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an half hour the to the was then entailing Noted Colored Physician To Democracy Brilliant Dies in New York City.
Pageant at Princess Marriage Then Sets Station on Fire Pri The island of Barbados, the Alumni Alleged He Used United States Association of Howard London went Wild with Enthusoners Bearly Escape From University and the cosmopolitan siasm when His Jesty Mail To Defraud Investors in community of New York have Deadly Flames.
Buffered together the loss King George Ao pear of a brilliant life in the death of Dr. To Give Awny His Oniy Black Star Line Corp.
York Russell, whose skill and Daughter to Viscount The Savanna la Mar corres departure early next morning success have plsced him in the Lascelles.
The New York Herald of Feby, specitically represented, says pondent of the Jamaica Gleaner The few men who were in the forefront of tha medical profes On Tuesday last according to 17th reports that writing to that paper on the 14 station at that time of Sunday sion.
Marcus the Indictment, that the line February states to latest cable report and in Garvey, Provisioa sl President would get the steamship Phyllis follow. Born in the island of Barbados ing sensational incident which when suddenly the sound of sabut sixty yea 450, where he canti mation of the previous ar of Africa and President of the Wheatley, whereas in fact there rangements, the marriage of Black Star Line, Inc. has been is no steamship of wit name.
occurred at that place. rofl: tiros was heard fron the wis educated, Dr. Russell Princess Mary to Viscount indicted by the United States Girvey and his associate also Last evening at about 30 she ottie waere Corporal nuels came one of the progressive teamhers of his time. Ever a scalies took place at the his Gr Jury for using the maits ringing of bells and blowing or Was, and cries of murder coming Otorical Abbey frou in in a scheme to defraud pro are charged with representing Samuels. Barrett it is bátious and it is possessedom London a: 11. 30 a with all pective investors in the stock Line Thestors that the Black Star grenn ihan tow a street boeke to alleged had been shooting his foruma Obilier States where one sue pommand dignity be fitting the black erataro Eiferida y rebe natural ability, he left his had an les in the announced the inhabitants that there was superior officer. He then turned for the of 289. 066 27, and that Sre In less than no to get at the other men, bat they entered It ward University to such a memorable and auspi. w York Herald of Friday Feb pense of at work event of the company had added three ruary 17 are vessels to its fleet and held Sime the strets were all slled performed the disappearing trick staly the medical profession Indictments were mostly in handed had captured the sphere of usefulness to humanioss the ceremony and returned against Elie Garcia, organizitions. They also are with people who has also zostly la que time and so Barrett. and so it himself for wider thronged the route to the Abby been high place among com nercial for Church. Harvest Station at Siv la Mar.
Royal procession. The held Festival service was being The populace chered lustily as the balls from Thompson, ofticers and directora vestors that a dollar drive would Dr. Russell success George Tobias and Orlanda M, accused of representing to in as in one of the churches and many It is further alleged that he the Abbey rang out the one announcof the line people were waiting for enable the compuny to obtain a ment of the coming of the party.
the then set tire to the place, making physician com nenced with his the fol graduation train the University, Fron Soon it was several trips from various pakies and in New York where he open expectant crowd service to begin Fron all parts of London the gigantic vessel to be usd Eie Garcia and George Tobias carrying work men and materials in spread broadcast that the of the building with by mohonaterials. ed offices the genel medico wita enthusi sın. Excurtionists mails to defraud in the United public of Liberia for went wild pleaded not guilty to using the to Africa to build to the great police station was on tire, but and feed mirble materithe built up a mad policeman was shooting fire was well on he appeared From his lucrative practice Dr. catch a passing glimpse of Thomas in the United States feeding.
and enviable from all parts of the Isles. negro race the clientele down everybody and the contineat were present February 18, before Judge state of the site in full regimentals Russell accumulated a consid imagine the intense These representations. said excitement that prevail d, for vile, bayonets and bandoher, and erabla fortune and lived in now what was to be a never forgotten District Court.
the indictment are made to deever and an on the report would Started Firing at All in facinating comfort. He ev nt in the history of British ceive investors into believing be given cut, he is coming this and sundry who approached. It owned attractive and valuable Royaltv.
la the indictment, which was that the the corporation and the sted by Maxwell Mattuck, was and would be British sentiment has underwould is said that the Sergeant Major properties in Harlem where his worth the for life. After a was approaching the building practice placed nm first among gone commendable change. It is charged that Garvey and that the Blek Saar Line Inc serge away sistent United States Attor price at which it was being sold, nerve racking strain of probably but Barrett open fire at nim his ill the European it was announced Wa unced and so he had to retreat. Ser Kind, charitableand sympath did what in that the man hau ben to dispis powered and was onder argeant Smith tied to approac. tis e docter did all that lay to have created years Won and the others, in the course of afforded a rand opportunity to over th Ryal disea 200 of every Lege to ensure bimselt. shares of stock, repre against misfortune.
burning Police Station, but it Wesleyan Chapel, but Barrett suitering on his owa race in rights, were on thid y viewelliae intended to burchase one or then the crowd got near from the read leading from the po ver hlp and relieva sure sad denouncent of sented to nesco investors tast The pladings of Garvey and Seatterin bir hie bailed him not to approach and the overcrowaed city. and while manche pleasureable pride by the or more the an his aia, Orlando Thompson, were grip of the brought his rifle to the ready, he did not participate much Samships and Hames, and was was in Bagish and eventually Colexcursion aud operate put over, and Garcia and Tobias au ally and Smith retreated.
burnt smack smooth, political campaigns used his pead admirers.
a loss of thousands of pounds of It was at this time when pierc ability in furthering the civic changed, and the old fashioned thes at profit. The defendants were released on 82, 500 bail.
Government property.
large ing cries coming from the prison improvements of the community, principles which hitherto con the Dr, Russell was an orator of trolled the sentiments, destiny stores of ridle, and thousands ers locked in the cells of Blaze at Street. Fatal Accident to a Child.
of pounds of ammunition. burning and doomed building extraordinary ability, and when and actions of individuals and all buri of the pouched the heart of Monteith one stood before him one was nations, have all Vanished to records hown bound to yield acquiescenc to make pist historv.
At about o clock yesterday every On Sunday evening while the that the historie police heron catcher, a man know his Papa Monteith, and his compelling and persuasive The English people are indeed morning neighbors in the vicini. people in this city were enjoying All the be caused him to do a deed of dar speech.
station contained.
of House No. 57 Dr. Russell was Street to the limit the carnival on Cenlongings of the men, all their be slurred over or forgotten be is country, and proud of his a great people wh) can always were startled out of their slum tral Avenue, a small Panamanian ing and heroism that always took adapt themselves to new and were new walces progressive situations, however, everything burnt to for Monteith it is safe to say Bae quaintances the fact that he was rapid such situations may pres. roseme sa occupaat of an apart who was playing in chiller was sayed.
nothiog whatever սուն said пке noise manner with some toys approprisoners would been. and proved success So, after standing for more roasted Monteith himself to be a worthye sono ved at colonisativa, is due to adapi of this woin an and the issuing of printre death.
of priate for the season; she lost customs smoke from the house attracted her balance and fell from the and than 100 years, tuis venerable armed himself axa Little gland. This attitude of bility to the the attention police No 197. balcony on to the pavement.
pile and all it contained was lost and approacaed the policeman, of the shallow bruined twobind nations over waica destiny Noyille who was doing duty in his contrasted signally with that aspiratioas of the several races The unfortunate child skull It is alleged, through the Vaga. It is said that Monteith once was badly fractured their was called upon them to govern that vicinity and who at ries of a policeman. The irony him to save the prisoners and fours who, after leaving and Like rushed to the scene.
taken immediately to the Santo of the thing is that the tire ap. this toucned his heart. It is also ba tive bome ni Barbados eclaim all other people, they have It appears that the Arosemena Tomas Hospital where in half pliances of the town were kept at suggested that knowing that to else except a that Barbadian their defecis, but it bu 19 cannot woman had retired to bed leaving an hour after she was admitted the police statiºn, because after he had come to the end Tue deceased doctor was the last tire here, it was telt of his ammunition he saw that a honestly disputed other to the institution.
that a lighted lamp and some she suc.
appliances would be at the police be allowed Monteith to approaca ning no man in whatever station equality to all men, lurespective. the heat from the bed whicb West and she was four years old.
that the best place to keep the nothing more could be done and great, but humble man, shun they inace, the nearest to perfeo Paraphernalia in a kerosine box cumbed to mer injuries in distributing justice and under her bed, and got awakened The house from which she riflemet about o clock in the station where they could be easide boon te to work at there able to any found in him a constant friend mo attain the Eaglishman ideal was on fire. Willing, neighbore we tender our condolence to the morning tell is situated at 15th Street. ly got of Monteith was where they would be and to people in bereaved Mr. Fred Forrest safe; and yet so strange are the of Oth, and with the help owo society he was genuine as a day field of labour, it is very quickly applied water to hard It is fact, that he flames which were put out be in this hour of their sorrow and workings of late that if the the being of material true diamond, story is correct, a places such barriers in the path fore the arrival of the police irreparable loss.
The death of Dr. Russell, occor of achievement, that none bu. hence there was no need for give with his rifle and fixed bayoner elp to him, the man was overred in the city of New York on the very highest god best oling the alarm to powered. Monteith chopped into cells and so the should be the one saved the the Tuesday, 14th uſto. He leftried any people with whom he may åremen. New Company, willing hands from using the ap the prisoners.
It is said widow, a son and a Larried have to deal can hope to achieve pliances to put out tire Was a prisoner in a separate cate daughter to mourn their loss. hia his coveted honours; but once Maria Arosemena was arrested It is dificult to piece together cell, and Bacrett called to Says the Times Trade Supple.
Monteith and told him where all the news one bears in contCtid tne man, and in this war HARRY WILLS THE FU will make good, his position is tbe contents of the kerosine box company has been orginised in tion with this deplorable tra to or will, if the individual can and taken to the Cuartel, where ment of the 7th January: pri were eximined, and disciosed a gedy, and whatever ise sanduis prisoners. It is possible that Mateith secured with all the able TURE CHAMPION to get all the vileges and respect due to any proken kerosine lamp and saucer the Bahamas with a capital of. but it pusltion to which he may be apa small jointed bone resembling partly local; to carry on business partly Canadian and alleged that the constable Borseelag Monteith with the axe pointed. Surely this this marriage finger of a human hand and in the colony as bewers, maltrett, an ex soldier, and the it struck fear into the heart of Kid Norfolk.
bas further endeared the British Other sundries. The woman bugler here, was ordered to be the desperado and so made him sters, distilleries, and rectifiers.
transferred to George Hill, one sive in.
Sovereign to the hearts of Bruneld for investigation.
of the outlying districts. It is For several months Kid Nor tishers throughout the Empire, It is alleged that the police folk had been going abont puffing Chaise is an indication CARD OF THANKS Steamship further alleged that he dis mau Quiy wail of regret is that a lut of hot air, bat Harry Wins sume future date as sounds all Service appeared, and it is reported oe was not able to shoot the was running away from him, and the people under Britisa Rule that certain threats were made. Sergeant Major.
that whenever he met Wills he and and Tutelage are able to to govero Mrs. Adriana Nicholls begs to From the Times Trade supe Anybow, Barrett should haye to demonstrated themselves, the Inspector Thomas who is in would be able beneficent thank all her numerous and other plement of 7th January: Durdett for bis new station this did not know the liberality which has character kind friends for their kindness lag this münth a direct monthly morning. From what can charge of the division was away game and that he would put it zed this nation in all its dealing and courtesies extended to her steam ship service will be inaugu gathered from eye witnesses, a duty in Hanover returning over the black panther.
with human affairs will give ex. since the death of her ldte hus. rated between the Bahamas and Barrett came into the station to sa la Mar last night.
As fate would have it, the time pression in the founding of a free band, Rupert Nicholls. As she the United Kingdom by the Roya about p. and started fixing One thing which helped to un came on Thursday last when form of self government for all expects to leave the Isthmus al Mail Steam Packet Company and bayonet etc. Ober police the explosions which continued of the pugilistic arena met each sentiment of British Suprema Isonally thank each individual she Adsertise in The Work men in the station thought he uses this medium to express her was preparing his kit for his (Continued on Page Continued On Page Continued On Paye 5) gratitude to one and all.
man. It pays.
the public department and item vism that should not hava to with an implored She was be of hisid almost or colour Olay and helper absolutely restly buli ot jeweller hisia policeman help to to prevent into there way is wa that Wills


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