
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1922 PAGE THREE Exchanges of Compliments Varied Assortment of STATIONERY Of Every Description CAN ALWAYS BE HAD (From Barbados Herald)
The following are copies of tale grams exchanged btween Major the Hon EWM Captain Engl ind of HMS Valerian, and his Excel ency the Governor Sir Charles Brien.
Colontal Secretary Otica, 19th Juny 1922.
From Captain England Valerian To HE The Governor.
To D. Please express to His Excelleney, the appreciation of the Oficers and ship company of Valerian for the great kind ness shown to them during our particularly like my very grateful thanks given to the Members of the Navy League for so kindly arranging entertain ments which the men erjoyed so much. We always look forward to returning to Barbados. From AT THE WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
Dear Sir:I am pleased to inform you that an at an nual general meat ng of the shareholders of the West Indian Steamship Company held at this Office on the 1st inst, a large gathring of members of the organization were present ani enthusiastic speeches were made in support of the furtherance and developm:nt of the Com.
pany. The members in a body voted confidence in the administration, and pledge their wholehearted support It was al o unan mously agreed that each shareholder will advance his shares by purchasing more stock so as the erable us at once to procure and put afloat our large steamer contemplated for the conveyance of freight and passengers to the ports agreed upon in our prospectus You are therefora, respectfully requested not only to act in conformity with the decision of the shareholders who were present by doubling your purchase of stock yourself, but that you will induce every man, woman and child in your locality to come forward and join with us. Hoping to hear from you soon. remain, Yours truly, SMITH, Secretary.
Would Valerian.
When passing drop in and inspect our yaried Stock of Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding Christening and Dance Cards.
An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
From The Governor To Captain England MS. Valerian Many thanks for your message which am sure will be highly appreciated by the Naval Branch of the Women Social Welfare League. compliment you on the excellent behaviour of your men and wish you one and ali every good fortune. BRIEN 18. 22 From Honourable Wood To His Excellency The Governor On leaving Barbados wish to express to Lady Brien and yourself and through you to the people of Barbados, the warmest thanks of my party and myself WILKINSON for the kindness with which we have been received during our CONTRACTOR BUILDET visit. We owe you personally a First Class Workmanship very great debt, of kratitude for all you have done for us. It is my Plans and Specifications Free earnest hope that the opportuni.
15th Street Wes House 99 offorded t) us of 00 seeing something with our own eyes of. Box 411, Panama, this ancient Colony may still further promote that mutual understanding between all parts Adaertise in The Work of the King dominions, which man It pays.
has always been and must remain the keystone of Imperial The best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energ to the whole system.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day. HOUSEHOLD REMEDY Practical Economical JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
ties For burns, euts, bruises, sprains, for sore, tired foet, for lame back, trained muscles, dobie itch, use Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC It has been found to give quick relief from pain and to heal open wounds quickly.
It has also a positive established value as a quick relief, takea internally, for colie, cramps and diarrhoea.
AT YOUR DRUGGIST. YOU NEED IT Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. unity Golden Opportunity E, WOOD GO TO THE PNAMA BARGAIN HOUSE When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller Address. MULLER BUILDING CALIDONIA THIS 600 TONS STEAMER is 255 ft. gins. long and 27 ft. ins.
beam. She has two decks. tween decks ft. high.
Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig; erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
We must Buy her for our Service CALLE No FOR SALE From His Excellency The Governor An up to date house contain ing three apartments; located To on one hectare of land, Securely Honourable Wood.
fenced with barbed wire and well planted with sugar cane, On behalf of Government and bananas, plantain, papaya, pine people of Barbados desire to apple, etc. also suitable Mesh send our best thanks for your wire enclosure for Sit kind message. feel convinced uated at Hatto Pintado, Las that your visit will serve to knit Sabanas, 15 minutes walk from more nearly the close ties and Tramway. Price Reasonable. affection of Bardados and her APPLY TO people with the Homeland. We THOMAS, Box 801, thank His Majesty Government for sending us such sympathetic Ancon, envoys to learn our conditions OR TO and diſticulties on the spot. We THE WORKMAN all wish you a most successful tour. Lady Brien and my Eleazer Temple Installs Officers much, we have enjoyed your visit family desire also to say how BRIEN The serni annual installation of offi.
cers to serve for the enting terin Jan June of the Eleazer Temple No. 913.
Branch of the Order of Moric Temp. La Boca Literary Society.
lars of America was held on Saturday night January 28th at the Druids Lodge The Silver City Band of La Boca hall 20th St. Central Avenue Panama paid their periodical visit to the Society and was brilliant sucress while it last and took part in the regular program by ed. The officers were then installed in rendering some fine selections. Being their respective offices as follows agreeable admixture of readings, Bros, Clem Gill. MM; Gamble, vocal selections, recitations, and papers, AM; Queenly, S; Bon the program was much interesting. After ner 8; Nolan, Te; the regular literary meeting the Band Henry, C; G. Lashley W; stayed over and enlivened the members Foster, M; Welch IG; Sar with some late dance music, The band oury The ceremony was ably has been very generous to the Society in performed by Bro. Obadiah Dixon and helping in this way to the Bycroft Worshipful Past morale of its members.
Master who after the ceremony Next Tuesday night will be regular paea tbeir heartfelt appreciation and meeting and the following subjects bs ve sincere hope of the Temple and the new been reserved for general discussion. 1)
ly installed officers. After the What is the best solution for the present being closed all repaired to the banquet Economie Depression on the ing hall and there sat down to a well far as West Indians are concerned. decorated table and did a justice to the which be The Which has the greater Influence good things that was prepared for them. Human conduet, the fear of Punishment Several tousts and speecars were made of the Hope of Koward, The latter all suited the occasion and in the Wca subject has been recommended to the hours of the morning all left after hav Society for discussion by au ex member ing bad an enjoyable evening and who is at present in the United States.
sumptuous repast Adveruse in The Work ish and En ish, for sale at the Tent Receipt Bucks in Spanman it pays. Workman Printery PRIVATE ACADEMY English Classes For Young Ladies 6 AND FOR BOYS 7 P, Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
WE NEED 60, 000 MORE MONEY You may subseribe some of this by purchasing some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound each and become part owner.
Lodge Isthmus as Kashmir Beauty Parlor Write to the 37 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JAMAICA 106 BROADWAY AND 8th STREET, COY West Indian Steamship Company, Ltd.
Advertise in the Workman It Pays Tha Parlor of Satisfaction Scalp and Pacar Present. Maiouring. Suampooing. Hair Straightening Hair Growing, Hair Dressing. Hair Dyeink, selal Blemishes removed. Corns ou red Equipped with electric vibrator, electric comb, electrio hair dryer, and other modern appliances Mme. M, ROBERTS, MR.
Beauty Specialist Graduate of the Kashmir Institute Chioago, mn. full lige of Human Hair Goods TRANSFORMATIONS, SWITCHES, PUFFS, ETC.
All handmade under highly sanitary conditions and can be washed, Combed, aod trested as the bar on your head,


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