
л 14, 000, 000 111 we degs. Sir Wilian N grim Srgeant Click to notte. and Clerk This hoty they och cine 20 to p.
Toe 30 on THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBUARY 18, 1922, PAGE FOUR The Fate Of. West Indian DepuTHE WORKMAN tation.
OVER (Continued From Page 1)
telepnoneth, Ancon Police Station that the famous Pete Visits Ralelgh Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica was around and the direction he Balboa Docks.
VALROND, at the office Contral Ave slon. Correspondence on all matters had taken. Meanwhile Pate 20 sed corner of Street, Panama, of public interest to vited.
presence in the vici ity seem All copy for publication must te to have worried a nearby dog 66 PO Box 74. Panama written on one side of paper only, ad which starte! a barkt otber On Friday at 10 30 a. accord STRS OF SUBSCRIPTION must be nocompanied by the name or dogs followed suit and gave the ing to ariangement mace by Oce Year 40 178. 09 the writer, not necessarily for publica alarm that an uuwelcomed visi Ais Excellency Mr. Perey Bebe Six Months 30 Hon but as a mark of good forth for was in the vicinny. This net deputation from th West Thre do potandertake to return quite naturaliv annosed Pete Indian Committee visited the One who it is stated made some Raleigh and were received by Eleven One 250. crejoetod orrespon lence.
warm. ciculations at the and his af Officers By this time the information The deputation consisted of Mr The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS received at the Ancon Police Wynter, Mr O berte CIGARETTES Sa a ion was promptly actes son, Mr. Babington SOBOR SATURDAY, FEBUARY 18 1922 upon and while trying to evade Dr. Cound, and Dr. JF, The baking dogs by dying Anderson At the gang pank selling daily in the and only a little through the under brush making the deputation received over one year on the marke: THE IGNORANT PATHOLOGIST. for the dirt etion of San Migu and given honours by Caprio Williams was surprised by the Arthur Bromley, Com halt by mander M. Fraser, CommitWank of the Canal Zeine der Leslie Bolt, Liut.
There is a reason for this increas Pathology with a prefix is the latest bit of sensatior evolver was hiding in the bush sam, and other of ticers.
Pulice force, who with drawn F. Gaisfort, Major des The popularity miniled wib a heavy slug oi nausea 10 which the stb. awaiting the facitive, But deputation was presented to mian public was treated last Thursday in the columns ot Fete perhaps never expected Sir William by Captain Ashur fol Bromley, ard after the custom BUY PACKAGE TO DAY the Star Herald at the expense of Dr. Hehbert that luck does not always Clark the Pathologist at the Ancon Hospiral who is Wanke order halt he replied party was taken to wae Admiral to Captain ary exchange of greetings, the The 111 Blend is incomparable credited in that Daily as saying that the brain of Peter with dam yeu, this was suf ssloon and entertained. De. Au Williams, the notorious bandit, who was fatally shot last ticient for the offer to realise dersoa made the tirst west to Wednesday morning in one of his customary escapades that the short term at Gamboa Sir William Packenbam and his Commissaries shortly after his mysterious get away from the peniten had not detracted any of the staff of Orticers, ar. be 11c. Packuge tiary where he wae undergoing a sentence of fifty years Pete, who be then observed was Dr.
Jaring and aggressiveness from the toast of the British Navs; Connell, the toast of Clab Houses imprisonment exceeded in weight that of the highest type armed with a shoe maker knife, the King and the Prince 11c, Post Exchanges of the negro race and was just a little less than the aver. and turned his back to dodge Wales; Mr. LO, Rybertson, the 10c.
age brain of the lowest type of the white race. into the bush in the darkness. toast of the Colonies, and mr.
Just at a time when the best brains and the most cul Bang reponded the officer Babington Simons, the toast of revolver tured of both races are working hard to solve the stupend. salutation and Panama notor Sir William replied, stating bis to this uncomplimentary the Empire and British Justice.
ou problem of racial differences this assinine, scandalous ious bandit bad man fell never pleasure on his own behalf and and insulting burlesque o mes from one whose official posi. o rise again. Two shots in the that of his officers, the pleasure tion here carries with it o unusual amount of influence; air as signal to his brother and honour had in receiving SURGICAL MEDICAL CLINIC and if Dr Clark were the only man who had studied the officers were tired off by Captain such a distinguished and intelli Central Avenue No. 46 science in which he seems to pose as a local expert it Wanke who was very cautious gent body of West Indian re would be a calamitous thing for the Negro race to have in approaching bis captive, not presentatives, and promised that Drs. DANIEL CHANIS AROSEMNA to face such an astounding, rude and questionably scienci cealesing that his first shut had in his reporthe would mention, le do work, unswerving and patriotic loyalFROM EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY (ENGLAND)
fic pronour cement as that wbich has been ascribed to him. Oa a closer examination it was y demonstrated at this recep.
Fortunately, however, there are men of both found that Pete bai been shot tion, Mrs. Anderson ace)
races here who really know the science and who chucked brough the skuli the shou enter panied the deputation and was Dr. Chants from with amusement and surprise at the phlegmatic and the brain, bis piteous mas well received and enurtured by and Dr. Aroseinen ftoin to Il a rid culous statement which met their eyes a few day. She wongea Purde heersiated di William who was deliaca ra Hospital an meet her.
ago, and who are hoping that it was a misrepresentation partier wand unge wagen voyed is nia, Bettints Ral tac Waves sang Rule BritaThere are free consulti hours prery day in the French to of what the brain specialist tried to say.
Pharmacy from 10 to 12m and fro 106 the Ancon hospital, where despit and at the end wetto ptton was Dr. Clarke really made the assertion attributed to respectively eli medical skil Pete breathe his owo tu a close with the ex him it must be concluded that he stands in a class by last at abou Tuesdly pressions of goud wisnes or the hin self and occupies a position of eninence? in the scien morning we ainst thus end sucure.
tific world which no other living man envies or should tryd the career of Jann Peter Wal.
to emulate; and at the same time general opinion would lan Panamaian of 22 oummers.
stamp him as being as much a progidy of mental insuffi Ancon Morgue on Wedgesday Ta body was cremated at the St. Barnabas Church, Empirs 11. Morin prayer Cut this o and keep for reference ciency among his own race as he would like to make the morning dead convict a wonder of intellectual abnormity among Raders of the Workman will tip Clus the Negro race.
remember that just a year ago 30 pm. Evening Prayer and address Take Notice Whatever the Pathologist meant by his acrid and af er Pete arrest his parents Christ Church by the Sea ster were also arrested and apathetic enunciation (if the report is trus) he did not fail neid in Aucon jul for a short 7, 30 Low Mase, and Parish Commuto give ground for certain conclusions which may readily wuile before being released. Dio, WREATHS be deduced from his violent utterance.
Immediately after Pete was seo 10 15 Litany 103) am, Higa Mussod sermoa. made from natural flowers If Peter Williams brain was greater in weight tenc to Gamba his agediathe than that of the highest type of the negro race and all collasp and d His mother 30 ta. Cauren Sale 30 pm Evans and sermon.
FOR FUNERALS iittle less in weight than the average brain of the white ister is still alive and live at the Calidonia district EDWARD COOPER. Rector, race it follows that criminology commensurates with BOQUETS for Weddings, Baptisms, or Oiloaring of the bitter end preponderance of brain.
of her son, it is reported that Seventh Day Adventist Church other social Functions Il. It the foregsing logical deduction stands unchal Pete mother expressed herself 69 ANCON AVE, PANAMA Can be supplied by lenged it further follows that the heroic Peter Williams, as follows it is better that he bbb(turiny) 45 an is safdy interior to the lowest type of the whi e race died bib 8:0; 11 15 ml Whi MIGUEL HIVE which the learned doctor would not care to consider him 3, 30 pm. Stish 3) Pu self a member in such a descenoant plane, and in is still Call at his office. 9i Centri Avenu, Phone 633 or as CHURCH SERVICE Young People Meeting 53)
further allowable that the doctor of the hour would trans.
Vusput his residence on the banas Road.
eerd in personal calculations the comparston ot his own Sunday night 30 pm. Svies. All PRICES MODERATE. American Epicopal Church)
brain with that of ti e famous deceased convict.
St. Pater Church La Boc. PHONES 1039 Sabanas ill. atter due allowance and respect for the theory 633 No. 94 Central Avenne of convolutions in bruin quality, and since it was not stated Həy Baptism Wesle, an Methodist.
that Williams showed any appreciable deficiency in these, 11 am. Mtos and sermon and cele Panas 11 am, and 30 pm. Rev.
it is to be conceded that the higher the quality of br tion of boty Comunion Kick Braban, BD. Con 11 brain the greater the piecominance of criminai suscipti. p. Sun lay School, mn, and 30 m. RV, MC, Sigron, bility and predispos tion; and therefore, the thieves, rogues 730 ta Choral Evensong and ser La Bella Jonson; and murderers are the possessors of the highest qualities mon 30 pm Mr. Linto New Print At the ese of this service the mem dence 11 am. Mr. baron The STEWART of bram.
bers of the Chu eh Workers Club will Paraiso. 11 am Mr Rodin; Empire These inevilable deductions from the arrant talk of a hold a short evaference.
11 a. m, Mr. Hesdiy, would be expert in pathology shatter science and make MULCARE. Rector.
great men look like moon shine in the eyes of the world.
The whole statement is aspersive, insulang and outrageNotice.
St. Bartholomow Church, ous to the Negro race, and it cannot be believed that the colored people on the Isthn us could view with any degree Las Cascadas The Isthmain League of of clemency the cdious babbling that aims at their intel 11 am. Morning Prayer and address will hold its Panama meeting CLASSES IN ligence. 30 m. Sunday School and Confir Saturday Feb. 18th at Geddes If Dr. Clark is responsible for the pernicious averment tation class, Hall, West 16 St.
it must be regarded as not only an insult to the Negro pm Evening Prayer and address All members are requested to race but also to bis own; for be is reported to explain Peter MULCARE. Priost in charge. be out on time.
Williams kleptomania as being due to the fact that the dead criminal skull was more like that of a white man he got on the nerves of most of the detectives and gave 51 16th STREET WEST and was exceedingly thin for negro, and brain exceeded in them considerable and unusual perplexity every tim, he weight that of highest type of his race escaped, as well as during the time he operated before his PANAMA CITY It is left to be wondered if the doctor would lave any primary capture, but none of these can be taken to indiserious objections of comparing the thickness or toinness cate that the deceased adventurer of the night was the of his own skull with that or Peter Williams. It is also to pissessor of braio inferior in quality to that of the lowest ba wondered if he would accept the deductions which the type of the white or superior to that of the highest type Ebenezer Baptist Church. evening Christain Eadeavour meetinga unquestionable superiority of his own brain over that of the Negro race.
Mrs. Haldab Stanley, Presidrat: of Peter Williams would lead to. Science is a sorry thing Such a declaration is an absurdity, and if it was made Ebenezer Baptist Mission, 12th, of Juoir department has been organised in the hands of incompetents and it is as regrettable as it by the doctor of pathological science he ought to be shown October Sret, Guachpoli: Sunday morn this month, with the wife of the Pastor is astonishing to find men with such a supply of gumption how very ridiculous he has shaped before the intelligence Feb 19 pic. Moraing Wores President, the first meeting wo bela as to give out unscientific gabberdash to an intelligent of the Isthmus. If it is taue that Dr. Clark has been in Me. Luonyrd Chandler Supt. The and this will be the regular day and how ship by the Pastor, Sunday Sonjol. p. 18: Friday evening at 5, with 19 presat community.
this country for over fourteen years, and if it is a fact that business meeting which was to be held of meeting for the Junior Dpartment.
It is true that Peter Williams was the cause of much he really made the foolish assertion relative to the braia last Sunday evening at p. was p»st Wednesday, 30 special homes worry, anxiety and trouble to the police forces of the of Williams then it must be concluded that the long period poned til this Sunday. at the same hour; talk to the members of the churob by the Cena: Zone and Panama; it is a fact that he made of Isthmian domicile has added stupidity to igaorance; address by the Pastor 30 pm, Monday tice, and Friday evening Prayer meeting Song Service p. and a special Gospel Pastor; Thursday even ng, Choir Prea high secret service officer speed up in a hasty retreat and, besides a few other things, the doctor needs a long evening 30 Tes imony meeting, Mr. Mr. Edward Roece presiding: that compared with lightning in ewiftness; it is true that vacation.
Leonard Chandler presiding; Tuesday Odle, Pastor Suaisy. ale Subare we come.
0:30 Hoy. Comunin, Commercial Evening School Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc.


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