
mer Yout THE WORKMAN 14, 000, 00 111 Three 25e.
CIGARETT OS It is al ried in this yours.
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Success PAGE TOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 1922, Sensational Event Wedded to Demoat Sav la Mar cracy, OVER (Continned From Page 1)
for nearly an hour as the boxes (Continued From Page 1)
of car ridges and other ammuni.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies tion caught fire. There was a cy over other nations, but in EROND, 11 the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters fear that bullets from the ex our haste for power and the se and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
ploding cartridges would fly all lack of self restraint to underGP All copy for publication must be all over the town and probably sand the solid foundation on PO Box 74, Panama RP written on one side of paper only, ard kill the people, but nothing bap which this imperishable demoATES OP SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of pend, although thousands of cracy is founded, we demonstrate Oce Year. 40 U8. Cy, the writer, not necessarlly for publica rounds of ammunition must hay, unrest and disatisfaction with 30 Six Months ton but as a mark of good fshih, our present blown up.
The do not undertake to return Rev. RAL Knight, was We The scene within the Abbey One Eleven One 11 crejected orrespondence.
preaching at the Bapuist Chapii was one of the most stupendous at the time the explosions were grandeur, with the King and at their height. few of Queen and the entire Rosa!
The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS audience commenced to stamp househola present in the giving but the Bentleman in a way of his onls dubter to a SATULAY, MARCH 1922 cal manner inform diha sujet of the Empire. The cou: that there was thing to a thin ple was pronounced and selling daily in the and onl attle and so calm the exciterentwife, and the blls ring out the over one year on the mark24 chines telling all England of the WILL WE HAVE CANAL FERRY? and the service was con inue and concluded the Rv. celebration of this unique event.
preaching anntable se mon from the chbishop of Canterbury the text Ez kiel 37, verse offie sted, sesisted by the Arch. There is a reason for this increasing Can those dea bones live. shop o York and the Dean Ever since the Balboa Administration sounded the Toe corporal who was sho of Westminster Abbey popularity note of warning relative to the abandonment and removal and left to die, was able to In the of Canter.
of the Paraiso pontoon that connected the banks of the crawl to a place of safety wher bury adà ess, be stated, Peo: BUY PACKAGE TO DAY he was found and rushed of canal by rail, and more particularly, from the time tha ih UO bably of reigning the uselul contrivance disappeared from view and service, writing help sun to this time of məna da was until today mar is still alive. It is still The 111 Blend is incomparable Abbes. Certainly business men, farmers and other residents of the Isthmus gid that he was bayon teda no marriagever occurred here bave been wondering, planning and suggesting as to the well as shot it is under conditions like best successor for the tooter that used to carry, transna operation has been perform Bich one od in geim war ed the wounded corporal, and found new opportunities Commissaries and 11c, Packuge port, and convey freight and military and indian passen a leg amputated at the thigh Since this report the corporal British manhood was being testused them. When the fire of gers, from the east to the west side of the Panama Canal.
Clnb Houses canal were isolated by the change, readily solved the post cal charge of murder at the next and the test In addressing The army, whose two posts on the west side of the bas dit and Barrett has been eu in sheli swept trenches yours for trial on the capi. my brother, did muetymore than Post Exchanges 10c.
blem of trans canal transportation by instituting the use of large barges which met their strictest necessities. Of course. as appears lau Mare Circuit the Princess, he said. rom you on page of my child.
course, army men know no such things as impediments, his paper, bood brought an occasion either in the form of water, wood or stone, so that it is glad service. The experiences SURGICAL MEDICAL CLINIC hoor not to be wondered at how they quickly met the situation however sinple in the hospitals, etc.
Victim Buried.
stimulus to one ah: which the taking away of the poutoon bridge imposed who cares. You will now contribute Central Avenue No. 46 The walls of the Pedro Miguel lock gates have come Drs. DANIEL CHANIS ARO SEMENA Savla Mar, February 17. The to securing the strength, orderliness and sunshine in a great FROM EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY (ENGLAND)
into use by pedestrians in their passage from one side of uneral of the late Corporal DA.
English home. Together you the canal to the next, and while this is a considerable Samuels took place this morn will set yourselves into happi ng at o clock. The burial ser will PRIVATE CONSULTING HOURS.
convenience so far as it goes, it cannot be reckoned as a vice was performed by the Rv ness in your home life so that from Dr. Chanis from to p. in.
permaneat or logical arrangement since the most sudden Ar Cope, Rector of Sav la viar you may together go Dr. Arosemena fton to 11 a. in.
executive order can put the pract ce under prohibitio. nd the Rav. Young MA, strengin to strength.
Presyberian minister of whose We again offer our congratuThe problem, as it exists, is therefore, not a military Thuic the deceased was lations to the wedded There are free consulting hours every day in the French one, but rather an economic question that covers the bride and bridegroun, and our Pharmacy from 10 to 12 and from to 6pm.
civilian populatious on the west side of the canal. It is The first part of the service pravers shall always. for their respectively really Panama problem since unconsulting mature pus was performed at the hospital eternal happiness and future Paja, La Chorrerond Arreijan and other Pacitic towns and the other part at the out of favourable geographical relation with the capita Durial ground, city of the republic, but it is a problem only in so A large representative gather CHURCH SERVICE Cut this out and keep for reference attended the fageral inelud as Panama sees the importance and feels the necessity Custos of of the parish, the (American Epitopal Church of bringing these commercial outposts into closer touca Dector geral Laspector with the business life of this city. nmas and 2) constables also St. Paul Church, Panama.
Take Notice It will at once be seen that the merits of the question ficials including the Postmis. m, Holy Communion, tress and her Assistants in seve.
hang on the IMPORTANCE and the NECESSITY 10 sm, Th Litany.
10:30 am. Holy Eucharist, and serconnecting the towns mentioned with this side of the cal motor cars and carriages.
WREATHS canal. The development of these places depends not only chug address and the Rev.
The Rev. Mr. Cope gave a very 2, 30 pm, Holy Bipt sm.
made from natural flowers on their internal and individual growth but also on the ve Yuang committed the body p. o. Sandy School.
egress that their products can acquire. Development of to the earth 30 pm Evsag and sermon.
FOR FUNERALS any place can only be accomplished by the ability to as Deceased was to have been NIGH TENGALE. Vicar. BOQUETS for Weddings, Baptisms, or sociate and have intercourse with other places.
there married next month and St. Alban s, Paraiso.
La Chorrero and the other west side towns are com was a very touching scene at the other social Functons raveyard his ing centres of interest, and the inhabitants who are ninety broke down with griet Quite a 11 am, Matins and address, pm. Sundy Sobool.
Can be supplied by nine per cent natives of this country, are entitled to the cloom has been the 30 Evensong and addra.
same civic and commercial considerations as are given the own.
St. George Church Gatun.
MIGUEL HIVE residents of the big cities of the republic. Panama can 11 am, Matin and address.
Call at his office No. 94 Central Avenue, Phone 639. or at not well afford to ignore the claims and interests of these IMPORTANT NOTICE. pm, Sunday School his residence on the Sabanas Road.
settlements without reducing her opportunities of national 730 Even og and address, PRICES MODERATE.
resources and progress. Empire, Las Cascadas and GorAF, NIGU TENGALE Prest in charge gona cannot be introduced into the argument since they Correspondents and con.
PHONES 1039 Saba as lie wholly within the Caval Zone and can, therefore, only tributors to the WORK638 No. 94 Central Avenne be of passing notice so far as a practical discussion of the MAN please take notice Seventh Day Adventist Church subjeit goes, but towns that are within the republic ought that our Post Offices address 69 ANCON AVE, PANAMA to engage and control the attention of the government of are. Box 74 Panama Panama.
City and Box 1102 AnSibbwh (Suuriny) 45 am Sab ba 15 m)
But it is always the work of the business confraterni con Canal Zone. Persons 30 m. Spanish Cast: 14. 30 pm. The outlook aud mailing letters and etc, at yung People Meeting: 530 co.
STEWART ty in every country to give the econome prognosucate the industrial features of every section and Canal Zone Post Offices are Vespers.
quarter, and not leave it to the polit cal bodies to design asked to address same to Sunday night 730 pm. Service. All and plan their prosperity.
Political bodies will act in due Box i102 Ancon so as are welcome.
course of time when their eyes are opened to the opportu to expedite delivery.
ties of their country, but it is for the men of business to Rent Receipt Book in Spando the eye opening and so pave the way for tangible Raut Receipt Books in Spanand practical industrial adventure.
ish and Eng ish for sale at he ish and English for sale at the CLASSES IN Workman Printery)
The Rotary Club of this city is to be commended on its Workman Printery.
energies in connection with the proposed cross canal ferry. The club has done much by way of recommending country. Panamanians know this to be true, e pecially city and suburban improvements, and a considerable those who reside in that part of the republic. Mich has amount of what has already been accomplished is due been said of the possible value of La Chorrero a. health to its unceasing activities, and results, as seen, have dis resort and an industri district. but little has been done 51 16th STREET WEST sipated the impression that the Rotary Club was nothing to make it attractive to the health seeker and the invesmore than a ruminating aggregation.
tor, Pajas long been advertised as a fertile agriultural PANAMA CITY The club has decided stick to its policy of boosting area, but agriculture without a market and transpiration a ferry for the canal, and in this work it ought to be given facilities is a dead proposition.
the hearty support of the whole community. Perhaps, The installation of a ferry system had been suggested many of its members are prominent business men of the years ago by this office for the Gatun Valley plantations, San Miguel Baptist Church city, but it still remains a necessity for the Chamber of and while the question with regard to this settlement is of To Welcome Pastor JUAN ILLUECA Commerce as a distinct body, to endorse the activities diminutive force as compared with the prosent issue the of the Rotarians and give them more than mental co circumstances are identical; that is, that in order for the Attorney at. Law operation.
industries of these isolated vicinities to reach an outlet rati cau not be imagined that any feeling of jealousy they must have some means of conveyance across the the members and friends of the San. TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX NO. 76 On Friday night, March 10th, 1922 No. 44 Central Avenue would arise if the Chamber of Commerce were to cast in waters of the canal and its accessories through which they Miguel Baptist church, will be giving a its lot with the Rotary Club in the interest of a canal fer have been separated from civilization.
special service for the purpose of welcom.
Practices in all Courts of ry; in fact, the question concerns, in no little degree, the The WORKMAN stands bip and thigh with the Rotary in their newly appointed pastor, the Barclay, who was recently Panama.
business element of the republic, and for this reason Club and offers its unflinching support in this worthy cause should not fail to invite its eager attention, inasmuch as it for the redemption of those sections of Panama that bave ordained in the United States and have returned here to labour among his own English Spoken Fluently will prove to be a sort of back handed energy in the future become inaccessible even though they have improved in people. This service begins at 45 abarp The territory of Panama lying west of the canal and industrial merit. And it is felt that with the co cperation The public in general are invited to now separated by the ditch is large and valuable; and it of a wide awake public and the response of a far seeing atfend this service.
Rent Leceipt Books in Spanneeds the recognition of Panama as being of commercial government, what is now a persistent desire will eventual the following Sunday the Pastor wish and English for sale at the and industrial import if it is to be worth anything to the ly become a practical realization.
peach all day. Workman Printery.
mo, cast over Commercial Evening School Shorthand, Typewriling, Spanish, Etc.


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