
A Varied Assortment of STATIONERY Of Every Description CAN ALWAYS BE HAD WORKMN PRINTERY Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
With the playing of the Pre.
se atation Match on the 5th iost Dear Sir:th Sportman League of Pana mi terminated a most successful am pleased to inform you that an at an.
cricket season. The Sportman nual general meet ng of the shareholders of the League held its first meeting on March 26, 1921, in the office of West Indian Steamship Comɔany held at this Dr. A, Fyfe, Central Avenu, Office on the 1st inst, a large gathering of Panama City, with the following members of the organization were present ani representatives with applications from their respective clubs.
enthusiastic speeches were made in support of Mr. Treat Britannie the furtherance and development of the ComMr. Gill Cable pany. The members in a body voted confidence Mr. Roberts Clovelly in the administration, and pledge their wholeMr. Lindo Jamaica hearted support AT THE MWB LCCC.
Mr. Polard Viac is CC It was also unan mously agreed that each Mr. Pailips Yorkshire shareholder will advance his shares by purchasAt the next meeting the ing more stock so as the enable us at once to Standard CC. and the Surrey procure and put afloat our large steamer con. made appl cation and were templated for the conveyance of freight and represent by MW Wiles and Husbands, respectively, passengers to the ports agreed upon in our When passing drop in and inspect our yaried making nine clubs entering the prospectus abɔve League for the Season Stock of The schedule for the first hall You are therefora, respectfully requested of the first season opened not only to act in conformity with the decision on April 10th and closed oa July 17th; and the second half August of th: shareholders who were present by 28th to January 22, 1922. doubling your purchase of stock yourself, but The Jamaic. was the that you will induce every man, woman and only club which did not continue in the League throughout child in your locality to come forward and join the season but withdrew from with us. Hoping to hear from you soon.
it at the end of the first hall.
The League, although it had remain, not attained the height for which Yours truly, it aimed, bas materially advanced cricketing on the Isthmus, and has discharged its SMITH, Secretary.
function in the most impartial manner to all clubs alike. The behaviour of clubs on the crick eting fields was certainly credit able and which shows that the aim and spirit of the League bad The best Tonic in the World penetrated into the the individual members of each club. All mat that were put whe league for adjustment were This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
squarely and fairly and promptly handled. The Umpiring had also ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, shown great improvemet, al Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up though there were some com a run down constitution.
plaints received at the opening of the season, and such umpires It promotes digestion, improves the appeInstallation.
who did not show enough know tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
ledge of the Laws of Creketing, The Earl Roberts Lodge No. 30, The following are some of the immediately displaced DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC B10. of and DS. held their men who served as Official half yearly installation of officers at the Umpires during the season: Is the one best prescription for itches bruises, cuts, sprains and Jethro Lodge ball on Thursday JAD. Hall, Turpin, Brewster, Hesh wounds.
26th. Batson, CR Bennett, The following were the officers installed Welch, Williams and As an internal remedy for cramps, colie and diarrhoea it hasn o form the Jan. June administration: The league takes this opportunt an equal Bros Blackwood, Hutson, ty to public y thank these genthal Ladies Night at La Bo Largest Rough Diaw. 0: Liwman, WRS, men for their courage and work, You want instant relief and you get it.
Thompson, S; Daniel Tren; because it It is well known that Literary Society Swail, Thompson, mond in the WestDr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC the Brown. 0. 8; Williams, of the dissatisfied fans.
umpires are always the butt ern World Con Wicket keeping has also im. It would appear as it the lady met Buy it at the drug store.
Sater. Brown, D; Sprage, proved and mention must be bers of the Sciety have acquired addi. of Font; Judah, of R: made of Mr. Foster of the tional consciousness with regard to the Brown, of FHenry Dot Tr: Jamaica Mr. Nat Harding part they inu take so as to uphold the Found in British Guiana Mitchell. Do LL. vle. of K; of the Surrey and Mr. Sterling value o a literary society in th and Taken by American Gabay, DP: Francis, of Connell of the Britannic CC. community. This however, may be Owner to New York City Con.
Bowling, batting and telding due to the net that nearly all of this The Ceremony which was very im have shown marked improve class of members are also members of pressive was performed by Bro. ments.
the Women Life Problem Club of La GUARDED ON VOYAGE Smith, Sc. assis (d by his staff of The rainy season was severe Boca Grand Officers. Addresses of congratu and caused a lot of matches to lations and encouragements were de be deferred for other dates, forward to with mach interest as the Ladies Nights are always looked The Lucky Finders Describes livered by the and other thereby causing the season to Coun ry as Real Eldorado; visiting officers which were ably ree run longe than was intended programs on these nights are presented ponded to by Bro. Quillo, There were only three grounds by Veluable Woods Mines.
lady members, Tuesday the 31st Fonnder of the Lodge, also Bro. to accommodate the nine clubs inet, being a ladies night short but Black wood, of the League, of these appropriate program was rendered. A New York cable despatch The roembers and visitors then re grounds more or less paper reviewing the Life and Works of dated January 16, states that the American. the late Paul paired tô the banqueting room where interrupted by the management renco Dunbar, was read among the passengers who refreshments were surved.
during the season making it im Collins. The paper was carefully pro Mit. Maud arrived yesterday from South and possible at times to play sche, pared and gave a condensed account of American THIS 600 TONS STEAMER WILKINSON scheduled.
dole matches on dates on which the brilliant achievements of the noted Lamport and hone yestries poet np to the time of his death at the who said he was connected Washington Too much praise cannot be years. One of Dunbar favo with CONTRACTCR BUILDER Institution and is 255 ft. gins. long and 27 ft. ins.
given the officers of the League rite poems was afterwards recited by Harvard First Class Workmanship for discharged their duties which read an article from the Worlo gest rough Oldu the manner in which they Mrs. Irene Williams. Mrs. Olga King Harvard University, and reported beam. She has two decks. tween World brought that be diamond ever found Plans and Specifications Free were at times tedious and com entitled Why Call the sh decks ft. high.
15th Street Wes House 99 plex; no deadlock which is com domestic difficul difficulties. Mrs. King is also shot in the Western Hemisphere.
When the ship was made fast. Box 411, Panama, mon in governing bodies was the newly elected President of the Life at Pier 8, Brooklyn, Mr.
Lavaree experienced the to show the Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric but co operation was the slo Roblem olub and her introduction of declined Brooklyn Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig: gan It is hardly believed that society propriate reading at the posite care stone to reporters or allow the erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed Adaertise in The Work the President of the League, De. bringing the attention of the society to photographers te makemonatchna has served purpose man It pays.
rivalled for some of the constructive work of it. He said diamond water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
found his impartially cordiality, being done by her Club Her reading the interior of British Guiana, by a promptitude and interest taken may be the means by which much We must Buy her for our Service in the discharge of his duties as and worries can be avoided in homes prospecting for several months energy Lavaree had been of this League Representatives of the various domestio difficulties. In the absence of under the care of the purser, where there is much need for a doctor o! The stone was in an iron box WE NEED 60, 000 MORE FOR SALE clubs know the truthfulness of the Pianist Mrs. King acted while Mrs, wh had guarded it day and night the above but the general public B, Hawes rendered a may not all know it, and for your there were other musical renditions. Mr the owner at Trinidad. Accordvocal solo. And since it was brought on board by MONEY An up to date house contain information it might be said that Morrison Band discoursed sweet Haing three apartments; located his knowledge of cricketing and waiian style Guitar selections which were taken to the Appraisers Stores in ing to Mr. Lavaree it will be You may subscribe some of this by purchasing on one hectare of land, Securely the painstaking manner in which highly appreciated, Mahattan today to be valued.
some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound fenced with barbed wire and he takes to disseminate it, cannot ne des Mr. Lavaree made a survey of be each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound well planted with sugar cane, be valued by us, nor can British Guiana and on his return bananas, plantain, papaya each and become part owner.
At pine duplicated on the the entrance fee of three dollars in June 1920, he wrote a descrip time you may have apple, etc. also suitable Mesh ads sinton cricketing, any speci. from nine clubs and the sale of tive article for the Museum wire enclosure for poultry. Sit ty point on DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW uated at Hatto Pintado, Las his information you may be in one Rule Book for fifteen cents. Natural History in which be des real Sabanas, 15 minutes walk from need or, tae liberty as takea 27030 615 for printing of blue Eldorado. He told of forests of The total expenditures deing as Write to the Tramway. Price Reasonable.
do not hesitate in 37 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, the Doctor at any time and a Books, 350 for printing; sche rare valuable wood and of mines APPLY TO JAMAICA THOMAS, Box 801, anywbare or call on him and dules; 75 for stationery; 35 and of agricultural wealth in the you ll find yourself at home with for stamps; 70 for car fares to country Ancon, Umpires OR TO The total receipts of the ELLIS, Advertise in The WorkTHE WORKMAN League were 27. 15 realized by Secretary, man it pays.
JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy. Waite, to and some of were ports on the Was id Lavaree of age of 34 the Smithsonian Ing in been inte: could be Golden Opportunity President.
any knot of Not Indian Steamship Company, Ltd.


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