
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1922, PAGE THREE West Indian News. Varied Assortment of STATIONERY Of Every Description CAN ALWAYS BE HAD Continued Front Page 2)
Excellency to the Under Secre.
tary of State for the Colonies and are willing to pass a resolution to defray the expenses incurred In conclusion the House desire to show Your Excelleney that the several measures mentioned by Your Excellency as those to be introduced during the Session will receive the careful attention of the House when submitted to them After entering upon the consideration of a Bill to amend the Western Union Telegraph Com pany Act the debate on the second Reading was adjourned and the House adjourn for a fort night.
Dear Sir:I am pleased to inform you that an at an.
nual general meeting of the shareholders of the West Indian Steamship Com bany held at this Office on the 1st inst, a large gathering of members of the organization were present ani enthusiastic speeches were made in support of the furtherance and developmənt of the Conpany. The members in a body voted confidence in the administration, and pledges their wholehearted support It was also unanimously agreed that each shareholder will advance his shares by purchas.
ing more stock so as the enable us at once to procure and put afloat our large steamer con.
templated for the conveyance of freight and passengers to the ports agreed upon in our prospectus You are thereforə, respectfully requested not only to act in conformity with the decision of th shareholders who were present by doubling your purchase of stock yourself, but that you with induce every man, woman and child in your locality to come forward and join with us. Hoping to hear from you soon. remain, Yours truly, SMITH, Secretary. WORKMN PRINTERY The Sugar Industry.
sugar con industry Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
We cano An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
heartily And for this The best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day, Government medium JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
role public the Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. 60 TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE Barbados, Jan. 16. On Tues day last a number of proprietors When passing drop in and inspect our yaried and others interested in planta tions met and considered the Stock of situation which confronted the and came to the conclusion that Solo unless some Government in the shape of a assistance was given by the guarantee to the bnaks a dead antes lock would ensue. On Saturday at Government House a deputa tion of influential gentlemen waited on the Under Secretary of the Colonies and presented their case. Mr. Wood received them very cordially and promised to place the matter before the Secretary of State for his consideration.
In the reply to the Governor speech we observe the House has pledged itself to pay the money expended by the Govern or in entertaining the Under Secretary of State for the Colo Dies and his party during their isot to this Colony.
express ourselves as beindl in tavour vour of this pledge.
ino reason the enter Undoubtedly distinguished by admi not by any means admirable.
aum The public had no part in it. At Says British Warning Stop. House there was an official ped German Plan to dinner, and that was all the we EVERY WORKMAN War with Germs.
public knew of it. They were not allow any inside knowledge of the function through Comes home at times with a lame back, sore muscles or bruised the hands Don endue it, get relief and sleep soundly and comfortably, of the Press. The Detroit, January 26. slaugh unofficial luncheon at the Bridge Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC ter more terrible than anything town Club was also a close in the history of the human race function Everything official Will give you quick, permanent relief. You can go to work next and perhaps the annihilation of took the form of a private morning feeling good as new.
the inhabitants of Berlin and and family affair and for this Keep a bottle handy always in case of accidents. DR. TICHE London would have resulted had the are now to pay. As NOR ANTISEPTIC cuces, dobio itch, cuts, bruises, sprains toe World War lasted one more representatives of the people the Try it.
year according to Will Irwin, House use author, who lectured here to people money to pay for dis All drug stores have it.
day. Germany had collected the that he cannot sank on other Excellency deserves to be learnt. germs of various diseases and he was prepartok, spread them ine link between the people and people Treasury The Press is over France and England to pro lhe Government on such occa duce epidemics various kinds, said Mr. Irwin. Bussions, and should in the intereste the British Guvero went heard of the whom it interests represents, be ot it through spies aud promptly play its part as a faithful record full permitted full opportunity to Collected germs of anthrax a, disease to which the white races ance. As matters were run we matters of public import are particularly susceptible, and cannot ses how the public are had them in convenient shape to interested, and why they should drop them on the Germans.
pay is not clear to us. Then the German authoritjes were notined if they attempted Sow disease by means of germs every. town and city is 255 ft. 9ins long and 27 ft. ins. Germany within airplane radius would be deluged with anthrax beam. She has two decks. tween germs. The spread Disease germs broadcast.
but if the war had lasted another year they might in their despera In a Perilous Condition Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric ton have let loose their epidemic Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig.
as the last blow Exchange)
The Demerara Chronicle of the erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed 12th ultimo, publishes the follow.
water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. WILKINSON ing from its Essequibo corresWe must Buy her for our Service pondent: CONTRACTCR BUILDER Pins. Anna Regina and Hamp First Class Workmanship ton Court, the only two grind.
Plans and Specifications Free ceased grinding operations and ing estates on the coast, have WE NEED 60, 000 MORE 15th Street West House 99 closed down all work. They have MONEY. Box 4i1, Panama, also reduced their staff of overseers and book keepers, No is work, no land and no money, You may subscribe some of this by purchasing the present position of the some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound labourers on the coast, and each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound things are becoming very serieach and become part owner.
FOR SALE ous. The Sea Defence Departmert is doing nothing, and a DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW An up to date house contain famine is staring the inhabitants ing three apartments; located in the face.
on one hectare of land, Securely Planters Confer with Governor.
Write to the fenced with barbed wire and well planted with The private conference took KINGSTON, 37 ORANGE ST. JAMAICA. pine at the. apple, etc. also suitable Mesh Guiana Public Buildings, recent wire taclosure 100 1y between a reputati. of sugar uated at Hatto Pintado, Las planters led by Hon. Brass.
Sabanag, 15 minutes walk from ington, and comprising Tramway. Price Reasonable.
Hons. Sherlock, T, Smellie, Messrs. Farrar, and Jones (Secretary, Sugar Estates Co. Ltd. and His Adaertise in The Work Excellency Sir Wilfred Collet, man It Pays (Continued on Page 7)
of those When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
er or Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller THIS 600 TONS STEAMER Address. MULLER BUILDING to Demerara CALIDONIA The Germuns did not attempt to The Sugar Industry decks ff. high.
CALLE No PRIVATE ACADEMY English Classes For Young Ladies 6 AND FOR BOYS 7 Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays. BARTON, Golden Opportunity NILE QUEEN sugar West Indian Steamship Company, Ltd.
DANDRUFF REMEDY Springfield, Kashmir Chemical Co.
Chicago, Gentlenien. Nile Queen preparations have done wonders for my hair a Cheads without success, until found Aried Behriy every thing to clear ashion of pimples. liver spots and black Nile Queen. Now my skin is as smooth and lovely as can be and my hair has shown so long and glossy, my friends si simire it. wish all our women would try Nile Queen.
Very truly yours. Sgd. SALLE REID, SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS 108 Broadway and 8th Street, Colon.
Box 736. Cristobal, Advertise in the Workman It pays.

    World War

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