p. 8


మనమ NEE THIS IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR 14, 000, 000 99 66111 WALK OVER SHOES CIGARETTES spot showed Reduction in Prices American Bazaar Stores 90 on EXCELSIOR THEATRE SOSOKOUS MID NIGHT MAN Wolf Man Charged.
OVER (Continued From Page road is sharply cut sway creating a danger to tra tie.
The spot is protected by a bamboo fence Ihpreciples has an excedingly steep anule From the edge of the road to the river side measu es 125 feet.
The upper part of the precizie for a distance of 35 feet is cover ed with weeds, the lower part is thickly wooded with rose One Eleven apple shrubs with sharp rocks among them. The place where the body was found is ihe only patch of sand along the river ved for some distance, The oroar of dc yed flesh was distinctly percent th selling daily in the and only a little The Shrubs Sround We have just received a large shipment and have over one year on the market dis inct signs of an object being dragged over them. The accused was present been able to make substantial throughout the examination but There is a reason for this increasing made no remarks The wind popularity ings of the road before reaching the spot are so frequent and sharp that a person following 20 BUY PACKAGE TO DAY yards behind and wished remain unscen could do so very The 111 Blend is incomparable easily.
James Scarlett a cultivator, suid 基建 he lived in the same district tas the deceased and accus He Commissaries 11c. Packuge always hear them quarrel both at their ground and their homes Club Houses 11c.
He heard the accused teil his mother that he would take Post Exchanges 10c.
gal lows for her and the mother told PANAMA COLON accused that sbe would take jail for him. He saw prisoner knock down his mother with her stick is sessies SSSSSSSSSSSSSS ossos seiossss and take cutless to chop her. All Facts Anent Notice.
that he saw happened about shree years ago. He did not bear the quarrel This is to notify the public in 16th December last. Continued From Page 1)
the TS S03 He went SEXSEXSXSXSXSXOXOs) SS OSS reasonable or conclusive subject general that my wife, Nola Me down the river on the 22 Dec Donald, having left my home and discussed in the columns of a protection, of her own will on the ember and saw the two feet, but newspaper, seizes upon the oc the 27th October, 1921, will be was not present when the body Casion to shout woll, wolf to no longer responsible for her mother had been living together was taken ous He and the feather his nest with the cash debts or actions. My wife is but parted about three appropriations he thus speaks Year out of the coffers of the associa member of Shepherd Lodge No.
MONDAY 2335, Royal Ancient Shepherds, tion, the larger proportion of Colon, Feb. 1922 Louis Malcolm, a cultivator which of course goes into his Saturday, February Ilth from Maryland, said that during ERNEST MCDONALD. the life time ot Francis Simpson own pockets. These are the de Last Episodes of the ductions of sound reasoning he often heard her and her son FRANK MAYO from facts in the case, more will qnarrel, and the accused always IN follow Change. toreatened her The accused Bat while these rogues have one day told nim that if he did nt been crying about and imagining kill bis mother and sell tobacco HITCHIN POSTS amonx or after Garvey Mr. Sanquinetto Brown, a he would not live. He asked bin humbs in Panama, the New York well known furniture dealer, what he meant by selling to pace and Jamaica papers have who did business for a number and the accused told him that TO MORROW Coming Soon saying that the big boss is again of years at the corner of 3rd was to run away. On the 16 in trouble for soliciting shares November and 19h December last he eam accue.
Sunday February 12th ELMO LINCOLN for a defunct steamship company Guachapali, is closi. down that going along we road to Lucia or something of that sort, not busineas to start up a diferent looking very vexed. He asked Pilgrim Wilkins.
line within a month Through him what was wrong and accusIN 15 EPISODES 15 most exciting Reet Picture Of course this will be easily this medium he begs to thank his ed told him that his mother went explained away by the villans customers for their support into his ground and dug up three ONCE PLUMBER The Adventures of Tarzon who though they refuse to give during the past and will be ples barks of cocoes and if he did as much as 00 on or for a bill sed to have their support in the not kill her be might be struck of six shares in the company future.
are still canvassing Ignorant and ed. Saortly afterwards ne arving people to purchase, deceased gotuig in the same di Tois is done in Panama, MASON rection looking very vexed too, he was a constable stationed at were no external marks of vio: Election of Pope Pius XI because there are idle Villians her son swells of Confirmed Francis Simpson came to showed clearly that and went after the mother labouring ople. There will be Saw him at the guard room at about was dead before reaching the the torn clothes. He awaited OF CHORRILLO GUACHAPALI an increase of serious their return. The accused re heads cut tine. She made a com fore death they would have been ence and preliminary balloting with a basket of yam waterlf injuries were in eed be After several days of conferwhen one dare to expose the turned at dark but said nothing plaint to him in the prisoner sufficient to cause her death.
villany. But our ople like old is ready to please his people to him. He did not see She did not leave the He could not say whether they at the Holy Consistory at Rome, Ephriam has returned to their these was finally idols and will be left to reap the with all and every class of mother return. He knew precipice and the spot where the basket with him. The baeket were inflicted before or after Cardinal Ratti, chosen to be the supreme head furniture and repairs.
He death. The incident must have results body was found. Both Obediently Yours.
and deceased would have to pass gave her certain advice and she taken place about six or seven in the Roman Catholic world.
acused days before. In view of the and formalities were carefully All the ancient rites, customs PILGRIM WILKINS. 21 STREET GUACHAPALI left the guard the in tbeir room.
going and coming from Lucea. He assisted came about twenty minutes any opinion as to the cause of HOUSE NO. 10, minutes above he was not able to give carried out by the cardinals, on the afterwards. Accused asked him Since writing above, a in who directed the election of the strange thing happened; and not 24ta December and saw Dr. Ball it be bad seen a woman come to death.
Popum the guard room and make a com bean National Independent Or lie pertormed the post apostolic succession to the See The prisoner refused to make of Holy St. Peter.
yei su stranke, as have mortem plaint about yam head. He asked any statement reminded tbat attacks are made examination. After hearing the plai der of Oddfellows.
As soon as the two thirds vote the him why he addressed his alarm on the 24th December heb on the lives of residents by as His Honour said that in his was veritiad, Cardinal Vanutelli saw accused who informed him mother as a woman and bis fe opinion a prima facie case had as Dean aruse, then with Cardi: sassins who walk out of jail when they like jut true it is Loyal Brilliant Star Lodge In that he had also heard but retus show of more good comple, wehe been made out and he committed nal Logue and Bisteklih and the that two days after the incarcera ed to go to the spot with him. should not live Accused went the accused to take his trial at other church Dignataries. The stails Officers.
out and said he was going to the sitting of the Hanover Cir happy news of his selection was tion of my would be assassin, Alter persuasion accused went bring his mother back to the cuit Court on the 2nd prox.
and when he had hardly begun with him.
told to Cardinal Ratti, who on guard room. He never saw him bis sentence he was seen at large The Half Yearly Installation of the Dodging and Hiding again until the 24th December, being asked if he accepted to be and very flush with inoney. abyve nimed Lodge wa bold at their toe supreme An Undoubted Succass. was of course taken back and room on Saturday 21st, January when Eliza Grant said she lived at Dr. Baillie said that Since it is the will of God wondered how it happened, but the following Officers wero duly installed. Sandy Ground and knew both on the 24th December last be must obay Tae canopies over have learnt since that a lawyer into their various offices for the ensuing deceased and prisoner. On the performed a post mortem exami. The first week of the Excelsior handling the Cardinal pioneered the trick: thanks to term by Wursby Bro. James Gills 16th December last about 30 nation on the body of an adult Theatre has been an undoubted except that which over hanged the Chief of Police strict sense of the Panama District assist she saw both accused and female at the side of Georgia success for the Management of the newly el acued Cardinal were of duty and his prompt action in jed by Bros. Clark, William road leading from Lucea. She liver in the parish of Hanover. this beautiful movie house. chosen Leader of voe papicy.
deceased pass her home on tae The lowered in recognition to the setting right the wrong about 40 some Clarke, as conductors.
years old, crowds that have assisted others did in helping a rogue to Ine accused about a chain be when he was shown the spot night, specially the nights when new escap too light Henry Barclays able Grand Lidames hind dodging and hiding in the he saw two buman feet in the The Midnight Man has been gives is tirst official recognition eine Francis, Vios Grand; John Lindsay outlets watching his mother. water, the rest of the body was on the program has proved to in who is so far on the Ssety; Robert Samuels, The precipice was about half a completely covered with earth Messes. Pinel and Arosemen: md.
ved to thinals according to rank road to. reclamation on be Soety, Samuel Clarke, mile from her home, She was and large stones.
The water that their judgment has been Hinss kissing first his lovet de first adoratioa to His ing rearrested was heard to say that if the lawer who was paid to Tress. Steele, RS. G; Wilkin sitting at the door of her house He got the body take out and community have been lavish in braced them and bestowad tee about six to eight inches deep, sound and that the West Indian then his hands, He thǝn emget him out of jail did not return com. SNGS Clarke, LSVG. which is about six yards from the money, when he got out he Forbes, Henry Brown, the road.
found that it was lying face their support, and this goes to first apostolic benediction.
The Inner Guard; James Blake Outer would kill him.
James Watson said he knew tion. The body was in such a are given what they want and his flager as a sign or in comdownwards in a cramped post show that wheuever the people fisherman ring was Guard; William Clarke, Lreture Master; their mouches for those lied vand for alexander Thomas, Warden; Charles both sacensed aber deceaseaboon high state of decomposition that at the right prices they will plete act of this selection, Ha who will sell a few dollars.
Husband. 15th December last at the by. the was Host; James Gills, Grand Master. p. m, he saw accused walking Upon further examination he Excelsior offers Hitching Posts lace who were eagerly waiting to The ceremonies were carried through Georgia River about four chains broken and two deep cuts in the shallow part of the found that the left wrist was with the popular Frank Mayo hear the results of the election.
in a masterly manner by Bro. J;D. Gills from the spot where the body underside of the fore arm; the morrow the in the leading role, and for toP. The retired Noble Grand to was found. When acensed saw JUAN ILLUEGA ONCE On being presed ted, the troops the people leo much praise the possiven for hin ne had in a concurea is unper jaw fractured and appar PLUMBER ti rral of the presented arms.
ha lasir approval, and we Attorney. at. Law the eloquent manner ab bandied the in. by the riverside. He did not see and lower teeta loosened; two inimitables Lyons cuts extending No. 44 Central Avenue him again until the 24. Decem, bones and about inches long utmost; a special orchestra will to the This show you will enjoy to the new Pupa gave them is besede.
At the close of the ceremony, all ber at the spot where the body on the left side TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 repaired to the banqueting ball and did was found.
of the scalp be in attendance.
Cardinal Ratti has adopted the imple justice to the good things protowards the back; small wounds week the program is very se official designation of Pru. xl.
Practices in all Courts of vided. Seyeral speeches were indulged in David Ramsay who was along over the left ear, a small amount lected; the last three episodes of Panama.
will the wee hours of the morning, alter with James Watson gave the of bloody fluid running from left the Midnight Man and possib Any way you will be offe ed a which all retired to their several homes same evidence.
ear, signs of bruides on back ly the first episodes of the great first class program for overy English Spoken Fluently feeling they had passed a pleasant time Simeon Welfare Richards said across the shoulders. There Elmo in Adventure of Tarzan night.
Street Das Suw and why won working module Door Mattress Maker Repairer about four rains behind. to be anche se non poth counce no longer the water le site med and crime the absence.
precipice in Pontift.
replied thrones, She She was every 8a Pontiti punishment the the ru.
Vas placed on Sunday Moran.


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