p. 8


Dare cance The Salvation Army.
SOX935 the Hali success.
was a Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes. Soaps etc. etc.
SESSsxos SENSS Sisso Ol.
were EXCELSIOR THEATRE SOSES the arts of the world.
Marcus Garvey to Deputation to Eng Coupero en la fiestas that Staff Hill who sue Terrace had Tlie Troopers No. 41 MID NIGHT MAN TO MORROW Came to th worked Reception Of New DiviNo. 1, 24th street East Calidonia Cuatro sional Officer, OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
The Reception Meeting of THIS 600 TONS STEAMER Cape of care and Divisional ter for Panama and Costo Rica, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN which took placa in at Guachapali is 255 ft. gins. long and 27 ft. ins. on Monday night January 30th, beam. She has two decks. tween grand The building was packed to decks ft. high.
its capacity DR Connell was Chairman, and with him on the platform were: Staff. Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric Captain, Commandant and Mrs.
Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig: Morris. the Commanding of erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed ficars, Captain Captain and Mrs. McPherson. Captain water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
and Mr Haughton, Rev. RH NO SUBSTITUTES USED Thorbourne of the Bapt st We must Buy her for our Service Church, Mr Latty of the Grace Church and te Only the purest and most genuine Drugs commembers of the Sonsters WE NEED 60, 000 MORE 15 pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over In the reserve seats MONEY Captain Floyd, Dr. and Mrs.
Anderson, Mrs. Lord, Mrs 40 years experience Connell, Messrs. McCarty, You may subscribe some of this by purchasing Francis, J, Phillips and many some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor.
each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound Commandant Morris opened each and become part owner.
the meeting with a well known Yoooooooooooooooisorse COBISS3855 Army song. After prayer and DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW the reading of the Bible by Captain Fioyd and McPherson respectively, he called upon De.
SEKSEKSExoxoxtoskoo300X500XSSSSSSS5. Write to the Connell to take the Chair The Dr. said it was a real WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD pleasure for him to be present to give the Staff Captain a wel ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JAMAICA come to Panama. He is very terested in the good work which Army is doing here and NEXT WEEK TO NIGHT in other parts He hoped sincerely that the Staff Captain and his family would en Saturday, Feb. 4th Continuation of the joy good He sorry land Needed Captain ceeded Staff Captain now Major (Continued From Page to return to England tirst it was easy to see that the Solons of Jamaica to Visit because Mrs. Hill health was venture was doomed to failure.
bad. He wished the Staff Cape Here Dr. Du Bois knew and said that tain a long and Successful stay it would fail in the Divisin.
After all, what Rev.
dia Marcus know about business HON. SMITH AND WYN Coming Soon Thorbourne said belo And business TER SELECTED especially was very pleased to be present to Sunday, February 5th requiring great technical know give the Staf Captain a welcome ELMO LINCOLN ledge and experience? That We understand that the Ja to Panama. He was here before EDITH ROBERTS The Line has lost money we maica Representative Governo isthin us, and he knew all th: the Salvation Army IN 15 EPISODES 15 can well believe; there was no ment Association has decided IN alternative in the circumstances, to send a deputation to England officers who here But the lost may be accounted with the view of presenting a Panama, and it has been a plea The Unknown Wife The Adventures of Tarzon.
for quite honestly: we for one memorial to His Majesty the sure for him to worship with are not going to suggest fraud King, asking for the constitu terrace remains fresh, and he is sexs sess03:se:ssos: sesssxS SS SS SS SSXOXOS them. The good in this connection As we have tional changes which will give said, Garvey has some bitter Jamaica more powers in the very sorry that his enemies in the States, and these legislation and government of its whom he was privileged to welMrs.
would not hesitate about trying local affairs. Arguments will be come here had bo return to Eng Ever Green Lodge No. 10241 Result of Carnival bim they have pre: adduced to support the petition come CHURCH SERVICE viously far cou go. He ought to have been in the Association in the bring land, but he was pleased that required Staff Captain Bax who Race Meet. Mineraan El Church warned perhaps he was. He changes needed. The Hond laboured for some time in India. and has come, and be stage when he. and. and will services in of the Ever he St. Peter Church La Boca.
On January 20 1922 the installation o was much talked toit: magazines Bip. Wynter of this city on have the Salvation Army Halls but 10211, UO. took place at their At Juan Franco Park on 0, 30 Holy Communion, were referring to him, consider been selected to proceed on the also in the Churches which were lodee roo 21st Street, Central Avenue 11 Mating and Holy Communioa to Eaglaad Sunday Last. m. Sunday Sebool, That was dangerous thom The officers were installed as follows 30 Evensong and sermon.
eminence for are to be selected, quite friendly to the Army.
it is suggested, that Captain Dada who accompani Mitchell, Guardian; Dyer, LS. MULCARE. Rector.
therefore not surprise to hear Young, and Rev. ed the Staff Captain from Cris Goodrich, RS. Barkley On Sunday last the race meet St. Barnabas Church, Empire that disaster bas nat sort of a thing happens Gordon Somers, be asked to tobah, and who has been holding LS. Innis RING: at Juan Franco race track was a on the Divisional Headquarters Yearwod, wortby chaplin; A Grif accompany the delegation, Grif decided success. The arrange 11 am, Morning prayer and address often; to climb high is to risk p. Sunday School, We are further informed that for two months said he met the tith, worthy treasurer; Ches. Collins, ments were not carried out with greater we con 30 pm. Erening Prayer and address tess hoping that Marcus wii Kona Smith, Hon. Wint. Mayor State Containe in Teknidad, hand Elective Secretary; Prescott, Per precision in regard to the time of Bryant Mr.
and from what he saw of him there, manent Wm. Bowers; Vice the several events, but as per ſec St Bartholomew Church, what if there has been any Mr. John Soulette, Secretary of will do well benedence that he Grand; I. Headly: Noble Graad; Sion is never achieved in a connection day, Bannister, past noble grand; Wm. Ben we are of Las Cascadas Black Star the Association, will that the public Line, he at least shortly 11 am. Morning Prayer and address.
Dr. F Anderson said he was skin, Advocate; Hardiug, paot noble have no serious complaint against has had nothing to do with it. meeting will be arranged at glad to welcome the Staft Cap father.
the management, except making 30 Sunday School, and ConfirWe have always liked the cour Colon and in this city for these tain in the name of the Medical age he has shown in tighting his The installation ceremony was perform the request, that for the benefit mation Class worthy scions of Jamaica as Profession. The Medical onwards. His idea of pm Evening Prayer and address, men ed by Lyner, M. Bəwen of the Colon turfites who may great Negro Republic in Africa soon as they arrive. It is anti were very glad that he is here, of the past grand master have to return on the day of rac. MULCARE. Priset ir change.
is impossible, and those who cipated, that if the West Indians not because they would like him council No. 108, after which the brethren ing that the time set for subscribed to it knew it was was deto because while repaired to the banquet room where re events should be strictly adhered Birth played Colon and this city should have he would attend to the body of freshments were served and quite a ples to, a representative on this august the per In none of the events were the because Born to Mr. Mrs. Job West of La of to Englaud.
the satis customary disatisfactions of the they would attend to their souls. The ant evening was enjoyed by all Present.
should it gives, and perhaps Taction public getting unfair deal ex. Bocs, last night (24) pound busy the it cate their views through the Army goes about with its ralter and India. He laboured pressed by any one who attend. Views: thinkving night.
boyParents are certainly delightmade them happier, To that cate extent it was useful, and we are this city, that columns of the lacai papers in work, has won the confidence day that it did anyone any and admiration of the public, years, and he praise God that he ideal one, except for a slight harm. So we So we hope that Marcus Mr. Wynter, has not decided and he wishes the staff Captain was never sick in India. shower of rain which fell during injured. He was rushed to the the afternoon. The ladies were Santo Tomas Hospital where he will emerge out of this his latest to accept the appointment, un a long and successful stay bere. little over a year ago he was represented, and during the received medical attendane. We difficult position with nothing bes the West Indians in these behalf of the Field Oficers in His stay in Trinidad was very afternoon Princess Mercedes the bave been informed, through the less, it is expressed Commandant Morris spoke on appointed to the West Indies, well loss money he will have to spend on parts and if they will contribute the Division He referred in short but owing to the fact anticipated Queen of the Carni, prompt attention of the medical anthorities and their staff, the here should state antisuming that for detraying expenses of the of Majora de departe praestate martes et bien land thened this ances, and were received his defence. Meantime no one liberally to the Jamaica Fund glowing terms of the good work that Staff Captain Hill had to val festivities and her court and Terrace. He return to England through supporters put in appear.
ar: injared boy is out of danger and with has left the Hospital.
he is guilty. That would be deputation to England, Captain Hill through the illness coming here. He had the plea. deafening applause. The social to the both uncharitable and unjust.
race with Chacre, of wife, however, he Aircraft Used In Smug. Gladis tu welcome stair Captain Major Terrace, who succeeded could be desired, as nothing oc undoubtedly the best horse, and was of a was all Rises and Glorita.
gling Liquor Into Bax and his wife, and he assur. him in Trinidad, and he is very curred to mar the feelings and out classed all the other contesJamalca Rum Seizure ed him that every officer in the pleased of the splendid foundation sentiments of the lovers of the tants. It was an unequal struggle Made. Washington despatch dated the interest of the kingdon of wife did during their stay here. can colony was well represented like, DɔcEdwards is a sport.
January 16, states that seizure God.
He is confident that he will keep and the Legion Queen of the Sybarita was badly beaten and of the first liquor running air The Staff Captain in rising to his health He is delight by carnival with her beaut! ful and there is nɔ excuse for the fact, Minneapolis, Minn, January plane this year was announced speak was received with cheers. what he has seen aronnd Balboa courtly appearance, her winsome given proper handi cap and Two hundred coconuts which to day by prohibition head. He said he thanked the Chair and Panama, and by the grace of and charming smiles were very meeting Chagres fresh, Sybarita contained not their own natural quarters, appreciated for man and the other speakers for God he is going to do his best to much the will always have a hard time to milk, but a pint each of strong the The plane with a 120 bottles their kind words of welcome, advance His Kingdom big victory Ia th race with Go.
Jamaica Rum, were seized bs of Mexican tequila thu prohibi He was glad ba to this part Miri Federal agents to day at a Mic. tion bureau stated, was seized of the Battlefield. Lilly of the Grace a crowd and the vacious events.
rits and Co cres, is is the conHe never Chu Church neapolis railroad station.
the Unfortunately in the last race, census of opinion, that on the Mexic in border at Del thought he be sent to thanks to the Chairman for after the horses reached the jockey (Mendez) lacked proper cork plug coming out of Rio Texas, and the pilot and Panama, however, he has read presiding, and he joined the winning post a Panamanian boy judgment as to the performance one of the coconuts led to the the two men arrested: and paper that it was other speakers in wishing the who permitted his enthusiasm to of the mount he had discovery of the rum by an The seizure, the bureau said, possible for him to get hold of Staff Captain much success dur gain the better part of his dis played no knowledge of time and agent who was at the station. An followed reports current for on the building of the Panama ing his stay here.
cretion, attempted to run across distance or he should have eye of each coconut had been several months that a liquor. Canal, and he is very glad to be After the closing remarks of the track, apparently forgetting brought home his mount easily.
bored out, the nut filled and a running airplane has been ply here to see it for himself. As a the chairman, the meeting was that Chancellor was coming This however, was an error and burnt cork stopper placed in the ing between San Antonio and Salvation Army Officer, he had brought to a close by the sing. behind Glorita and Chagres, was very little dissatisfactions were bole.
border points.
spent some years in Malta, Gibing of the Doxology.
knocked down and seriously expressed.
successor Hill 10 ruin bus be hoped that being paid to able attention was hin.
in with the pay bavare of opinion the Subscessible. Yet they one plays with a deputation with it and great hope not aware of Morsrture of regretted manner she enjoyed moved a vote of Hedis every book


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