
TAE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 192, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News Foresters of Leba Canal Zone Notes non, NOTICE SENTENCED to a life of contentment is the wife Ad. at present appear in the whose husband buys her a LEWELRY BARGAINS IS TOVE sre, formal Cure that Cold in your Independent at Marco.
Pantou ana The People Grocery and Dry Goods After recess Ja When he got shut bakery in RED TANK TO ADVERTISERS AT COLON To The Editor of The Workman. Saturday 25th instant will long be Sir. Kindly permit me through your remembered by the residents of Red On and after March 1st sluste ele to make a few triel Tank because on that night the Advertisers at Colon whose statements, in order to correct a slight Padden Halsband Educational Cub attori neutement which arper he da beutiful comune dine at the WORKMAN will make all re Rd Tank Clubbouse which was a in the Stor di Herall under the deed de mittarces to the Office and date of Feb, 23d. in relation to an known Order prenosed to be formd.
all intending advertisers wil The who ended this brilliant The scf Lebon. fone ion did not miss the grand diply please communicate direct GAS We are hoping that som of The Burnerint reads thus in the city th te was enough of the with the WORKMAN intery casion will bring you to our beautiful to striely the mout for idione, mitte comprising members of x 74 Pan ma City o store shortly. Ad whom you kindnd Ides praling in the Th ball was simply bly of colors and looked very much like handed but Box 1102 Ancon, Canal Zone, do come be assured that it will rity will go intorerion for the Perfiles fitting about in a circumcribed By order.
be a pleasure for us to Sarv DRS Foresters of banon idge in this city The Forest re THE MANAGEMENT you, and that our pleasura in COME ON HUSBANDS fraternal organisation Among the music love Lebanon is serving you will mak your visis were which is at present bink opered by d wines from Arabis, Turkish Ladis, to our store even more enjoy.
influential West Indi, ne who British 3. Offisers, Lodge Notice American able for yourself.
resided on the Isthmu, and at present Admirals and p aine, Gipsy Fortune Our Terms are Reasonable ISLE OF SPRING LODGE No.
reside at Nw York. Mr. Jerome Tellers, Freach Admirals and Noblemen 8150 FULLER way is one of those whom representatin Martinique Ladies, American and JEWELLER have been forwarded from New York Eng in Bluejckets, Lades iu Pollers The meeting nights of this to form a branch on the Is bmus. and others 100 numerous to mention.
lodge are held on the 1st 3rd 122 CENTRAL AVENUE COLON GAS CO.
The above statements would make it Toie cub is indeed AT doing mush for Monday and the 3rd Saturday of appear so if ALL the operators at pre the people of Red Tank and the founder each month. The next meeting Cathedral Plaza Mr. DeBurg must be complimented on wat reside in New York.
YOUR 93 Bolivar Street takes place on Monday the 6th It should be understood that some the operation of such a grand und die inst. at 30 m. sharp in the Mysterous Fire In Telephone 798 SERVICE of the operators at present reside in New tinguished club wbich aims to improve Telephone 364 Loyal Progress hall Parama All officers and members are York; as Mr. Cadogan, who is the people intellectus. ly, physically, and social y requesied to be on tine.
Kingston the sole Originator, is here on the Ith mus at present, and is willing to sco. pt At the function, Panamanians were MAINARD interested associates or propagandist, very much in evidence. This is a muser Per. Secretar The Gleaner of the 7th inst who may be willing to bsrmonize, and stroke on the part of the invitation to assist in the e tablishment of the committee, because it terves to coment states that another mysterious best befor the rainy season sets fire occurred in Kingston early above mentioned oranization, in which or bring about the friend bip which is Head in Now boys, here is an oppor yesterday morning resulting, be spent much valuable time in bringing esial between West lodians and tunity, let us go at it. The earth fortunately, in damage only estiexpense in Panamanians to maturity; also, much will always reward man for his nated at about 500, travelling across from England to New Those who are not yet will do well to WITH York, wbre, with the able ad fraternal become mbeis of the club, thus lp.
labour, so we have nothing to fear.
NOSTROLINE It appears that shortly after assistance of Bros Eton Woodruff and jug to improve the Community in which four o click yesterday morning John Davis, the first Lodge of raia whey live.
Mr. Hpe Panton proprietor Nasal Specific, Invaluable for Nasal Hygiene of Order was established in the month of the Valentine Bakery got August 1921. and known as Court CRICKET INSTANT RELIEF CERTAIN CURS FOR GATUN a wake and made preparation to Phoenix No. 1, of the Visit his bakery in Nasal Catarrh, Influenza Princess Order of Foresters of Lebanon Jamaica C. Defeats Vin Street as he does certain mornThe ti stiraturnal ciety established On February 22. 1922, Gatun ings in the week. Along with on this Isthmus of Ponta, centian HAY, FEVER SORE THROAT AND DRYNE: STUFFINESS Silver Clubhouse Tennis Court his family he resides at present Ancient order of forresten xed was the scene of one of the best Getfrard rare AND INFLAMMATION OF THE NOSE over 10 years ago by Mr. CA. Cada contesteit Tennis games ever At Isthmian Park, last Sunday saving his house kt, td his pioneer colle kurs. He played on an thaia Court Siinple! Safe! Sure!
Jamaic CC that alio one of the Panders of the five Teams representing La Boca, overwhelmingly hie Icase of the Star of Bertience Order on Cristobal and Gatea participated For sale at nil 11p todate Deus Stores deteated the Vincentian CC. de door u onu u thote Sportsman League Cup matchments, in the this Isthmus the team winning two games out Jamaica won the toss and sent at the back of the premises. He sent was open as also a wicket gate For the fortior information of our of three would be decided the Vincentian in to bat on a per friends, and we wiele prit me a winner of the contest.
lect wicket, but so well did Lindo took out his mutur car which bit further. toate that the Rul The score for the games were as nd Palmer bowl that not one of was at the garage ajang, and the Cremonials and other Pars follows: the Vincentian bats reached ched strange to say when he got Store plerosis, connee ed to the Order was La Boca Cristobal 12 10 4 double figures, and they were all inside he found that the at at con piled years ago, solely through the Cristobal Gatun 6, 46 Vsion, and Initiative of Mr. RCA Corner 4th Street Hudson Lane dismissed for Phone 98 captured wickets for runs 23 runs Palmer the back was turned over and and ihe door of the car was opas He Gatun La Boci 36, 36 Cadegan; written and kept well under The most modern and up to date nouse in Colon Lind) for 14 bad it before reano to bed cover. unul cutried by timself, and The La Baca Team were the The Leading house for maica went to bat and put up a the introducid to a number of worthy sud Victors winning two games out of 174 Royal Scarlet, Cereals and Hawa lan Canned Goods runs. Roberts Princess Street at about 45 rispecatlo gentlemen in the City of three played. The following were played excellent cricket, and was he had ocasion to let one New York; nlo bad applied to various the players of each team; Messrs.
RAISINS, CURRAN IS, OTHER CAKO MAKING REQUISITES rewarded with a score of 143 not his employee examine the other sources for a Chirier or Diepen Clunis, Jump, Halder from La SPECIALTY out, Darby 38, Walker 22, Foster car and foot prints were found tion, but failed to obtain ame; owing to Boca Prescot, Spalding, Deveaux SILK HOSIERY, PERFUMERY TOILET ARTICLES, SCHOOL 17 aod Palmer 10 were the prin inside.
It was clear that the inful colour question Maxwell from Cristobal. Harper ACCESSORIES, ETO, ETC.
cipal scorers for Jamaica one had been sleeping inside the Under the circumstanes. All respec Scope Ellis from Gatun.
All at popular Prices Orders taken by Phone car. About half an hour after ha nad table Hest ludian and English speaking SMALL, Proprietor CAVE, Manajar. Britannic Defeats Clovelly Panton got word that there was been at the bakery Mr Pasmanians are bereby most cordially invited to join us, and to make the Now Lodge tire at his residence, Host Order of the Foresters of babona Whilst Jamaica was having her but the coach house build nzs ao time in getting on the scene succes. Mr, Conway. epresenta Park own way. at Isthmian tive) is furiber requested to le co organi Feb, 24th, We the officers and morning same was brought to a Atlantic side. The latter tea Clovelly Cher sister club, wadunes, Tae Fire Resin vere then in the of the zt ihrcusbout the Isthmus and cas members of the Star of Paradise close by singing the Doxology having won the toss decided to go Leather huating on Standard comply answered the alarm On Saturdy night the Lodge to the bat. The wicket which was del Tor etc. etc.
Lodge, ALO, beg to Was convened for the purpose of Il prepared and a beautiful Oval. Batting first Clovelly could worked inight and main, but in to the While thanking you sir, in advance announce fraternity con dative paly no throughout that our social which conferring degrees and install sunshine which was we ask to reman.
to an ideal day for cricket gave reaching double figures. Black comparatively short time the were destroyed, was working for several months ing officers to pilot the future su: The Most Reepeetfully, yours, past bave developed its full cess of the lodge for the balance the visitors all the opportunity of man captured wickets for 11 lire sprea ito na Blish Becke West Indian ruas and Maxwell for 16 Bri foundation into a lodge through of the term: Tause installed are securing success.
20 outbuildings xu tanac replied with a score of 121 live apartments were also conRCA. CADOGAN, follows: the hard work of our energetic The commencement of the Blackma made 31 Trotman 18 sumed in a very short tim, Both Clarke of the star Legate PC Jam Rberts inning was not very bright as Graham 15 and Connell 10 no: the main buildings of Messrs.
Colon, Feb. 11b, 1922 arcas No 12, IO. SB Pau Peston Batcher Porter one of the visitors best out 133 Carrington ama. Oa Friday night last Sir batsman was seat be to the Com.
Ponton and Becko Were Fishermen Election.
Clarke. organizing Legate ac Levi Gittins Scribe pavillion for ducts. The follow Games for To morrow shreatened at different times, companied by ladies Clarke and Act. ing batsmen played cautiously but fortunately the Fire Brigade Britannic vs. La Boca at Stand worked with might and main Alberth Ryce and at the close of the igning the ard Oval.
At the regular meeting held on Weekes and many other sirs and Lady Treas.
Jobe Johnson, Chap score stood at 109.
and save them. It was fortunate Wednesday last of the Guiding Ladies from various ster lodges Arnold Sesley Star Tabernacle No. 14, Indepen came over to Gatun for the purJamaica ys, Surrey at Isthmian for Mr. Panton that his motor.
commenced their Park.
dent Order of Galilean Fishermen, pose of initiating those who inning after the usual recess, car was not in the garage at the Nabua Jones Mar.
time, but he lost a good deal of.
Colon, RP the nominations and qualified themselves to become election of Officers to serve for the members same was done Dalmus Baynes Ast. Mar. This pair did not last long as Matilda White and Family furniture and rolling stock for Walter Cox LSC ensuing term March August 1922 ample form, when 15 candidates Franklin was sent back quickly to waggons, Thanks Hospital Staff.
Mary Rassell and resulted as received the mysteries of the Lady RS the pavillion with the buildings the total loss. Eula was the was on the. Day Louise Kellman estimated Samuel, Doble order, too much praise cate as follows: Bro.
RS. VC. next man and he started to play at fully 350, Sir John Gordon, covered partially by insurance Winthrop, AL not be given for the way our LSVC. cautiously and at the end of his We the undesigned hereby the Royal losurance Com WS Johnson, RWT. re elected. 5, duct the Initiation ceremony to Sirs. Hope and Cooper, Ladies whicles an exhibition of sterling thanks and appreciation to the Tre elected. Legate and his Associates con Special mention must be given play he made a well earned 61 ia deepespany. Drumond, RW. A; Sister after which all repaired to the Clarke and Weekes for their kind cricket was den Jastrated. Rankin Docor and Nuses (especially buildings will take at least 150 Mr. Beckno range of outJones RWC: Binnon, banqueting room where justice assistance Hoe kourr Organizing played with very, which confie De. Wakor and nurse Milkington ba rebuilt but be carried no the good Legate AS. ie elected)R Walks, was did as he Sim Sister Holder, things prepared for them. com their respective position after pleased with the hit wling Tote coloured assistants for the kind insurance.
of also and Bro. Walters, K, on hours of which was brought to a close Sirise and ladies were heard and Cora vall makias 33 ruas, secur Mauida White during her four chat the Brigade had worked On all sides it was admitted At the conclusion it was unami nously agreed that the installation will take place at the Mosaic 2807 Loyal Order of Ancient la conclusion they repared to the ing a victory over the West End months stay in that institation splendidly and deserves every It will be recalled that White praise in keeping the ti e under Lodge Hall, 8th st. and Broad Shepheras. We wish her a speedy banqueting room and partook or by 24 ruas.
necessaries provided for Was badly burat from fer control, From all the surround them, wh. ca terminated the meet way on Saturday, March 11th, recovery.
when a large attendance is aning by singing the doxology House Gardening in Pro. month of October last year, a pear that the tire was set by a stomach to ing ticipated Fidelity Lodge To Meet.
gress Guachapali, and had to be taken barglar. The matter is now to Ancon Hospital. She is now being investigated by the police CRICKET out of hospital and is well her.
Mrs. Mercy Hinkson III.
The regular meeting of the FiAll the lands around the self again.
delity Lodge No. 29, Independent quarters in this town are being We beg also to thank Major Pilgrim Wilkins III.
cleared. As the residents here It is with regret to announce to United Order of Scottish Mechan.
the many friends of Mrs. Mercy ics will take place on Tuesday Feb. Cornwall Defeated West are taking advantage of the offer Bocock and his staff of ine Hinkson, well known in fraternal 28th at the st James Lodge Hall, End.
made by the Canal Zone Authori Santo Tomas Hospital for their The many friends of Mr. H, The care and treatmant during the ties to have truck gardening. The first week of the accident when Pilgrim Wilkins will undoubtedcircles that she is dangerously il 8th St. and Hudson Lane, Colon, ladies are also doing their at ber residence 13:Ă SE RP.
part she was in that hospital also.
ly be sorry to learn that he is Colon, Mrs Hinkson is connected Members are requested to at very interesting and exciting and in the very near future this MATILDA WHILE temporarily incapacitated at to the Niomi Lodge No. 61, tend as important business is to game of cricket was played on place will be blossoming with the THOMAS WHITE. Her husband)
Colon suttering froin an attack of which she is Permanent be dealt with. Visiting Scottish Sunday 26th of last month be energy and experience of West of neuritis. It is huped that he ETHELENA TOPPIN. Daughter)
Secretary, and also worthy Mis Mechanics will be accorded an tween Cornwall of this towa Ladians in tropical agricultare.
will soon be out and around and tress of the Loyal Princes No hearty welcome.
West End from the The people here are trying their PERCIVAL TOPPIN. Son in Law. again, score of some mustar a 34 ruas xt door and Sir CH of Sydney Small Sir Cornwall Juba Sims ins is agenda Saunders


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