
PAGE TWO THE WORKMANN SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1922 Interesting News From The West Indian slands ALBOA EST EER REWED of both is done was two hour and ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY present the had, by closing the Pablic of thanks Barbados to the Chairman 0939 tices at 1p. and enlisting the moved by the Compttroller co operation of merchants and Customs ard second. others in doing likewise, adver Dolun! Barrel the ceremony with the Cricket at Barbados tised result that long before the appointed hour, pm ther was a dense crowd to witness Trinidad Wanderers vs. Har the ceremony.
rison College In addition to strong contincents from the local forces Tas Prt of Spain Garete states under the command of Major chat Mr. war, a second grad On Saturdyy 21st olio, the in Clarke, KCMG ficar on th: Nigerian Railw Ist elevens trom Harrison Cole (BV) and Captain Anderson 1sva ben app vated to fill th leve and Wanderers Cricket Inspector of Police, thera was acant po st of Geral Clubs met on the Colle like a good muster of ex W. and Rsident grounds in their final match for under command of The chaten Castinn Reid, helate mowie 1400 a year, rising by inere the season 1921 22 weit behind decide whether thunder the supreme con mand ppointment is worth 1, 0008 was very interesting of 10 Wanderers should be the win Lt. Col. Harrel, Inspector year. The unoffic al menbars, ners of the Cup or whether they General of Police. There was is said, have entered a uanwould have to band it over to also a number of cadets and mus protest against Me, Powthe Pickwicks who up to the boy scouts present on parade, ler appointment the lates: ap present are leading in the num.
ber of points. In order that Charles Brien, CMG at to the Jamaica Railway in th His Excel ency Lt Col. Sir pointment by the Colonial Office Wanderers may retain the Cup te ded by his ADC, Lt person of a Mr. Toomas ha: they have to defeat Harrison Swiley, NR, on arrival was been a subject of protest lege in innings and if this received with the royal salute that Colony.
they will beat Pickwick while the band played the Nation.
score by one one point. The attend al Anthem The sum of 215, 000 was raisance very good. The wicket was fair at the commence on parade by His Excellency, last year, but we have seen it After inspection of the forces ed on Income Tax at Trinida ment of the game and improved the Colours were borne forward stated that 30, 000 of that as the game progressed. Col by four members of the lege was the first to go to the under command of Lt. George year. There is evidently someamount will b) refunded this wickets. They were dismissed Challenor (B. I, and handfor 157 before the luncheon in ed to His Lördship the Bishop thing wrong about this Income terval for dedication. This was done Tax proposition.
With only to prayer offered by the play Wanderers entered on Very Rev. Dean for those who Jamaica their first innings and in the paid the great price in the late space of time allotted to them war.
score 215 for the lost of those present on the historic The Chinese PauHis Excellency then addressed they registered the wickets, George and Laddie tell significance of the occasion cheaply the former for and the and recalled the fact that pers Who Landed latter tur Batson played a the last occasion of a similar very lively innings for 56 the ceremony taking place on this In Island.
bighest scorer, so toodid spot was when Colours was Mayers who indulged in free presented by His hiiting for his 31 The not out Georve batsmen are Dr. Masslah 12 and Captain of Thrush tone Resolution Moved at Meet. Mason (Captain) 11. The 54th York and Lancaster Rext, ing of City Council by match will be concluded to day, and stated that Colours would Mr. Bain Aives.
Harrison College vs Wanderers, be handed over to the authori.
Harrisoniaisa Wanderers have custody and where they will CAPT. DAWSON VIEWS By their easy defeat of the ties of the Cathedral for safe always turned the tide of cricket events son of the chivalry of those who indisputably in their favour and answered the country call. Remarks Mºde by Other Memhave become the Cup winners The Colours were then trooped bars. Motion is Passad With.
tor the 1921 22 season. This past the band playing a slow out Division.
most desirable victory was nou march, the result of chance or due to The ceremony been concluded the capriciousness of the weather Governor and party and the There was an interesting dis.
but solely to the brilliance of the Volunteers repaired to the cussion at the meeting of the Bay eleven who played as they Drill Hall where the further City Council on recently as to always can when necessary a ceremony of unveiling and dedi the number of Chinese paupers fast and forceful gime. And cating a memorial tablet erected who were being brought in the the result of it has been to place to the memory of those Volun island.
them one point ahead of the Pek teers who had made the great Mr. Bain Alves moved the wickians who had registered 19 sacrifice took place.
resolution of which he had prepoints, and thus permit them to viously given notice, vz: Taat retain the coveted trophy and to the Council in common with the carve proudly again on its body Accident at Oil Co. people of the island viewed with name of their clubas its Works.
serious alarm and concern the holders.
dumping of hundreds of Chinese The weather was good and the in Kingston during tae past few wicket perfect on Saturday when An accident occurred at the months and that the attention of the match was resumed. Wan. British Union Oil Company His Excellency the Governor be derers declared their first inning Works at Springfield, immediately called thereto, and closed at 215 for the loss of Joseph, about mid day on Tues that the Government should wickets, and sent in the boys day last, which caused injury to rigidly ea force the Alien immiAs in their first venture the col legians tried to woman and her two children. gration Law. Speaking to the stand, but before three o clock to learn it appears that some no make a good From what we have been enable resolution he said that there was they all collapsed before the labourers at the Works, directed lials desain about it these celescame here to great attack of the visiting trundlers by Mr. Sisnett, were engaged detriment of the island popufor 125, of this total, C, Bul in removing a pole from the lation len (the skipper) was responsible derrick when the shaft escaped Captain Arthur Dawson: for 23 (top score)
Reece 22, Springer 17, Newsam thatched with trash owned by it is rigat to refer to subjects and fell upon a nearby shanty should like to know whether SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING, and Browne 12. Mr. Extras a woman named Louisa Clarke. of a frieadly nation as papers?
Welped with but be runs to accident took place there were them with 18. This lett In the hut at the time when the Where is the evidence that they SUNLIGHT ALL THE DAY.
wa are paupers?
score in order to task Elizabeth Clarke and her Mr. Bain Alves; You can get easy enough of accomplishment skilderen children all of whom were the evidence because there is START washing day well with In a little over an hour play struck by the falling shaft, the gratt, but every well thinking Sunlight Soap. Have the clothes of two wickets thus winning the fractured each sustaining a cit n knows what is the true they knocked up 74 for the loss on the line early, and the meals leg match position.
by wickets and 13 runs.
ready to time.
The childrea were sent to the about in the electiones no question The afternoon is Laddie Challenor was responsi General Hospital where they ing bread out of the mouths of then yours to spend at your own for 44 (not out. Dr. Massiah were detained for treatment. the natives and not only do 16, Dr. Skeete 5, go io for the grocery business, sweet will. not out. and Mr.
Extras but they are taking away the Pleasure follows in the wake of efficient For Wanderers Harrison livelihood of the washerwomen.
College second inning. A. Meeting of Civil Service It is time that something should work. With Sunligh: Soap the housewife Collymore captured wickets for be done to restrict the immigradoes her work most efficiently, most easily.
40 runs, Dr Skeete for 18, Dr.
There is no mystery. You get out of soap Hutson for 5, and Challenor Captain Dawson: should like just what the makers put into it. The cream for 26 meeting of the members of to hear from the Mayor whether of soap materials go into Sunlight Soap.
For Harrison College Springer the Civil Service of this coloay the matter is not one that is took for 14, and E. John was held on Tuesday afternoon embraced by International Law.
The Sunlight environment is in keeping son for 17.
at the Roomto con Continuing, Bain Alves with its mission of cleanliness and sider the necessity of forward said the whole matter was one efficiency no soap is better fitted to ing a Memorial to the Govern of great importance to the serve the British housewife than Sunlight Presentation of the asking that the war bon use and the Statute Bous dealing with ment and House of Assembly people of the colony.
The Mayor: There is a law on Soap. Prove this to day.
King Colours.
taken away with the view of the landing of undesirable aliens 1, 000 Guarantee of Purity on.
curtailing public expenditure It is provided that no alien every bar, very interesting and unique Phillinas taken by Mr. should land here who does not The Chair was Colonial Treas reas speak Eaglish.
ceremony took place on Thurs urer the Memorial Mr. Bain Alves: And these the King Colours were pre submitted to the meeting had The Mayor; The whole matter day evening last. Savanah when which had been prepared to be Chinese don speak Eaglish.
sented by his Excellency the been read by Captain Hancock is regulated by the iaw.
Governor to the 12th Battalion Governor of the late Brittish Regi was adopted and signed by all there is graft in the whole matof Glendairy Prison it. Mr. Bain Alres: And say ment the members of the Public Ser ter. Since the question was On account of the uniqueness vice then present. The meeting raised by me understand that LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, of the occasion, His Excellency was brought to a close by a vote (Continued On Puge 3)
the St in win a ble Abrams budo they in tion.
The name Lever on Soap is a Guarantee of Purity and Excellence.
SUNLIGHT SOA allowances given them be not the land urer and after SUNLIGHT SOAP.


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