
SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 1922 SOS Soos 50 soccorso SC Federation Of British West Indies.
THE IDEAL PHARMACY No. 1, 24th street East Calidonia Cuoio Gentleman Burglar Held In City Of Paris. OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
De Lenz, Wealthy And In Good Social Standing Robbed Nobility.
88 OBJECT MYSTERY DP Wider Spirit of Sympathy With Darker Races.
ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
rok Only Articles of Value Wnich HSold For Small Price.
SOMOS oooo of military hen have of this con Notice of Removal death tions million WHAT POLICE SAY.
NO SUBSTITUTES USED Paris, January 16. With the arrest day of a well dressed monocle young man in the act We take great pleasure in to faithfully remain a strategical Only the purest and most genuine Drugs comof leaving an apartment with a reproducing the attached com section of the Empire, with suitcase full of silver, which he munication by Mr. R, We, which they have been linked for had just stolen, the polic: bava lesley Bailey, MD, taken from centuries, will be maintained pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over found themselves the captors of the West India Commitee Circular. This latter condition is most desir a veritable Arsene Lapia, who In doing so, it is felt sure that able when one recalls that some of 40 years experience du ing the last year nas com nitthe visit of Major Wood and the bravest of Britain naval and td a series or batil ng robberies, Major Gore, as an Imperial given their including that of the home Commission to the West Indies lives in an efort to unite these WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor.
General Edward Kirkoitrick, ea will be productive of that fair Atlantic Oases to the great Anerican War 04 measue of representation for British family of nations, and in The Bice excesso: 08960650 seco0 SSSSSSSS The solution of this series of which these islards have been no less a sacrificing measure criminal mysteries, however, has clamouring during the past have the native sons repeatedly confronted the police with anoth twent ave years.
stown their appreciation of this er psycholog cal in character West Indians in Panama may family unity by being ever will The thief Serge Luoz is the weli feel proud that they did ing to shoulder arms beside Operations Of The son of a distinguished and well to somethin to bring about any their British comrades in de do family of noble origin and is necessary political advancement fence of all that is dear to the United Fruit the rec pient of a monthly altos.
hich ance which permits him to live that may accure and that their Empire,. ws were intelligently express Could human sense of gratiCompany The Public is hereby notified that the ia luxurious style. Moreover, he ed. The extract reads thus :tude forever ignore repeated acts is interested in an auto nobile concern, which provides an addi Sir. As the year slowly pre of loyalty, unselfishness and sac tional income. handsome and pares to take its place with its rifice?
Seperation and SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO even debonair young man, he has had rompanions of centuries, but were greater rewards than Net Profits Of Over 3, 500an excellent social standing His Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue, Corner without having left its continued political enthralment 000 Made During The not life bas apparently been a jyvus ineffaceabie impression the and developmental limitations.
Year 1921 16th Street West.
open book many activities of man, as seen But the brighter day is dawning la the Disarmament Confer for 1922 and even after and the After the arrest, however, de (Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. erce, the fulfilment of the cherished hopes SPLENDID DIVIDENDS Washington Lenz freely confessed those of his robberies which he could partial solution of the Irish of thc usands of islanders at The ne. emises are well equipped for turning out remember off hand. Among the question, the disquieting condi home and abroad will be realised the best class of work hones he has robbed are those in Egypt and in India, and and the appreciation of the ex of the Viscountess in the so far very successiul tension of greater political and Attitude of The Concern de Bardot.
the Viscountess du Perthuis, the travels of HR the Prince of commercial powers should lead In Respect To Its HoldCount de Chevigne, the Marquis Wales, there looms on the hori to the one and only saving condi islands, that zon the pleasing and promising tion for the ings Of Sugar PHOTOGRAPHS de Croix, the Countess de Saint spectacle of Greater powers of Federution, without which the Alary and General Kirkpatrick, local self government for the much suggested political union AS because of his relation through West Indies.
It is truly with Canada or with any other By direct West India cable his mother to the French nobility signiticant of the vagaries of member of the Empire remains from Boston, it is learnt that the NEW YEAR In all these robberies the GIFTS Nature that while the Eu pire an improbability, and Universal tinal figures for 1921 opera young man showed h! mself VIEWS with deep concern the and even Empire respect a sections of the United Fruit connoisseur in his selection of discordances of political asso. Ondary matter.
Remember your friends with your photograph this net profits before indicates valuable paintings, books lacas ciations in the East, it welcomes year and they will remember you as long as and art There are undeniably men of taxes of approximately 20. 500. 000 objacts The insigniti the peaceful outlook of condi ability, integrity, responsibility dollars, equivalent to 20 50 dolcant prices at which he disposed tions in the West, and extends and true loyalty in these islands lars a the photograph lasts.
share on One of bis spoils tends to show that to ite Western people the much gain was not his motive, into whose custody, shares of stock venture to outstanding stock craved for chance for a broader suggest that even the care o caso of After all charges and after The members of de Lenz development of local manhood the British Commonwealth could taxes, net profits were just a family, with whom he lives at and womanhood, thereby today be safely entrusted, much shade under 17. 000, 000 dollars, Our Photographs are Permanent Neuilly, were unable to credit ing a prof under and more In other less the care of conditions insu or 17 dollars a share.
the news of his lasting arrest and furHave that long delayed photo which you promised sense of loyalty and lar, and who if a lair chance, un words the Company earned two nished the police with what they friendship to a commonweaith fettered ears dividends with one mil by distrust patent ears your friend so often believed to be a full account of whose crrebling triumvirate of sus be given them dollars to spare. year his habits and interests fairness, justice and freedom give the most ereditable ace sunt ago United Fruit was able to MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO The police say that he was ar.
makes it the envy of nations and of themselves in steering the dollars share on rested for burglary bøfore the governmental West Indian bark capitalization doubled just at the The coolest in the city where you are certain of the War, but escaped punishment The recommendation for the clear of cataracts and shoals. year end, but of this 13 dollars through the Amnesty law.
was hy contributed best attention.
extension of broader and greater To the influence of your ever powers of self. wernment for which the West Indian Islands by the vigilant and progressive. Commit showing despite the drastic Lodge Notes.
Parliamentary Under Secretary a large share of credit must charge offs. Last year, of for the Colonius, Mr. Edward be extended for the visit of the sugar was a minus quan Day and Night Photographs Wood, will, it realised, be of the Coloniss to the West In considerations, it is interesting Under Secretary lity.
On Sunday January 29th, the St.
conducive to a better Anthony Juvenile Society celebrated SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO standing between the darker dies, and indirectly for the great to note that United Fruit at the their first anniversary, and it wa races of tho Empire and those in benefit thus promised, resultant end of the year was carrying conducted in the following manner: of the personal impressions authority, and must tend its sugar strictly at Market net 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West. At 05 o clock they attended High cost. These holdings it Mass in the establishment of wider spirit there received.
Parish Church of San of general sym ath with native am, Sir, since liquified at a profit over Miguel in the district of Calidonia, falaspirations by the powers that be.
Yours faithfully, the price at which it carried on lowed by an evenin: fuoction in the The way will be made clearer WELLESLEY BAILEY, the books. There are few InMother Society ball, at No. 45, Califor fuller self development of dustrials in the earnings class donis, The function was opened at the Islanders and a great desire 57, New Cross Road, of United Fruit that can turn 00 o clock and lasted till the hour of among the islands for closer (7) seven up a dollar of cash for one dotNew Cross, 14.
political and commercial union, lar of of profit, for the reason that The different speeches and addresses sine qua non, if the Indies are 27th December, 1921.
nearly all of them have to carry from the representatives of the various heavy inventories, Fruit ended organisations and members 1921 with 20, 500, 000 in cash, and (BRANDON BANK. Juveniles were well rendered Government Securities, or just a to ratio.
The choir supplied the music and SECURITY songs and gave a good account of them selves Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. SERVICE Rose of Panama Lodge No. 468, It was an evening of enthusisem with joy for the children, and aleo for the members of the Mother Society, Panama (Founded 183)
Colon GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE lent Receipt Bocks in SpanOn Wedneeday night Jany, 4th, the pur large Resources and well known ish and Enlish, for sale at the installation of officers of the Rose of. Workman Printery When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. Panama Lodge, A, F, took conservative Management afford unplace at their lodge ball, Calidonia hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
Rond for the Jan. June term; The questioned security for every dollar following officers were installed :NOTICE.
deposited with this bank Bros. Butcher, Edward Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller Roach, Joseph Bovell, Wanted it known that have Francia Pilgrim, 8, Howard, reduced the prices to pre war James Spratt I, G; Joeeph Stewart, prices an all classes of repair Julian Garnes, Chap. Alfred Her work; ask to see my price list bert, Trea. and George Clarke, before taking your work else.
Secretary, where, have also on band in ISAAO BRANDON The installing Master for the evening NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDOS my new shoe department, high CALIDONIA was Bro, virgston Worrell, 1. Predden class ladies, gents, and children jne Presiden Treasurer assisted by Pärnus, and his shoes at reasonable prices, also associated Grand Officers. After many fine upper leathers and shoe words of encouragement to the new materials for sale.
efficers from those who were retiring Pan American Shoe Repair Co.
the meeting came to close at a late hour. Thanks to the officers and mem.
Corner of East 12th Street and bers of the sister lodges for sheir able IT PAYS.
Plaza de Arango asistance, FICE Prop.
and will hon show empires sharewa Sugar, course, to the me has Panama Banking Company of the ddress. MULLER BUILDING General Banking Business Transacted Advertise in the Workman Advertise in the Workman It Pays


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