
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBUARY 4, 1922, Anonymous Letters THE WORKMAN Will Not Help Murder Solution.
Taree de.
ous THIS SPACE RESERVED any large Watch It to bring his duty years, now that doors and thus in on our too coward to give Publisbed on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies to the Editor of the Workmon WALROND, at the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters Dear Sir. It would appear as and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
e do if the regrettable and mysterious All copy for publication must te death of Dr. Lord, has PO Box 74. Panama written on one side of paper only, and given the local papers correspon CATBS OP SUBSCRIPTION must be nocompanied by the name of dents an opportunity of demonOce Year 40 U8. CO. the writer, not necessarily for publica strating their real ignorance of Six Months Hon but as a mark of good faith.
the ethics of journalism, also we do not undertake to return the necessity for impartial artial One 25 justice. It is absoluteis wrong erejected orrespondence and wanifestly unfair, for any one to discuss such an outr. ge The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS assassination, whilst the matter is in the hands of the SATURDAY, FEBUARY 4, 1922 Pulica Department and the Courts.
LAWLESSNESS AFOOT IN It is a dangerous practice and one which aims at thwarting the ends of justice; for any clues PANAMA or bit of circumstantial evidence in the hands of the Police Department to be published by newspaper dont care That the spirit of lawlessness is about, abroad and who the management might be.
afoot in Panama is evident from the numerous complaints It is regrettable that any innoof high way robbery, abuse and assaults that have been cent person should be held and It reaching the Police Department of this city within the that the criminal is at must be understood that it is past few weeks. Individuals have been subjected to the not the policy or the teachings foulest and most indecent tirades from rotten degenerates of the West Indians to condone on the streets; some have been assaulted and knocked down and anong mouse letters will not. Hypothetical tical arguments by robbers and spite fiends while others have been held up help the situation. Any man and rummaged out of every nickel in their pockets.
who uses such means It is believed by many that the modern pirates are about suspicion on any other, operating because they feel that the sparsity of the local is vagabond and a coward. It police force gives them clear seas upon which to carry on persoas in this community have their nefarious practices. Whatever is the incentive, it is tions, or circumstances as any knowledge of suc such informa will alarmingly true that there are abroad in the community of lead to the arrest of the guilty Panama certain people whose respect for the law of the party or parties, then if he is a country is as great as a crocodile for a human being at honest resident or citizen, it is the edge of an African river.
whatever the conseThe conditions and circumstances wbich encourage, or quences may be, to give the at least seem to encourage, the disorders complained of police department such informa tions.
need careful study. In the first place, there are over eight mentioned in the columns of the thousand men who have been out of employment for the Star and Herald on Thursday last dont you execise a little more past ten months or more. All of these may not be con and some of the other matters patience and humane feelings tosidered as belonging to the dejected and degenerate class, appearing in most of the other wards us. Some of us have oc, would in cupied one of your rooms con Take Notice but it is impossible to conceive that of this number all are some other countries constitute a tinuously for the past tive or six law abiding and self respecting people. The per centage serious offence.
paying of undesirables, whatever it may be, is the menacing fac. This should not be sensa out demur for each pay day, still tor which calls for study. How are they to be handled to tional matter for the purpose of within the last WREATHS prevent the spread of disorder and brigandry. trade. It is a reflection on the month or two we were unable to civilized standing of the entire pay you owing to unemployment, made from natural flowers Another class seems to be that which is composed of a winmunity, that such a crime you went to the judge and got localised Ku Klux Klan whose policies of outlawry vie should have been perpetrat out a paper of ejection, stuck it FOR FUNERALS with those of the American masked men now upturning ed almost at daylight threw us in on the. Many a the most the foundations of the social order in the Great Republic. one of popular with his family has to be sleeping man BOQUETS for Weddings, Baptisms, or locality ot The ferocity of Eastern pragmatism is doubtless employed the city and still remains a other social Functions at a friends room while his wife am at mystery in their case, and it is unquestionably a matter of choosing of opinio if we cannot, or are sleeps at a next, the children are between their way So and the sword.
the like Can be supplied by wise. Are you blind and Obscene language on the public highways at its any detinite information then deaf to these happenings: 11 so MIGUEL HIVE limit. Children and grown ups are both guilty of the prac. then let us be silent and leave may God open your eyes and Call at his office No. 94 Central Avenue, Phone 635 or at tice, and it is absolutely unpleasant for respectable ladies the water in ibeir hands, with ears in time. The time is the hope that the murder wili ripe for to do somethiug for his residence on the Sabanas Road.
to walk on our side walks without having their finer come to light.
RPICES senses outraged. All lady of this city who have taken problem, The Chari MODERTE.
ty organizations are trying evening stroll, along our side walks will tell how they have WYNTER best been nauseated by the foul expressions that were freely Panama, in helping to feed the ex Feb. 2, 1922, treme cases but how long made use of as they passed along, be to bold out on the With reference to assaults, the past few weeks have ved amounts at their dispo recorded more of these than in any time of the reseat past: An Appeal to wel thinking than that meet oing sal, The greatest worry of every time and eneris his the street these days The gies to such atirocious acts are plunging into a quagmire Householders STEWART room rent bill, As such Sirs of degeneracy. Whether it is that the pressure of the times hold you should all by this time has robbed them of personal integrity, or idleness suggests with On The Rent Question.
be acquainted mischief in place of honest activity, their doings cannot be You see men all day long at our needs dom home, on the streets too strongly censured as being uncivilized, inhuman and The Editor WORKMAN, dominoes, draughts, cards intolerable. Of course, this kind of life cannot pay long, etc, and the fruits of outlawry must come and ripen from the aid of your valuable columns to but let me assure you, that Sir, have again to seek the like the games so much? No, Do you think they are idle or abominable acts that originate them. CLASSES IN cry out in agony to those who in blev It is much to be deplored that the principles of the these dark and gloomy days of playing of those games are in law and order should be so flagrantly violated as to economic depression seem to for many cases the means of keepattract such general attention as the acts referred to have get that they are human beings ingyluan yromt mental de pressitin of Lunatic done. This community is comprised of civilized people en rough which the poserer crisis at present.
When you sil down who suffer no tyranny nor abuse from the government of the population on this Isthmus to your sumptious meal do you which shelters them. The people are allowed to enjoy are passing demands the sympa hundreds whose most remember or think of the 51 16th STREET WEST their own opinions, even though they may sometimes be thy of all. In brief want to ap bund ridiculous and absurd. Why should they not uphold and Lesees etc. of houses especially you all in the name of humanity owners, events. cry is Lord give us a daily. appealing to PANAMA CITY respect the laws of the land?
It is generally known that the better classes of people Sirs respectfully beg to crave and of mans duty to his brother in this country are abhorrent of most of the loud practices your attention for a few man to ease up on us a bit, that pass oft under the guise of community interests. Per ments for the purpose of reason tension, is galling and unless to son you do something taugible and haps several persons who tolerate some of these worthless solution for the increasing rent that quick you will soon have to any practices ao so for reasons lassaiz faire, or because they problem which is forced on us in assist in bury ing many of your don wish to offend; but the more sensible thing for them all its severity; your houses have former good tenants. Leaving CALLE No to do would be to state frankly their position and let the been tenanted by us for years, consideration and acion in the desired results take care of themselves. No man needs be a cow we have been dutiful to to you by and when he takes a stand on principle, he should fear paying your charges from time interest of all concerned, PRIVATE ACADEMY when he planks himself on prejudice only.
to time. What is the reason that respectfully beg to remain, No community is safe where people have to muzzle get your rent?
of late you have not been able to Are you aware Your dantul servant, English Classes their mouths for fear of the blackguard and the assassin. of what is the trouble? Be frank JNO. B, ASH.
It is a community duty for each individual to share his and say so Knowing then what For Young Ladies 6 degree of responsibility for the general good and develop is the reason for this laxity why Colon Jan. 23, 22.
ment. Where this is understood and practised the assurAND FOR BOYS 7 ance of barmony and comfort must prevail, wh: it is and lawlessness could never have taken the sudden and Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
lacking disorder and confusion will follow.
rapid rise as they have. And it is a fact that something Not more than a week ago a peaceable resident of this will have to be done promptly to meet the situation before BARTON, city was attacked with malicious intent on the public matters develop to more serious proportions.
high way. The assault was bigh handed and savage, and All such high waymen ought to be run down and for a time, it appeared as though the perpetrator would dealt with as severely as the law will permit. It requires a have got away, but timely vigilance hooked bim and he strong and iron hand to put an end to the wicked acts of Parliament.
Mr. Jos. Tnomas Reports was made to pay for his wanton and savage attack. the social bandits. They are a menace to peace and order, Brother Death, It must appear obvious that the lawless people who villains, social idiots, vagabonds at large, community are roaming around the streets of Panama believe that scourges, vile brutes of darkness, fiendish propagandists London, Jan. 13. The re The many friends of Jos, they can defy the law, or they would hardly take what and diabolical agents. If Panama is to be a respectable and opening of the British Parliar Thomas well known in this city look like dangerous risks in assaulting unsuspecting and safe place the streets must be kept clean of these humán ment, which had been set fos will regret to hear of the death unoffending individuals. It would seem that the police pests whose acts and language are more disastrous than poned until February 7th, it was happened on the 20th inst.
January 31st, has been post of his brother which sad force is inadequate to handle the situation or else crime the germs of the most dreaded disease, announced today.
Clac endon, Jamaica now us the sou line am of the poorer people in this their will they limited able to Commercial Evening School playing the Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc. earnest in Colon.
see if event at


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