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The Fate of Peter Williams REPORTED THAT WARSHIP FAMOUS HOUSE EREAKER JAMAICAN GIRL MAKES DASH FOR LIBERTY William Senior Puisne dering bis iu Canal not Hawking Se flak ship journeyed from his where cape des commissioned was murdered wo W88 Death Fight Between Two BRITISH FOUND GUILTY Visits Panama. Commander For Killing His Mother and and Officers Entertained Sentenced to Death Was Taken From Home and IIIOn Wednesday, lust at learly SAID TO HAVE COMMITED TWO Circuit Court ost to dy batore Lucea. Hanover morn, Battleship used in the United States Raleigh. flying the pennant of His Honour Mr. Sienett Sir Packer ham, Vice Ad MORE ROBBERIES Judge, Mr and and Douglas, Ariz, January 13. by Paul to cover the expenses wiral arrived at this port BA, LLB, prosecuting King took up her Notification to the death has yet of her transportation the moorings at from Balboa Dock. She is a ship of the only one case wis listed for trial to be made that slavery bas Jamaica to Arizma.
Cop and Rex vs. Edgar shaney for mur been abolished and that peonage Upon her refusal to be a the class of the celebrated bai. Surprised by Zone which mother, Francis Since the ex drudge and a slave the mistress passed through the Simpson. Accused pleaded not canuot exist Shot Through the Skull posure of conditions ons at the of the house caused her arrest March of 1920 carrying His and was defended by Mr.
Williams tarm in Georgia new and had a charge of disturbing ncoln Reid, LLB.
Royal Highness the Prince of cases have been cropping up from the peace placed against her. Wales, o. nis tour to Australia.
WA The city of Paname was The rews spread like wild tire The Court room was crowded. case in point is when brought before the magis, Sir William Packenbam 18 Cor: thrown into great excitement on over the city and every other to standing room.
that of Miss Litian Polton of trate and the Pauls had testified mand in Chief of the Atlantic Monday afternoon last when topic of interest gave way to the several witnesses gave eviJamaica, who was brought here against her she was given the the the news was circulated that the news that Peter Williams was dence for the prosecution.
in the employ of a Mr. and Mrz alternative of paying a twenty. and West Indian Fleet.
famous house breaker and hur at large. Many imparted the There was no evidence for the Paul of this city, Says a New tive dollar line or spending 25 The Raleigh is one of four glar John Peter Williams Pana news with tre nbling and fear, defence. Mr, ki received the York newspaper, davs in jail As is typical or sisters, the others being the manian born, aged 22 years who knowing th: daring character of evidence in an able and typical Southerner, Southern justice she was Paul, a oft had been serving a 30 year ju the amous lengthy China the Bffingham sentence at the Gamboa Stock burglar when at manner. Mr. Reid addressed the possessed of all the vir dictive permitted to say a word.
and the which ness and rancour that is possi In default of five sure ade in the Ca al Zone had evad large and not having the faint jurn on behalt of the prisoner, ble for a Southerner to have, dollars fioe she was forth with being completed and are destia ed his guards while out working est id a that his end was so near pointing out that all the evidence to home in was purely circumstantial, and thrown into la band not sufficient to establish a case Jamaica and East Indies Station Mozday and escaped.
Douglas to the island of she the lay on tile floor against the prisoner. That the from where he brought Miss with no covering except aspectively. There is also the deceased was which was convert.
Polton to work in the family as piece of cheesecloth for two ed inters fact, but ed into a plane carrier during the mu act may have been a maid at a salary of 17 15 dols. days and nights, when the Rev. the late European War, all of coin mitted by another person a month with room and board. R Recor, pastor of the these ships bear the names of. nobody was able to tell the But after her arrival in Douglas CME Courch, learned of her the distinguished Admiials date on which the act was comin Miss Polton found that the plight, went to the Judge and active service during the reign mitted conditions thare were not Paul had pictured, As the made a plea in her beball. She of Good Queen Elizabeth. It His Honour suinmed up at length and without retiring the salary that she had been prom was released and the time was was to these distinguished tight ers the honour was paid for des jury found the prisoner guilty of ised she found would be retained dropped.
troyinz Sanish power in the murder.
Atlantic His Honour pissed the senOn the arrival of the Raleigh tence of death upon the prisoners she wabuarded by His Excel deney Me Perey Bennett, His Men for a Wife. Majesty Evoy Extraordinary Big Baseball Game and Minister Plenipoteniary to Panama and Costa Rict. The very attable and popular MinisOn Mount Hope Diamond TRAGEDY OF LOVE AND On The 22nd ter arranged several functions and official exchanges of visits so JEALOUSY dis.
as to make the stop of the Excursion Train From Panama.
tinguished party pleasant and memorable. After the arrival riva Colob, Feb, 18. The Aviators Dead Husband Comes Back. Wife Shot in) Struggle his staff paid an official visit of the Sir William and of Panama will meet the Cristobal Reds on the Mount Hope. That Takes Place His Excelled Dr.
Belisario Base Ball Park on the 22nd for Porras, tent of this Repubthe Championship of the Istb.
mus. It is hardly necessary to Warsaw, January 15. The lit letter was a great shock to the lic, which was later returoed by tle village of Koproniowce, near couple, and Pabian resolved to the Presid nt, accompanied by state that this game will be in his Cabinet Ministers. Amongst Cracaw, has been stirred to its kill Kniecik, tensely interesting.
foundations by a Grand Guignol The Watcher.
the many enjyable social func cions for the occasion, was the An Excursion Train will start drama which was brought about Another letter came, posted at dianer givea by rom Pananat 11 o clock, stop British by the return of a dead hus the Russian polish frontier, in Minister at the the Vaton Cub, ving at all stations including band, 0; which Kmiecik wrote that he Pana manlan Led Tank and Silver City, Crisofficials, Uited ulcea Wojciech Kmiecik, a peasant, would ba home few Siats Army and Navy officials bal and eturning will leave Solon al d clock. Tickets des and a large number of leading married girl in the village a days. The situatio was ow being sold at 00 few months before the outbreak perate. Day and night Pabian citizens and foreigners were pre round of war. The girl had a fiance watched before his but, full, sented to Sir William and Pabian, a poor labourer, and determined to kill bis It is expected that many will This was a most pleasant and ter continued Oseved to kill his rival only after urging of Oae evenin a avail themselves of the chance of her parents, did she break the approaching through the dark enjoyable function, and the distinguished party witnessing this expressed ebampionship.
baseball game.
who at time was a wealthy farm was Kiniecik. he shihte hithe a man themselves delightede arestha he shot him dead. courtesy friendship and atten.
to official state. would have tried to get into who in tin short time. however, the dead man was not Kmiecik. tion shown them on their arrival. ments Pete slipped his guards Pa van and there elud she forgot her former lover and Pabian cooly buried the body in the Cricketers From the couple lived bappily together a barn and returned hcme.
or was missed by them at about police for some time.
a quarter Half an hour of o clock on Monday quently the greatest attention of Raleigh Died of Wounds.
flow open, and Kiniecil appear Kater the door Entertainment At afternoon the 13th inst. while at the I ce were directed with ball and along the Sabinas and The war came, and Kmiecik ed. Pabian rushed at him, and Chapter No 14 To night. Chain. on the road between Gam suburbs of this city.
the DEFEATS LA BOCA the went to the front with the Aus terrible fight between the boa and Summit and made his astute buruber seemed to have Oa Taursday evening. a Belect.
trian Army. He was severely busband and the lover, in the out ed team of cricketers from the wounded and captured by the presence of the wife ensued, Arrived in this city from New way for Headquarters at Ancon ingeniously thought this to report not by up Pabian tried to make use of his York on Wednesday last on the serie, beleurste bildelar och en bitarte pursuers to it, so he is with with La Boca The match decided to tried conclusions beat his Raleigh Russians in the first month of the war. Five years elapsed, revolver, but Kmiecie wrestled 8. Ecuador Professor A, ed in on his usual work of break in the precincts of the Zone and sayedery interesting and was and nothing was heard of him. it from his hand. In the melee Williams a West Indian.
The ing in and carrying away. at once started in to buglarizs. played with true British com.
At length a friend serving in the the revolver went off, and the noted visit is a performer of His first raid was at the Corcaii radeship. The visitors med.
131 same regiment, returned from wire fell dead, shot through the no mean order and a distings that Pete had taken leave of his carried off clothing and tuul Raleigh on the same As soon as it was discovered Hospital where it is stated he and the hom tean 104. An Allthe front, bringing word that heart.
ed Ventrioloq ist. MesmerStar Football team met Kmiecik had died of his wounds.
Pabian escaped, and is still at ist. Soiritualist, and a very guards and fellow prisoners in He then made his way over to bom About the same time Pabian, large. The police found that the entrancing entertainer. He has the gang at work with him, the labourer, also returned, and unknown victim whom Pabian played io some of the principal warning was flished over the of Captain Jessop, helping him when a well contested and exthe Ancon and entered the residence evening at La Boca learning of his rival death re bad shot was a tramp. The Colored Show Houses in the telephone wires to all newed his courtship. The old horror of the home corning was United States, and carries with on the Can Zaand terminol while in the thesap club, goals to 1, sections self to sundry articles and citing game was played which resulted in a victory for the love revived, and Mrs. Kmiecik too much for Kniecik, who him several coveted testimonials cities that Patama Lamous had wouse with bis plunder it is decided become has gone raving mau, of the hicle success of all man was again at liberty. Im stated that he dropped some Pabian wife.
Pajian and the his previous entertainments. mediately a thorough search was thing awakened the The Salvation Array The Foresters Annual Ball. been engag by some of our local was supp? sid he made track but captain who got up in time to visit of Territorial Cam nander Santil Free from any misgivings, see his The Fore ters Annual Ball theaires ti no avail. Then the entire one day short letter from the dead husband announced comes off on Tuesday night lot banefi aid will tonight give a ne police force was through the door, and recogniz Colonel Hilllary, the Territorial entertainment at the Canal Zone ined him by the conviet cap which Commander will cɔnduct the wrote that after having being The Committee claims that this in ard or in funds of Chapter No. effecting the capture of the man the escaped convict.
his speedy Kmieck instant at the Recreation Hali Cipital Friendly se scirty Hall. atracted to use every effort in he still wore, as Peter Williams Service in the Hall at GunchapaCaptain lion Friday night 24th inss.
taken to dance will be on a grander scale 14. IA Come and bring whose liberty meant terror to Jessop then noticed the particu Staff Captain Bax the Divisional siberia, that he was in the best than last year. Foresters and your frieads th you. Plenty the residents of the Canal Zone, lar route he took and at once Officer will accompany the Coloof health, his only wish being to their friends from the Atlaatio of run a id laughter nel. hearty invitation is ex sejoin his beloved wife. This end will come over again. Admission 25c. was greatly believed that Pete (Continned On Page 5) tended to the public.
ship Within are trip start conse more work Bar Diamond, to.
finally class which.


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