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13 Year Old Boy Brutally Treated CHAINED AND KEPT BRITAIN MAN CHARGED WITH FOODLESS FOR DAYS KILLING HIS MOTHER WAS two feet done or the Sanitar: nesses, de the tirst Grant emwhat centring along 15 nis en Govern Simpsono le deceased and Edgas het om te stuck in over and may in he from the fore the and 01 Wins give her gian is a OUR EDITOR GREAT SURPRISED By Order of Arrest Last Will Renew the Scrap Saturday of Paper On Saturday 4th inst, we were January 16th states London cable despatch date By Commanding Officer who is much appropriated wbur e policore Anglo Belgian compact which that the Accused Committed To Take His man Printing was be Now Held Incommunicado. establishment with a warrant of Trial At Hanover Circuit Court arrest, issued by the Judge of tween Lord Curzon and Jas.
the Sixth Circuit of this city, par Belgian Minister of Foreign be brought Yesterday there came to light the child in punishment with th ordering the arrest of Mr. Afairs, and will shortly before the British CabiN, Walrond, Editor and Pro From the Gleaner of the 28th ed the matter to district constafone of the most horrible system face downwards and chained in a of punishment which could be in most torturing position, or prietor. The information was het for approval practically re January we reproduce the folble Joha Johnson at Peace.
made out by one Mrs, Ort way, a naws to Belgium the famous lowing. They went back to the spot, and dicted on a child. Clement tied with this barbarous specta: Grenadian, who it is stated was sairastonette her territory Mayers an ex West Indian sol. ck, and made with a indignation called to give a statement in the contained in the treaty of 1839 he showed the constable the which Murder Enquiry He was there when dier, who dii service in the late she spoke in very warm lange mysterious and at ocious assasr which the Germans treated as a into the charge of The preliminary examination the body was taken out, and saw European War, was placed under. Mayers and threatened his sination of DG Lord. In murder it was the body of dead female.
arrest for brucally and cruelly arrest. few minutes later of paper. The only dit against Edgar Dabaney for kille John Johnson, district consta inaltreating West Indian boy ininciled her sidses and the dechuration wade before the Serapa that Belgium is now an ing his mother, Francis Simpson ble, at Mt. Peace, said on the of 13 years old Philip McDonald, John inspectors who passed by ocea: Baptist. Joho abandoned her technical neutra24th December last Richard Mayers who unfortunately has stonally. He went with her to and Septimin Joseph Smart was Grant made a report thim The question of such a witness called: He said he was a and he went along with all the human lust for autocratie Mayers cuartel and rescued the Cotena, unkoon to the accused it power, has organized is boy who was almost in the that they were state o!
o! Street and known as Avenue, hue, pact, which will probably be ap cultivator living at Danolva dis. to Georgia River a saw at a two the Grace Church collapse, becuse he was wearing when they heard Mwarond proved almost as a matter of trict in anover near to Francis spot shown by Grant, two Boys Brigad, he one of the Dahaney and people. came up al street demonstrations wich is secured with a padlock man, who is also unknown: 08 result of body covered with the Deceas in all and had not taken food for ed and accused did not live in the sand and He of the Arglo edan stones lelt orders hibiting his love for the life of a Police Station, the boy was given was an ob ah wou the boys, for the purpose oldays. When taken to the Centraling defamatory language res. French proposed same house, but very close to not to touch the spot and went peeting Mrs. Oct way, That she compact.
Thay cultivated the and reported to the military man, more than that Both caly and Belgiun show each other.
of that milk, but he was a civilian. The form of punish weakened in such a she was sent away by the Judge es at Canaes some annoyane at some provision ground. He al. Lucea He went back to the ment in tlicred according to the could scarcely take it.
condition Previous to this having no part in the agreement ways heard them quarreling. Og so with Detective Corporal standard of Mayers military per Walrond was called before the their two allies were sig aing. As the 16th December last be heard Baker and showed him what he far as Italy is his mother that saw. He remained in charge spot until Dr. Baillie he could chop off her head in of the and severe punishment on insub. held incommunicado by Mayor, to a statement which appeared hood of England or Germany the yam beads, and he saw way as he up came When the body was ordinatiou and delinquents. Pretelt, and the second Munici in the Workman dated Jan. 21, in hood of ac taken out he recognized it by which statement the words catering into a similar compact cured brandished his cutlass over the clothing to be that of FranThe unfortunate boy who was pal Judge has commenced sum the victim to suffer the rigours mary proreedings for the pur occurred. It is reportes that with hor. Her t Lord in in a threatening manner. The cis Simpson her statomeni bes are so different from those o of this military punishment is pose of making a criminal charge aased then took up Detective or lgium and investigating Jadge British Corporal Baker was as Joseph against the accused commonly known und some eitheplerest in her territoriul of the yam heads next cu led. He said on Satur at Mendes, 12 years old sich accused chopped up. The day 24th December 11 ne recei The parents of the boy has 14th Street could give reliable integrity is so much less, that is West Indian parentage. It is said, that a large number of paring Ecossories in the crime, or information in connection with littl point in the Ang It at this throul tore of her in cosequence of which he went considered here there wcala accused tried to get them awav ved cartain informion from hut she resisted grabb a district constable John Johnsyn ents have implicit contidence in that they gave any authority is the murder of Dr, Lord. We pulittle poin The case of her at Mayers, and he is permitted to punish their child in this an understand that this woman can compact Bar clothes down to her waist. He to a spot along the Georgia suin moned to is quite another her The compact formed with adopt any form of punishinenter ther called to accused and asked him Brid На River. Ha sav a as of sand he may deem necessary as Numerous were black reatement Bushatrone was will be merely putting down on why he was treating his mother and stones and a pair of the expreso rejected as was more scientific paper promises which Great like that. Accused said be military measure of dicipline siun of dissatisfaction by the than natural. The question did hamin leat projting from 09, it is further said, that yester large crowd which gathered out referred form the Britain would be bound to fulai not care, he would not go to pri der the heap He also noticed pay for it. Both small portion of female garment day morning a Jamaican, a wo side the Alcalde Ofice, at the basis of an action for libel, but whether they had been unofficial son but would the accused and deceased went exposed fron under the same Guachapali pitiable sight of the little boy the man who lives in to their homes changed heap. He in nadiately placed went in search of her child who shackled both bands and for the Judge found nothing in it to ly formulated or not.
warrant a cause with heavy chains. And bad it Oztway represented by a of action. Mrs.
she had not seea for fully tour not been for the rigid guard of Vaientine Concart Next clothes and came back to the the district constable in charge ground. Afterwards both left of the body and made further puted Panananian Tinterrillo. In police Mayers would second charge Tuesday Night with the intention to to se towards Mayers cuartel. when been very rouguly treated by the as thó result Me. Walroud was held on the ruth hinst by the anat todo. bere not to see used to go were projecting. He found earches. He found faint indl scheduled to be go to Lucea the Lucea. He spoke to deceased cations of human footprints near feet to her surprise, she discovered crowd.
and called upon to de posit a cash bond of 250 00 Church. moro nchisels to be lauke and suggested to deceased to go ciump of bushes near by a bastreachery and.
Facts Annent The did nobe take the cinematitooming done and he was set de overly success, the promoters are take the next day. She said as she ket containing four pieces iog pains have already go and from the so called Negro In by the Judge.
Onslaught produced. together in Mr. Walrond desires to ac. lic well entertained and for this Both left the ground present when Smart was the ned the bisket was found. Hº con. was unarmed and unprotected eration shown by Captain Benit up to date coloured singers. about 11 a. Accused returned On Pilgrim Wilkins. at tha particular time. That all will say on this particular ez and the policeman who carried must be remembered that the about belock the same evening tinued his ex imination and noticsee deceased He ed a path leading fron the road point. But two bandits asssas. through the arrest for per To the Editor of the Workmon mother down the precipice to the spot, sins, have been so far identified mitting him to arrange all his spacious and cool, coloured asked accused for his leaving his theatre offers the best accommo and accused told him he hai as it somataing had been pu shed and business before a correct version of the attack tilling the post of Ders the before the courts and we will every purpose the promotersi ed how far on the road he had a laws, it must of happen Sir. Please permit me what is one in jail and the other out and premises. The tatt is now avion to their patrons, and for done with her. He asked accus or dragged along it. From the made on my life on Friday even draw the purse strings in did ed a ing the 27th ulto, by one have tank and file of Negro so called restrain from comDenticg for of the concert is working hard left her. Accused. was gone until a tool for a few dollars gotten sprak mende er lavorizatiethe The wicked maitious acts of those of 25 cents has been witness went in home amarelaw and turned out wos tale or under false pretences out of the ulter for leave ne dite maelest her the who have perjured themselves. cheereelde reach one and friends and neither of them for over a week. Wonan. The doctor perforated earnings of ignorant and misgui assault. it is manifest was meet of all well wishers of the Club, and it He neve the post.
pointed out to the thug (assassin) ed him money and the bandit is hoped that a large number of December last, he heard some accused there and fron enquiry Simpson 24th James Smart was there saw Providence, am sufficiently who had harboured him witbio to beat it to Colony first train ple will avail themselves of things and went to Georgia River made he arrested bin However, thanks to a good by those reasonably suspected was beard to say then ll have this opportunity The Tiekets caualive to reiterate the facts to the the precints of my premises in the morning.
almost He been dispensed with saw accused going in tioned public and real friends, as well whence he followed me, and who and accused said he Subsequent to his as those who are so deceived as were seen in private conference have been of the divisions of the opportunity of securing the re. river side be saw two human Oa 22 th Dacamber last he took arrest, a same direction along with other knew nothing about it. He then one those wimbing te hebtain people. At a certain spot at the tools, see used to the police station informed should to support criminal acts aided with the rogue and acting suspi. agent of one and abetted ty dishonest and ciously just before he was caught Garvey movement in Panama maining tickets at an early date sticking out of a heap of Inspector Thomas to the spot.
self seeking heads of so called There are criminal improvement organizations.
Inspector Examined, escapes was employed by the others be so as to secure the front seats, Be sand and stones. He remained from justice in every land, no hind the scenes to employ a law. on time. The concert starts at there until Dr. Baillie came, The First of all, let me say doubt, Inspector Herbert Taeodore body was taken out and identitiinto am cognizant of the fact that it is the confidence of poor misguided yer and try to get him out. Why: sp. sharp.
ed as the So big inn Thomas said that Tuesday 27th of Francis Simpan incontrovertible law that in people who are deceived by their Negro Improvement Black Cross Wedding of Princess Mary.
prisoner December last he visited the was present war especially where on the one slick tongues, get and the the The Daily Mail announces deceased by the dress she wore by previous witnesses. The spot but said nothing He identified spot which had been described hand there is graft and personal into power to abuse the trust me Isthmus of Panama. There are that the wedding of a Princess to Lucea on the 16h December. was by the side of Georgia River Agrandisement on the other with posed in thein as leaders and the at least one or two persons of Mary to Viscount Lascelles has He heard accused tell his mother was must be the inflıcung of wounds reasonable suspicions is one of deceney and the an attempt to expose it. There parasite and ne er dowell of my soms learning, respectablast, the Wat iad. Press hes Dulong before us would tive Corporal Biker. He male and been set for February the 23th on the 15th December last that a thorough and exhaustive exand even bloodshed.
Caup ucu.
is quite possible culprit that the West Indian Islands off her head.
amination, Tua But with a fearless and un. After the assault was made can ease and edge five miles will send a suitable prasent or ар from Licea, the and use his profes Alodal trickery suitable presents to the Princess suspicious temperament, having and the man was at large Found The Body, ignored the advise of friends etc. suspected abettor to the crime and grove which is very narrow and to treceive that he for tell a victim to a onesided at. and his animal belongings were is doing the cause of negro im Richard Grant said on Satur gloomy. road winds along her acceptance Viscuit ill at ease and acted suspiciously provement a good turn after he La scalles is almost a day 24th December last he was the side of the grove waars pot along accused and mother lived. In We have been so accustomed right along till on Saturday has, through his covetous dispo West Indian by his long and setting his fish direct fainily was sition gotten himself into trouble the island of Broadəs, and his River, and to magoifying stories about evening when the hunt Georgia mediately above the spot where connection with the course saw two human the body was fou ad there had white Ku Klapism and lynching made for the rogue he was found with neighbours, awaits s father the present Earl of Hare feet projecting from in the United States that we tors in a private conference with the chance, sees an imparcial and wood is President of tha West heap of stones. He got time ago, and the edge of the under been evidently a landslide some.
got all about Negro cannibalism, guilty scamp who had just hand (Continned On Page 8) India Com mitte in London frightened and went and report (Continued On Puge 8)
was to and of in clothing James did the most de said he on out. اور 29 saw again the hin that an front tbat body of son.
The that rest of it on It among them puca is about a knavery to tack.
of the


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