
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBUARY 11, 1922, Positive Rofatation, By Dr.
THE WORKMAN He said, remain every THIS SPACE RESERVED Watch It a entire in Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on spplies To The Editor Of The Workman.
Sir. Please allow me little VALROND, the office Central Avo sion. Correspondence on all matters ase and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
space in your valuable paper to do PO Box 74. Panowa RP written on one side of paper only, a Star Herald of Febuary 3, viz: All copy for publication must be refute a certain statement which has been accredited to me in the TES OP SUBSCRIPTIO must be accompanied by the name of 11 Ove Year 40 U8. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Building, to whom he came for Dr. Anderson of Muller Six Months 30 Hon but as a mark of good faith.
counsel, states that if Lord Three e.
we do not undertake 10 roburn had any enemies sure thosun One arejected orrespondence.
der suspicion, he (Dr. Audarson)
did not know of them. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS was his staunch friend in life, and propose to SATURDAY, FEBUARY 11, 1922 SO now that he is dead: intend to de thiog in my power to avenge his death WHY PEOPLE SHOULD LOOK TO through the law would like to say that while THE CANAL ZONE bave no objection to being quoted in the press, have strong abhorence to being wrongly quoted. do not know The great fact that thousands of people from the who uy supposed interlocutor is West Indian islands are stranded here in Panama is so but but his statements are certainly obvious to the residents of this country that nothing is the least of them. Referring to incorrect, and misleading to say needed by way of comment to impress the seriousness of the first statement, would like the situation on the minds of all concerned. At the corners to explain that while Dr. Lord of every street in Colon and in all the thoroughfares of and were friends, and often the capital city large crowds men can be seen from day counsell him on matters in a to day talking over their failure to obtain employment general way, we never discussed relating to his and possibly giving and seeking mutual sympathy in their friends or his enemies. la fact distress.
never knew that he he had enemies All of these people came here for the express purpose and could only infer it from of building the Panama Canal. Most of them can date the manner of his death; but who those enemies are. is no less their arrival into this country to the beginning of the work mystery to me than to everyby the United States Government in 1904, Now that the body else. It is therefore out of work is all over and there is no need for this great labor of all reasoning that should force, and because there is no appearance of immediate bave said baye those under improvement in the labor problem the bulk of the foreign suspicion. am exact in my expressions, ers find themselves in a terrible predicament. number of the unemployed West Indians have al and like other people to be the same. Referring to the second ready returned to their native homes, and some, invalided statement, would like to disand wrecked, are obtaining repatriation through the gov miss it at onc by saying there Market in La Boca Town.
ernment of the Panama Canal before they remain here is no language strong enough lor enough to become public cnarges; but the greater por in condemming its falsits, which can use with propriety Cut this out and keep for reference tion of thim, healthy and able bodied, have expressed no strongly refute the (Communicated desire to leave this country, nor do they see any means of statement The Government of the Canal Take Notice doing so it even the idea came to them.
Thanking you for space Mr. Zone has established a market Much could be said pro and con the question of Editor In the town of La Boca At this wholesale repatriation of West Indion laborers, but the ANDERSON MD.
market there are twelve stalis which are occupied chief pomt in any such discussion must be whether the West by WREATHS Indians with the exception of people themselves would benefit by returning to their one Chioaman; all seems to be made froin natural flowers homes thousands together, Panama empty handed doing their bit in spite of the and without the least means of improving Feby. 10 1922 hard times due to lack of work FOR FUNERALS their cond tion by an act of the kind. Unemployment is to the Editor of The Workman on the Canal Zone at present.
of the number of stalls there e is BOQUETS for Weddings, Baptisms, or the same everywhere and it is better for the unemployed Dear Sir: Please alime to locate in a place where they might help themselves by space in your valuable paper to seems to be doing the best. The one occupied by a butcher who other social Functions agricultural industry, than to crowd into places where put before the public a refutation need of a little fresh beef was Can be supplied by se numental sympathies and expressed regrets may be pro to certain statements charged to long fell by the people of this foundly plenitul but practically impotent to relieve dis me, which appared in the Sar place, in fact the market was Herald of the.
MIGUEL HIVE the tress and want.
a long felt necessity to On the same date wrote the people as they had to go to Call at his office No. 94 Central Avenue, Phone 635) or at This is why the strong and able bodied men amorgollowing relutation and took it Panama always to get their his residence on the Sabanas Road.
the unemployed should look to the Canal Zone for the the reporter who interviewed necessaries which could not be PRICES MODERATE.
necessary relief under the stress and hardships of the ine, requesting him whether to obtained here always, especially present experience. As a matter of fact, they have a very correct ine statements or publish on Sundays, but now they can PHONES 1039 Sabanas strong claim on the government of the Canal Zone for the statements in the next morn market.
шу letter, He elected to correct get almost everything at this 638 No. 94 Central Avenne assistance to live. Those who have had any means with ing issue, which was not done which to leave the country and have done so, have satisfi On the 4th returned my letter the chief articles for stle are The market is opened daily, ed themselves that it was the wisest thing to do under for publication but it did not native products, This being the the prevailing economic conditions; but with those who appear on the morning of the bon rule of the Government at have accumulated nothing the question is quite a different On Sunday evening communi present.
The people are very cated with the editor over the glad to have this little market The STEWART It must be kept prominently in mind that within the phone and he promised to pub established among them woich eighteen years of American occupation the West Indian may be read in its mutilat many car lish it on Monday morning. It is a means of saving a good fares to and from who came here to work on the canal have made and in form on the 4th page of the Star Panama. There are creased fatilies to such an extent that their domestic and Heruld of that date, and made tures to be added to the market other relations and obligations are far different now toll erald office on a more recent entratice, these we hope will appear it visited the Star yet, such as lights and steps for what they were when they a rived here. It was easier date, and for two or three in a family to come into the country and date and made those buggling soon be fixed, as they are very get along when CLASSES IN statements to them as appeared necessary.
that take the trouble business Bright than it is for five or six in a family to go the explaining tako We wish the ocupants of much out without funds to return to places no better in outlook some people are still looking up these site has de ces caud hope Shorthand, op me as the author of ha: bave regret their effort in coming to will have no Etc. These people are domiciled here and in most cases appeared in the Star ll erald.
Should it be the aid of the people, necessary am their children know no other home but the Isthmus where willing to give a more detailed Mr. Johu Chinaman has put they were born. Is it not natural then that they should seek account of the whole transaction in every little thing possible; he 51 16th STREET WEST a living of some sort in a country where they have spent Thanking you for space Sir.
meet success, the the best of their strength and where their immediate deam yours, Chinese being a noted people for ANDERSON. business.
PANAMA CITY pendents opened their eyes and first saw light in the world?
The canal is a permanent institution made possible by contributed labfrom among the thousands of West Indians strong the conditions among West Indians the. Isthmus who are now on the rocks in Panama and in Colon. If will soon improve. little time must neces elapse bethe Canal itself can offer no means of subsistence to these fore the general amelioration of the situation will be seen, people, anything that is contiguous to it or that attaches but it will come surely and steadily, and it only requires a CALLE No to it as a related or ubsidiary interest should be looked little patience and the exercise of practical energy, on the to as being the probable source of eglution.
part of the actors in the experience, before the desired For this reason it must be considered that the authori. change should come.
PRIVATE ACADEMY ties of the Panama Canal have become conscious of what The Canal Zone has the room and the means whereby is an encumbent obligation when they are opening up the the unemployed may be sheltered and helped; but the people English Classes lands to unemployed West Indians for farming Tt is cer must not expect to be cuddled and lullabied into blissful tainly humane and philanthropic, but none the ice reason domesticity; they must stir themselves into a bustling acFor Young Ladies 6 able and obligatory.
tivity and extract from the offer of the canal authorities all For several uncontrollable reasons the unemployed the benefits that can possibly accrue to their efforts.
AND FOR BOYS 7 people found themselves forced to locate in the terminal These are days of applied generalities, and if one thing, fails Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
cities of Panama and Colon. This created a congestion the only right principle is to follow another.
that sent the house rent away up in the financial air. Every means of making money and earning a living, BARTON, These cities are un factoried and un industried and can, except white slavery, gambling and stcaling, is honorable therefore, offer no means of livelihood to the thousands of and dignified. In these days there is no less dignity in unemployed. All eyes are still cast on the Canal Zone, swinging a spade than there is in pushing a pen, and the and those that are not centered on the locks, docks or the class of work in which a man wipes his cheeks with a silk a towel and recognition.
With the invalids and indigents out of the number Labor is labor, smooth or rough, and when the one cannot and with an applied agricultural industry among the be procured search ought to be made for the other.
Xt Pays.
some tix Commercial Evening School to Typewriting, Spanish, is sure to railroad must be focussed on the virgin lands of the canal kerchief and that which makes a man mop his brow with Advertise in the Workman


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