
CS990 Sooo THE WEEDING PRESENTS FOR PRINCESS MARY. THE sesses sexosss: IDEAL PHARMACY Resolution of Sympathy.
No, 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
Gold For Ring Has Been Washed From Welsh River North of Dolgelley.
ENGLISH AND AMERICAN mint a to Ger Lodge 37. LOS 10. bels on February 31 1322 or the pup of creatin barneath Rolanowrote on belf of the lains and friend, diis, to which are o Anline 180000 eed; sheh ssed away on th. 23rd of Januvy 1922, WHERE IS it his blessed the Great Creator of the Univ. Dreme fro our milit our order Cirulin Audaine, PM, of te Ko Lodge; and whereas by her death the Lodge has lost one of its devoteenIbert RIT REOLVD that the fficers and member of the King George 279, LAS, AU, inion seemsleitura ou lors by dng the Paraphrasis of this die fr three than at given time, silence bmissiped thres info betiscuiva in ratio Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc. BRACELET PLEASE.
sos AND BIT FURTHER RESOLVED thi Raon brot th Star Herald on to the Wurkman Pristaty for publication, sod oge to the Church and Seety so bad belonged extent out sinh, 4d epy spread on the face of our miau. es in memory of the departed, Obituary.
Notice of Removal ruary 28.
mcases charities.
years later they. Peter Church Jan.
It is with regret we chronics tha death of Caroline Audsin PM of the King George Lodge N, 2789 LOAS, 3, which took place at the Santo Tomus Hospital after a short illa on January 23rd ulto.
Decessed was born at Culebre Casal Zone, on the 7th of Sept. 1899, there she received her early training leve later sba brame prominent member of the Boca Canal ne also the young wom. ua Society entitled The uglaters of the of which abe wa secretary. la whis Nvember 1916 she organised (with other assistance) the King George Lodge 2739 AS, of which she bee me PM in 1918 Hardent working in thesa Sociotics his created an irreparable loss through her death. Thy Will Done. ceased bas left as suat to moura her los, King Royal King George No. 17 O, All the Big Cities of Great Britain are Offering of Money NO SUBSTITUTES USED Only the purest and most genuine Drugs comLondon, January 17. Day by of Lorne, which is said to have day as the details of the wedding peen used by Robert Bruce to pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over a presents for the Princess Mary fasten the folds of his plaid. The are made public, it comes ap original is carefully preserved at parent that the lavish spiendor Dunolly Castle, Oban it con40 years experience cl the Arabian Nights can be sists of a circular pate of beauti revived and the good fairy of pearls and Scottish geme, George fully carved silver set with river WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor.
Hans Anderson tales is still IV once offered 2, 500 dols, for it alive.
2010 Jewels, furs, automobles, preSOC SSDXCOMO SESSSSSSS The eight bridesmaids are clous antiques and monymoney in thousands from rich awaiting the Princes return to corporations and in sixpenny London at the end of the monto International Spy pieces from working men and to discuss what their gifts will women all are to into the lap of the royal bride said he is understood to have To Be Turned Over ids he wanted something simof Viscount Lascelles on Feb. ple and personal which would remind her of the occasion.
To Germany There is a likelihood this gift The Public is hereby notified that the All the big cities of Great will be a bracelet with Extradition Is Expected of Britain are offering gifta ol niatures of the donors on it.
SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO money, which the Princess in Gifts From The Marys. Ignatus Lincoln, Ebert mort have requested One of the gifts in which the Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue, Corner should be devoted to various Regime Plotter.
Manohester is rais Princess is most interested is that which will come from the 16th Street West.
ing a 1, 000, 000 shilling 250, 000 that arys of the British Empiro. Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. women and Washington, 28. The which have already been sub Practically all the the Enpire named United States government pro scribed. The final collection girls in The new premises are well equipped for turning out will be taken the night of the Mary, May. Marian, Marie and bably will yield to any request the best class of work Princess wedding, when the bute.
Miriam, is expected to contri Germany will make for extraci City Corporation is planning tion of Ignatus Lincoln, intera huge dance. The money will The doners will be asked to national spy, one time member of be used to develope the district give from sixpence to ten shit the English House of Commons, PHOTOGRAPHS lings, allowing every one, regard and later plotter with the Ger nursing service.
less of means, to contribute man monarchist for the overThe Lord Mayor of Birminge The Princess herself will decide throw of the German republic AS ham has also started a shilling what the gift shall be, but many through the Knapp Putsch of fund. small part of it will be hope she will take it for hersel 1920.
used to purchase a gift typical and not devote it to charity.
NEW YEAR GIFTS Lincoln is now held in Nor of Birmingham workmanship: The royal household gifts entry into the country.
York, charged with fradulent the remainder; in accordance Remember your friends with your photograph this with Mary wishes, will be used have not yet been announcoi, ex Lincoln was a naturaliz Eng year and they will remember you as long as used to endow Princes Ma y cept that the Prince of Wales has cots in the Birmingham Child cabled his sister that he will lishman and won a seat in the the photograph lasts.
give her ren Hospital an automoble: The Commons. Later at England rest of the family gifts are request he was arrested in 1915 portion of the sum being expected to be personal ones in New York on forgery raised by Reading will be used for wear or for the home, charge, ordered back to England, to enlarge and equip the Girls Our Photographs are Permanent and escaped only to be rearrest Hoenital there which will bear Finally there will be the usual ed ard finally sent to Englard state presents from the the Princess name.
royal for a three years imprisod.
Have that long delayed photo which you promised families of Europe the Scandi Braɔelst, Pleas, navian countries, Siberia, Roument.
your friend so often Replying to a letter from the mania, Italy and Spain as well Released from prison he was from Lord Mayor of Liverpool, the as relatives MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO and deported to Germany. For a among them. There is long time he dropped out of pub.
Princess said she would like frie its The coolest in the city where you are certain of the Livor pool to give her a plain, a possibility that the most inter is sight only to re apppar in narrow diamond bracelet. It esting of the gifts will Mareh. 1920, as one of the ring: best attention.
seems such pieces of jewelry exhibited at a museum during leaders in the attempt to overthrow the Ebert regime.
will become fashionable with the honeymoon.
wealthy women this winter, as Unique Wedding Ring.
Fleeing when the coup has the emerald engagement ring collapsed. Lincoln scoffed at the Day and Night Photographs since Viscouut Lascelles gave The Princess wedding ring Berlin police and secret service, one to the Princess will be unique. The gold for it He wad openly seen on Ulster The Lord Mayor of Landon has is now in the hands of the royal den. Linden by the Berlin police.
SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO opeted a fund, subscriptions jewellers, after having been. Oakland errhoune maximum of washed from Welsh River, limited to a 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West. dois. portion of this at north of Dolgelley, worked years least will be devoted to charity.
ago, but not yielding enough. It It is expected many of the rich is the gitt of Pritchard Morgan, Green Bud Lodge No. 7779 old London guilds, such as the who first discovered gold tbere, Gold and Silver Smiths, Fish and gave a similar ring to Queen mongers, Haberdashers, Tailors, Mary when she was married.
will make handsome Silk for the Princess wed Ho ds Installation Ceremony.
ding dress is being woven on a The Carlton Club, the chief from cocoons, brought from hand loom by a former soldier Conservative club, is raising a At a regular general meeting held at the above named Lodge on the evening (BRANDON BANK. fund of fl subscriptions so as Italy. to make the contribution per It It will be partly Empire bro of January 28th 1922, among the busi sonal and not merely a formal cade, with a design of the rose, ness transacted was the installation of offering.
shamrock, thistle, and other em officers for the ensuing term.
SECURITY The Demobilized men of the Grena blems of other parts of the Em ceremɔy was ably performed by our SERVICE dier Guards, Lord Lascelles pire. good deal of gold and esteemed Bo. David Leon, NT!
old regiment, are making small silver wire is being in corporated who hails from Premier Union Lodge Panama contributions for a present to in the texture of these figures. No. 10110 U. of Op. nested by (Founded 18. 3)
Colon gown will be covered with Bro. Edward Ward retiring F, him.
Fifty breeders of dual pur the wonderful old English point The formed the administration.
Our large Resources and well known pose rabbit. rabbits raised for lace worn by Queen Mary at her Bros. Miller, Paulkner, wedding both food and fur, are presentV. Gibeon, Griffith; conservative Management afford unP. Bonas, Brown The Princess ing the Princess with a magnitiis accepting Murrian, Advocate; cent fur coat. Designs will be trousseau presents from the lace: questioned security for every dollar submitted to the Princess and and presents from the lace and gan, PS. re electee. Bascomba, the coat will be made from her bosiery trades of Nottingham, werden durley, Gooding, deposited with this bank Perryman, Greaves selection which are showing her a wide Warden Fences and Supporters to range of samples from which to and Linton and Presood. Actresses Combins, make her selections. She is number of leading actresses choosing her stockings in white and L, Supporters to After the are combining to offer a wedding black and nigger brown.
close of the installation ibe Brothers Transacted retired to the gift a birthday book signed by Her underwear will be of pure ample justice was done to the good banqueting hall where the donors. Lady Tree, Lady silk and a mixture of silk and the things provided. The customary toasts. 18AAO BRANDON Wyndham and Miss Irene Van. finest wool. All these articles were proposed and responded to in the NATHANIEL BRANDOS BRANDON brugh are leading this schem are being woven on old fashioned usual patrocie upper. Bro Gibos.
Prodent Vice President Trensurer Many of the Scottish clans nand from style used for the the newly installed acted as toast always in the forefront in hom. finest of such goods here.
age te roga ty, are offering gifts The Princess has also accepted men of the Clan MacRae a hand plated straw hat from a are giving a shawl in the clan Luton firm, which gave a similar tartan. The Clan MacDougal, one to Queen Mary for her wed: ish and English, for sale at the has decided to esent the Prin ding It will be of Dunstable cess with a replica of the Brooch straw. Workman Printery.
The above named Lodge went into 0000 Jonas y 28 1922, at its lodge room 24. Screat Giusepali for the purpose of obferring Dagros laitis tion and Installation of offers for the ensuing term Jany Juse, when members took 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th, od the 5th degrets, which was followed with with an initiatio, when flioks were add ed to the Noble and Unbreakable Chain of Mechanism The degrees and initation being through the retiring Worthy Master, Bro. Goodman, urreu. red his chuir to the Grand Master. Bro. Davis and his staff of Grand Officers for the installation of offisers for the ensuing term. Bros. Wiles WM; Miller, Hus bands, SD. Codringtoa, Iss. cs. Tres. C, Ashby, Seety; Coward, Asst. Soery: Bibb, Tyler Thomas, Chapsia. The officers liaving been installed in their tives chairs, the and his staff of proceeded to the passing of Bros.
Jerowatt Pow. li aad ko. to the sublime degree of Ms. The Grand Lodge baviug got through its entira dinho for the efficient manner ia had assisted him during the performance of his duties, he also toanked the visiting for their assistance, and remarked to the newly installe installed officers he wished them success hoping their term will be no worse than the past administration, as their term has been one of sue cess to the Ledge and Order. Too lodge th banquet room and done justice to the many good thing: prepared for the occasion, where speeches and good wishes for the Lodge and Order Ware made until a late hour when all left feeling that a well spent night bad come to a close.
ir respec.
Panama Banking Company Mthanked the GO. they Brothers for their.
being closed ali ali tepsired to The following 1. How. t; Advertising For Halp. General Banking Business feeling Good advertising, days a man well up in that that line, benefits any forma of business. The right sort of advertising gives you a friendly feel toward a firm.
It makes you believs that it will be both pleasant and profitable to deal with the advertiser. cartsin grocer once insered in the newspaper an advertisment that had this meris it run. Twins are come to me for the third timo.
This times by and a girl. beseceh my friends to ruppor me stoudly. Pittsburgh Chr nucle TeleRent Receipie Books in span Advertise in the Workman It Pays. graph,


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