
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBUARY 1, 1922, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News EWELRY BARGANS WE CHALLENGE ANYONE We have UNQUALIFIED 481 The hip for the par and not not permitted to the and Cure that Cold in your Head the Rose city of Colon and Oper WER no Lodge Notes Victoria Defeats Lilywhites Installation of Officers of Victoria Lilly Whites CC.
Various Lodges.
met on the oval of the former, but the odds seemed greatly against the latter Victoria last Laval Petre versner No. 10. 109, wicket fell for 119. to which Lilly 00. F, Saturday, Jan. 14.
Whites replied with 48.
To prove that they can lose money by using Gas for Bres Chie AUDING Fictures For To morrow cooking and heating purposes ehariah Abrbres, VG:E Beat, NE; Je Bowen, Janes Sussex vs Lilly Whites Mount Fictures for tomorrow are: Dryedal, PNG. Almo, Adro We stand behind every cubic foot of Hope BB Park cale; Ara, re elected. West End EA Robs, ES; A. Belfon, vs Sports. Sussex Oval Le Cheny. Che plain; Abron Lewin, GAS Westmoreland vs Melbourne. order: L.
Aero Park, BLSNG; Lecelles, Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed hope Jones, The thing toasters were Bros William Warren Passes Bestard AD, assisted by The above statement is Baird awd dWR Millington Away.
This next general meeting of this lodge Colon. Feb. William Warren is announced to take place on Tu sds well know member of Loyal the 24h inst, when all members are Shamrock Lodge No. 14, MP. ked to be present. passed away yesterday at the we mean every word of it Ancon Hospital after a short illness, GRAND COUNCIL ELECTS The remains were conveyed to OFICERS.
Colon, and following a short cere PANAMA GAS CO. AT COLON GAS CO.
mony in the Lodge room interoDouble Function at Eureka Hope cemetery at o clock today ment took place at the Mount Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar Street Lodge Hall.
Mr. Walker Price GM officiat.
Telephone 798 SERVICE Telephone 364 ing The funeral was largely at tended Colon, Feb. Last night at the We join with the community Freka Lodgeball, the Past Grund Masters Council 7879 of the Patri real in tending our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved ones, Order under the Committee of manage ment in England conferred the council master degree on two brethren Among The Schools In Anderson and Bourne, after which.
officers for the present term were Install Colon.
ed as fillw: McCormack, A Almen, CM; Best, The School recently conducted WITH Seety. Asron, G, Treas; M, Befon, Che plainl; G, Courne, W by Mr. C, Cunningham late of Alluan. wis, GSA Christ Church School, at 80 Hud NOSTROLINE son Lane in Installing Misers were WR Milling this City was traus Nasal Specific, invaluable for Na al Hygiene ferred on Wednesday morning ton, and JA Baird, both M.
last to 109 Broadway (first floor)
INSTANT RELIEF CERT UN CURE FOR and has been named The St.
St. Barnabas Lodge No. 5, Joseph Grammar School Branch Nasal Catarrh, Influenza Eetlany Initiation and This school has absorbed that which has been successiuliy con Installation HAY, FEVER, SORLD THROAT AND DRIVER: STUFFINESS ducted in the same building by Mrs Ella Johnson formerly AND NFLAMMATION OF THE NOSE ot Shortwood Training cúllege, The initiation ceremony Jamaica for about two years, Mrs Simple! Safe! Sure!
ducted by Bros. E. Brown, OM Johnson accepting an appoint For sale at all up to date Drug Stores Gunt, PDGM apsister by ment on the start of the new Vad members of the Ry! nk school.
Gece Loupe No, 2, and more At the close of the faciatin the Mr Cunningham needs the public of officers for the 1922 January June term introduction to were installed in the following order Colon and Cristobal, and we beGordon, RWC. Gayle, Speak for him the cordial support RW. Desport, Secty; Sis E, and continued patronage of ра Do You Want Brown Treasurer; A, Ford, W. Connt: rents and guardians. Groen, asst. Condt. Archets, o, Something cheap, but beautiful and lasting for a Birthday, or Wedding Present?
G; Thompson, Bro. Charles DIED DO YOU WANT TO Tuesday January 31st Economize in these depressin times? If so, then come to Charles Pile, a native of Bridge the ch apest asd best Jewelry Store in Colón CRICKET Town, Barbados. The deceased was chauffeur and was 32 Call and se our novel assortment of years of age. He was of a peaceE. SILVER TEA SETS, EGG SETS, ETC. ETC.
Sussex Defeats (Excelsior able dispusiion, and was very JOHN WILLIAMSON Watchmaker weler.
much bioved and respected by 109 Bolivar Street by Narrow Margin all his friends and acquaintances Colon, Weat ibdian papers please REPAIRS NEATLY DONE copy Colon, Feb. In a cup match played yesterday on the Sussex oval, the homesters had to put up Mt Horeb Post Master Lodge a stiff fight in order to defeat Jamaica District No, 110, Excelsior, AS The visiting team was the first to bat, and at the fall ot the last MUSICIANS WANTED wicket the total was 77 vs follows fpecial meeting of the above.
Stanley Sampson 15. Frescott ne! Lodge held at the Mane ester All musicians are invited to get satisfaction in buying their 3, McDonald (top scorer) 39, Unity Hall and 10 Streets on Min Strings and accessories at the Aird Spaulding 0, Bovell day 30th inst. for the purpose of con Mascol 2, Foulk2. Phillips o, ferring the Secty; and D. Degrees NW DRUG STORE sino the Installation of officers for the 5th Streets, Colon Lynton captured wickets for term ending Jany Ist to Dec. 31st 1922 We have a big assortment of Strings for 23 rurs Price for 22 and Layne The following members from the three Lodges working the above men VIOLINS, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, BANJOS, VIOLINCELLOS foiszex replied with 85. ontri22.
tioned District were duly initiated into Also DRUM BANJO HEADS, CHIN RESTS, TAIL PIECES, buted in the following manner; the mysteries of the PATENT SCREWS, TUNERS, BOW HAIR, ETC, ETC, Bros. Johnson, Wynter of the Brewster 4, Atherly 12. St. Hill P. Lodge No. 2632, Bro. Gardner P. VAN KWARTEL, Prop, Johnson 0, Baker 31 (top score)
of Nurse 12. Layne 3, Harding Sisters Wallis and Carity of the the Loyal Victory Lodge No. 2828 Lynton 6, Price Elcock, not out Euretius Lode 2628. After the 1, Extras Ihree wickets were captured ment were set ved and those who were conferring of egrees light reſresh by Phillips for 31, and 13 by Aird not of the bigher rank were asked to for 11.
return, The Lodge was then reopened The match was witnessed by for the purpose of installing the officers NILE QUEEN an unusually large gathering and for the ensuing term. The od Veteran The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin all expected that Sussex would Bro. w, Ward, P, WP. was in have an easy win, but Excelsior stall ng master, Bros Brown and C, Made of oils imported from India and Japan WHITENER AND CLEANSER (BLEACH played a fine inning and many a Snape Conductors, when the following time there were grave doubts as officers were installed: Bros. Foulk, HAIR GROWER AND BEAUTIFIER VANISHING CREAM SHAMPOO.
WP. Baquie, GoldSpringfield, Kashmir Chemical Co.
son, Secty; A. Janett 1; BA.
McLean, Lambert, Gentlenen. Nile Queen preparations have Wanderers vs. Sports Sister Jones, Credit must be heads without success, until found Kaslanira Nile Queen, Now my skin is as smooth and lovely is can be and my hair has grown so long and glossy, my friends given to the eng master in the able The Wanderers Sports match manner be performed his duty. The on the Mount Hope Baseball newly was also witnessed by a large but touching address. At the close of the installed then gave a sbart SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS ceremonies the members went to the 106 Broadway and 8th Street, Colon.
Box 738. Cristobal.
Playing in their usual master banquet room and did justice to the ly way, Wanderers easily amassed nice things that were provided for the 141 as their total, Spencer top pocasion Among the visitors from the scoring with Clarke and Mc Sister Lodges were sister Seaton of the Donald following with 21 and 13 Pride of the Gem Lodge No. 2831 of the respectively, Canal Zone District The P, then Sports worked hard and re gave the Sister a hearty welcome, and plied with 54. of which Brett as that the doors of the Mt. Lodge top scorer made16.
is open or will be opened to all legal IT PAYS. and Mrs. who has served the offices, to the estisfaction of their repee Live Lodges. The sister then replied in a fitting meer. Special mention must b) made of the addresses delivered by the Old Vetaran Bro w. Ward folw wd by Bro Melean and Lambert Plano our newly installied P, Bro Fouk Last but not least our worthy ond blere Sister Wynter. We to thank Sister Beecher, and Bro. dheld for the able manner they worked to bring the function to a successful time. After the eing ng of the Doxology the function was casion will bring you to our We are hoping that some ocbrought to a close at lam.
store shortly. And when you do come be assured that it will To All Whom It be a pleasure for us to serve Concern.
you, and that our pleasura in serving you will make your visit to our stor even more enjoy.
This is to inform the publib able for yourself.
that action was taken in the Alcalde Court, at Colon for an FULLER order of injunction against the JEWELLER Lily of the Atlantic Lodge.
this action was taken by the 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Rose of the Nile Lodge No. dispen sation19 to the Lily of the the CHURCH SERVICE pose of operating a branch of the Order in Cristobal 1C (American Episcopal Church)
in the city of Colon, According St. Paul Church, Panama.
to the jurisdiction granted, it is to operate in am, Holy Communion, terminal cities of Colon 10 am, The Litany, Panana, The Alcalde has made 10:30 am. Holy Eucharist, and seran order that the Lodge cannot min, be opened in Colon, 30 pm, Holy Bapt on as of th, Nile Lodge was granted pm. Sanday School.
al a dispensation to operate in the 30 pm Evensong and man and registerd by F. NIGHIENGALE. Vicar the Government of the Republic of Panama. In consideration of St. Alban s, Paraiso.
the fact that the above lodges 10 sm, Ho y Baptiem, are prutected by the law and 11 Holy Communion can offer no encroachment on Sundy School, their rights; the order of injunc 730 Evensong so das tion was granted; A, SIMMONDS, St George Church Gun.
Secretary Mendes Carp Baird Crossing 33 Sunday. 730 End Ostal,. NIGHETENGACE. Priest in care Feby. 1922 Christ Church by Sa 30 am. Parish Comaran 10. Liny PARA150 CLUBHOUSE 10. 3) a milik Man seria 3pm. Church Sthout The Paraiso Community Club 30 pm Evertron.
held its repular meeting on EDWARD COOPER. Rector Wednesday eyening, February St. Peter Church La Boca.
8th 1922 Those who were pre sent considered it one of the most s, t, Holy Baptism important meeting the Club has 11 am Morning Prayer and address, pm, Sunay School, 30 p, m, Evensong and sermon.
One of the vital things discuss ed, was the report brong in by MULCARE. Rector.
Mr. Fuller and his committee on the Dime Saving Bank.
St. Barnabas Church, Empire After a long and hearty argu ment, the rules governing the 11 a, m, Morning prayer and address pm Sunday School, Dime Saving Bank, was passed adding an Costure to the Clab important 30 pm. Evening Prayer and address.
St. Bartholomw Church, feature Another Important matter Las Cascadas under consideration is the com 230 tn. Sunday School and Confir.
bining of the Parais, Cricket and is fon Class, the Paraiso Community Clubs. It Up Evening Prayer and address, these two greater will be MULCARE. Priest in charge.
manilested in the Community Oa account of the lateness of Seventh Day Adventist Church the hour, this matter was left over for the next meeting night which 69 ANCON AVE, PANAMA will be held Wednesday evening Sabith (Saturday) 15 sm. SabFebruary 22nd bath School; 11 15 sm, Gonoral Worebi Our President is doing every 30 m. Spanish Class 30 to.
thing in his power to forward the Young People Meeting 30 growth of the club. The outdoor Vespers.
gimes which the President re eently added to the club has been Sunday night 700 pm. Educational entered into with a great deal of Programme, to be given by the children enthusiasm of the abovenamed church school. AdIn order to awaken an interest mission 25 cente in the Community friends are asked to join the club and thus Panama Charity Organiincrease its membership.
Educational Pregram at A: Church, Panama All who are interested will take special notice that the proposed The General Public is hereby concert in aid of the suffering reminded that to morrow, night fellowmen of this city, will be Feb. 12th, inst. there will be a beld at Geddes Hall, without fail program to be given by the chil on Wednesday next dren of the above named school will see brand new talents, old at 30 m, Come and hear the brushed up talents, and no little ones and enjoy yourself and talents all engaged in making it bring along your family. success, sale at reasonable prices.
all to be present or ticket to give it a push, but we If you cannot even come buy a you will something good. pret ar to see your face as well as Doors open at 7p, sharp. your hand, Good morning! meet us at Geddes Hal on Wednesday Panama Capital Friendly svenin.
British Consulate Notice.
All Members of the aboved at Panama would like to know The British Consulate General named Society both financial nonfinancial are hereby request. Alva Naylor of Jamaica.
of the wbereabouts of Heady ed to attend a special general February 13th 1922 at our Rent Receipt Books in Spanregular meeting hall. Matters of vital importance will be transact ish and English, for sale at the Workman Printery.
Bros. o.
bad is thought by clabs, a by waiting interest Extras under degrees.
LIQUID POWDER also Tickets a Chicago, IL.
for my hair and skin, tried nearly every thing to clear way doseglos diversos al bisk all admire it. wish all our women would try Nlle Queen.
Very truly yours. Sgd. SALLIE REID, crowd.
Advertise in the Workman night in the best has changed on day ted,


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