
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian slands has th ALBOA EST EER REWED in 1920 viz: 20, 22 wer consideration the matter 56 per. to some there ORDER BOOKS For. Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY spector order the Halth Law don see where the ways and Jamaica been chosen and it is mans are to come from at the proposed to appoint three present moment.
Medical Officers of Health who Poll Tax Might Be wilt wisit the parishes from time to time. Under this new scheme What Has Become of the it is very necesary that the Health Department to be set up Fortunes Made?
Imposed by the Govern should have wide powers, and ment.
it is intended not only to consolidate all the Laws dealing those interested in the Agricul At the present moment whil with public health, but to make tural Industry of the Island an The Gleaner understands that very necessary changes in the trying to get the Gvernor owing to the fact that the Etti. Law, which is the opinion of pledge the revenue of the Colony mates for the coming financial the Central Board of Health are to pay interest on advances year have not yet been nally exp. dient.
crry on the Sugar Industry prepared it will not be people are anxious to know wha.
possible for the elected merhas beeome of the fortunes conference Move to Restrict Chinese has been made by several of our bers to attend any ih financial advisers of the Government Emigration to this proprietors during the past two bent or years. It is all very well for Twiat can be gathered Island the planters to try and make out the Estimates of rewel ve wail the Hon. Major Wood the be below the exdenditure pro The Gleaner states that in they did not reap the full beae Dord for the year and conspa remunerativ quently the Executive will have connection with the question tit of the very prices obtained ac.
to impose some form of extra of restricting Chinese immigra taxation in order to let expendi haen referred to at meetings or of their cro) at omething like Jare quadrats with revenue.
tion into this colony which has esuat of having sold the bar The Government had the City Council and by letters 37. 50 and 10 per 100 lbs before. question of in the Public Press. We now reached But it is known that the revising the schedules under the learn that definite action is about prior to Taken by certain gentlemen 25 1920 sugar was fetching Income Tax Laws in the bope of raising extra money, but it is who are are interested in 10) 103 very remanerIt is understood that at the Tive price for Biroads. And as likely that this idea will be the live doned and a new form of taxation coming session of the Legislative the proof of the pudding is in restored to, viz, the imposition Council Bill will be brought the eating ist uld like to kaow of a Poll Tax. It is not unlikely forward by one of the Elected where the 000, 000 stat de that the Governor will send a should land bere who is unable ing the war and after came Members urging that no Chinese have been invested abroad der message from.
Council on the subject, to read or write English, and who does not have in his posses will not be so misguarded as to trust that His Excellency Tox On 1or Trucks, Having regard to the heavy on the sum of 100 pounds sterrecommend to the House any or cost of maintaining the road might be mentioned that such schemes to bolster up an ways due to increased motor there is a Law on the Statute Industry in which those who trafic, it is also learnt that the Book dealing with the landing of were interested and drew hand Gorent propose to the ease undesirable aliens, but it is felt returns from have put the the tax on motor trucks tul 40 that are several loopholes reckl s3 speculation or invest the same out of their ctrl by Der annum, in the Law whereby these Chinese immigrants land meats abroad from which they their incomes The Weight of Motor merely by entering into bond: are drawing and only quite recently the Also let him beware in father Trucks Government have framed ing any measure that may wreck resolution whereby they get the Agricultural Industrial Back pounds sterling in respect to the whea stands here as a memorial Using Roads to be Defined certiticate entered Into by to the administration of a saga Chinese with regard to the bond. cious predecessor, The Gleaner learns that the At torney General will introduce Rumour Relative to the St. Lucia Bular the coming session of the Governor.
Legislative Council to amend the Motor Car Laws.
It is understood that the It is being persistently rur Representative Govaromant Executive bave, by experience, moured in certain quarters that found that there are defects in His Excellency the Governor will Asssociation Mastings the present laws, and it is pro proceed to England on leave of certain amend absence during mid summer, ments thereto. The tonnage of and that at the expiration of his motor propelled vehicles which as a Coloniel Government.
he will retire from At Anse La Rayo and office use the highways will be defined; as a Canaries.
and it is not quite certain representative of the Gleaner Whether the speed of motor cars made en enquiries yesterday in cer will not be reduced, On Monday 2аd inst. in pur.
lain quarters, but he was unable to There is also a bill to amend get any contirmation of this, suance of holding public mest the towns and the Obeab Law so as to embrace although it was learnt from a ings in all fairly reliable source that Sir villages of Castries those who consult obeahmen.
Leslie Probyn will be proceeding to give any opposers of a popu to England this year.
lar form of Representative Gov.
Clarendon Branch Railway erament a chance of riviag ex.
pression to the views, a Will Be Built Soon Barbados of Proy Westal. D. Cidet, Reilly, E, sphecin, SE GEL The Gleaner is in a position to don, and Dr. Beausolel, accum. that the work of extending the Civil Servants Peti paald by mai many others, lett Castries on the Motor buat iron.
Clarendon Branch Railway from tion Legislature.
Toe meetings woich were held Chapelton to Frankfield, will be at Anse La Ray and Cauaties started inside the next two were well attended and most months.
enthusiastic. At the Under the headline Strolling ble formar The route bas been surveyed and the necessary materials Scribbler the Herald says inter place there were between 400 and 500 and among the have all been purchased abroad, alia and it is the intention of the Rail The Civil Servants of Bar speakers was one of the returned Soldiers way authorities once the work bados through their petition to many of whom were in the audienca. At has been started, to carry it to the Legislature not to discon. Canaries there were about 300 completion as rapidly as possible; tinue the increase in their to 400 present and A.
at the same time, building a first salaries by way of bonus now Maltet in the Caar class line; enjoyed by them seem to meet a swing and go which was the hoping against hope, or in unlooked for 10 tais other words kicking against the ing village. It would bave done small tish Some Matters to come pricks.
only clause in the petition one good to have heard the Bofore the Legislative gun with much gusto Council consideration is the one, intro It is a most sigalticant fact duced at the last moment by the Governor of Glendairy Prison which we have to record that at The Gleaner learns that praying public that the Legislature wwa and village on to meulags held in every amongst the Bills to be intro would at once cake under con there has not been used one duced at the coming session of sideration the recommendations the Legislatire Council, is one of the Commission recently ap: Represeаtative Government.
single note of opposition dealing with the amendment of pointed to report on the Civil the existing Jury For Service of the Island with a some time past there has been a view to giving effect to the same.
clamour that the status of the The petitioners have to re The Colony Finance.
jurors who serve at the Circuit member that the increase thus Courts of the island should be enjoyed by them was granted raised: and further certain as a temporary relief from the The Treasurer comparative disabilities which jurors who bigh cost of living through the statement of the Revenue of the served at the Circuits experien war conditions which state of Colony for the period ended 31st ced, should be removed.
The things has practically disappear; amount collected in 1921 was October 1921 shows that the new Bill aims at making certain ed. Then with every source of 59, 5321, as against 81, 8331 for the important changes; and if pass revenue tapped the Gernment ed will greatly improve the end it impossible to make corresponding period 1920, jury system.
revenue quadrate expenditure Licec cès viz; Retail Spirit, Dis There were slight increases on There is also a Bill to amend at the present high level which the Public Health Law. As is this has reached within recent tillery, Petroleum, Cocoa, Boat well known, the Legislative years and every year finds the Stamp Duty. Succession Day Council haye adopted a scheme colony more in debt.
making a total whereby greater attention will As much as sympathise with increase of 49161, 13 i, Succes.
be paid to sanitation and the petitioners and consider sion duty being responsible for health generally In this con that the case of the juniors in 23071, 10 Decreases in Ravenue nection, a Superintending in the service calls for amelioration (Continued on Page 7)
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