
holid THE WORKMAN Oruc 14, 000, 000 111 Owe Year Six Months Three Doe 20 le CIGARETTES 8.
had to PO a United part of and satistied THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBUARY 25, 1922, PAGE FOUR Legion Carnival CHURCH SERVICE Big Success. American Episcopal Courch)
OVER St. Paul Church, Panama.
VIOLA CRO NNED sm, Holy Communion, Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies 10 sm, The Litany.
WALROND, 31 the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters Gorgeous Demonstration 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist, and serue mod corner of Streal. Padams, of public interest invited.
mon, 66 All copy for publication must be 30 pm, Haly Baptism.
DO Box 74, Panama 3 to. Sandy School 99 written on one side of paper only, scd On Tuesday night last, at the KATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX must be accompanied by the same ol 30 pm Eveprong and somn. 40 S. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publics Balboa Stadium which was beso tifully decorated for the occasion NIGU ENGALE. Vicar.
son but as a mark of good faith.
the American beauty Viola St. Alban s, Paraiso.
we do not undertake to return Queen of the American Legion One Eleven crejected orrespondence 10 am, Hoy Biptiem, was crowned with all the pump and glory necessary for such a 11, m, Hy Babits and semn The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS grand Carnival festivities. The p. Sund y Secool American colony showed all the 30 EUR address SATURDAY, FEBUARY 25, 1922 er thusiasms that were necessary St. George Church Gatun.
to bring about the desired suc 11 a. Nos and address selling daily in the and only a little p. Sunday Se col The Queen is without the 730 EW. Dog and addres over one year on the market BOWING TO THE INEVITABLE. shadow of doubl, a pretty charming and popular young woman. NIGGIENGALE Priest in charge She has won the nearts of her subjec. and the thousands of St. Peter Church La Boca.
There is a reason for this increasi To morrow morning when the Italian Liner, clears admirers who thronged to see coronation. Panamanian 11. m, Morning prayer sad address popularity her moorings from Cristobal and sets out on her voy the damsels, magnets of attraction, p. Bunday School, age to Barvados and other West Indian islands she will de iD company of the Royal Court of 30 pm. Even og dermon, BUY PACKAGE TO DAY carry a full complement of repatriated ex employees who, Mercedes 1, the National Regina MULCARE. Rector.
seeing the rapid decline of the economic sun are hitting of Panama dozzled the stadium St. Barnabas Church, Empire The 111 Blend is incomparable it for Home Sweet Home before the worst succeeds the with beauty and golden splendor The scintilating star fleker of 11 am. Morning Prayer sermon and worse.
Ranging from three months to twelve unemployment the jewelled crowd was ber bé Holy Comualora pm Sunday School, Venic has reduced the condition of thousands of West Indians compared to the most magaiti7. 30 Evening Prayer and address, Commissaries 11c. Packuge music St. Bar nolomew Church, Clob Houses 11c.
though seeing no reasonable outlook bad still hoped that ed and entranced the guests Las Cascadas something fortunate would overtake them and restore the spectators in such a manner that Post Exchanges they to feel their bodies to 11 am. Morcing Prayer and address, conditions of economics to a status that would mean relief see it they were awake or 30 pm Sunday School and opportunity to them.
sleep. Surely this was a a delight 3, 30 pm Evening Prayer and address, But the authorities, in whose hands the administra. ul hallucination, a magniticent MULCARE. Prist in charge.
tion of the canal lies, had been pointing them to the fact dream of life. draught of which SURGICAL MEDICAL CLINIC that there was absolutely no outlook and no hope of em. ubat potion of royalty Christ Church by the Sea ployment for some years to come. Some offers, insuffi. would bave made the States what she ought to be, hai 7, 30 Parish Communion, Central Avenue No. 46 eient but charitable, were flouted by the distressed who, she not elected to be the great 10 15 Litany instead of observing the setting sun, feasted their memor republic, that persevering and 10. 3) a m, High Mars and sermon.
Drs. DANIEL CHANIS. AROSEMENA ies on the halcyon days of construction when the economic determined statesmanship has 3D in. Church School, FROM EDINBURGII UNIVERSITY (ENGLAND) 30 pm Eveosong and sertron.
earth was at perihelion and when dashing sport and enjoy succeeded in making her But alas! This glory is hers ment were the orders of the day.
Only in EDWARD COOPER. Rector, tuagination.
Stout resistance, bold abuse and delusive expectation But among all this gorveus dis Dr. Chanis froin to p. mn.
Seventh Day Adventist Church may were the principles adopted by the majority of the unem play and demon: tiation, Dr. Arosemena fton to 11 a. in.
ployed with relerence to everybody and to everything by this dream not be a taste of the 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA whom and by which relief was offered to them. The future and what shall, will, and must be Can this Sibbath (sturiny) 45 am There are free consulting hours every day in the French SubPharmacy from 10 to 12 and from to in.
greatest dissausfaction was expressed at the policy recome the Great English people ba School 11 15 sm, General Worship mended by some thinkers in the community; the question ba the ary 30 pm Soinish Casi; 30 pm.
respectively aire of the British Legation was ignored, except by a and un courty dramatic or rom Yung People Meeting; 530 comparatively few of the people, ard other measures of te scenes of the present for Vespers, Sunday night 30 pm. Sorvice. All help were allowed to fail eld while suffering and distress which is so dear to the hearts of adventure Time will tell and are wele increased with terrible rapidity.
the dream of the Carnival will Cut this out and keep for reference All Lopes for the future have now been dissipated. come true, The people have, at last begun to realise that economic was indeed a big and Wesleyan Methodist, Take flushness on the canal is gone forever. The last straw on gorous manifestation of man Pom 11 am, Mr. Walters Notice which the helpless people held has disappeared and they towaph over the forest and the 730 tn. it K cool Be. ba, powerful have given up he stiuggle.
agencies of nature Colon 11. M: Williams 30 five years. th u questionably, ue condition of the unemployed on which tais glorious ever was pu Rev. Surrea La Bics 11 WREATHS was a Mr. Lacouraux, 30 in, Mr.
would not have been as bad as it has become if the people celebrated was in the made from natural flowers bad listend to reason and sound advice. There are those of how God made it. Tohabited Harris New. Providence 11 am.
here who know now, and knew then, that it was folly for by wild animals and birds, To Me Layne Parsis 11 Rev. Kissock Brabama, B, Holy Comm FOR FUNERALS the people who had been laid off from work to expect case show the bands of man has union) Empire. II am Rev. it; The highest culture, Surgeon (Lly Communion)
changed BOQUETS for Weddings, Baptisms, or much in the way of re employment, and it was eir beauty and retinement, of the peoples greatest surprise that their suggestions and offers of two who made possible the linking of the two ocean; other social Functons assistance were ignored.
celebrated most glorious and ARNOLD HOSTEN Can be supplied by Those who bave acquired holdings on the Canal Zone for agricultural purposes have already found the means triumphant festival. This is a compliment to the small band MIGUEL HIVE wbertby they will be able to answer the domestic require. of pl plgrim fathers who landed on Mr. and Mrs. Hosten Call at his office No. 94 Central Avenue, Paone638 or at to express ments of their families, but this number is in appreciable the coasts of the United States of La Boca bag his residence on the Sabinas Road.
Aud ago.
when compared with the thousands of people who are centuries to day, through this medium their ap America basts of everything precision and gratitude to PRICES stranded here for lack of employment.
British excepts her government, friends and neighbours for their not inconsequential that the various offers of nature sometimes cruel kind genuine PHONES 1039 Sabanas relies have been rejected by certain people whose one idea and unrelenting, 638 No. 94 Central venne their splendor of was to sit with arins folded and compel the powers that abstructele ning intervened and and services rendered during the daughter be to find employment and the money to compensa e Proceest achievement which was to be be Gertrude, and also informing them for it. This attitude has squandered the interest, all the demonstrations. But the recovered to be able to leave the of them that she has sufficiently sympathy and consideration of those who under other Americans, who are always not hospital and is recuperating at circumstances may become the only source of appeal, and to be beaten had their way, and their residence.
The STEWART what will Lappen then?
and although some of the beauty In a large number of instances the resistence to the and pleasures were detracted, highest congratulations are inevitable has broken down and a willingness to accept tion was exemplified by the in bringing about its success.
striking example of determina deserving to those who succeeded repatria ion is apparent. Hundreds of people have been promoters of the Legion CarniBP, sent to their homes, during the last three months, by the val. Art, beauty, music and Written Panama Canal and by the American Red Cross. if these intellect was personitied in this specially for The WORLMAN people had accepted the offer of repatriation about three celebration, and for which the CLASSES IN or four months ago they would have left here loooking, probably, more physically fit they do now.
force of Crcumstances has brought about a great employment has nothing to offer, promise or prognosti. Shorthand, government which all change in tre feelings of the suffering people. Three cate, and Panama must protect herself.
moniis ago the general thought was that the authorities It must never be overlooked that the most noisy obwere trying to ius itute a policy of under pay by a white jectors to repatriation and temporary relief are the unwashed an ecedent under the guise of charity. This feel desirable class. Such ought to be hunted down and 51 16th STREET WEST ing was strong and freely expressed, but the objectors to deported. They form a gang that will always menace the particular tom of reliet measure referred to are talk the peace and safety of the community and, whatever is PANAMA CITY ing in a different tone, now.
done with them, they should be rendered unoffensive and Threo months or more ago, the impulse was to resist harmless.
all su gestions of repatriation; now the people are seek The unemployment on the Isthmus has been the cause ing it iu great numbers. What they had refused before of a considerable amount of crime. Blackguardism, Notice To Members Of The Notice.
they are begging for now. They can hold out no longer. rowdyism, aud outlawry as observed in Panama and Colon They are now beginning to see that the people whom they are due to eness which has flooded these cities with suspected of under hand dealings were their friends, gangs of tramps and cut throats. These are to be found while those who fed them on ar pies and platform gas were in two classes: Working Under the those whose shabby dress readily This is to notify the public in their stumbling blocks and impediments.
betrays them, and the gilded suspects who seek conceal. You are hereby informed that general that my wife, Nola McPanama seems to be prepared to in view of the fact that our Donald, having left my home and protect herself ment under their dashing attire.
against being flooded with unemployed people.
lodge room will not be available on These are the ticks and weevils of society, and it wednesday night March 1st, for protection, of her own will on the cordance with a new decree, no foreigner can enter this is always bard to get rid of them; but if Panama and the observance of Peter Ogden the 27th October, 1921, will be country without being able to deposit a satisfactory sum Colon are to sustain their reputation as respectable cities Day, we have selected a more no longer responsible for her of money or show means of subsistence. This decree is the haunts of the undesirables must be closed and the spacious auditorium, that is the debts or actions. My wife is a already in force, and several men who took passage from habitués sent to places where they can be more serviceable side of the lodge room. Please 2335, Royal Ancient Shepherds, Cuba here in the last few weeks were refused landing and to themselves and to the world, or deported to their homes be governed accordingly and be had to go back. This was unfortunate, but the government where shame and disgrace will put an end to their life of on time 30 sharp.
Colon. Feb. 1922.
of Panama cannot be blamed for this state of affairs. The villainy and outrage.
FITZ H, BOWEN, ERNEST MCDONALD, This a to their It is and Commercial Evening School Typerriting, Spanish, Etc. In ac


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