
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25; 1922 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West Indian News WATERBURY COMPOUND WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL m telling you (Continued from pige Hon. Hampden King (Acting Colonial Secretary)
Hector Josephs, KC, LL, Attorney General) and Grannum (Colonial Treasur er) The object of the deputation, it is understood. was to solicit aid from the Government for the industry.
His Excellency sympathetical ly received the deputation, who, after expressing their views withdrew, They Satisfy INDICATIONS Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Cold Anaemia Following Fevers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia An excellent vehicle for administering lodides, Bromide and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bow Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climate.
all seasons of the Year.
You have Tried the Rest Why not Use the Best. and the blend can be copied Trinidad FOR SALE BY The Associated Chamber Of Commerce.
WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Des Moines la Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans Meeting in Trinidad.
Chesterfield Hus Book Binding!
Generelt on site decorre Pia Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department CENTRAL AVENUE and No. G Street you, Sir 101 pour labours will SAVES LIFE try, the the present they had cause St. Vincent, was Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than san, it is a reputable cermicide and fectant That th this Trinidad, Jan. 24. The opening of the intermediate session of the Associated West Indian Chambers of Commere, took place in the Council Chamber, Red House, yesterday. There were present: His Excellency the Governor Sir. Samuel Wilson E, , MG.
President: Mr.
gins. Vice President, and il the other delegates from the other West Indian Islands and Demerara. In concluding his address of welcome to the dele LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO. gates, His Excellency said: in conclusion would like once more to extend to Edward Davson, and the other members of the West Indian Black Dye Turns Associated Chamber of Com Link to with LIFEBUOY merce a hearty welcome the people of Trinidad. hope for Horld Sake.
Hair Green, Gold, So fruitsulaid Woma: Sues.
can assure you that any rero lution which you would like to submit to the Government, on which have the bonour to be London Jan. 22. dye that beau, will receive full and sym produce green hair was the pathetie consideration.
subject of an amusing action heard by Justice Sankey in the Sir Edward Davson then occuKing banch yesterday. The pied the Chair, and, after a which said: He thought it only fair story of feminine tragedy was brilliant and exhaustive opening prevent unemployment from will follow on the inability to to correct what might go abroad revealed by Mrs. Lillie Pendry, several delegates upon the criti cultivate sugar testates. That as a wrong impression with wite of a provision merchant of cal position of the Sugar Indus this Association un testhe ne con regard to the Colony of Trinidad following resolution was sity for the promptest action He though it only right to say She bought four bottles of unanimously.
Trinidad is con the dye from the defendant this Association approves and this resolution be cabled to the cerned, the chemist mutilations had and two days later, endorses the rosolutions Minister of Trade and Com. practically disappeared and it for after using it, found that her warded by it to the Secretary merce in Ottawa Mr. Richarda was a fact that they had a very hair was green. It was meant of State on 10th August, 1921, position of St Vincent Arrowiust time. Mr. Richards to the critical good service at to be black from its constitnent members also said not Under cross examination, Mrs. inviting his attention to the Other delegates discussed the he could say Pendry said her hair developed desirability of Great Britain equally serious YOUTH and happiness are linked condition of for complaint in several shades, from golden entering into an agreement with Cocoa and Lime products in the where they had been very up with health. Link up with well pale green these colonies for a gurantee of world markets. The following served up to the present Lifebuoy for health and for the After unanimously much discussion as to the cost children sake. Lifebuoy Soap pro It was kind of shot, sug existing preferences in duties resolution for gested counsel to the of period of ten years. adopted: Having regard West to Barbados, Trinidad and Dem of laying cables from Bermuda motes health happy, smiling health; Camouflag d, commented Furthermore, that inasmuch as serious condition of certain it protects the children from the the justice the present rate ot perference Indian industries to any Coena. orara, the following Resolutions dangers of contagious diseases.
granted by Great Britain is 16 Lime product and Arrowroo, was adopted. 1)
Mrs. Pendry said her hair was percent, of the full cuties, and as the last named the product of Asociation Lifebuoy Sone has a twofold us disinfects again urges turning grey.
as it cleanees: disease germs canot live where She is now hav. those granted by the West In the Island of St Vincent, which need of steps being taken to Lifebuoy Soad has been used. Lifebuoy Soap ing it dressed with henna. dian Colonies range from 334 to has to day two years erop u sold improve the will safeguard the children keep them Counsel for the dye company 50 percent. Tanks Association and suifers from the severe con tecns the eleveraph communi healthy weil is clean. Insist upon them agreed to compromise the case respectfully suggests to the competition of flour and starchovides the consideratioa of the using it before ter play, before meals.
and the hearing was dropped of State that in view products in foreign countries, it Secretary of State to the accomOakland Tribune.
of a gradual reduction in duty is the desire of this Aseseitio pansios memorandum as to in when the actual amount of pre: relief or protection may be con dealing with this urgent matter.
measure of the basis of a suheme for IT BATHE, WITH IT SHAMPCO WITH IT.
deminish to ROOMS TO LET negligible amount. His Majesty to these indastries. The (2) The Association further sugGovernment should consider the question of steamship commun gests toat the Secretary CALLE No desirability granting the cation being next on the Agenda State for the Colontes be urged MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
continuance of the preference the President proposed: That that such steps be aken as will at the existing amount for the this association reaffirms the enable the APPLY ON PREMISES said period, That in as much as desirability of establishing a constant use by the public of the the West Indian Sugar Industry satisfactory and efficient British West Indies of the wireless is in a critical state owing to the passenger service between the stations now existing, includiog rate of duty now imposed in Kingdom and the West those controlled by the Admin the United States by the Ford Indies, but regrets that the pre ralty, ney Tarifi and to the glut of sent time is not favourable for unsaleable sugar in Cava this the contribution of a substantial Association urges the desirabili subsidy from these Colonies. English Vicar Bars double the amount (represent, Elders and Fyffe Jamaica Line epresent Secretary of State that the ing 33 per cent on existing duties) for period of not less should be invited to divert 109th Psalm on the Ground of every description than 12 months in order to passenger steamer once a mɔnth enable the Sugar Industry to Trinidad en route to Jamaica retro so as to call at Barbados It Curses.
and tide over the present period of adversity and to prevent the hus giving an increased New York despatch tec DONE WITH NEATNESS AND of the people in rapid service to the first unemployment sugar growing colonies named Islands and bringing January, 26 says: On the which must arise through inabi them into easy communication ground that the curses in the DESPATCH lity to continue the cultivation of with Jama! ca.
109th Psalm are an Christian and anti Christian. the Rev. It further suggests the pos. Mr. Rud, Vicar of the Church of unanimously. That this associa the Harrison Line for a regular barred it from his servicus It was also moved and carried sibility of coming to terms with St. Johr, in Leeds, England, has tion desires to place on record monthly sailing to and from Bar. Some of the curses which the their great satisfaction at ratification of the trade agree. Guiana of a passenger steamer wishes God to visit on his enemy the bados, Trinidad and British unknown author of the psalm Birthday Cards and Ball Gards.
ment of 1920 leading as it has suitable for the requirements of are: done to greater trade and inti the into these Colonies.
Several Let his children be fatherless macy between the dominions and and gates expressed the opinion that and his wife a widow.
these colonies. That looking to it would be inadviseable to men.
the present critical condition of tion any particular line and with Let his children be vagabonds the sugar industry in the West this amendment the resolutions and let them seek their bread Good Assortment Indies owing to the duties now were carried unanimously.
in the streets.
imposed by the under the Tuesday the Conference dis that he hath and let the stranger Let the extortioner take all.
Fordney Tariff Act, and to overTO SELECT FROM AT THE production in Cuba, this Associa cussed the question of Cable dispoil his labour.
tion urges the doubling of the Communication; several dele Let his posterity be cut off West Indian sugar for a period gates spoke in condemnation of and in the next generation let of not less than twelve months the existing service, the only his name be clean blotted out to enable the industry to tide exceptions being Messrs. Hog Let not the sin of his mother over the present crisis and to gins and Richards. The former be blotted out.
Secretary a USE LLOY HOME WAY FOR CLEANING THE HANDS AND FACE WITH ceded to unrestricted and LEVER BROTHS LIMITE PORT SUNT ENGLAND high United JOB PRINTING ty to ba and and two the estates.
Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, dele WORKMAN PRINTERY


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