
PAGE TWO THE WORKMANI BATUKDAY, FEBRUARY 18 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian slands Barbados Trinidad 1921 ALBOA EST EER REWED in the Esti DK lowing מר visina ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY in per wile his first wife, and nine children Bitish Guiana and we learn by bis surviving widow. He that in the midst of th depreswas sixty years of age. His sion felt in all other industries remains were interred at St. this filip to trade is most valuable at the present Secondary Girls afternoon in th presence of a Daily Chronicle of recea date: co School. tives and friends. To his sur lony seems to have received a viving children and widow we reatti ip throug, the recent dis.
tender our deep condolence. ove is in the Korupung area.
Under the caption Notes and Vhilst th total export of thes Omments the Herali observes recious stones for the period thus:burs cember, carat iu Demerara the question of mounted to 106 520 31613, 695 it is interest alued education for girls has begun to clainatt»ntion, and the Go Action of Slander. December was 25 361 16 carats.
record the output for ernment bas, appointed a Com DE this big yield 24 16 15 16 mission to consider and report arat were from the Viruoj, 69 to the advisability of making Reverend Gentleman and shitable arats frin the Cuyuni, 115 provision Elder of, His Church in arats fron Potaro. and 2375 mates af public expendituro for arats from Puruni secuying to girls in the Colony Court.
The total export for 192) was secondary education, and for 38 000 carats valued at 961, 278, 00, assisting them in the same manner as boys to win the There was engag ng the at Guiana Scholarship. The ques tention of the Chief Justice o The Daily Chronicle says: His sxc llency the Governor has tion needs similar attention here Trinidad in the Supreme Conr The want of secondary school last week an action of slande pointed the following comfor girls has long been felt in brought by the v Robi aittee to coasider and report as this Colony. Government son, claiming 000 damages of the advisability of making suit.
Secondary school as distinct Mr Á, wbi. e. Th: RV ble provision in tn. Esumat from private schools, however gentleman belongs to the Pres public expenditure for secur many there be, and excellent byterian Church, is now 64 years ng to girls ia ine Colony Secon their standard, And the need of age and is stationed a Jary Education and for assisting here bas become greatly empha Aro Arouca.
The defendant has hem in the same manner as an elder of the sised within recent months as been sam boys to win the Guiana Scholar a result of the increased tees Churh for 17 years and a mem ship, charged at Queen Collexe, the ber for 26 years. The Rev. Mr. Justice Berkeley (chair.
only Government Girls School gentleman, who is a Barbadian man. Hoas. Woolurd C. in St Michael devoted to higher was for many years a school. Nascimento. Mr. Luck education, and one of the two in master in this Colony, and 101 DO FRR: Haydock Wil the Colony his resignation here 00, E nel Minett and Mrs.
engaged in in teaching Grenada Vecil Farrar.
and Dolcing in Trinidad, sub In contra distinction to the squently America many admirable boys schools where he was ordained a nois Bill For Purchasing Rail.
cat end over the island, the ter. In the course of the hear way Company.
educational arrangements for ing of the case attempts were our girls bave been distinguish made by opposing counsel to ed by a moslilliberal policy and reveal certatu alleged uusavoury At a sitting of the Court of the need for imm diale cortec incidents in the Rev. genueans Pulley, Demerara, on the lith tion of such discrimi atory career prior to his takiug the insta Bill was passed contiramethods is most pressing, most gown. The slander complained in the purchase and acquisition urgent. The demand for eo uca of evidently hinges upon the by the Colony of the Demerara tional facilities in the direction ction following allegation made the Railway Company and its assets much exceeds the supply ane deteauunt said inter alias. Government and evidence of the defendant, The One questio question was raised is liability for the character the mothers of to LOW. Dearing the house the ligat was the claims being made builders of coming by generations, are thus denied the very brilliant: he went around sons whsulfered injury in the acilities for the mental Equip. the house to look for his animal, recent big accident the train; en HOW recognised as bo and on going back round he saw bui responsibility was disclaimed Decessary to the proper and his and Mr. Robinson on the ground that the date of efficient fuitment of their caressing each other; her eyes the completion of the sale to the task Ways and means to ac ac last closed, and both Quins Gover meat was thu 31st inst, it complisb the desired end will stuck together. They were was also stated that the likely have to be deyised by our Gov. siung near the bedroom door. amount of the claims would be ernment and though we preach Seeing that, he turned to go to 12, 000, We, however see its aled the gospe of economy ever so his neighbour, but on the else where that the claims filed up consistently, we we could never way be wet Simeon Chase, and to the 12 fosttolalled 61, 400 opose attempt made to they both wet and look througo bring about the establishment of the same (easter) window. He so worthy an instiution met Chase 10 the public 30 Karat Diamond The Mosaic Disease He then went to the front door sion have le started operations and aud and walked Inspector pointed The largest diamond ever dis ked lu; telting Chase he the is was not going to ask them any covered in Damerar. thirty already on his rounds. The thing Opening the door oor karat gem of flawless crystal uisease is pretty prevalent here Mr. Robinson jumped up and stone was found by two pros: and in the interests of agricul said Mr. White never expectors a couple of maths be stamped peeted you would me in the Kuru un, a tributary of out. This is a colony in when here. His wite was dressed in the Mazaruni. The stone hus there should never besny tria loose gown open to the knee. sine been purch isod by a Mr.
tling in matters affecting our Judgement in the case was William La Varre for 500 premier and, practically, only reversed.
and will be kan to America to industry. The producis of the prove to capitalists there are sugar cane is our mainstay and The world oil production in remarkable opportunities for even though its value as a sup during 1920 was computed to be investinent in diamond mining in British Guiana.
decreased values, it remains as before our industrial and eco was 2083 027 barrels or jer contribuon to the total output Stall. Parsimony cannot, Protesting Alien Bill.
thereture, be allow to operate in cent of ine total.
ary unoertaking necessary to the maintenance of the sugar The Demerara Chamber of The Trinidad Electric Com Commerce has entered a strong industry and when the the pany intend extending their car protest against the proposed House is asked shortly for service, Material for effecting Alien Bill now on the Order Par money to carry on the campaign same has already arrived in the per of the Legislature of that is hoped it will be granted Colony Some compensation will have Colony. The Bill is already law be in Jamaica and Trinidad; but it nolders for crops compul. meeting of the Trinidad is claimed by the Chamber of sonly destroyed. In Topi Law Society was held on the conditions in those two colonies Commerce at Demerara that dad, where a Committee been waging against the dis Report for 1920 presented to les differ totally from those in Deme ease for more than a year, tuis foliowing para as all the lands in both Paragraph, which those islands are already private 13 done, appears in the Report, sbould own be of of interest here: Nuw jy owned. In Demerara, there that Barbados is forming a law development and while British wils an enormous area seeking Obituary Society and with British Guiana Capital had not with one on a small scale it is that it was particularly eager to so far shown hinted that the time is The death occurred at his ed to consider the question of residence, Belle Gully, in the a Law Society of the West in early hours of Thursday morn dies with Headquarters in Trini The Daily Argosy states that ing 12h inst. of Mr. Sidney dad. The Secretary has inform the Anglican Rock, formerly a well known ed us that he has already dis Demerara will learn with satiscommunity in driver on the Barbados Govero cussed the matter with a soli faction that the old records of St.
ment Railway, and recently in citor from British Guiana and i: George Cathedral have been charge of the cleaning shed at now in comunication with Mr. discovered at Austin House by the Railway Works, His was Frank Reece of Barbados on the His Lordship Bishop Partinutes only a few days illness, he hav same subject. With the West books which incluhe the ing been taking down with a fit Indian Court of Appeal in being, of the early Vestry besides a which his an effort ought to be made to register of births, marriages and Mɔnday from medical adviser gave do hopes unify the practice of Solicitors, deaths, and are in an excellent of his recovery, Mr. Rock was and enssecially to have permitted state e of preservation, date from an energetic man, with con this Society the disciplinary the British occupation in 1796, siderable capacity for his work; powers once possessed by us. and throw a great deal of light and for many years was a driver on the Demerara Railway. He on the origin of some of the preleaves a daugbter and son Mr.
sent problems of the Church.
Bramsby Rock, formerly of the Demerara Advocate reporterial staff and At a recent meeting of the now Director of the Demerara Demerara Board of Education Dye and Laundry Works by There is a diamond boom in (Continued On Page 7)
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