
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian slands Jamaica for les in the ringing we and ALBOA EST EER REWED DK to and time, heart drunk ITO ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY 10 212. 960 has been collected un activity The West Indian of the der the Income Tax Ordinance 30th December, 1921, an madwhich was estimated to yield verts thus 215, 000. It is learnt that With the end of the eventful Superintendent of the teama be arbitzariya rassessments year, 1921. The West Indian bat e had to made during seven years work Roads in the connection with compan Grenada and for the West Indies United Kingdom; and it was at the earliest nomeat nearly all of them were palub the bells were sub on New Year Day. 1915, when ject to ratification on And Works for St. Andrew mission of complete accounts in the of calendar that th Of course in anacs change some instances, wheels of our machine were made not hut without We learn ihat His Excellency payment was mad thout ning their own song, the theme the Governor has agreed to the more or less vehement protest of which was that into Grenaproposal of the St. Andrew but needless to say, the law had is a newspaper was born. From Parochial Board to increase the to be carried out without favour that earliest time we conceis salary of the New Parochial or affection. It will be remem o The West Indian as being bo Superintendent of Roads bered that in the case of the for a great purpose, and Works.
Caroni Estate, the Marshal had were inspired by dreams of s It was represented to the Gov. to effect a formal levy on the usefulness and benefit tot error that the services of a com goods and chattels. and it was flad desires of the paople at the old salary. viu; 300 per a ballife was still in possession we had abundant faith in the petent man could not be secured understood that up to yesterday. Grenada and of the West Indies!
annum and the Board fought the on the premises.
power of that printed page, and, approval to increase the emolu in our inner consciouness, knew ments to 350 rising by yearly To Get Out Expert.
that it was endowed with body, incerament also travelling allowf no Terhinda dhe venis as yet forth of Trinidad, Jan. 14 Although above and beyond the is to breath, and wings to soar far ance. His Excellency has en, coming as to the appointment of one issue of that paper we have TO.
dorsed the recommendations Expert, it is grown the Board and an Advertisement the Income Tax over two thousand will in due course be published understood in official quarters issues, and, in that that that functionary will be day by dav, space of time.
with over two in the Press calling for appli in Trinidad in a comparatively thousand impressions, we have cants. In the mean time tempor. short time.
left our mark written indelibly ary arrnngements have been made to fill the vacancy. Yester on the tablets of stone which record the greatest trausformaday morning a committee of the Board vested with full Big Custom Seizure.
tion that has ever taken place powers met at Hall way Tree in these islands, to con sider what steps should be taken Trinidad, Jan, Port of Spain Those seven years seem like to appoint an Acting dent. There were present; Mazelle. One of the biggest seiz seventy years to us, crowded as Superinten ures recently effected by the Cus. they are with so many mixed Myers. Chairman. Caleb Campbell and the Rev. Customs Officer Basilon, and dissatisfactions, so many toms Department, was made by memories; so many satisfactions, Gordon Hay. It was decided to late on Wednesday night. Mr. thrilling achievements appoint Mr. Lewis to act Basilon was on duty at the breaking disillusion for two months. Mr. Lewis was and while rummaging the steam ments, so many hopes, so many formerly Superintendent Road and Works for Clarendon thirty pack ges of merchandise many a cup during that ume, of tender Edith, uncerihed about lears. We have but he resigned from the Paro alleged to have been brought the sweet cup, the sour cup, the chial services of that parish down from New York by the ss. bitter cup wine of gladness some sears ago to go in for Muraval, which, as previously now, worin wood next, and often planting stated in the Gazette, arrived on a strange mingling of both. We Wednesday morning is have passed through cruel days, Separate Prison aileged that the goods were not but in silence, and, at every turn manifested. The matter will be and in every event, we thank God duly enquired into by the Col that our supply of courage was lector of Customs.
For Convicts Senter more than equal to the burt, and for at every bludgeoning chance Indeterminate Period our heads were bloody but un.
Demerara bowed.
The Gleaner states that one of We have no desire to palm of any trick of modesty and say the matters which will be dis Railway Expert that we are not deserving oi tu cussed at the next meeting of the Legislative Council will be high tributes paid to us here and the question of a separate prison abroad. We see no merit in thus for those convicts who have been Colonial Office Wants To depreciating ourselves. While we sentenced for an indeterminate make no point in favour of Send One to West period.
overweening pride, we do say Experience has shown that it Indies.
that we are conscious of having tried our best to do our duty is most undesirable that a done The Demerara Chronicle of the for Grenada, and for the West some good prisoner convicted for the first time or so, should be mixed up 30th ultimo states that the Colo Indies, and that we feel proud of with hardened criminals men nial Office, London, has com muni some substantial measure of use who have made up their minds ertd with the Demerara Gow fulness as a result of our to lead a life of crime. Some time ernment asking for their ap tence, They tell us abroad that the Government had a proval of the sending of scheme on foot for the establish Railway Engineering Expert to DA to a high pitch we have lifted the name GRENA of excellence but the proposal was deferred officer will also visit some of the field, and that the influence of penal settlement, advise on local problems. This in in the West Indies and further Recently quite a number of u to ber of West Indian Islands with the our work has manifested itself prisoners have been sentenced same object. All the expenses beyond the contines of this under the Indeterminate Sen in connection with the visit are lony. We feel pride in this not tence Law; and it is felt that to be divided proportionately be the pride to make us giddy, but there should be the prison for the these habitual offenderson of Elective members of the Combin more cheerful in discharging our It ised Court have been circularised expected that a proposa! on the with a view to obtaining heavy responsibility.
their subject will be submitted by the assent to the proposal We do not mind very much Government; and despite tinan It Trinidad is included in that some of those who should stringency, it will be urged some of the West Indian Islands have rejoiced with us and helped that in the interests of the penal to be visited. with the same us seem to feel no appreciation system of the colony that there object, then all we can say is for wbat we have done. They should be set up a prison for that the silence observed by the will not understand or they fail habitual criminals quite apart Local Government in the matter to understand.
That is all from the Generai Penitentiary. furnishes further evidence of Some day they may possess un the contemptible indiđerence derstanding. As journalists we which of late has been such a barbour ill will against no Tragic Accident marked feature in the relations or body of men. We have of the Goverament to the public enemies as far as we are Mile Gully, January 25, 1922 when the latter are left to glean cerned, and those who look on On the 24th inst. at Ballynure, from the press of sister colonies, us as enemies should better em.
man was found dead on the road. important information affecting ploy their time and talents to Sergt. Vassal, of the Mile more profitable tasks. We the interests of Trinidad.
Gully station, was quickly on the scene conscious of having made The Dr. Farquharson takog who do not. and of was summoned, it would appear right rings the as if the unfortunate man was Grenada bich we re.
wrong way, ail thrown from his horse on going gret; but we always bad consisdown the hilll, and on examinatently in mind the larger good tion by the it was found and were never actuated by that his skull was completely The West Indian pettiness and spite.
fractured. The deceased, Thomas We are about to close a chapter Chambers by name, resided in of The West Indian at the end of the district of Aitchem beddie, And Its Seven Years. seven years which will also close and was a very respectable man Book We look forward, with He was returning home to his fresh dreams, with new aspira family after a few days absence We congratulate our cotem sobered by experience, to from his home when he came to the West Indian of Grenada on greater things in Book II, We his rather sudden death.
having reached its seventh An Only hopa that the inhabitants of niversary at the end of Decem this island will render greater ber 1921. As a vigorous and support to the newspapers of Trinidad fearless Journal, the West Indian the colony in generales Indian, will has made the power of the press not cause us of The fetl, not only in Grenada, buttoftransfer our activities to anLbeyond those shores wherever other part of the West Indies, Trinidad Revenue.
forceful writings of the Editor, We expect to give full opporTrinidad, Jan. 13. Por? of ing throug the colums commands Mr. Albert Marryshow, breath: tunity to every red blooded in habitant of Grenada to join with Spain Gazette. Up to the 31st the attention of everyone into us in our great work. All can Decembor last of whose hands it happens to fal. Continned On Page 7)
Reviewing its seven years of exis.
2004 ment of a real C)
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