p. 8


exos SOSONG WALK OVER SHOES Reduction in Prices any chsins, sbox ba ter into Spirit of dem creare only a few of the wonderful of the city.
American Bazaar Stores things preciate among the ordi ston. In a with with im provements EXCELSIOR THEATRE matter this The eity must the AND IN Carnival of 1922 M gic! Ilus on! Spirit Control! Legislative Council Frases 53:33 Success.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN IT? Meets at Jamaica Come to the Hall THIS IS THE TIME American Beauty Floats Guachapali Chapter No. 14 Representatives in Action Spectacu ar Curiosity, SATURDAY NIGHT MARCH 11th AT 30 CLOCK The THE GREAT PROFESSOR Legislative Coureil at TO BUY YOUR Jamaica beli its first session on Mercedes and Viol:1 the PicASSUE February 20. We had the pointure of Beauty in the Pr.
Will mystify with reason fol pleasure of reading a letter Cession on Tuesday Last.
defying illusions and scientific published in the Gleaner from exhibition of rare ocealt art. the pen of the don.
Smith L, C, and Presideut of is the the Jamica Representative Gr.
It cannot be successfully dis Some claim that he guted that in spite of the prevail. greatest modern disciple of the erament Association.
ing hardships through which Great Oriental Master Lamas See Hon. Smith, bas stated his this conmunity is at pres nt and chymical lepts.
undergoing that the 1922 Carni himn prepare a Binquet out of grevances against the negligent will be concentrously adinit tents of a Garbage Can into a the financial affairs of the coua ted that the success as far as the pail of delicious fruits: See the try is carried on by the Govern.
So many is concerned operatim of the Enchanted Casi ment. The estimates have no We have just received a large shipment and have didiot come us to the standig net b; FAMILIAR SPIRIT. Do yet reached the hands of. nor his thing, taking into consideration led alive and re ressurrecte. ihe Givernment stated bow ve been able to make substantial be deien in the revenue is to we are of op in that the Carni. He will show you see the mys val Conmitte did their best and teries and wonders of Hypno met.
the dispea ed of praise for noism, Mesmerism and Magne. Hon Simpson, MLC the manner they carried through tism revealed. Do you think held a me ting at the Ward the vious events handcuts shackles Theatre, requesting a mandate contrivance can from his constituency, whetner As is the custom, needless to or any other say, that the Panamanians do hold him? He will you Kingston was prepared certainly knew he was are ease istation Seenniem etenance be the burden of extra taxation a holidaywould have to ensensational from for the improvement chains and the Cepo. These tion Mr. Wynter cy and teir taste for doing big the Panama Representative of fore you can truly ap acts he will perform Don fail the ada his e how ladies of very retin to be there or you will miss Government Association, on his ed culture can at this egon the greatest collection of magi visit to Jamaica, made vary forei sessa!
th threw off all the the acts ever shown in years bly representations against Ad Dission 25 cents. Children insanitary conditions of King PANAMA COLON sneity and go 15 cents in a conference between nary people and yet preserve Hon, Simpson and Mr. Wynter, their sell respect and retinement the Representative for Kingston without osing a great al geneSunday Races At COS OS 50xOS rally thought to be lost in such was favourabiy impressed escapad by society people. Juan Franco the representations made by the Panama Jamaie Representative, The Amerine bruit of and pledged his suppo to any their Carnival conjointiy SSC SCOXS SSSSSSS the Panamanians season of fes Was Not Well Attended proposals brought forward to bring about the necessary tival and this dy very much Carnival to the attractions of this year sucess. It was a dizzling right It is therefore, not a to witness the rich and entranc On Sunday last, the Horse for surprise to see Mr. Simpson ing dresses of the various clus racing at Juan ranco race. adoptin commendable which took part in th proc ssion track was very sparsely attend attitude in the move for the To Night Satuiday: March To Morrow, Sunday on Tuesday last. Very many d, due very much to the Carni sanitation and improvement of curious and tastefully decorated val festivities. The usual numKional The exigencies of be costumes were principle ber of the fairer sex in attend The Great French Magician views of those who watched the ance was st ictly missing and modern progress and civilization Neckelsen Entire change of Program procession along the streets, eers quite a large number of Pana demands it. These improvements from the Professor Among the bautiful works of Danian turfites did not put in canno be brought about without Also the Reel Fighting loan art, sp cial mention must be made beir appearances as on former the Government raising a of the Carnival float with its Occasions, Feature of about one million pounds.
large hen producing human Those who attended the meet If this loan is to be raised as HARRY CAREY chickens; the Canal Zone Royal were extremely disatisfied with necessity and progress require, MARY McLAREN IN Place with Queen Viola; the the result of the programme, as then the inhabitants of Jamaica Winter palac and the represen the principal events for which must adopt such measures as tation of the Panama Canal with they attended were withdrawn will provide for its The Gun Fighting repayment a ship pissing throuzh the locks through a very regrettable inci within forty years, The floats which were intend dent which hap vened in the est and sinking fund will becom Gentleman Awakening ed as an advertisement for the third race. Mr. Raul Espinosa, an annual charge to the revenue contended that his horse in this and must be provided for. Wife.
One Show at sharp hannot refrain was not given the proper are o opinion that a baggag making mention of the Rotary bandicap. As the result of this tax of half penny for the first On and Chestertield cigarettes contention, his horses were hu NEXT WEEK Continuation of the amazing Serial of 18 Episodes These were very much adinin taken off the track, and thi Idred pounds and one farthing ut a thousand pounds, and ed by the large and very enthu created a damper on the enthu two shillings for each 500 pound MARIE WALCAMP IN siastic crowd that lined siasm of the crowd.
after the first thousani pou de Along the route voci THE ferous cheers for This break in the programme We think this would be suiticient the Queens was keenly rexretted as all the to meet the annual charges of RED ACE various representations turfites were at fever heat and sinking fund for the which deserved truly all the yectations to see th newly repayment of the loan.
SEXSEXSSSSSSSSSSSEXSCOBS Sexsexocs. 0:00 SEXO praise ww. ch were given to them arrived horses from Jamica The illumination wast years. Slucky and determined Chagres. Memorial Service For Deover above the average of past years.
The Electric Light and Power Besides, there was the further Great Magican At The Harry Wills the FuU. Victory Meeting ceased Members did put their anticipation of Waterboy demon Company Certatuly Excelsior Theatre.
spirit into the carnival celebra strating his superiority over At Colon.
tions and did very much to bring the Ecuadorian thoroughbred ture Champion.
Sunday next the 5th, inst, the Royal about the striking fairy like at known as Lord.
Primrose Lodge No. 10106 UO 0, FS, Neckelson, a globe trotting tractions to which this city was On Sunday February 26tbst Dr. Edwards, the re working under the M. will hold Magican, will give two perfortreated for the past four days doubtable sportsman who lost Memorial Service for her deceased mem mances only at ihe (Continued from page 1)
Victory Hal, Hudson Alley, the Excelsior Chartered branch of the Univer The festivities are now to all his engagements in the pre bers who left this world for the better Theatre by special arrangement other at the Madison Square sal Negro Improvement Associa close and business have returned vious meeting, was amply re country during the last tonight Saturday and tomorrow Garden. About twenty thou tion held a miss meeting which to its normal condition. Every warded in two brilliant engage Cotomandant Morris of tte Salvation Sunday, with an entire change sand tight fats were present to was largely attended by memone now asking what next to ments he won, with Chagres and Army very important bers and many a Frenchman, redeem this community from the Waterboy over, Glorita and As for the be Ceyhus kindly consented of programme daily. Neck witness this visitors. who bout of 15 rounds. The betting meeting was called to order by hardships and bankruptcy which devoro, respectively.
as well as members of Sister Lodges and recently completed two years was seven to tive in favour of President Broodie with all the are staring us in the face. We Black boy, won his two engage the general public are cordially invited service in his country Armies, Wills. The both men weighed officers in their respective places do sincerely bope, that some iments splendidly, winning from The Primros. Choral Union will be pre: is reputed as one of the best in at 185 and 205 respectivul sands IcyMountains The opening odo Fcom Green thing will turn up to save us Shortcake and Pep who suffered sent to lead the musical part of the ser artist in his line, His work on The first round was Harry from dire need and starvation.
a crushing defeat. His backers vice which begins at 3p. sharp. the stage is little short of mar from start to finish he had Nor were ample rewarded for their vellous, and is not Chaplain.
confidence as the pool paid 11. 10 of the best slight of hand one folk all his own way and did non sung and prayer Bald by per give him him a chance to show his Jamaica Representative in his first engagement and 450 was easily overtaken by Black tre. The speed with which he gumeness for which the Kid is the first speaker, he gave a ste tapering Bro, Best Vic President was Government the events were fairly good. Be boy who maintained the lead right works, the skill shown, and the usually deliverhome, Pool paid. 11. 10.
low are the results:puzzling nature of nis conjuring gecoided. Wills round the ed a very stirring address as to (Communicated)
First Race. Selling Stake, Fifth Race. Glorita and Chag and legendermain, make his act gong went the future of this great work.
straight for Norfolk, and it was Bro. Lynch gave a recitation and The hat has bee Blue Rock 1st, Pool paid 50 res faced the starter. Chiquita one of real note.
formed in this city is worthy of and Second Race: The Minor Lilli. track after the contention made either tonight or tomorrow night not a ghost of a You should not fail to see him seen clearly that the Kid bad Senorita Morales followed with chance. In the another recitation, St.
the support of not only Jamai: putian. May Be ist, Cricket 2nd, by Mr, Espinosa. At the rise of Besides the Professor, the usual middle of the round he landed Ruse the chairman of the. all British sub of the TrusSects.
Third Race. Waterboy and pace for the first furlong created which he is noted and Norfolk which he made a fiery went down and This timely action, following As de Oros. This race Was full quite an excitement, but in spite took the the members to stand by by the As.
closely in the wake of little, Big of enthusiasms as it was known of all she did, Chagres hiu the Loyal Star District Meets very large maj srity of those sociation in this moment of trial.
Grenada, is of vital importance that Waterboy did badly at the tape first and from then on to witnessed the tight are in favour Bro. Tarrell of New York, a where Jamaicans are concerned, previous meeting, but it was the finish Glorita doom was Tonight.
of a championship tight between member of the branca there, and it is a right move on the rumoured, that under the able sealed; she never came near the Wills and Dempsey. It is repor spoke of the Black Star Line chessboard of West Indian training and management of Mr. winner in all ber attempts, Pool ted that the New York Boxing also the future aspirations of politics.
Tonsingh that he would spri a paid 60 All Members of the Loyal Star Commission is willing to allow the A. Several With Mr. Wynter as the surprise and come out the win.
speakers addressed the meeting Sixth Race. May Be, bad it of Hope District Grand Locge the bout to be staged.
chosen leader, Jamaicans on the ner of this event. As de Oro and songs and recitations were Isthmus are fortunate in the went away at the rise of the all his own way, and from the No. 632, of the Improved Inde.
choice of a man of sterling qualitape, closely followed by Watere excellent riding of his jockey who pendent onder at det hade fellows WILKINSON rendered making a very enjoy Unity, are hereby re able for stainless Character, and boy, and at the end second be aus quested to attend their regular entertainment.
CONTRACTOR BUILDER utter fearlessness where the furlong it was seen that water intelligent judgment quarterly meeting to night in the played. Pool paid 70.
rights of his people are con boy had the race all his own The President brought the Loyal Progress Lodge Hall at First Class Workmanship meeting to a close with the singcerned.
way, coming home almost on a Fourth Race; Black boy again 30 for the purpose of ElecCARL ELLIOT canter several lengths ahead. came home an easy winner rac tion of officers, for the year end: Plans and Specifications Free ing of the Doxology Pool paid 50. The time for ing against the same field. Pooling 1922, and other business 15th Street Wes House 99 Benediction.
this five furlongs was 10. paid 450 necessary. Box 411, Panama, Seventh Racein place This brought to a close the Branch Lodges are also asked ish and English for sale at the of fourth Lilliputian, tive fur daynsed Facies or Whisked we will be to have their representativet pre Advertise in THE WORK ish and English for sale at The Rent Receipt Book in Spang longs. Blackboy, Pep. pleased to report passed off with It is hoped Workman Printery. and Cocktail. At the rise of the out any rufther disatisfaction. gathering will be in attendance.
MAN. It Pays WORKMAN Printery: SS8000S SSSSSSSS. 38 The interBCLIVIO several coner fron rac SS SS oss Cetitial Avaru year.
of this Service. All relatives W13 tho is undoubtedly In the as Bro tee an a count.
other of and the


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