p. 1


was vicinits on duty in the Nunars are 1 clock Corp.
Srrian store and it is the bad whea Wo he Siau. bord ca across hi دارای au 520 toe be th after the teetin ons where de first aid THE LOAF BRITAIN REDUCED WAR DEBT MOLESTING PEDESTRIANS Bakers Threaten General Suggestion of Transfer of Strike If Government the West Indian Islands Interferes.
Dealt with.
Men Kept in Barracks Enquiry Enquiry Keld. Barrett Charged For the past two weeks this Ordered by Governor.
The following article is recoinmunity was uncere nonious printed from the Independent lv mulcted by the Bakers. With and the Weekly Review (New With Shooting his Corporal out any informatioa that there York) of January 21, 1922, The Gleaner the 18th but none of them had developed was a raise in the price of four written by Mr. Maculay. The Sav la Mar correspond earlier in the evening when small President of the San Lile Assur: ent that There any serious symtoms. Pte. Dix the public was given a to the Jamaica Gleaner Sinu els and accused had soma reports beat for 10 cents at Prin. on seemed to have suffered the amount of be sensation ance Society, Montreal. writing to that paper wes and West Queen Streets worst from what he received on than the usual size for the past on the words, Sanual said: ning 200 The suzgostin six months.
has from time February stutes that the to report you, and talendue yesterday afternoon when John Friday night.
to time been made in a number Rai Resident Magistrate Court Don, a Private of the Constables attacked.
uels quar Toere is in this city a Bikers of the leading journals on the inet here to day baforetis fun went to to the barrask and SimUnion, and it would appears tha United States that Goat Britain Mr. M. Caider, with Me ters. Whenditendant Ładian Regiment molested seven went sal pod stans who were pass As stared yesterday a small they are the commanding factors should transfer her West Indian Aus par. Acting Clark of into the sub of ticars quarters Aussia Cooper From what could be scrap occurred in St Andrew on in deter on the size and colonies and Barmudi in pirt the Courts, prosecuting, when was also there. Barrett said by on thered it was shortly after a Sunda get in which two weight of a loud to be con payment of her Americana de Barrett. th consta ole was it is to Samuels. Y» Sinuet area have made o clock when Constable Grant of policemen gor injured made As these views are being widely alleg ad shot the deceased Cor fast man, you must be careful of the from Sulton se Police Station Constable Beckford of the Cariff and in. undergo his examination.
Admiral Towa police station their employers th Salary Sear quoted and canvassed tarough Bread Strels was broukht up the tor toy yo Mr Oppenheim at this staga Dixon went up to him and start. who was on beat duty at Tored in the trust the per scon cut th Statas, may ask par nission as a Canadian speaking the person who to Americans, to make a few a castable stationed in 871 An Acting Corporal Story Robt Taylor id said: am said he appared for the aceased.
Bridge was attacked puding the Adlaret rington Brid gathered and the about four soldiers. He a must pay the piper, Nw we con ments for the consideration Mar Sunday 12 iast, cor stable tiid ile soldier to go roughly, handles and in getting are not hostite to the operation of was station guard. Defendant Stephen Sumuel Johnson said: hd. All away from his assailants they a union for the pro:ection of the of your readers. Canada ba: no direct icterest can in about an acting CorporalI after Dixon went into a tired four revolve while hots at him in an against selfishsaid to des but e luckily the burety went will be of their employersebut ni the Britisha be. As one of poral Sanuels and hassn were bor Sunday 12 inst. was at Police but the nations which compose the in the suore di sicuro di Simuels was with me in the Station Later on in the night while when a poor starving commande e opire, she is united t) the was sitting abis pad troy several articles. The constahle was called to put him out four gustables were travelline ty are to be made the medium of the sub officers qua ters, sub olticers on a ve Gardens car to Papin some people living over comfort Mother cuntry by strong ties pissed into the Constable tables table and others Grant then staried to har dle the ordury tw of them. Constables were both sitting on our respo ton of sentiment, but she is also stars. His box was upeaed to Soldi rand he put up a stid tight Edgar Harris ani Eric Cham wealthy; out of all proportions to united to her great northern a which he kept his clothes tive beds about feet apart. with the result that he got a bers of the Hall way Tre, the eco omic condition of a nighbour by strong ties of weat into the m983 room wich cased cum toch dve with a small wound on his head. police station ware pitched out nall country; then it is time triniship, business, and con la test of nim, Accused ca ne arbeid ixi biyonat, also canadan atter me auda ked me for a mn, de wa wide open. a bandolier over his shoulder, was so violent that it became of the train car at Hope tection ax ains the un essonable uniok, therefore, that thry can that hat in 11. gave it to um sary to tie him down on a gate by a number of what the consumers ask for pro Blant intercourse.
view this matter impartially, said its cusat Dointed the carbing at eart and take him to the Sutton who gave them a severe beating demands of union men.
Oloral Simiels, heard a voland in the kindest spirit. sa one of his trousers as boley fired. ba ted out Barrett St. Polica Station and a little and also wounded them. Con It 18 well known that a large going awy Frou the outbreak of tha nex; day. Hley jater he was handed over to the stable Harris received a eat number of people here can is pertocuy calm and talked stot Corporat Samuels.
military authorities at Camp.
his right arn and on his scarcely afford to pay for the war, Canad aas hava evasidered left susiy bulai out went away: WANA large number of idle young hind, Britain and of whilat constable bread they are ea ing, and any that the map of pm Aut or the Chambers ta men and women tollowed eart to the police station, and on his bici and bisty en increase or any deduction fronte Dominions ware ten the sales after heard Or Baret shuot me, was bittle of the su on his head. Constable soli to the consumers, will ited States as ser ral oth: likes ou his head the wigh of the present loal wall ochronnoire and Oia Wien also solod 80 rust out, heard in direc.
alth ough they were warned aw the soldiers by to Harris. tne street ant kd back, and of the war, have heard mas cry out nediately m315 disperatas refused to go and by running into the hope Come see ingedi a hosuils act of profi of Dar Allies. In ths early day and heard Corpi. Jouns an tion of Sunustrant les He Birrett shoot hoor saw to building oa tice. Acare where he received The bikers Shos casid Way on the front step are demanding eventually about eight or nine or nericans express that opinion Sporti stand afterwards hinself an for Samuels; Barrett what is the cas their pound of fish and have boughout took some years for inacter with you?
way with caroin ad tid baydet them.
in charg de with disorderly contabile Carnbars were con threatened a material strike it the young people, a wh ale ten terecon Barrett was apparently via. ceaty to present. attem siad to were taken into custody way.
conductor rhey will probably be also red to the Public Hospital in a Government interferes with the Anguthat fact. its was watruuter sub otic rs quarters after can approach and was un obila, nz in taken before His Honcu. Mr. motor car where they were ad present breai trouble, but. 1914as it out the. saw every as he ired saveral rounds Burke in the Police Court on mitted and treated by Dr. v would like to ask, why should when the Smith. The injured constables the consumars pay. bəys of both oud saw about.
for were fizhting side by words and other on and accuind un call to Monteith and said.
their nations e still at the Public Hospital.
He held it com with fixed bayonet.
save the prisoners Later in the night domination and had she won the ata tiriax position. noviced (four in number. Last night no leave was grantMonteith eith excitement was caused number of soldiers who came ed and jpint patrols of the miniA Musical Afternoon.
war, her political and commer smoke issuing from the building, went; the building was entirely Eirope, into the city and whose couduct tary and police did duty in the in add tion to the ordinary The well known Primrose all Africa, and much brasia bard another shut which toi on tire. Accused put dowa cara bile and bayonet and stood at immediately. attempted was such that the police were beats, sub officers or NC. s in Chor. Union of Panama City, would have been at onca estab go back, but did not, as he the gate of the called out. The Fletcher Land charge of each. All was quiet. will give a pleasant Sunday lisaed. She probably Ha allowed Monteith to release Police Station was attacked by an alliance pointed the carbine about. hid about a dozen soldiers only one out yesterday.
by The soldiers were not allowed afternoon at the Mt. Carmel wild have made ll San Miguel on Sun. ace behind a tree. was present the rest (Continued on Page 5)
con table was on duty tiere day trooon the 19. inst, at would have been thColo sus an itoe gas law in front of the What Is Statad. p. sharp of the world. Her eyes were bore your armies were orsan.
sta ton broken and stones and There has baen Several well knowa cultured already covatously on Suth d, trained, and transported to MORSE RACING brive hard into the building developments France, and during this period, isolated pomen were also deal of speculation as to how gate. nen of this city will be America.
ruth truble orig nated; and present to address the audience there would hava foliowed you could render but litis uelp At Juan Franco Tomorrow of their beats. Strong police whether the soldiers of the West vu Ma ic. will be sol y for rapidly. With the naval, mil her thaa financial pie alles patroled the city last India in eat or the police is the phone tot stand people to be on them at her bick, what would ice the lives of their wun bsore benetit financial resources will be a Good Meet.
For whom did the Allies sacri nig it under the Deputy Inspecto a of bacca of spending an hour or tor General and Inspector the Gliner made enquiries yes two with some of the best Music she have cared for the Monroe the United States entered tue Tomorrow at Juan Francora Sullivan.
terday and below is published Masters of the world, Doctrin?
war, and from that date uatil tracks, tue Jockey Club, will pie Further Details investigation. All are cordially invited. Come It was shortly before o clock and bring your tsiends with you. United States should have eater For all why did not wish a r for the turfites. Eight We not claim that the h: Aparican troops arrived? sent another racing programme Commenting further on the on Friday afternoon last when above incident a late issue of the Pre. Dixon walkel up Princess NOTICE ed the war at the outbreak, for man world, all free peuples, will be contested. here will be Gleaner reports as follows. Street from Beckford Street, the people had to be awakened. It including Britain, Canala and a mule race for the day sport, Members of the Isle this Spring is doubted if they were suffi the United States.
The tighting and the tumult followed by about 10 or 12 per Lodge is hereby reminded that ciently informed as to the will have their fun and pleasure, merits dies, and ioto an era of tranquili sons. The allegation is he the next meeting night is Thurs of the struggle prior to the Lu.
The war was fought not merg The third race Black Boy, Check ty the city once again passes was under the influence of. quor day the 16th March, inst sitania incident. Wbat would y with lives, but with mone) ers Pep, Shortcake, and may be after a few nights of unpleasant and was in anything but a good have happened, however, if the oa Britain. She had to advance this will be a crack raca, with a would Toe tinancial burden fell ctitelly will meet. It is expected that disturbances in which the police mood. Mc. Assad Faris Ziade e commenced to use volumes United States had intervened auge sums to her Allies. Had very briliant finish. The fourth and the men of the West Iodia who retail dry good of bad ianguage (so it is a leged) even then?
Tae war would bave she not done so Germany would race, in good time, Wampus Kut, Regiment figured, establishmant at 104 Princess and Constans Grant remonstra: been shortened by two years have achieved a speady victory. Ace of Trumps and Merry Mor Whatever may be the cause Street, told the Gleaner reporter ted with him H: struck the millions of lives, and teo billions and the turn of the United States con will meetThe eighth race.
of the whole affair; it has been that the soldier entered his constable and then threw him of dollars would have been would then have come.
most unpleasant to all concerned premises quite intoxicated and self on the ground. During a swed, and the condition of the Dolphia Lord, As de Oco, Inglabut until a proper and impartial demanded that struggle which follow od Dixoa world to day would not ba what believing that the United State as this will be a race of all impor If we Canadians are right in terra and Marita will meet, and investigation is held it will not revolver as he wanted to shoot kicked the constable and the it is.
be fair to comment one way or someone. Mr. Faris Ziade soldier conduct became 30 nad as great a stake in the war ted horses it is expected that be other.
realizing the condition When at last you threw your before she entered it as alter very much interest will be shown which boisterous that he had to be put vast power into the scales, that wards, do you wonder that we by the public, That an enquiry will be held Be tod him he had no ravolvers Sutton Screet police station.
Dixon was in tried to calm him. go a dray and conveved to the great addition to the cruse of ask ourselves whether it is fair good attendance is expected goes without saying. The ActWhereupon the soldier undea The above facts were substan was ecisive. Woea you did the crushing inoce civilization and righteousness that the Allies should bear alone is quits a satisfactory programa in Gordon the stroop het. Somit toured to break into a showcase to the liten saadebandas and act, you to devis pously cal burden of gas been arranged.
DaranChief Staff in which Mr.
Officer, Lt. Col. Norton. aad efc whole those earlier years during which can be relied on to see to it that Half Dozen or More Razors. Browae, a retail dealer and Me your people accumulated much NOTICE.
are all unspeakably appreciative of the wealth of the world? Sure shpke per of the pirt played by the alted ly thair awful loss in life, bebe pleased to know that they can fuli investigation ba made, 80 It was Readers of the Gleaner will that the blame might be laid on Faris Ziade had in praventing, siod of the trouble. They each Bringing The War To a con. single man, are enough of a han secure the weekly Glean and a hard struggle Mr. who were preséat on the occa Sta es in States the proper source Dixon from breaking up the told The men who got bul scow case. Evantually he got Gleaner yesterday afternoon that representative of the clusion.
dates Ret wounds on Saturday night him out of the store and then they would be prepared to give per copy at No. 11 Street, It was some cuasilerable time, Americans are a proud people, place known as the unique were still in hospital yesterday, it was he kicked up a rumpus. evidence on oath.
however, after you declared war (Continued On Paye 3) House. to gallant come and further are lowed slation Lodge of Asia Sne a good and tary and of the results purses and lovers of comical contest is that a he ba sold a.
Jurniture a dicap.


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