
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 4; 1922 PAGE SEVEN WATERBURY COMPOUND WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL like them They Seeds and the blend can be copied Interesting West Indian News (Continued from page 3)
Crict Constable Thomas Kelly who happened to ba in the disrict, He lost no time in arrest ng Alexander Gordon on a charge of murder and escorted ymn to the police station bere, Corporal Morrison and Con stable Devis then left for the place of the occurrence after el krapling to Morant Bay. At 10 45 Sergeant Major Hinds ind Detective Bygrave came up.
and went to the spot where the blow was delivered. Your cor respondeat also visited the locus in quo and there saw the dead In his house. All during the fight the policeman, the cor.
poral, and the Constable were ngaged taking statemente. post mortem examination was ordered. The Sergeant Major and Detee ive left the same atght at about one o clock and wok the prisoner to Morant Bay Next Moniugata 830 Dr. Bartlett, arrived and performed post mortem xamination and ordered burial.
The deceased and prisoner are not belonging to the parish, but Dave been residiog bere for some time, and lived in houses about one and a balf chains apart. Gleaner)
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You have Tried the Rest Why not Use the Best FOR SALE BY ISAAC JUTTNG, 111 BOLIVAR STREET, GOLON.
WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Des Moines lal Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans about Book Binding!
Chesterfield Remarkable incident Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department CENTRAL AVENUE and No. G Street SAVES LIFE mind ing our mind the Holy Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more com than ro.
is a reputable termicide and sure disin fectant include TANDS AND FACE WITH IT BATHE WIT LIFEBUOY SOAP ROOMS TO LET At Ness Castle, Hagley Gap.
Ness Castle, Hagley Gap, Feb.
ruary A most remarkable in.
To Put Bigger Ship On cident the truthfulness of which has been vouched for by reputLink uit LIFEBUOY Route able residents took place a few nights ago in this district.
formene Halifax despatch states that It is stated that the spirit of unod man who died her, many thes of the regular nas servisi augurated by the years ago was seen following it Other temer Sicilima last December. man who lives here anu between St. John, Boston, wise disturbing his premises wi Ivana, aud Kingston, Jamaica The man appealed to his dead has been such that the Canadian cives for protectia and his cargo ship, the Montexuma in the two brothers a nephew and This is going to be our work it devotion of the distinguished Pacite is now placing its large mother appeared, then his father service between these ports. a neice. Together they got at we remain as jouroalists in this party is said to have set a good The Montesuma, is built at the old disturber turned brown colony. We have it in our mind example to certain people in this Glasgow by Duncan and Coy, in the yard and chastighihim down to help form such an Associa island. The Rev. Worrelisa to point. to 1918, is one of the most mode. Tais happened about 8pm. the wateh. dog of the people inter This little incident of suh act as the unsleepiog coloured inan and a West Indian 5, 000 tons, 103, feet in length, 63 feet party of spirits being visible to test and to see that representa distinguished party, representing in width and 27, in dept. She several people. Needless to say tive Government becomes a a real historic English families, receive will sail from St. John on there was great constercation in success. We have it ia Hly Cup from the hands February 23. for Boston, Havana the vicinity. lt might be inter to make such an Association the of representative coloured West the and Kingston with a large Cana esting to hear what spiritists biggest thing in Colony, lodian speaks volu nes in coodian cargo principally composed bave to say about this occurence. controiling its own newspaper, nection with the supremacy of YOUTH appiness are linked of potatoes, fish, flour and news discussing Government Buisard British culture and civilization making print.
weighty announcements, An up with realta. Link up with American pork packing and putting forward candidates plebeian would have prefereu Demerara This Canadian Caba West In Lifebuoy for health and for the for election and working for to be sentenced to capital puoishchildren sake. Lifebuoy Soap prodian service has attracted more their election ment than usual attention in that it rather than give such motes health hapny, smiling health; We have been agitating for evidence of Christ in brotherprovides a regular service for The Argosy says that a years; this is the time to take off hood. The West Indian it protects the children from the Canadian exporters which is con. plete inventory has been made in our coats and get down to what dangers of contagious diseases.
sidered to be essential if the lat: respect of the state of the late the Americans call, real dokuy Lifebey Soap has a twofold use it disinfects ter aret to compete successsully Me Thomas Flood which dis work.
Who sayes ayer Policeman Charged With as it cleanses; disease seems cannot live where for Southern trade with the closes his assets to be valued at Lifebuoy Soap has been ttsed. Lifebuoy Soap United States and other coun 13. 203 747, 42 After deducting his Murder of His Corporal will salemund the child en keep them tries. Cuba is already one of the liabilities which his healthy as well as clean. Esist upon them largest importers of Canadian wife share in view of her mar Mr. Wood was not im.
using it before school, after pay, before meals.
cod tieh, potatoes, flour and other riage in community of goods the pressed USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE Savla Mar, February 20. The HOME WAY net total is put down at 97, 687. porta ut commodities.
preliminary examination into the 92. Estate duty to the extent of SHAMPOO WITH IT.
chant of murdering Corporal 3, 729, 93, has been paid, We sat at the Press table and Samuels, of the Polica Force, heard the several Deputations preferred against Constable Bar Grenada put the case of the economic rett, was commenced here toposition of the Colony before the day, before His Honour Mr. MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
APPLY ON PREMISES Imperial Commission, and are in Calder, Resident Magistrate; the a position to say that the Depu Clerk of the Courts conducted The End of The tation of the combined Dis the prosecution.
trict Boards went nearest to Barrett. manacled, was lel Fifth Act, impressing Mr. Wood with the into the court room between two with that we do not suppose that held in readiness.
the a third With the ending of the case are all on the brink of a preci formed the prisoner as to what Mr. Wood really knows that we The resident Magistrate intor Representative Government mad out before Mr. Wood and pice, and that Goverment is es colleagues by the Deputa in as serious a position as the was proposed to do. Sergeant tion of the Representative Gov. people. Where are they going to Major Hamilton was sitting at croment Association came the get revenue from it the disas the court table, and the prisoner on seeing him exclaimed: Look end of Ac This is a play in trous condition is not relieved the gentlemen me spoke straight in the Lwo acts. We believe that in Some of face the final shape of things we will aguen It is not a depres the Hamilton if you are an honest on be put in a position to get DONE WITH NEATNESS AND start in our Legislative Council sion but a wisaster. man suf Hamilton only smiled, wheremust do our best to give the fering from physical depression upon Barrettt said: You won scheme a fair trial and see how may yet smoke his cigar and smile hereafter, and then mutDESPATCH the the. tered cogs function. his deathbed fac wards striking his chest maying three need tightening or loosening ing physical disaster. Grenada imes. Turning to the clerk of here and there, some grease or is in a dying condition financial the Courts, who was examining a oil may be necessary in this or ly, and the most serious part is witness, prisoner said: Take that particular, but the thing to that she is to die not once but time. cant hear every body at Give me the do is to set the new consitution many times, and in many directhe same time.
in motion.
first opportunity. Then called out to Sergt. Major Hamil Act was important. The theme was OUR RIGHTS. Act II The Marquis of Salisbury, the to Inspector Thomas, Ah, Inton: Stand up Hamilton, is no less important. The theme Hon. Wood and Lady Wood, the is OUR DUTIES spector, if it was Hon: through Good Assortment What we have to do is to en Gore and Lady Gore, and Mar: respect for you.
roll as members of the Grenada R, Wiseman attended H! y Inspector Thomas walked up Representative Government As. Communion service at the st. to the dock and spoke to the sociation thousands of taxpayers George Anglican Church on prisoner. Sergt. Major HamilTO SELECT FROM AT THE of the class who are to be voters Sunday morning and partook of ton left the table; the prisoner under the new scheme, thous Holy Communion. The service burst of anger subsided, and the ands of paying members no matter was conducted by Rev. Fowler inquiry proceeded.
bow small the annual fee. The and Worrell. This was the first Association must exist to teach service in which Rev. Worrel Advertise in The Workthe people their duties and to took part since his recent ordiadvance their political education nation as a priest. The religious man it pays.
LEVER BROTHERS LIMITEHTNGLAND was ile JOB PRINTING of every description financial man.
screw man who is Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Gards.


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