
London Correspondence.
660 Socesses os Cuban Sugar Crop Will Be Million Tons THE IDEAL PHARMACY No. 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro IRELAND POLITICAL SURPRISES Estimate ma e bv Experts At The End Of The Past Mɔnth. 1, 000, 000 TON DROP Drags Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
For Tha Present Old World Must Lookt, Now For Its Supplies.
THE NEWS FRO NEW YORK in remote NO SUBSTITUTES USED Only the purest and most genuine Drugs comown energy.
and mittee Nation for Negroes Notice of Removal advantage. perament for and New York Fabruary The Cuban Tax Commission in a report to President Zivas, estiinates that the 192: 22 Cuban sugar crop will be 000 000 tons as against nearly 000. 000 tons last year, according t) the weekly letter of the Czarnikow Rionda Company advics state that while al estates are daily start ing to grind, 104 milis are nx operating as against 141 at the same date last year, te letter says, Continued sales to the Far East, and the fact that the Philippines exported 8, 000 tons in December to the Oriental de tinations strengthen the belief that these or other Jiva sugars will not enter the Earó Dean ket in appreciable quantities for months to come. In the mean time the United Kingdom and Europe must look to this hemisphare for supplies and be prepared to pay the prices prevailing in this markt The lumber market is making steady progress, according to the weekly report of the neri can Luberman. good dea!
of buying has been done at the annual meetings of retail associations, and many buyers is.
visiting producing sections. survey of stocks in many facturer hands does not reveal a great deal of unsold lumber.
While there has been some accumulation during the last six weeks in Southern pine territory, stocks are broken and the pre sent volume of demand is more thin sutticient to take care of current production. As there is every reason to expect an in crease in demand, it is evident that the market taces a period of activity, with strengthening prices The the means of the efforts are Enske some legislativa with problems of affecting Negro various les whole but (OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE. By JOHN GORDON)
London, January, 1922. Ireland can bie policy. Do Valera has always insis always be depinded upon to provide its ted that Ireland was so entity, yet his politol Surprise; but the agreement policy would never have produced an ENGLISH AND AMERICAN reached btween Sir Jams Craig, the agreement like the Collins Craig agree.
Ulter Premier, and Me. Mchael Collins agreement; it could bring forth otly civil head of Provisional Government of tha war in Ireland and perpetuation of Trisb Free State, seemed to be little terroriem and bste.
bort of smiracle. It is difficult to appre Great Men Produced by North ciate its immense significance unless you can fully realise how intense has been Britain.
the age bitacolo vern Irish ne Tesnall hom teads of North Bitrin of the North and Irishten of the South, are curiously persistent in producing lads and how Ulstermen buvo bated the pr who bee me great men. could name propoed Boundary Commission wb ch you at least a doz who begin life on a the British Government promised the diet of of porridge, and lit le else but Sinn Feins should be establiehed, porridge, in northern villages under an independent chairman of Brit and who now are numbered smong the ish nationality, to redraft the dividing leaders of the Empire. Lord Bryce was line between Ulster and the newly con a typical example. He nd power stituted Irish Free State.
to push him along besides bis dynamic mental and physical pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over It would seem that Winston Churchill, His death, at the sea of S3 closes the British Colonial Secretary Wearer of at vzine ae ivity in which he really responsible for the sitting in 40 years experience which the miracl) was performed. He Bibed brilliant distinction in, at least, three spheres politics, literature has been presiding over Cabinet Com three sph political science Perhape, his greatest established to arrange the line pohla WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor.
fer of powers from British to Irista honda achievement lay in his development of It so bappened that Craig ane Collins Anglo American can understanding. Before Sexos socio Socks SassySSSSSSSS both came to see him about these mat be became an extremely successful Am ters on the same day. Churetill tal. ed based est Washington, he had already to them both separately. He brought written the sandard work on the United Senator Proposes And then he left them to talk alone in came to love him for his smpathetic his roon at the Colonial Office And and acute understanding of their tem admire him and to bry talked to some practical erudition They decided they could settle the his almost limitless Baundary Quustion by th mselves and and she Americano love a learned moni Solution for War Debt and hwut Brisb sesistance; Collins under He leaves behind him many rood books The Public is hereby notified that the Race Problem to to stop th Suthera buycott of und long life packed tight with Ulster manufactu turers Crane Craig. On the valuible work UNIVERSAL NEGRO SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO other hand, uadertook to assist the English Climbers to Ascen IMPROVEMENT ASOCIAreinstatement of Southern Catholic Lisb.
Mount Everest, TION, at its American Headme in the Belfast shipyards, from The pary of English climbers who New York City, through its Pub Has been Removed to 107 21:11, 0:1er.
quarters, 56 West 135th St. which they had been excluded, and it 16th Street West.
was arranged that the Gov tom nts of we toatempt to reach the sumit of licity Department, wishes to telee reb and South hould meet to of February and will be at the foot of which at least in part shows that Mount Everest leave London at the end announce following news (ps. airs Studebaker Automobile Depot. Jevise, to their mutual advantage desting the mountain early in May ready to what The new premises are well equipped for turning out the of the Universal General Bruce ascent.
the the leader is taking ten companions includ have begun to bear fruit to the Improvement Association the best class of work Ireland and other outstanding question. That the ing Mr Mallery who was a member of extent that it has at least suc Public Senti all topm of the mounent ment in the interest of the one PHOTOGRAPHS which fulfils the main idea at the back difficulty and danger and weather may Negro, and to the carrying out Home msy of its proposed program, to such schem and the most ardent hopes of quite easily rob the climbers of success. an extent that a State Senate AS ed to imagine that it would be lected great obstacle in their way.
the the following Concurrent ResoIlimalaya, climbers cannot make up lution in the Senate of the State NEW YEAR GIFTS sopeedily.
wards more 150 feet an hour of Mississippi.
Events in Ireland are, in effect. go whereas in Switzerland 000 fot so Remember your friends with your photograph this. Jan.
year and they will remember you as long as to plan, Poor de Valera is left with his reaches the bearest point to the creato duced in the State Senate in few disciples making such trouble as he Everest which last year expedition to session here, concurrent reso the photograph lasts.
may with his acrid and barren Repub.
chere will ill be three lution licntism. He probably providing for the Legis.
disspproves of climb the summit, though the lature of Mississippi to memoral the fresh outbreak of crime that, not mame climb at the elite femme Mote za the President of the United all Our Photographs are Permanent unexovetedly by any means is manife: Blanc (15, 780) could be done iu six ze SIX Store ting itself in Southern Ire and; but it hours. Plack, endurance and hardi States and the National Consetfeedly clear that the sporadic revolver hood the climbers unquestionably pos gress to secure by treaty. by Have that long delayed photo which you promised cu rases at the thefs of motor cars seases, whether they will also have the purchase or other negotiation, your friend so often sufficient territory in Africa to would good luck, which alone can bring sue are committed by people who make a suitable and final home justify thesives as ardent fotlowers of 0238, remains to be seen.
for the American Negro, where, MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO under the tutelage of the Ameri elections Western can government, he can develop The coolest in the city where you are certain of the The Will of a Lead ary countries.
a great republic, to best attention. fundamental principle of become in time a free and er of the Moslem our cause to avoid covenant sovereign state and taking its Faith.
breakers for they destroy God place at the council board of the laws. Ye know what a centre of nations of the world.
Day and Night Photographs sedition Mirza Mohammed All Senator McCallum proposes to and his associates have been.
use such part of the allied war Abdul Baha Names His Suc According to the explicit debt as may be necessary to SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO cessor in his Last Testa divine text, the least shall make acquire such territorial possesthis man a fallen creature and sions to the end that America ment Read at Halifa.
107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West.
what transgression is worse than shall become a nation of one attempting to destroy the divine blood, as it is in spirit, and as he edifice breaking the covenant says ADDRESSES FAITHFUL sowing the seeds of padcube Negro To give the American for thel against Abdul Baha, advancing development of racial develop. ollow Shawghi Effendi, claims unwarranted of God, ment under the most advantakindling mischief and striving to giou Beware Mirza Effendi.
gious circumstances.
the very blood of Abdul He Tells Them.
Will Disband Several Regi It is incumbent upon you to ments.
WORDS OF DOCUMENT ghi Effendi for he is after Abdul take the greatest care of Shaw. BRANDON BANK)
Baha, the guard of the cause of Direct West India Nazareth, January, 26 The God. The beloved of the Lord from London date du drebruary SECURITY unto 17th it is reported that the state will of Abdul Baha Abbas, who must obey him and turn SERVICE died some weeks ago was read himbe submissive and faithful to ment was made in the House of Commons on Saturday that in presence of Bahaist from Persia, all just monarchs, serven obey the sovereigns of the world spite of all protests, it has been Panama (Founded 1863)
definitely decided to India, Eeypt, England, Ger to disband Colon the wany, Italy and Japan. it is with the utmost faithfulness and first Leinster Regiment, the together not with political affairs for dis five other South Irish units.
Our large Resources and well known with faithful to beware the efforts In Miza Effendi to disrupt their loyalty to God Himselt.
conservative Management afford unannouncement This is my counsel and God Secretary of State for War said cause and names Shawghi Effen questioned security for every dollar di to succeed the deceased commandments. cc Weilhet, is with that he deeply regretted that the leader. deposited with this bank to take this step to disband The document reads in part.
regi Deadly beloved friends: ments which had done such Ford Purchase Lincoln Being in great danger and hopesplendid work for the Empire in less of even one hour of life, Motor Co.
all parts of the world, and bad am constrained to write these such long and distinguished relines for the protection and precords.
serration ation of God cause. Detroit, February Henry Ford Strong representations counsel you to protect His to day purchased the properties made to the Government that the ISAACBRANDO NATHANIEL BRANDON laws and have the utmost fear of Lincoln Motor BBANDON Co. for Leinster be retained because of of discords. Everyone must 8, 000, 000 through a receivership. their Canadian origin, but in fluPresident Vloe President Treasurer turn unto the Holy Book, What Two other bidders refused to go ential as were the proponents of every is not recorded therein over this mark and Ford bid these requests, they made no difmust be referred to the Univer being placed first was accepted. ferences. The regiment is now from all countries East and West manufacture of larger and higher reaching London SRyths: the where the loved ones are found priced car, which will retain the rank and file are dismayed at the!
after the manner of the custom Lincoln name.
prospect af disbandment IT PAYS.
is such a manner is atQub tained.
to reach Japan Stops Building of War Crafts.
ol tor bimself a gre Four Battle Ships And Four Battle Cruisers to be Scrapped Under Pact.
BUILD LIGHT SHIPS Including Destroyers; Work on This Type WIII bo Started At Once.
shed Panama Banking Company Kii.
The Owari at and be direct West India cable from Tokio, dated February 8, states that the Navy Dapartment has formally, ordered the various cockyards to stop construction work on the eight and Battleships Battlo cruisers now on the ways which are to be scrapped in accordance with the Washington Conference agreement Battleships are the Kaga, and Tosa. The Battle cruisers are the Atago, Akagi, Amagi and Takảo.
Construction of auxilliary craft set for the fiscal year 1924 1925 will advanced to the present order to afford employment for the Dockyard workers, it is an.
nounced by the Chief of Naval Vice Admiral Okapa.
Japan, it is pointed out, is allowed 270, 000 tons of light cruisers and Destroyers by the Naval Treaty. At present she has approximately 225, 000 tons of this class about 120, 000 of which can be declared obsolete, for immediate construction 165, 000 tons.
This construction can be cseried on with the funds released through stoppage of work on the Capital ships. The amount thus saved, according to the tentative figures of the Navy Department is ay proximately 106, 784, 000 yen.
making this construction, the General Banking Business Transacted leaving the the margin were Ad vertise in the Workman Advertise in The Work, man It pays.


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