present by this increase must be consider.
doubling your purchase of stock yourself, but The death ed as satisfactory that you will induce every man, woman and rate has increased from 21. 22 in 1911 to 27. 52 at the end of child in your locality to come forward and join and and there are now signs that he with us. Hoping to hear from you soon.
birth rate is declining. As a diminished younger generation remain, reaches maturity, a decline in the population will follow, and Yours truly, proceed with increased rapidity The population of Roseau SMITH, Secretary.
stands at 6, 803 an increase of 226 since 1911. Pointe Michel does not boast of being a town; nevertheless, with a population The best Tonic in the World o: 373, it comes next to Roseau in the inhabitants.
Portsmouth, the second and a port of entry, musters but 1, 112 people. The females in the island exceed the males by 529, This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend preponderance that Mr.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
rymple attributes to the apparent greater longevity of Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up the former sex As regards age. it a run down constitution.
was practically impossible to It promotes digestion, improves the appeobtain accuracy, as it was compersons of sixty tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
Additional West hidian News summers giving their ages as twenty without any desire to DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or conceal their true ages. times a day.
FOOT EASE Dominica of the total population of Walk a great deal and be happy and healthy 37, 059, no fewer than 34. 063 were Hut you can if your feet trouble you born in Dominica; 36, 601 are re.
Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC British subjects.
turned as New Industry For There are two East Indians, is the best treatment.
one an inmate of the Alexandra Dominica.
Full directions with every package. It gives quick relief to cuts ing Dember 31st, 1921, to the Cottage Homes, and the other frequent Visitor holder of H:M. doble Iteh, bruises and burns, of those stocks on the It is a sad the company register at the close US Used internally, Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC is certain relief The Manufacturer of state of Dominica education to of bu ess on the 31st inst, and for cramps, colie and diarrhoea. It saves doctors bills.
findt Citric Acid.
that less than a third of the divided warrants will be sent When in a drug store, don forget to buy out soon write, FOR SALE thereafter as population can read and Tichenor Antiseptic are possible. Upon the winding up As regards complexion, 556 An up to date house contain: Co of the company affairs the sur.
showras whites, 11, 363 as The interesting news reaches lodred, and 24, 940 as black.
la plus will be accounted for to the in three apartments cated The West India Cowmitter Circular the secona class are grouped the holders of ordinary stock on the loa one hectare of land, Securely froin Dominica to the effect that 141 pure blooded Carib Inhabi compauy register at the closing fenced wita barbed wire and Messrs. Rose Co. Ltd uants of tbe Island.
of business on December 31st well planted with sugar cane, who own the Bath and Emsall annuities to which the stock bananas, plantain, papaya, pine estates in that island, have reholders are entitled will bear the apple, etc. also suitable Mesa cently built a fine factory at designation British Guiana wire enclosure for poultry SitIT PAYS.
Bath and equipped it with a Grenada (Demerara Railway) Permanent uated at Hatto Pantado, Las.
modern plant for the manufac.
Annuities. These annuities are Sabanas, 15 minutes walk from ture of citric acid. The first payable on June 30th and Decem. Tram way. Prics Raasonable.
shipment of the produce of this ber 31st. The first payment will APPLY TO factory left the island in the Grenada Financial Poslbe made by the Crown Agents on THOMAS, Box 801, Link up with LIFEBUOY Harrison Direct Line steamer tion.
June 30th next. They will be November 27th.
transferable by deed. All transAncon, for Health Sake. Citric acid bas never before At a meeting of the Legislative fers and other communications OR TO been manufactured on a com com Council on November 24th, a relating to them must be sent to THE WORKMAN mercial scale in the West Indies, minute by the Governor was the Crown Agents for the Colonfor. hitherto, this important read, summarising the conclu es, Millbank.
product has been made in the sions of the Committee of the Chemical factories in ope and Executive Council appointed to WILKINSON from concentrated inquire into the financial condi The British Guiana Govern.
llime and lemon te of lime. The first shinon of the Colony Costead of ment will take over the Damerjuices, and from CONTRACTOR BUILDER year being unkara Railway Company, and First Class Workmanship ment, therefore, of citric acid 145, 782.
it will proposes to run it in conjunction crystals from Dominica is of probably be only 95, 140. Al witho the Colonial Steamer Plans and Specifications Free considerable interest from an ready the Government was Service under the name Colonial 15th Street West House 99 point of view, it living on borrowed Transport of in the hearts of chemical manu revenue for a number of years ing Director.
facturers in England and past, By drastic reduction of America. Great credit is due expenditure and additional Advertise in The Work to Messrs. Rose Co. for their imposts, it is hoped to balance St. Lucia man It pays.
in the matter, and the Coiony account.
they will, no doubt, reap the reward they richly deserves.
YOUTH and happiness are linked It is said that the Ingoma, The Acting Administrator for ficers have a fixed salary. They Demerara St. Lucia, submitting to the have which after loading for several no chance of accumulatup with health. Link up with days left for London direct, Legislative Council the draft ing wealth or of securing even Lifebuoy for health and for the carried away the largest cargo Estimates of Revenue and Ex moderate means to independence children sake. Lifebuoy Soap promotes health happy, smiling health; that ever left Dɔminica in one The Demerara Railway penditure for the year 1922 had as others have in other walks of The cargo consisted of the following to say on the pro life. In prosperous times they Company.
posal raw lime juice, citrate of lime the discontinuance of enjoy no increase in salary. The it protects the children from the the temporary increase to Civil cost of living is still very high dangers of contagious diseases.
essential oils of lime, cassias Servants. regret that am as compared with pre wae rates Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects fistula, cocoa, fruit, and last, The West India Committee unable to accept the recommen. and beg that Honourabla as it cleanses; disease germs canrot live where but not least, citric acids.
Curcular states that a cable has dation for the discontinuance Members will be generous and Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap wi. safeguard the children. keep them been received from Demerara of the temporary increase to not press for inflicting the healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them stating that the Ordinance con pensions and to salaries of Civil injury it will cause Civil Ser using it before school, after play, before meals. Dominica Census. Årming the agreement with the Servants. have no authority vants to suffer who have done Government of ESTOY SOA FOR CLEANING TIS and deserve of British Guiana to withdraw these increased faithful service hunE WAZOU ANDS AND FACL WITH tur the purcuase of the cow. allowances and as the riacreass handsI can however, give. consideration at IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
pany railway has now been in the rates of Appealing Infantile Mor passed. By the agreement of granted for a period of three guarantee to this Council that tality.
sale the purchase was to be years it would now, after the whenever any vacancy occurs completed by the 31st. After expiration of one year be a any possible amalgamation o!
completion the directors will be breach of faith on the part of office will be effected, or if any MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
Mr. Dalrymple. Chief in a position to pay the dividends the Legislature to withdraw the Vacancy is filled the salary of Clerk in the General Register on the company preference extra allowance as a means of the officer will be fixed at the SALON Office, in an interesting report stocks for the whole year end meeting the deficit, Public of pre war rate or 1920 scale.
JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Prison Golden Opportunity reflection on as Dr.
Advertise in the Workman The an Ingoma, on SAVES Europe and America citrate revenue LIFE econome doubt. cause nader expenditure having exceeded the resort Bepartments which. Box 411, Panama, enterprise ship.
Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap, it is a reputable snicide and ure disin fectant Tor LIFEBUOY SOAP LEVER PORT SUNLIGHT ENGLAND


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