
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBUARY 8, 1962, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News HURRAH QUEEN of the KITCHEN is Theme 880 a Scratch Cure that Cold in your Head Boy Scouts Athletic Died in Kingston While Canal Zone Notes Clubhouses. All communications On Vacation.
to be addressed to the Secre ary Meet. o Silver Clubhouse. Cristoba)
Colon, Feb, 14. The relatives GATUN cz and friends of Miss Elvioa MuaFOR THE The monthly dance of the Club At a special meeting of Atlan dell were much shocked by which is always eargerly looked tle Side Scouters and Patrol cable on the 9th inst. announcing The installation of St Bernard forward to, will take place on the Lacers Commissioner Barham her death, Lodge No. 15, LUOM. We held on 25th inst; in the shape of a carniDresiding it was decided that Saturday night Janu ir 22 t, Inst, the val dance, and in vier of the Deceased, who for the past 15 an Inter Scout Athletic Meet be er mony was fittin ly onducted by absence of counter attractions Gr nd Master Bro Preston Bacter and and the congenial enjoyment that be held at Gatun, Cz. on the years had been a resident on the 22nd inst. Special Emmittees tbmus went in November last Grand Tyler Bro. Janne Maloney is always derived fron these were soprinted to lok afier the to spend a vacation in Kingston PIG wib the se istine of other dances by the many guests Valles retivities connected with and was expected to return dur bra hers from various sister Lodge (gale) time anticipated The Post Illus rative Grand Degree wes Deans orchestra will dispense the phonon thereof, and the iag next month. 11. wing program was arrang From what can be gathered, du y conferred upon Bro. Dudiey Rusell the jazz dope for the occasion odsMiss Mondell was not ill for any who serve faithfully dur ne biste min length of time, a Ilustrativa Gand, after th OLEN 10 ALL BP. BOY SCOUTS et remony ww carid el eed by Ibe Tennis Interest at BreakUNDER 13 Arrived for Carnival Grand Tyler, all repaired to be banquet TOYA. De Pat (Scratch. in room where su enjoyable time wa ing Point 78 sprat.
70 Potato Race Colon, Feb 14. Miss Violet The newly installed officars are as Wednesday the 22nd, inst will OPEN TO ALL BOYS SCOLTS Hunter, sister to Miss Lucille and folloss be a red letter day for the UNDER 16.
Mr Alan Hunter of this city last on Gerald O, HIG; Edward fennis Clubs operating under the week on the ss Metapan from 100 Yde, Daeb flat (Berat. b) kippston, Jamaica, for the pur Ryor, DM Lonel London, See y auspices of the Silver Clubhouses. re elected. Kenneth Price, Aw. See by virtue of the later Clubhouse 230 pose of enjoying the coming SO Carnival. it is understood retary; John Johnson, Treasurer; Cas Elimination Tennis Match to be sius Lovell SE. Sam el Piggott, JD beld at Gatua.
Rung Brond Jump.
These ladies have secured re.
PANAMA GAS CO. AT COLON GAS CO. Ele se Small, Inner Gund; Jopb The contesting clubs will be OPEN TO ALL BOY SCOUTS turn passages and will be return.
Boyce, Tyler; Edwin Goodridge, La Boca, Gatua and Cristobal, OVER 16 ing home is about weeks.
Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar Street Chaplain.
Paraiso unfortunately being u able to compete. This is the first Yds, Dash, fist (Beratch)
Successful Concert at 200 Telephone 798 SERVICE later Clubhouse match that has Telephone 364 The many well known friends been held, as a consequence of Liberty Hall.
of W Cotina, of the Light which keen interests is being Fireman Lift.
house Dept will regret to learn manifested by all parties concern1 Mile Cycle Race (Sout Novide) Colon, Feb 13 crowded he is now a patient in the Ancoo ed and speculation is rife as to Hospital, those remembering the which of toe teams will come out Seratch house enjoyed Saturdays nights the Mile Cycle Race (Scout o Novice) program at Liberty Hall, when a old timer from the good old days wita colours flying goodly number of local artistes of Paraiso and Pedro Miguel will The following is a list of likely 50 Yds, Relny Race (open to. teame of were presented.
pay bim a visit.
representatives for their respec tive Clubs: LA BOCA, Jump The program, though of some four from each troop on the Isth. Cluais.
and Holder mus.
length, was an attractive one, composed of numbers of widely The District Quartermaster and GATUN, Harper, RE lis, OPEN TO ALL INITH.
nature, thus ensuring enjoyment his assistants are having a busy od Donald Scope. CRISTOBAL 100 Yid Dubfist (Scratch. for all.
NOSTROLINE time with applications for poultry B. Spalding, Prescut, and Mile Run, flat (Scratch. The opening chorus mimi by keeping at this town, as many o Deveaux Mile Walk the company was wel rendered Nasal Specific, Invaluable for Nasal Hygiene our residents appreciate the kind We anxiously await the day of Runni Bond Jump and much applauded. as were ness granted by the heat of de battle aud results of the later INSTANT RELIEF CERE UN CURE FOR von ne High Jump Clubhause match partment at Baba Heigats.
many other numbers. Mile Cycle (Open. Among the itens deserving of Nasal Catarrh, Influenza Sussex C, will meet Corn Rally at Try Again a Entarce fins are 160 US special in ention were wall CC in a friendly contest HAY FEVER, SORE THROAT AND DZYNES STUFFINESS Sucess to all Boy Scout events and The Mother of a Soldier Reci tation Miss Losis to morrow 18th inst. when the 250 USC, to ail oponesorts AND INFLAMMATION OF THE NOSE tvo clubs will try conclusions for Entries close on Sunday 20 The Brotherhod of Man reci tation Mr Kuch Simple!
supremacy on the Lake City ovulo: Barot last inst, and all entrances should be Safe! Suce! From what is stated or all sides. Secility cave handed in to Dr. Tonsigh, Brutus at Caesar death recitaFor sale at all up to date Dray Stores the Suss Btcretary, Ahletic Committee tion Mr Parker from the Windy very entertain and successful are top notchers as they sa Rulv, Crook of the at Hacquarters. Third Colon Nobody Kaons song Mr.
ayal Knivara La Troup, un or before that date.
Arthur played during the season. TO 13, 1036 toe was discos Sunny Tennessee song Mr.
Cornwall too, have been the onerous duties in a most Forteau very successful as they have pleasant and highly satisfactory CRICKET Three numbers of farces and carried home victory in the three banner After the chairn in gags added to the enjoyment of out of the tour matches played opening remarks, the Royal the occasion Store It is now their opportunity to King Edward Lodge was the Sussex Outdone by LilyMiss make a tie with the redoubtable irst to take the thrin opening Smeilie, daughter of Mr.
whites PA Smeilie, of the St Josephs Corner 4th Street Hudson Lane Phone 93 Sussex, if they can do so. Captain be Rally muren to tune of the school 15ta Street presided at The most modern and up to date house in Colon.
Rankin feels confident of his and, Mr. Pilz suve au ad irass the piano, and is to be compliThe Leading house for combination and with the many which was listen at with supporters it is anticipated, that Colon, Feb 13. The victory cf mentea ly Whites over Sussex yesterppreciative attention and reRoyal Scarlet, Cereals and Hawa la Canned Goois The singing of the Panamanian his sub will gain a well earned quested that all the friends RAISINS, CURRANIS, OTHER CAKE MAKING REQUISITE day at the Mt. Hope Baseball Park and Ethiopian National anthems victory makin do their best in making lo Park filled the hearts of their closed the faaction at 12. 10 SPECIALTY he evening function a ottes friends and supporters with glad o clock SILK HOSIERY, PERFUMERY TO LET ARTICLES, SCHOOL atives of ness Indeed the tidings Were ACCESSORIES ETU, ETC.
Reduction of force is still going were present and each one received much surprise in All at popular Prices Orders taken by Phone on, not less than ten more of the se number represen ed a coun.
every quarter. The boys of Lily Tire Sparkling Gun Juven.
employees strict ry Europe, Africa, An Whiles were at their best, and SMALL, Poprietor CAVE, Manager, Qurter master were let out on rica, Australia and tie British played their respective parts like ile Lodge the first of the month the grass Vest lacies. All the persons Veritable demons, catters also suffered the reduc part showed a lively tion blow, it is being asked on at terest The winners batted first, and a Jamaica District No. 110 A.
daterest in ine competition, Refutation.
sides what will become of the iter total of 70 runs was scored as To All Whom It pani evening in follows: Cook 0, Myers 0, Glad poor wives and childrea we need cox and other pleasurabla Downes Weekes At a special meeting of the aboveConcern.
help of some kind, diversions, the Rally was Kippins 13. McAll ster 1. een named de teld in the Manchester brought to a cl 19, Small 2, St John 10 Bell Unity II and 10 Sreats, on RED TANK Die following is the program Extras The successful. bowlers Monday 30 Jany 1922, for the pur Colon, RP, This is to inform the publib rendered were Feb. 15th 1922 vil King Edward Lodge No. 13, 11, Harding who captured for fins aliing officers for the present that action was taken in the Public Lectura at Red Tank for 29, Nurse for cern. Bru. C Ostill ws To The Editor Oj The Workman.
Canada, Alcalde Cout, at Csion for an and Layne appoined installing master, nised by Silver Clubhouse order of injunction against th Royal Kog George Lodge No, 17, Sir. Pernit me enough space Lily of the Asiantie Lidge Replying. Sussex totalled 48 Tros. IL MeClean and E. Brown On Sunday February 19th there Seo laul Brewster St Hillo, Sealey 14, Mis of the Proes of Wales Lodze in your valuable paper to rerute his action was taken by the will be a public lecture to be held Star of Galina Lodgo. N, 15. Barbad)
Jones Price 5, Baker Layne 6, No. 2632. When the following offers an article appearing in your No 481 at the above named Clab house King Solomon Lodge No. Africa.
Nurse Harding 6, Lynton were installed in their ro puurivaathicus issue of tae ilth inst. under the Rise of the Nie lodge wapen. com nencing at pm Subject Loyal Progres Lodge No. Trinidad Eversley Extras ss follows: bouters King; WM. A, Sherif, etc. The statement made in Atama kehage. is that the pure asked to be preseat as this sub headline Among the schools 00 AFG, sation granted of tive THE WORD OF GOD Alabe Doric Lodge No. Encland.
Downes and Weekes were the Atlantic bed two bowlers, capturing for 15 M; 1, terson, Trea1. Ellis, that article would and for 27 respect. vely. Chap. Graham, RC, 1, Chis public to understand that Mrs, puse of operating a branch of the ject will be of great interest to all. Loyal Fe ix Lodge No. Grenada Order in Ela Cristobal Johnson school has been 10 holm, C; S, Johnson, V; Loval Nelson Lodge No. Aus ralis.
Fixtures For To morrow to the Mr. LSV. Lewis, G; Bro: absorbed by that of Mr. P, city of Colon, According Star of Bethelem Lodge No. 13 Jamaica CRISTOBAL but jurisdiction granted, it is Future Hope Lodge No. 2104 Jordon.
Sussex vs. Cornwall Gatun oval Bruno, 0, 6; Ward, Seety, Cunningham say.
the Excelsior Lodge No. Jerusalem.
Wanderers Victoria Mt. quo, Saty.
cities of Colon and Cristobal Silver Basket Tiumphant Star Lodge No. Demerare.
thousand My The installing tosster then gave a school Hope B. Park is still operating in c) Pan, Tua Alcal le has made hot modernes Wall hole superintendent junetica with that of itr. Mi ha orded that the Lodge cannot Ball Ciub Orange Flowers Lodge No. Panams Bro. WardH.
Loyal Johnathan Lodge No. Bethelehem DIED Lean thea gave the newly installed ington at Liberty Hall, be op 0d in Colon, as the Rise must also of. Lidge wis granted olivers a hearty welco ne, also wi bod refute that am a graduate from a dispensation to operate in the ing held at Scristobal Sliver Anoient Druids Lodgo No. 2212 Ararat.
a regularly summoned meet Morning Star Lodge No. Armenia land Oslifornia of the death of finano ally. This brought the ceremony would have the pablic to know. of Panama. lo consideration of 15th inst, the Cristobal Silver Edith Carvel Benevolence, Colon and registerd by sat of Dr. Robert Arthurton son of Mr. to a close at 15 pm.
James Arthurton and Mrs. Roth do not court false glory, nor the fact hat the above lodges Basket Ball Club nominated and No. 14; New Nogro.
Arthurton of Colon which event do bedeck myself with peacock the for the feathers. will allow these are protected by the law and elected their officers to place on the 18th January, According to information receiv Change. false rumours to be stepping their rights; the order of injane oping can offer no eaeroschnant ou ensuing term, with the following. 1, No 3, Liberia, AB. Spalding, President; stones to ed, his sickness was not of any the sophisticated Anderson, Vice President; B long duration. The young Dr.
glory of another. have passed tion was granted; a Teacher examination broug it Prescott, Secretary and Manager; after completing his schooling in A, SIMMONDS, MASON Sanquinetto Brown, a about by the laspector of Public Mr.
and B. Neely Treasurer. reNew York, selected medicine as well known furniture dealer, Instruction at Colon, aad have Secretary elected)
Mattress Maker Repairer profession, and after his term who did business for a number The activities of of training part with distinction of years at the corner ou mea recelyed a certiticate of etticien Camp Baird Crossing, club have the He selected California as his November and 19th OF CHORRILLO GUACHAPALI cy which entitles me to operate Streets, been somewhat limited, owing to House 2921, Apt. F, field and was very successful.
school independently in is their failure to obtain any outside Guachapali closi. down that way he Republic of Pauata, Cristobal, games, with of ar His mother died two years ago busineas to start up a di erent Is ready to please his people Thanking you for space in Faby, 7th 1922 after an operation at the Colon line within a School of Hospital. His father has left for this medium he begs to thank his this medium of expressing their the States to see after his busi. customers for their support am Sir, furniture and repairs.
Rent Raceip Books in ir tion of willingness to meet any, aggreganess. We beg to offer to the during the past and will be plea ball tossers on their Respectfully, father and sister our sympathy sed bave their support in the sh and Englisi tar sale at floor or the home floor; especial21 STREET GUACHAPALI future.
in the lost they have sustained.
ELLA JOHNSON Workman Printery.
ly teams from the Sister Silver HOUSE NO. 1041 The People Grocery and Dry Goods Represeu with רW tok aud ter a well stane for Pae Lily of and not beg to not parin itted to one terminal to operate in the empathically times VS.
of a sccasional one with the Spanise with aly and every class of month. Through advance.


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