p. 8


THIS IS THE HE TIME WALK OVER SHOES th first as clas Reduction in Prices American Bazaar Stores was bext week, Ooo WAS in the violent, conflict with EXCELSIOR THEATRE untry and the Minister came KES OS the What lave INTreaty former year BES Movie News. BRITISH TOPICS Briefly summarised the terms provided for Ireland to bave Dominions on The Excelsior Theatre, the Agreement the Consdian model, with a veront only movie house catering to the as General appointe for Cards, and to West Indian pepulation of this With the exception of very few ba kun the Irish Preetste.
city, and undoubtedly one of the isolated and capatatively trival epi Ite Parliament to take a new nath best appointed theatres in Panades, the Irish truce which began on of allegiance to the Irish Pre State and ma, has had a very successful. bas me norable 11th of July was to the Kinz in virtue of the common TO BUY YOUR week both as to the attend inescrupuloualy observed on both sides, citizenship of Ireland with Great Britain every night and the programs few weeks pr viously, any civilians and her member nin of the British offered at each show. In spite South Irel nd who showed themselve Commonwealth of Nations of the hard times everyone is be on friendly terus with British Ireland scoept her share of debt and experiencing, the support the diers did so at peril of their lives, pension libilities Management of the theatre in Alur that dae, British Tonmies bean Nival defence to remain an Imperial receiving is proof that their fraternise with the Irish people undertaking efforts to provide their clientele und as in the case of the German If an Irish defence forces established with the best to be obtained in occupied territory becsme immensely it is to be proportionate to the populaThe stmos tion of Irelnd.
the way of pictures, are fully pular with every one appreciated by their patrons phere improved daily under these Ulster to decide within a month of This week will see the Jastane, but the progress of poli ratification whenever she will come with episode fe land of Veoticises were slow.
in the new State gance, a fine detective serial De Valera, at the outset of the If Ulster refuses, a Commission is to We have just received a large shipment and have full of amusing incidents, in it is one of the finest serials of Benettone would have none of the determino ber touudatos British offers of Provisions for saleguards for minorithe kind that has ever been seen recepti in its terms had recived through ties, been able to make substantial for a ling ting Thursday out the world Nothing less In Britain both Houses of Parliament night Wreck among Cannibals! complete detachment for Ireland wete re assembled specilly to consider was screened; and it was voted would eat sły him w srisom ex and ratify the Treaty. At the se by every one who clange of letters between Mr. Lloyd time, Dail Bircan wat in Dublin for a was fortunate enough to see it. George and Mr. de Valers followed. milar purpos. The management has been re Both desired a conference and the Ratification in London, by both quested for a repeated showing Prime Minister made it clear from the House, was completed after two days of this picture and we are in first that only one coudi ion was from debate la the House of Commons fórred that it is probable to be his point of view, essential allegiance the Treaty was approved af er amend shown again; in that case it will to the British Crown, which is the one ment for rejection had been defeated by me be advertised in time, bond wheb hold the Britieh Dominions 401 votes to 58. In the House of Lords a numb rof good programs for together. Awaiting Ireland, he said. similar motion for rejection the management is was free, equal and loyal partnerebip defeated by 166 votos to 47.
advertising for an early showing in the British Commonwealth under one of Adventures of Targan and Sovereign and the subject for discusion In Dublin, however, it soon became The Prince of Wales voyage by the proposed Anglo Irish conference evident that a violent epit bad oecurred around the Worid. This last was described by bim se how the as the Sinn Fein raak The Trests PANAMA COLON bad been considered in secret for several picture will be of interest to all sociation of Ireland with the community days by the Irish Cabinet. Rumours West Indians in Panama as there of nx ions known as the British Empire of dissension were et fired by the are many episodes of the Prince can beat be reconciled with Irish aspi.
OOSSSSSS stay in Panama that appear in rations.
is:ue of two of two anaounermeuts, the picture, Irish opinion became rather impatient from de Valers ating that be consider lerms of the agreement in SSSSS with Mr. de Volta during his exohsnge ou the with the wis be of the Carnival Festival Begins of letters, Ireland, basking of the Irish Dstion and To day.
blessings of true, wanted peace and majority wanted it quickly, Me de Valers refusing to recommend iis accepta per semed to be under the impresion tbst ether to the il Breana or to the The seed were anonymous terms, came announcement Degotiations Today Panama Carnival be British Prime from Arthur Griffi and we gins and for four days this city had sharply immediately roborated by Mical at last remind TO NIGHT to Commencing Wednesday March 1st will go wild with pleasure. The aim tha: You have not come to Collins. It is said: sva sind this Streets and Parks have been meet us a single step but have merely Britain. beli. vo this Treaty will lny betwern Ireland and Great Our Famous ELMO LINCOLN, the beautifully decorated for reiterated Saturday, February 25th in phrases of emphatic obal the foundation of peace and friendship occasion and it preparation lenge the letter and the spirit of your UNIVERSAL PRESENTS of success it Great Strong Man citat that the brilliance and the original claim. De Valera c»nducted between the tw) nations.
sigod shall stand by in the belief the Raucherie correspondence with EDMUND COBB spectacular demonstrations this carnival will surpass those of bad not the Prime Minister, by issuing a the Cabicot favoured the of which would have ended in breakdown that the end of the craft of centurie It is became known that IN. fresh invitation to conference, mely by a majority of one.
15. EPISODES. 15 Queen Mercedes will be presented the Irish Trader with an oppor The Desert Scorpion crowned tonight at the National unity to cut himself free of the verbal In the Dail, which first sat in secret Theatre with all the pomp and tangle he had himself ven, to accept and then in public, a similar cleavage The Adventures of Tarzon glorious traditions of the carnival and to save his face at the same time. was apparent. Griffith and Collos and festival. Panamanians as is their o nference was fixed for Downing their supporters were subjected to vic Sunday, Monday and custom will enter into the holi Street on October 10th and the Irish triolic attack by those whasided Festivities with that spirit of delegates wereld by Mr. Arthur Gil with President.
Tuesday Coming Soon enthusins for which they can fith and included Mr. Michael Collins, ba e revealed so extent of stressonnot be outrivalled. It is really a one time chief of the Irish publisan ing base and fansticism the existence of which might wonderful demonstration and have Iskea by The Prince of Wales the NO SHOW CARNIVAL witness how the natives here can is a real source of pleasure to Army.
Progress then begin in earnest behind impartial observer as an indication 10 closed doors.
one of the forces which had 30 SEXSEX903 99 20 50 3530 democratically enjoy themselves It was, however, gravely intensified by Irish militated asiast the settlement of the ESOXSCOO We call the attention of West several Indians who may take part in Pope had sent a letter of congratulation over Christm 18. During that adjpurns further outbreak from Valara. To heated it was decided to adioun of the carnival to wipe of this score with only Alcalde Pretele decres. Maska King George and teceived an aporo ment, ono very notable for wa muda CRICKET wickets as the ground was in den ing or any risguise will not be dent despatched aa uns licted telegram of Dail Eireann constituents wanted the opriate reply; Irish Presi Apparent dition but so II did Wiltshire bowl It was that at least, 90 Measures, that the entire test fell for 45 ruas. Spilling perfumery in the eyes of indivi to His Ho iness brusque y repudist Treaty and meant to have it. Pablo Surray Defeats Standard.
allowing Yurk bire to win by rups. British Crown. This duals will be su versly punished. legiance to the This bodies all over Ireland pad resolutions most igrettable incident took place at Throwit lighted fire crackers crisis was overcome partly by the fact to this effect and joined wib the Ca ho The Surrey and Standard ericket Sambletou were the last two batsmen at the end of this game. Palmer and To Prevent the Spread of into stores arriwellings or on of the Irish delegates whom de in urging the Dail to had not consulted before bis Influenza.
tests met on the Standard Oval, last the wicket. Phillips, the bowler noticed people disses, beating or mes:age copt the Treaty. Hif the meanberso assaulting all punishable certain restirenees amung the extreme that its claim to existence depended. The day was an ideal obe for cricket, bowl, but on bringing his band Privy Council was recently held despatched, but it it naturally created the Dail, however, in spite of the faet Sunday in a Sportman League same, that Bibleton was breaking his ground offences.
before ba delivered the ball, he attempt. meeting of the Jamaica Unionist section of the of the Coalition Govern creded to Chauffeurs will be permitted to Goveromeat supporters. The tirely upon the principle of sef deterraif and when Eleek, the newly elected Govern.
charge double fares between the ment, however, obtained an overwhelmo. Datin, ignored the opinion of tha peo be saturally decided to bat. Standard knocked the wicket down wib it, and sures necessary to be taken to of the Surrey won the toss over, instead of letting the ball go, ho at which the precautionars meaple hours of p. m, and on ing vole of confidence from the House of They did in effect, their very best they were to represent. The days mentioned in the decree, Commons in their conduct of the Irish defeat the wishes of their to has been entirely re organised with fresh appealed to the Umpire. The batsman prevent influenza being introducconstituento blood added. Thomas and Garvey at his end being out of his crease was ed into the colony, and it introbut at no other hours during the pourparlers and eventually a scheme when the dbate was resumed after the opened for Surrey and the wicket being given out by Umpire Batson, The bats duced what should be done to day. The attention of the Police satisfactory to the Irish delegates and Christmas adjournment. After in perfect condition tall scoring was man at once walked off to the pavillion, control its spread, were discassForce is especially called to the the Government negotiators was evolved days of heated argument and extremely expected but before a run had been but the supporters of Jamaica, who were ed.
The scbome involved the union sent to the disappointed at their favourites lo ing making vote they are ordered to The Central Board of Health coniplience. Transgressors will certain terms of Ulster with the South of taken and a motion for the ratification pavilion. clean bowled by Phillips. This their Girst game, because wete bitter recommended that the disease Ireland; and Ulster, with doubts 89 to of very propitious start for Standard the the Treaty was adopted by the nar especially when two mono wickets fell in of all, and to the lastiną sbace of but the Medical Officer of Health be severely punished.
dard against the umpire, and to the surprise should be made a notidiable South Ireland loyalty to the Crown row majority of seven 64 57.
intense dislike association with and quick suceession. At this stage Chalienor McIntosh, be walked out of the pavilion for Kingstou went further.
What the future may hold for Ireland and Skipper Elcook met at the wickets with his bat in hand, came up to the recommended that both influenza President Porras. assimilation by the Sian Fein majority, no man can fur tell. One may only and rejected it. We want a settlement and the entire. feature judge from the ratification debate in the was changed. Tkink the score from him senseless to the ground.
pire behind his back, and said Ulster but not a settlement (Continned From Page 1)
on Dail that the new Provisional Govern 13 runs, 80 was registered before the Whilst we cannot and will not believe under the Health Law. The city ed dangerous, infective hose terms. An alternative scheme Dont nemonent will be faced with the implacable the was promised by tle British Govern fanaticism which was, before the Treaty, ink of Standard was on the whole good, rowdyism, the cricketing public is watch, ray recommendation bellion in connection with next wicket fell.
The bowling and field that the Jamaica countenancəs such Council decided that Dr. Mur events which took place in this ment within a week. Days, and night directed towards Eogland. It has never and the Surrey boys deserves credit ing to see what punishment they will right and proper stup to take, city on February 28th, 1921 and of intense in Downing theless, been made quite clear that in for the good toore of 165 for the mete out to Meln osh, even though he and they accordingly communi who were found guilty by the Street followed.
day be reaching the agreement the Irish dele wickets that fill. The principal scorers was Judge of the Sixth Circuit Court fore the week expired the air was filled resten of Panama, the sentence of which with ominous rumours of failure. The gates appointed by the Dail Cabinet for surrey were Eleock 57, Challen of 51, that their best bateman. We understand cated with the Gavernment ilure. The were, by. fortuitowe nocident, more Blackman 17, not out, A, de Sousa 10 punish him in such a way, as to be.
Committee Gazette is under appeal in the Supreme Irish delegates and the Government throughly representatives of the wishes and Holder 15. After the usual recess Warning to all future fighters who prefer containing an announcement that published of Justice. The decree representatives talked far into the night. of the Irish people than the Dail itself. Standarder went to the wicket, and we like when the per la trist whom porn for acting on the advice of the Privy to which we refer has brought And at half past two the next morning The Treaty made between the British they began at once to make thingo hum. and when they know they are backed Council both influenz. and pneuto a close one of the most regret the little knot tired pressmen waiting Government and the Irish Delegation Agard and Forde, the latter a new up by the angry mob.
monia have been declared to.
table incident in the history of outside the conference room doors beard this country. The persons con news they did not expect. The con not only by the vast majority of the and caused the pavilion to ring with the was a treaty welcomed and approved man in the club, made a splendid stand dangerous infective diseases, and For Yorkshire the only man to reach this declaration will empower the nected are all of the respectable ference bad not broken down. It had people of Great Britain but also by the ebeera they received. Although at a double figures was Tudor who made 19 Local Boards of Health. The An agreement had been vast majority of the people of Southern certain tetango iste seemed as if Standard and for Jamaica; Sambleton made 11 pity Council and the Parochial demonstrated in this act some reached and signed.
Ireland had a chance at winni 80 well did being the only double figure scorer aleo. Boards to remove and isolate amount of patriotic zeal wrongly The British Empire was electrified by Rawle Holder bowl when put on the applied, but we suppose that the news. Everyone was cases of these diseases whenever La Boca Defeats Vincentian intensely second time to bowl that Standard was the necessity arises.
Dr. Porras is conversant with pleased, And when the full text of the all dismissed for 107. The principal At La Boca the Vincentian went the rashness and impetuousity of agreement was published satisfaction The stork paid a visit to Mr. norers were Forde 30, made by good down to defeat before the bome team. the attention of the It may not be amiss to direct youth, and for these and other was universal save for the extremists in and Mrs. Alfred Smith commendable considerations, he ireland, the paid Irish propagandist in 10 30 pm, on the 20th inst. and Knights 14 not out, and Smith 12. Sur only master 35 runs, neither of their that similar action may be taken at and strong hard hiting, Agard 23, Batting first the Vincentian could Board of Health to the above so has extended his Executive various parts of the world who found leita line 9h0baby boy. TA. 40. Ky thus wom het licht va me of the season at man being able to re ch double Cicinency which we hope will their occupatiwa gune, und the wale has been all smiles for the week by 58 runs and wickets.
against these dreaded diseases bave the desired effect.
figures. To this La Boca replied with should it be introduced here.
band of immoderate Unionist in Britain. and has been the recipient of 122 runs, Durant msde 34, Hoy te 14 Society would not have gained many congratulations. Mother Yorkshire Defeats Jamaica not out, Sealy 12 and Moore 11, anything by the imprisonment of ROOMS TO LET At Isthmian Park the Jamaica these young men, as we venture dent Porras for his considera and child are doing nicely.
Games for To morrow Suffered defeat at the hands of the to express the opinion, that the tion, as he has satisfied public temporary incarceration suffer opinions of sympathy which were Britannic vs. Clovally at Standard Rent Receip Eooks in ir Yorkshire cc. in a Sportman Inague CALLE No a.
their Match. Yorkshire won the tose, decided Oval.
ficent object lesson for yourg behalt in the sad and very grave sh and English for sale at 2 to bat, and fell for 51 runs, on all sides Jamaica vo, Vincentian at Lethmira Workman Printery.
APPLY ON PREMISES aspirants. We applaud Presi. charges made against them.
it was expected that Jamaica would Paak, OoXSSSSSS day the The de been tha of long ds of a few Precautionary Valers lie Hierarchy WAS en ekipper supposed WAS a one, the game and pneumonia should be decide diseases was the activity The was Court be Birth.


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