
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11; 1922 PAGE SEVEN real cigarette They Satisfy Stories CGARETTES LOTT NIVERS TOBACCO co. party landed Council, beads yo members been Book Binding! hesterfield ws Book Binding Department presented an that Representativa SAVES mus LIFE Major Wood Visit WATERBURY COMPOUND To The West WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL Indies.
INDICATIONS Reception At Antigua Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant When we made Chesterfield Cigarettes Where He Receives DepuCold Anaemia Following Fevers we tried to give smokers the highest postations at Government Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia sible quality at the lowest possible price.
It didn take smokers long to discover House.
An excellent vehicle for admi als ering lodides, Bromide that Chesterfields had just what they and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bowi wanted BALL IN DOMINICA.
Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climate: That quality taste of choicest Turkish all seasons of the Year.
and American tobaccos blended in exYou have tried the Rest actly the right proportions.
Natura of the Welcome You ll sayGiven at St. Lucia and Why not Use the Best St. Vincent FOR SALE BY Antigua, January Major ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON.
the Hon, Edward Wood. Parli mentary Under Secretary of WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY State for the Colonies arrived here yesterday afternoon on Des Moines la, HMS Valerian, W, Ormsby Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans Gore, MP, and Mr. Wiseman of the Colonial Office. The at 30 and were received of of Government departments and members of the Public. Mr. Wood bas receiving deputations at Govern ment House to day.
Major Wood in Dominica.
Duminica, January. The Why throw away your old, but no HJ, Parlimentary Under Secretary of State the Colonies and party arriv. doubt interesting, books when you ed here yesterday, and were received by His Honour the Ad can have them neatly bound at ministrator. Members of Council Heads of Departments, and the LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
Chairman and members of the Roseau Town Board on the Beil THE WORKMAN jetty which suitab y decora Court Pacicfi installs ted for the occasion. All busi Officers.
ness premises were closed in honour of his visit The Roseau Town Brand for es Sale The installation of clieitstoervers or wex Pessing in letalia CENTRAL AVENUE the January June term of Court Pacie opas that the No. 9751, Ancient Order of Foresters ple prayer that should accum taxation.
and No. G Street Hall, la Bes Con Zone. Saturdthat he was, as a result 141 and was a brilliant success. It was his visit, acquiring a great in one of the largest gathering of Forestus timacy with the people of th Reset bled at any one tim on the leth West Indies, and having counte Members of the St. Vincent Interesting West Indian News Isth euch occasion, every Court being into personal touch with them represented. No less than 23. Past would be able better to lay their Association, and a large gath.
Chief Rangers, the present Chief Ran needs before the Colonial Office. ering of the inhabitants from all (Continued from pije)
ger of Court Minerva, and a large num Ball was given at Government parts of the island. The route to ber of Past being present, also House last night in honour of Government House was tastily help by subscribing for the Sister Barnes of Court Mizpah. Cos the party. To day Mr.
paper and by paying for it, as Rica. The elected officers installed are received a strong deputation on Mr. Wood In St. Kitts.
well as by paying for the subject of popular represenwork and for advertisements printing Bro R, Atlerley, Chief Ranger tation and de federation.
St. Kitts, December 30 Major We have been treated rather the Hon. Edward Wood, unkindly on this score.
Josephus Lloyd, Sub Chief Ranger The Departure. Parliamentary Under Secrewry full opportunity to join with us But Griffith Treasurer (re elected)
Dominica, January, The of State for the Colonies. ar. will be extended in other ways YOUTH. happiness are linked LB Reid, Secretary re elected)
Hon. Wood, Under Parlimen rived here at 10 m. 29th; on Atany rite. 1922 will. ba Dunkley, Senior Woodward tary Secretary of State and HMS. Valerian, accompanied in many respects.
Lifebuoy for healia and for the G. Gibson. Junior Woodward party lett for St Lucia, by by the Hon. Ormsby We are going to put Grenadines Gore, P. and Mr. A. Wise to the test to see whether they children sake. Lifebuoy Soap pro. RW. Pate, Senior Beadle Valerian this morning.
LIFEBUOY man of the Colonial once.
motes health happy, smiling health; Major Wood In St. Lucia.
Geo. Pierre, Junior Beadle.
want us and want a better paper The party landed at 11 am If they do not want us we it protects the children from the The installation ceremony was beauti.
St. Lucia, January to day were received by a dangers of contagious diseases.
fully rendered by Bro. Norris de Valerian with Major the Hon. Guard of Honour inembers of shall go, and in that case there should either Lifebuoy Soap bas a twofold us it disinfecta Dyer, CR, arinted by Bros, Juo Haward Wood, arrived Councils, heu is of departments side. There ars others in the as it cleanses; disease germs cannotlive wire Butcher and A Squires, PC of of the public, West Indies, in the United Statei Dim The visitors were received and members Libury Soup has been mad. Lifebuoy Son H. the Administrator, Mem Mr. Wood will be requested o America, in Africa, and even in Court Pacifis, and Bro. A Conway sard the children keep thiet of Court Mizpab, after which ber hthys well as clean. Ini tan then the its alled Chiet Ringer and Subbers of the Executive and Legis to receive dentitions at the land who want us, Sub lative Councils and a Recepuon Administrator Olie at 10a, waited overlong. The answer We have ngit before starter plus belcre meals. Chief Ranger thanked the members for Committee composed of leading Saturday, Toe paruy will leava depends on 1922.
the honour they had conferred on them. ciuzens.
RADE AND FACE WITH HOMEWAH At 10 am, to morrow at a. on Sunday January 1st IT BATHE WIT SHAMIDO WITH IT vote of thanks hanks was given to the re: the Executive Committee of the for Antigua, tiring officers for the efficient manner in Representative Government Aswhich the business of the Court will wait upon Major In Grenada conducted during their term The meet Wood at Government Omces, and Prime Minister ing was then brought to a close and all at pm, addresses of welcome MORE THAN SOAP, YIT COSTS NO MORE repaired to the banquet room where they will be presented to him by vari Thanks Prince. The Port of Spain Gazette of did justice to the good things that were ous public bodies on Columbus Trinidad states that recently provided Square. Direct West India Cable to the Grenada Legislature, one to there were two proposals before Addresses Delivered.
London, dated January 23rd utilise the balance of the Local St. Lucia, January Addres says Telegraphing the Prince of Loan money. about 40, 000. Wales ses in furtherance of the claim expressing the warm nar in for some measure of popular re tion for the spirit which ani Bank of Canada, and the other appreciation of the British Na part payment of the Goveroment overdraft at the Royal presentation in the Legislature mates him in fulfilling his high to launch a new issue of Governof this colony were delivered by two members of the deputation undertaking in India and plea ment Association at Government Royal Highness had made upon on the ground that the loan was of the Representative Govern ure at ine deep impression His ment notes.
the first recommendation Office this Empt the people of India, Me Lloyd raised for a specific purpose.
morning. Major Wood replied sympathetically, George said: We know but made no promises. Addres: have reached the real heart of the time to put the money in more than ses were presented to bim on India and there as every where circulation by giving people Columbus Square in the presence your personality will leave an work on the Loan scheme. It of a large and enthusiastic gath unfading, memory. Your ering of all sections of the com tunes and happiness are so dear that pointed out to Mr. Copland in maining work under Wood expressed his thanks for that India touches us al when Water supply and Bridges and Scheme concerned the heariye welcome accorded she shows you her heart. The that most of the money will him and expressed a desire to re bad met with such cordiality that is best is to reduce the Prince of Wales replied that be out of the colony. The thing go visit St. Lucia. His reference to the island historic past aroused and good will on the part of the Baukis deest After receiving intense enthusiasm. Major Wood Princeses and the people of India, much support.
the transfer and party proceeds to Soufriere that he was encouraged to was recommended. It was de.
Wincent by Mas, Valerian early Empire would fully uphold the issue of notes or premium bonas to morrow and will that the recommend the traditions the.
on Wednesday morning.
be gratified if the visit serves to Welcomed In St. Vincent. maintain the feeling of mutual Good Assortment Paris Fatalltios, St. Vincent, January 11. uaderstanding and unity that he Valerian with Major the trusted would ever prevail in the Hon. Edward Wood and party Empire.
arrived at 30 a, m, His Honour London despatch states that TO SELECT FROM AT THE the Administrator went off to police statistics for 1921 publishreceive the visitors, who on land ROOMS TO LET ed in Paris show that 65 persons ing were welcomed by the Memwere killed and 13, 838 injured in bers of the Legislative and ExeCALLE No street accidents during 1921.
cutive Councils, the Chairman Serious crimes, however, have and Members of the Citinens APPLY ON PREMISES declined by 30 per cent, from the Committee, the President and figures for 1920.
Wood decorated as follows: Remember and wand SOAP is more than top, it is a reputable sercide and disi fectant USE HOY Mr. Copland op posed you and now JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Gards.


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