
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian slands Messizes to There was a DI ALBOA EST EER REWED From reply dopowe palu beORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY ways in Island fire in celles in Jamaica from Aberdeen from the Barbados Electric Jamaica Scotland and he has come out in Supply Corporation praying for connection with this Cordage restoration of the privileges Factory The machinery for the formerly enjoyei in the of exemtion from Alleged Case Of the factory arrived in Jamaica matter this week and is now being Custom duties.
Suicide in this City. faceted is now being removed the 01 the motion of Mr. Yearinto the Cordage Factory, which to draft rephes to the wood a Committee was appointed Youth Said to Have Killed erected on Chapelton Road received. In reply to Mr. Piles near This factory question re the steps taken Himself with Revolver is now ready for machinery Obtain the services of an expert Shot Through His Heart, which has been landed.
on Income Tax th: Attorney We learn that among the per. General stat that the ground sons interested in this new had really been covered by the co sensation E, the subject recently head and the Messrs Anderson in His Excellency first MesUpper West Street when news was circulated that might be mentioned that sage in the course of a short youth of about sixteen years there are fully 4, 000 acres of discussion on the opinion that on thy matter of age had committed suicide. Jand, now under cultivation in Reece expressed the hurried to No. 1A Upper West dry areas that could not pro expert assistance at this stage representative of the Gleanır Sisal, thesehlands being in the it was not necessary to obtain Street the residence of Mr. duce anything else.
reads Gordon and there he saw the ready practically worked out the lifeless body of Joseph Hannan American Firm Ready to administration of the Act but what could be gathered contrary view was taken by the deceased had been recently Fix up Street of City. Messrs Pile and Thorne. Some disenssion also arose over the Works as an apprentice General to Mr.
The Gleaner understands that Baeza question as to the fees mechanic dulte ume ago he got injured the question of the reconstruc received by the Post Ofice emin the course of his work and tion of the streets of Kingston ployees for overtime wor, the had been attending at the Publis will be brought up at the com figures show ng a study in Zospital for treatment. Since ing session of the Legislative Crease in the counts paid that time he had continued his Council, tween 1918 and 1921. resolution and Com passed of het was promised a position as a missioners have put up a scheme transfer se dhe personing the Globe steward on one of the vessels to the Government in respect to ernment land on which the un coming to this island, and there the matter, but action has been finished theatre in Probyn street was every reasonable prospect deferred owing to the amalgama stands to the recent purchaser.
of his attaining the position in tion scheme, Practically the the whole of the sit the coure of the next faw days) We are in a position to state ting was occupied with the con Hannan obtaind a revolver and that a certain American firm of sideration of the draft reply to tired a shot into his heart falling considerable financial standing, His Excellency Speech. After down into the drawing room of of are quite prepared to make the considerable amendment the Mr. Gordon house and expir necessary improvements saa to reply wis agreed to as follows: 11 almost imn. ediately, The let payment remain over for The House of Assembly police was informed and the 50 or 60 years. The details of the Το body of the unfortunate youth scheme are now in the posses, His Excellency the Governor morsion of the Government and no was taken to the public tuary where Dr. Lawson Gifford doubt questions will be asked The House of Assembly have for Kingeton performed about the proposal when the the honour to thank Your Excel. a post mortem examination. Legislative Council meets. lency for the speech with which Coroner ir quest will be held you were pleased to open the in due course gislativa Session of 1922 1923 Eagle Wing An Ameri and to express their goatitication can Schooner Burat in at the congratulations tendarea by Your Excellency on behalt of The Building of Rail Harbour. the people of this Island to His Majesty the King on the betroThe American Schooner Eagle Princess Mary to Viscouat Lasthal of Her Royal Highness Wing was estroyed The Gazette Extraordinary published Wing, with a cargo of mahog financial and economic state of Gleaner states that a the Kingston Harbour on Wed nesday night last. The Eagle The House deplore with Your the contained for the general information of time in the early part of last year affirmed by Your Excellency of in the accompanying distress by the the world wide Nemesis conditions which has been received from and towed up to King the Secretary of State for the ston, The cargo was subsequ. brought about by the late war.
Colonies, in regard to the pro ently taken off the vessel and aggravated as it has been by the been prolonged House posed extension of the Railway ever since then she had Tae observe that, Har.
resting on the mud from Chapelton to Frankfieid.
mud in the Harbour. At the time the cargo with the view of putting before THE DESPATCH was being taken from proposition to stabilise the finances of the island, it was Downing Street, there was an explosion 8130 Your Excellency intention to 10th January, 1922 line on board Sir. In my telegram of 3rd that a member of the crew was dis tuss the financial situation the Parliamentiary Under severely burnt, and he died my approval of the proposed for several months past January, have conveyed to you the Kingston Public Hospital Secretary of State for the colonies who has recently visited the extension of the railway from was no one on the Eagle Wing The House hope that a capacity.
Chapelton to Francefield at an satisfac and just how the fire, originated tory result has been obtained, estimated cost of 172, 000. a mystery. The water police and anxiously await lour Excel is a Having regard to the history launch went out on the of this proposal and the compara. but the vessel was burnt to the scene lency promised communication smailness of the annual water mark. The police are mak liability involved came to the ing investigation into the origin The House avails them.
conclusion that sanction could of the fire.
selves of the opportunity to not reasonably be with held, but, express appreciation of this as regards the general policy of visit, conducive as it should be railway extensions, am SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING, to mutual good feeling and Barbados no further loan understanding of different points expenditure on such schemes of view, and sincerely hope toat SUNLIGHT ALL THE DAY.
should be contemplated until a the principle underlying the full lovestigation has been under by a railway expert acting. Táe House recognize that START washing day well with Sunlight Soap. Have the clothes whatever plan may be devised Railway CommissionIf Legislative Council should The Herald of the 28th alto. to meet the most pressing con on the line early, and the meals to the appointment of such a states that at the Tuesday ditions of the moment, there ready to time. The afternoon is Commission, should propose sitting of the House of Assem and has been remarked by Your to defer the selection of an ex bly the Attorney General pres Excellency a most difficult in then yours to spend at your own rert until have had an oppor ented a Message from His terval to pass through and that sweet will.
lunity of consulting the Parlia Excellency the Governor trans these pressing difficulties can Pleasure foite ws in the wake of efficient mentary. Under Secretary of mitting a copy of a despatch only be overcome with the full stane rafter his return to this from the Secretary of Statertion united community prepared to for co operation of all sections of a work. With Sunlight Soap the housewife country does her work most efficiently, most easily.
out Yurther despatch will be amendments to the Income Tax acritices required to meet the the efforts There is no mystery. You get out of soap addressed to you shortly with Act, and intimating that if the Tha concur situation.
just what the makers put into it. The cream regard to the Loan Law enclosed House were prepared to concur To thrift unselfish of soap materials go into Sunlight Soap.
ness, and hard work, bowever, The name Lever on Soap in your despatch No. 672 of the in the amendments the legislation would be interesat must be added economy, for the 6th October, is a Guarantee of Purity The Sunlight environment is in keeping by the Attorney General. His House are of opinion that it is (Syd. WINSTON CHURCHILL, with its mission of cleanliness and and Excellence.
Excellency also forwarded un only by the rigid exercise of the eiticiency no soap is better fitted to der the same cover a copy of a strictest economy telegram Sisal Hemp Rope Secretary of State announcing received the island will be from the occasion that serve the British housewife than Sunlight to meet its obligations. Soap. Prove this io day.
that the services of Mr, 6. The House will give their Financial Rickman who had been super eariy attention to a Now Being Made In This vising the administration of the settling the rates to be laid un 1, 000 Guarantee of Purity on QUE Island.
Income Tax in Jamaica were der the Income Tax Acts and likely to bo available in were they agree with Your Excellency autumn, and invited the House that no ruthless employment of says. We are pleased to learn whether steps should be taken should be resorted to, but think The Gleaner of the 11th inst, to express an opinion as to this method of raising revenue shet in connection with growing to secure Mr. Rickman servi that the most moderate rates Sisal hemp, a Jamaica Cordage ces. Two other Messages from should be imposed in connection Company has been formed at His Excellency were laid. 1) there with. 18 May Pen, and from the Sisal relating to two proposals receiv The House consider that this hemp rope is manufactured in ed by the Government for the island should bear the cost of the this island. An expert Mr. removal of the wreck Gaarany, hospitality extended by Your LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT.
Burgess Coull has just arrived (2) with reference to the petition (Continued On Page 3)
despatch was found the vessel them there Island in an and proposal tive of opinion that taken acting House of Assembly the trutuhy not be neglected in agree on every SUNLIGHT enabled SOAP Bill RE 20 every bar, the ENLIGHE SUNLIGHT SOAP.


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