p. 8


WALK OVER SHOES to by toucb.
secure lie.
Reduction in Prices American Bazaar Stores EXCELSIOR THEATRE tant all stu goud Road Road to hold The Hand of Vengeance in Abi PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBUARY 18 1922.
The Irish Settlement Carnival Dance Successful Students Fessssssss At National Institute Won Preparing The Way For UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Engineering Diplomas THIS IS THE TIME Peace.
It was King orge who by Grand Disguised Dance HIMSELF.
TO BUY YOUR his aping of the Ulster Parliant on Jan 22ad.
WILL BE HELD AT set in train the After two years of study at negotiations which eventually led to the ser LA BOCA CLUBHOUSE the National Institute of this tlement of the Irish problem a Republic under the instruction problem which reckoned its age Saturday, February 18, 1922 of Mr. Abel Bravo, Civil gin: in Tae centuries.
moment ee, ten young men have quali MARTIN THE ZZ KING far seemed on the face of things tied themselves for the profes from propitius. Only a few and his full Jazz Band will be on by passing a very satisfac.
weeks previously secret but Mr.
to take the honours autho. lely wade teen bero. Come in Caraival style tory examina ion. Among those Lue mad the parties into Ez kiel Fletcher, a Jamaican, 10g It was lost in those. ADMISSION. and the first West Indian who pas200w urges ut a yer and Gents 50c. Ladies 25c, han taken the beneficent oppor We have just received a large shipment and have distrust wbica nad for so long Offered by the kept Ireland ani Egland apart. Starts at 30 sharp manian Government, where by ambitious Peace emed farther away than your men can been able to make substantial ever. Ireland was ridden with during their spere rebellion and batred; Britain hours, a useful pro in which Notice.
contemplated the employment will make the independent for of stronger forces to suppress the increasing outrages. This is to notify the public in To those who are not ac.
stubborn and determined mili general that my wife, Nola Mc quainted with the system of tary were face with men blind nald, having left my home and education given at the Nation!
ed with fury fand fanaticism, Tue cuclo Was so blank that protection, of her own will on the Institute, it can be said that it only a prophet or an unconquer the 27th October, 1921, will be compares fayourable with the able optimist could have dared to debts or actions. My wife is a much of the French skill has no longer responsible for her systems in England and tbe United States; and very describe it as the hour before the member of Shepherd Lodge No.
2333, Royal Ancient Shepherds, been worked in, It is very much Ireland was always a problem Colon, Feb. 1922, advanced to some of the systems for psychologist as much as for in the West Indies, and one can ERNEST MCDONALD. secure an education under comPANAMA Politicians. Even in June when COLON passions were red hot there were petent masters without having many, both in Ireland and in En to pay for it.
Baptist Church Activities.
wland, who realised that fury Mi Abel Brayo a Panamania, Sos SOSEXSXSXSXSCOS was but barren stock and that The Colon Church will celebrate the the Professor; is well known in come out of insistence either on School on Sunday. Pastor Witt will be the United States. He is a mem.
Sunday England; France, Germany and no permanent settlement could thirteenth anniverary of its suppression or un secession the preacher for the day. special ber of various scientific and SSSSSSS sexsexoskes Yesss tirst of all, passions had to be program will be given in the afternoon engineering associations of the and it was when this need was es bave been making extent preparatpor tan of culture, who has encurbed, the atmosphere changed. p. The Superintendent and teach places mentioned above. Mr.
Bravo is a a liberal minded gentle Kreatest that the this. ment. He spoke not only to men by the junior choir, silver ellection dents under his care care and such of North East Ireland. He spoke will be taken to make it possible for the other person rsons he comes in conto all Irishen. He used sen scholars to have a TO NIGHT the 22 tact in his public and social life.
MONDAY on tences that struck beyond the The annual picnic will be held at the It was he who laid out the town formality of the occasion. He urual plane Muunt Hope on on Wednesday of of cas del Toro, and it cannot Saturday, February 18th Continuation of the Interesting Serial appealed to that desire for 22nd. The Caorilo Sunday Sch so will be disputed it is one of the best united Ireland which was so bold its actual pione on the Sabanas on laid out towns in this public CARMEL MYERS strong in the hearts of the rebel Wednesday 2cud, The Cor zal We take very great pleasure PRESEETS South Sanday hol is is also pisan ng to congratulating Mr speak from a full heart said date. Thu Cor zil kload Church will have passed a successful ex miits abousl cic near Cruz Road on Bravo and the students who magnificent reel Picture: when pray that my coming to celeb celebrate its Ireland to day may prove to be Pastor Thrift will be the preacher at it for his ambition, and for who we anniversary on Sunday nation, espectially Mr. Fletcher Daughter of Hate Coming Soon the tirst step towards an end of a. and p. in, and Miss Barmhouse a anticipate a bright and prosper strile amongst her people, what ever their race or creed. appeal ubic meeting way be beld when several ways look to his Alma mater with On 20.
ELMO LINCOLN 730 to Irishmento TO MORROW pride INstretch out the hand of turbeat uisters are expet. ds give a sds. pri and gratitude to those ance and coecilia in, to forgive Pastor Thrift will be the preacher at who to succeed.
and to forket, and to join in the Coordio cau chou Sunday night.
Sunday February 19th On Friday 10th inst, the dis making for the land whicn they ou song serv. ce begins at 7, 15. Hrvest tribution of all lomas to the suc love new rried era of peac, content ware carried 15. EPISODES. 15 out by montana good will. May this Pueblo Nuevo Churea on the 26. la.
His Excellency historic gatherios be the pre Belissario Porras, President of a day in which the Irish tinguished Imperial Statesmen were delivered from platform the Republic Several addresses Eఈయయ SOXOXOS SSSSEXOSSOS people, North and South, under. during the war he led British one Parliament or two, as those troops a brilliant victory of the young graduates Parliament may themselves ves gainst the Germans in Africa, the National Institute, Dr. Octavio Mend Rector of La Boca Literary Society, decide, shall work together in CRICKET in and, afterwards, at Versailles, ave Lawlessness (A foot common lover og reland upon took a prominent part in mould ie wenye beribant and edustive the same foundation of mutual ing the League of Nations of what the nation ex of On account of lack of time the tin Panama City.
justice and respect.
Souts had the entire trust pect from those who were edu. Standard Defeats Clovelly subject Which has the greates These words are welcomed the Government wbiqa es tione We of the college.
ws cated within the sacred precincts All the life, influence on human conduct, the (Communicated throughout the Empire and sank on Ireland, his unquestionable into the hearts ev of Irishmen honesty and perhaps his bril character and conduct, of The second season of the Sportsman fear of punishment or the hope that been their One week from the Friday embittered by the memories of liant record as a retel made him gent beings depended on long years of strife. No gener persona grala with the Irish lead oughtfulness of actions. Les ug started last Sunday. discussed at last Tuesday night nigh of the murder of Dr. Guy fethunian Park the Standard CCmet meeting was deftered and ous response was immediately ers. Smuts went to Duolin. He ins good and useful habits in the the day was an ideal one for cricket, be taken up at the next meeting Pilgrim Wilkins was cation has all the power of and defeated by will Lord. on a Friday evening too, forthc)
Fein outrages in Britain, as well leaders of Sinn Fein. It is prot individuals who were brought ani the wicket was perfect. and ord on the 21st in the form of a de down by a would be assassin kes as Ireland. continued or were able, judging trom a letter which in tuence, the er lightened mind, ing the first half hour of play is seemed his a greater influence on Hu ea, got his leg broken.
its influence, as by this won the toss and du eided to bar. Dited. To at the fear of punishment o. was knocked down assault bate, wurded as follows: solv. week later Cecil King of Ancon frustrated It seemed as though was aiter was published, that can discipline his knowledge and as if Clovelle would have a walk over in a conduct than the hope of the speech had, after all, avail a he told them holand be will because he has secured as Standard lost wicketa ft In all nothing; when hopes the Reward Messrs Reynolds and freer and more powerful within reviewed by ag invitation issued the British Common wealth of light and peace to bis soul. small total of 16 runs. At this stage, Collins will take the affirmativeth these cases agents of Panama Department have and Hon. Jeptha Duncan, Secre Conrad Phillips, and Wells mt at the showa great aciivity, and had by Mr. Lloyd Georga to the Nations than it would ever be as tary of Public Instruction in his wickets, and so well did they play that and negative. respectively, those tbs full co ope will each have two supporters.
leaders of Sinn Pin and the an independent Republic. At ration of the publicas Ripresentatives in London for all events, a few days after his address complimenting the sue went up before Wells was clean bow for The regular monthly song as a little more expert police utmost the possibility of a settle of the people througn the Empire exploring to ihe visit to the great jy aud relier students, gave an analy led by siso the educational progress 102, the help criminal practices would ment.
bu: for the stand ada by activities of the Society will bave received the necessary disonce. Mr. de Valera sent. non of the other come off on the 28ch inst.
at an Irish truce was reached. On this tepunc from the year of wicket and resegy Claveily went to the service to connection with couragement and pucishment they deserve.
evasive reply saying that he came to an end in Ireland. the present time. The aduress bacs hd any relied for the bowling. The saw no avenue by which lasting Valera was both instructive and histori Clovelly was dismsseed for 64 runs In each cise there is a screw Three days later de We understand that Yorkshire is protes slack peace could be reached it Ire came to London and very much Phillips. In the land were denied essential unity that he the Minister of Education made 36 not out and Welle 27, scoa o ting the same, La Boca then had this case the atmosphere is far from towards here knock at the wickets and 74 and if the principle of nation Prime Minister a step has a full grasp of the intellec Clovelly captured two wickets for two Bust played splendidly for his 29 not out, self determination ona! peace more apparent shan rea. tual requirements of this couns ruas. For Clovelly Butas made to end and with Balgrave making 13 Yorkshire satisfied that as a set for the Irish President. appar try, Pilgrim Wilkins is far fron aside. He suggested a meeting ently, contined himself to stating Sandard captured was early defeated.
subject of with the Ulster Premier but this his own opinions in somewhat At the end of the distribution wickets for runs.
Great Britain in Panama, Sir Craig declined to accept, former Country being a tru Sir Craig, in effect, refused to uncompromising terms. Shortly of the diplomas a very pleasant the Government evening was brought to close La Boca Whips Yorkshire.
friend of this republic, his Games For To morrow.
recognise a rebel President made their offer of Dominfer with the playing of the National case has been honestly healed just as de Valera refused to Status to Ireland, and the otion Anthem by Mr. Galimany clas by those vested with legal powrecognise the right of the Brit. was regarded generally through sic Orchestra.
ish Government to have any out the world as extremely genAt Standard Oval, L: Boca Jamaica vs Yorkshire at Isthmsin Park defeated Yorkshire on perfect Surrey vs Standard at Standard Oval He feels that the idle rogue thing to do with the affairs of erous. The offer included com Ireland plete autonomy in taxation and The Life And Law wicket, Yorkshire decide after beving La Boca vs Vincentian at La Boca Oval who knocked him down has piss.
toss and were all dismissed for The fullo wing will represent the Surrey of the law too lucky to continue ed through and out of the hands Fortunately, this unpromising finance, the right to maintain a Society Tue only in to reach double tomorrow: Elevsk (Cap. Tumis in a life of crime, and that with situation was relieved through home defence force, the power figures wis Greaves who ma e 13 and John, Backman. Archer, Pindor. De proper diligenca the ottices of General Smuts, for Irishmen to determine by The above named society will was given out in a most pajuſal manner Sur, Garvey, Bradford, Hider and true life could have been kaown The man Prime Minister of South Africa, themselves whethee Ireland be removing its working opera: The ball was sent in whilst Greaves war Fields with lasis and Husbands as Exif indeed the pulcs dont know who was attending the Imperial should begin her career a tions from Druids Grove 20th attempting run and the weket weket keeper keeper tras Conference at that time sein united whole. The only reserva Street Cent.
Ave, to 21e Street after catching the hall, innte of him and his accomplices in crime held in Ludou. Years beiurecious related to the Luval stcuri Guacuapi Hall on toog toe wikus dowa wita bisa bude got at.
Smuts had been a Boer leader ty of Great Britain, the probibi Tuesday 21st last. The presi deliberately kicked the wickets down, Surrey vs Sussex There are those among 118 of unparalleled elusiveness and tion of protecave duties between dent desires that all the officers and to the surprise of the opeo ators the who have beeu heard to iustruct had fought with skill and vigour the two countries and the respon and members financial and non umpire nat ou y gave the map out, but the members of certain asso aga nstine Biush. The gift of sibiliuy of Ireland for a share of financial be out at 30 pm. in spite of Il bat was said, and in the On Wednesday the 2211 ist. the tions from their platforms to do conplete freedom which Great the national debt.
for the opening ceremony.
face of the Rule shown, insisted that Surry of Panama and the Sussex acts of violence and the real Britalo gave to the Suuth Afrithe man was out. It it worthy of note CC. of Calin will meet on the Standard agents used are knowa, but wilt can Union after that territory that this uspiro is also Seuty. Treas, of Ovul. Ware dura that this is will the law do its duty. had been conquered, won for the Rent Receipt Bocks in Span Rent Receipt Books in Span the League. It is true that the ma batbe mist ia Brosting as yet for the The friends of those who have Br. lish Empire the complete ish and Enilsh, ter sale at the ish and Engilsh, for sale at the was far away from his creare, and for year, Woich will be the wanor is the suffered are looking on and askloyalty of her once stubborn Workman Printery that cause it is more pusaling to find ous quution veins ested all ar suad, Come ing whether Panana is safe enemy. As one of the most dis Workman Printery. wby the msa introduoed this inavstion, maison place to live in. 7. 15 assisted The Adventures of Tarzon cessful Thinksiog serves will be hed students waren Fighting Love rude of a by many of.
be could were agents well tam the purpose of wa saw cleared up were tha ers.
57 ruas ds Pus


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