
Interesting West Indian News (Continued from page 2)
statement from the Government of Trinidad was placd before the meeting showing what action had already been taken with reference to resolutions passed at the recent Education Conference It was the feeling of the Board that it wou be a good thing if there were one common Board of Examiners for Teach ers Certificate.
INDICATIONS Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Cold Anaemia Following Fevers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia An excellent vehicle for administering lodides, Bromide and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bow.
Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climate: all seasons of the Year.
You have Tried the Rest Why not Use the Best They Satisha and the blend can be copied subscribed With the close of last year the Detertará Government tive million dollar loan received a great tiilip when 63 500 was which Included 000 from Jamaica Toe whole amount was paid up together with balances of 1, 147, 000. The totals to that te were 163, 650 su becribed and 1, 147. 555 paid up.
Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans Grenada Discussion On The Draft Estimates.
Book Binding!
Chesterfield in In the Book Binding Department is Sui 22 ada SAVES LIFE at Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more that it is a reputable end!
disin fechat West West sug that evil.
In a recent discussion on the Draft Estimates for the session 1922 23 in the Legislative Coun cil of the Colony of Grenada, one of the comina ed members pro Why throw away your old, but no pused that 125 per cent of tbe increases on salaries of all Gov.
ernment officials in receipt of doubt interesting, books when you uver 300 per year should be cancelled. The suggestion oc casioned a can have them neatly bound at a very vigorous discusLIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO. sion which, in in the end, resulted Governor agreeing to forward the following telegram to THE WORKMAN the Secretary of State for the Scotish Mech nics Instalation Colonies. Owing the presLink with DIFERUOV Ceremony ent tinancial position of we Co.
louy, retrencament in expendituie for Hicrits Essential Uutical Cesena On Tured inunty 31, 1922 members urge Broadway Colon, Worthy skich saving on o be elected by CENTRAL AVENUE reduction Bra. Jo. Lurin, PIG of the isyale per troue King Solomon Ldge No. LU. of total salaries gavea this year and No. G Street SM acted as Grand Master for this toodicials over 300. While ain Grand Ldge of Scotland with his Graad aware that cost of living to offofficers onsisting of Bro Clarke, cials to sull 33 per cent above Grand Tvler: E Parker, Grand pie war days and the reducaon Deputy Master Simul Grand will be had on them, at the same Spor Descon (tidelty No. 20) Rimel admit that some reduc RECIPROCAL TRADE Noud, Grand Junior Descon (Fidelity ton is neccesary and suggest 10 No. 29) Spencer, Grand Indoor per cent decreuse, Sentinel. Fidelity No. 20) Brennn, Grand Chaplin; Joncs, Grand Secre New Ice Factory.
tary (Moran No 20) and Blackett Between Britain and the West Indian Grand Treener; installed the officers of the Royal King Solomon Lodge N, 11 Machinery for a new Ice Fac Islands.
for the ensuing term in a very impres tory has arrived in Grenada and siya and solemn way. Following are will shortly be erected, the officers who were installed direct Weat Indian cable take with regard to ensuring a YOUTH banpiness are linked 11. Linton, Worthy Master. re elected up with salth Link up with despatch from St Vincent, supply of sugar for the British Spener, Deputy Mister; Κίαμ St. Vincent dated January 31st states that people was the purchasing of Lifebuoy for bestil and for the Senior Descon; Stoute, Junior Des Wood, heading a special large children sele. Lifebuoy Soap proMajor con: Geo Griffith, Secretary. re eketed)
Mission sent by high prices.
the Imperiul Te depreciated exchange on Treasurer (re elected.
motes health happy, smiling health; Harper Death of Dr. McDowall. Government to it protects ihe children from the Thorpe, Tyler: Hardine, Chipio; economic and political conditions for more damige to the reviving After Gulson, Ladoor Guard said dangers of contagious diseases.
the in the Indies neting Grand Master deliv Dr. Irvine McDowall, one of St. the Associated has informed West Indiin Cremony Surar industry Indian then even the old bunty system Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects erid a viry thuglifol address to the Vincent bright sons died in Chamber rof as it hennes disease serms can not live where brethren ster which they to the England on Ilth Commerce that and Association a Lifetto Soup has been ured Lifebuoy Soap won qaet ned was served with the good bnetiness from pneumonia foi result of their counts, the Gov kost two measures calculated me will safeguard the children keep them is preparedsuhoj to counteract that healthy as well as clean upon them things prepared for them. The even a lowigan at ack ot iniluen 21. Dr appro lby close with prayers by the McDowall was a graduate of into a formal agreement with the ing ur sugar in England should Parliament, to enter came to Ling before school, after play, before meals. galations prohibiting dump USE LIFEDDY newly installed Master of Lodge Edinburgh University, where he West Indian Colonies that the bandopted; in addition to this had a brillant career. He was preference on West Indian goods and Lois latter measuris of the IT BATHE WITT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
also educated at Harrison College which are now entitled to pre tirst importance to the West ROOMS TO LET At the time of his death he was ferential rates on importation dies the preferencer In of at into the United Kingdom, shall by the Mother Country to cers e now granted Brad ord. Yorkshire, Eogland, be CALLE No During the war Dr. McDowall the date of the agreement on the be guaranteed by the Imperial nducted for ten years from tain West Indian products should MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
served with the British West basis of reciprocity APPLY ON PREMISES ladies giment.
Government for a period of not Move Made in Jamaica. less than ten years. The Canawith Following is an extract from Indies is the West the representations made by the if a like a breeuch a period, and agreement were entered Jamaica Imperial Association to into by the Imperial and British. when they were in Jamaica, in can be no doubt that confidence malam dere December last, Damaica sugar and other indus of the Britis andesthandies would in be placed on a firm foundation. Referring to questions at and a considerable amount of fecting the other West Indian capital attracted to the develop colonies as much as Jamaica ment of these industries. Tois The Association would like to would not of course preclude the We are hoping that some oc impress upon the Under Sec continuation of the British West casion will bring you to our retary of State for the Colonies Indian preference after the West the danger to which West Indian pirat piration ot store shortly. And when you sugar is exposed through the year period. It would only serve the proposed ten do come be assured that it will proape DESPATCH be a pleasure for us to serve produced competition of sugar to assure capitalists and pro on the continent of ducers in the British West Indies you, and that our pleasure in Europe, where a depreciated ex that for at least ten years they serving you will make your visit exchange will enable the pro need not fear any withdrawal or ducers to the preference to our store even more enjoy in England at prices with which granted by the Mother country, able for yourself.
will be it possible for the it would have a stabilising effect British West to compete.
In upon their minds, and this above FULLER what pre war days it was the conti everything else is the JEWELLER nential bounties and the German British West Indies need. Na cartel system which forced turally, the several British West 122 CENTRAL AVENUE West Indian sugar practically Indian Colonial Governments out of existence, with the result would guarantee the continuation that on the out break of war, of the British West Indian preA Good Assortment JUAN ILLUECA the first step which the British ference to British products for a Government was compelled to similar period.
Attorney at Law TO SELECT FROM AT THE No. 44 Central Avenue TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 Practics in all Courts of Padams.
English Spoken Fluently IT PAYS.
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