
90 633 DO RSS Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
the West SSSS NO SUBSTITUTES USED Repres that the Jamaica ston, with ter will be The Notice of Removal situation Diabta session.
ald to day their pound of cause of the O1 THE PARLIAMENT OF SSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSS West Indians do not GREAT BRITAIN THE IDEAL PHARMACY ask for Charity No. 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro COLONIAL POLICY The King Delivers His Belgium with a view to conclu.
NEEDED Speech From Throne Insion of Agreements for common (OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE) House Of Lords.
action in the event of an unpro.
voked attack by Germany.
To Maintain Seif Respect. The situation in the Near VARIOUS SUBJECTS East continues to engage the ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Once more West Indians in anxious attention of the GoveraPanama are asked to do a big ment, and it is my earnest hope thing. They are requested Establishment of Irish Free that the forthcoming Allies sd a representative with th State Is Anxiously awaited discussions in Paris may result deputation which will leave Ja.
Throughout the World. in an early solation which will maica for England in the sprin: terminate the confict in a man of the present year. Tais is a ner honourable to all concerned matter for serious considera REFORM OF LORDS.
To House of Commons.
tion when we consider that tha To the House of Commons the appe comes from one of the lead coaies King said that the estimates for London, Feb. Parliament, services for the coming year Indies We should teel proud of which was prorogued December would be submitted, and that such an appeal. No obstacles should be placed in tha way so 19, to await action on the Irish every effort had been made to Treaty by the Dail Eireann was reduce the expenditures to the that the success of this historical re opened to day with the read lowest possible total, in order to movement be assura Only the purest and most genuine Drugs comof the Speech from the relieve the people as much as We feel proud of the fact that Throne by the King. Regarding possible from the heavy burdens.
our representative from Panana the Irish Treaty the King said Retrenchment on a great scale a pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over a inade indelible impressions on they would be be called upon to to con would be in a time of great Inon individuals, he the minds of the leading political sider such measures the many redes saisterial de pres be 40 years experience characters in Jamsics, and that necessary to effect to the agree depression, such as that th: work wa: so ably carried out, ment. He also tɔuched ntativa upon Government Association at Kox.
the negotiations for the pact with through which the world at pre: sent WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor.
is passing, it is the necessiwith the joint appreciation France to. Kuarantee action in ty of the situation that economy the event of an unprovoked at be practised by all in every diof other leaders in the colony, 3853 20 Stcoi assesso tack by Germany, and paid rection, and look for your sup.
SSSSSSSS have decided that Mr. BP. Wyn.
ter high tribute to the accomplish port ia securing essential econo a distinct addition to ments of the Washington Con. mies. To both the House of the deputation Mr. Wyater is ference.
Lords and Commons he said. Red Cross Programme.
not very keen is going unless the. The King Speech.
Articles of West lodians bere express the Agreement sigo the desire of having themselves te London, Feb. In his speech ed by my Ministers and at opening of Parliament Irish delegation, to which you preseated on the deputation, or nights, quin the event a more capsula day the king said: During the have already signified assent, Feb. 13 18, the Children of the Red last three months the Washing have now been approved in Ire Tank School, rendered in the Club representative will consent to tont conference on the questions land, and the Provisional Govern house a lengthy Red Cross programme, The Public is hereby notified that the accompany the deputation.
supo of Disarmament and the Far ment contemplated in that which was divided between the two It cannot be disputed, that our western chile continued its strument is at present engaged nights. The chsirmen for the West Indian people in these SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO to tioner parts are not suffering and that maintain peace in the Pacific tion of the country. Finales pherson respeotively.
something must bạ done to rehas been signed by Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue, Corner Irish Free move theun out of the unfavour tatile on the British Empire, the State as a partner in the British ailed long before then, Me Boss Jobinde At about o clock, the house 16th Street West.
able situation in which they are United States France and placed. Very little sympathy is Jalast (Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. shown to the alarming condition awaits ratification. Waited throughout the world. principal of the chnol, called the casetTreaty replaces the You will therefore be invited at ing to order, and after explaining the as obtains on the Isthmus The new premises are well equipped for turning out Toe landlords are an early date to consider such object of the programe, introduced are demanding Anglo Japanese Alliance, am happy to feel that the longe measures as may be necessary the chairman.
Alesh, and there the best class of work is no Portia here to plead the The children did their best, and many standing concord between the to give effect to the Agreement. unfortunate Bill of Indemnity will also be were the renditions of the night by them suder two countries remain as submitted cordial as ever under the ar to you.
Dearly all of whorn being sabers of the ers. That the situacioa West The continued volume of un American Bratiea of the Red rangements the United States Cros Indians PHOTOGRAPHS must be shown to At the same time employment among my people Society.
the Imperial concluded Govet our relations with the United causes me the deepest concero, needs no argument. We must Among the plecare. dered, special AS States of America enter a new and will continue to receive the help ourselves, so that those on minis mention is made The Psalm of Life and closer phase of friendship earnest attention of my whom we depend may see and An Agreement was also reach distressing situation is to ters. The only remedy for this by Miss Lilias Cragwell, The Battle Cry be of Freed m, by Miss rele Robinson, NEW YEAR GIFTS know that we are worthy of help and assistance. The people are ed on the question of Disa ma ment, and a treaty has er found in appeasement of Inter and School Day by Miss not asking for charity, they are ben national rival. ies and suspicions, also exhibited, Remember your friends with your photograph this Chandler. Two interesting drills were asking for a colonial policy which Bite y sure of reliet from the burden and in the improvement of con Dril, and The Brigado Drill by the The Sailor year and they will remember you as long as them to develop these distant of the Empire, Armaments. In the photograph lasts.
these reresults carried on all over the have 000 of world, and live indepenThe programme is the result of the dess For these reasons welcome dently at home. To maintain been attained, and the success of the Conference, for which the arrangements now making for combined efforts of the following teach their self respect as worthy world owe a deep debt of gravi the meeting of an International ers of the Rd Tank School. Messref members of the Empire.
Our Photographs are Permanent Johnson principal, Parchment, tude to the initiative of the Conference at Genoa, at which No one will contend that hard.
Cragwell, United States of America will trust it will be possible to estab. 1. Mlyers. Have that long delayed photo which you promised Walters, and H, Mcpherson. The ship do not prevail at the prefor lish peace on a fair basis be the bappiest augury for Europe and to reach a settlement proceeds will go to the funds of the Red sent tine But we are called future international relations. Europe your friend so often upon to give up some of our The problem of securing pay of many important questions Ce:s Society pleasures and luxuries so as to ment of Repatriation of Ger arising out of the pressing need MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO bring about a speedy change of mans in the inaoner most com for financial and economic the present situation. No one fortable to the general interest construction. Proposals will be realized under existing condi The coolest in the city where you are certain of the should be selfish or ihsular in the continuous con submitted to you for the reform tions. There is overlapping and best attention.
dealing with this matter, as it is sideration of iny Mir isters and of of the House of Lords, and an duplicatioa throughout. In order for the good of all West Indiang our Allies. The German Gov adjustment of the differences fully to realize the economies, in these parts.
ernment at the request of the between the two Houses. the three forces must be brought Lodges, Divisions of the Allies have themseives submit Among the Bills for submis together by creation of the coDay and Night Photographs Literary Associations, can all ted proposals which are now sion to Parliament, most of ordinating authority of a Minisdo their share by starting volun.
under consideration.
which are purely domestic, is one ter of Defence responsible for tary contribution funds These Discussions recently initiated relating to the establishment of seeing that each force, plays its SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO amounts can be forwarded to the proceeding between the International Trade Corpor part and is allotted appropriate International Banking CorporaGovernment and France and ation.
responsibility for carrying out its various functions.
107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West.
tion to be lodged to the credit of In recommending the reducthe Panama Branch of the Jamai ion in the Navy, the Committee ca Representative Government Jamaica Deputation Fund. All recognized societies mates for 1922 1923 provided for maa power on a lavish scale, and on the Canal Zone and in Colon, are asked to ÎN FIGHTING FORCES.
without interference with get busy and do the manning of fisvital their part. Let us demonstrate to the world that in spite of the from situation we unfavourable ships to Submarines is an excess!
Curable sth Personnel and Estimates Navy and Air Forces under a of more than 33, 000 Officers and (BRANDON BANK. our grievances to His Majesty of Navy, Army Air Ministry of Defence, is advocat men it asserts that the Admiral Representatives, such ed.
ty a smaller Navy is main relief as will tend to our perma Forces To Be Cut Down The Committee also taining far larger shore establish SECURITY recomments than it did before the war nent and economic development.
mends: Reduction in the Naval Now is the time to test the value In its recommendations regard SERVICE of British colonial policy in assis IN DRASTIC MANNER personnel of 35, 000, a Nayal Estimates for next ing the Navy, the report states: year ting its darker subjects. 81, 000, 000 to 60, 000, 000 No account has been taken of Panama (Founded 1853)
Colon Retranchment Committee exclusive of any saving brought the large savings which might MASON Shows How 75, 000, 000 Can about by the next year naval result from the proposals arising holiday agreed upon at Washing out of the Washington Confer Our large Resources and well known Mattress Maker Repairer Be Saved; More Later ton. Reduction of 50, 000 men in ence, such as the discontinuance the army and conservative Management afford unin army of the construction of the four OF CHORRILLO GUACHAPALI the estimates of 20, 000, 000. cut new capitalships for which CUT EDUCATION VOTE.
of 5, 000, 000 in the Air Service estimates of 1922 23 included questioned security for every dollar estimates and reduction by eight 11, 800, 0001 nor of the possible deposited with this bank is ready to please his people and one half of the Air Squad reduction in the number of capA direct West India cable from rons allotted to the Navy and ital and other ships in full, or with all and every class of London dated February 10th Army. The committee favours partial commission.
furniture and repairs.
states that drastic reductions in reducing education estimates by The Committee considers the the personnel and the estimates 16, 000, 000 and recommendations army man. power estimates also 21 STREET GUACHAPALI for maintenance of the also put forward for consid. to have been made on a lavish HOUSE NO. 10, Nayy and Air force, are mended in the report of orecom erable economies in the services scale, and thinks that a reduction the and under the control of the Board of of fifty thousand Officers 18AAO BRANDON Geddes Committee on NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDOS JUAN ILLUECA Be suomy made pushcupady, enes service and the Ponda sua uueng the forces employed the Agricultural and Fish men could be made without rePresident Vice President Treasurer The committee, which was asked Civil Service Departments. In the War Office on Foreign Attorney at Law how 100, 000, 000 could the remarks on the Navy, Army service.
be saved, accounts, for 75 061, and Air Forces estimates No. 44 Central Avenue 875 of this amount and will sug report contains the following: TELEPHONE No. 64. BOZ No. 76 gest further reductions on exEconomy In Service.
Practices in all Courts of penses in various Government In our opinion full economy ish and English, for sale at the Panama.
Departments in a latter report. Co ordination of the Army, and in the fighting services cannot be Workman Printery.
English Spoken Fluently Daisy a assist Creditions und of 18 boys spects great 10 reare Association Jamo Big Reductions Recommended that hole the Panama Banking ships of the Company can help Ourselves, in carrying levantives, seeking with a cut in from a cut Army, are General Banking Business Transacted National Trade, by to show the Rent Receipt Books In Span Advertise in the Workman It Pays


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