
PAGE THREE Great Britain War Debt.
OVER 14, 000, 000 Varied Assortment of STATIONERY 111 ALWAYS BE HAD CIGARETTES a count WORKMN PRINTERY the old When passing drop in and inspect our yaried quoted Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy. Continned From Pare. know that they do not wish in this matter to stand on legal echnicalities. coming to a decision, let them remember the stake they actually bad in the early years of the war, and the purpose for which the money was borrowed in the latter years feel sure that they need but to Of Every Description know the facts.
One Eleven The suxestion has been made that even if the war debts be not 3er celled the United States CAN night accept from Great Britain a transfer of an equal debts owing to Britain by other AT THE Allied countries.
selling daily in the and only a little Tast fair to Britain.
might be but how about over one year on the market the others? Do Americans think that either Britain or the United Site States should exact payment from France, which has bled at There is a reason for this increasing every pore? What would they think it Britain were to demand popularity a transfer of ome of French colonies in return for for BUY PACKAGE TO DAY cancelling the debt of France to Stock of ber? Britain will probably cancel the debts owing to The 111 Blend is incomparable ter by ber Allies withcu bargaining or reward. Can the United States afford to be less generou.
List of territories have been Commissaries 11c. Packuge chiefly tropical, which Clob Houses have been, as a result of the war 11c.
placed under British control. Post Exchanges Many of these will be for years 10c.
to come, bills of expenses. In any case the Allies would gladly have given the United States Generous Share in these allotments, had she been The best Tonic in the World willing to accept. Even at this late date it is probably not im.
possible for her to obtain a share in the mandates, but of course she would be expected to This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recom vend assume the expense and res and developing these territories, ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness. and not merely to share in any Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up commercial benefits that might a run down constitution.
An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
The It promotes digestion, improves the appsproposal, however, that Britain should tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
transfer the British West Indies and Ber DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or is som muda, something very differ4 times a day.
To transfer these ancient The latest in Scien colonies, would be to begin the of the Empire tific Ventilation Is that t) be Britain reward NO MORE TIRED FEET Even if the Mother Country hould be willing and am sure after using she would not, there are two Very rapid strides have been made further objections. koow DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC during recent years in the development these colonies fairly well. They of ventilation systems in Great Britain are incurably British, ani would Barcal is! Bargains. Bargains. It promptly and effectively relieves Sore, Chafod, Tired, Aching feet Quite the most ingenious installation for yi lently protest at being taken sure eure for dobie, iteh.
an assembly boue is that which is be out of the British family and ing arranged in the new Council Cham transferred if they The soothing coolness felt immediately upon application is inderd ber of the London County unty Council, were property Furthermore, it grateful it got greasy and feels good on the feet is supplied with a current there is to any transterring GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAN HOUSE Use it to night you will be delighted of pure air at the proper temperature, Canada considers that she has the speed of the current being so adjust first claim The commercia When you wish a cheap but decent Suit (complete. Go to the drug store and get a bottle now ed that no feling of draught is ex relations between the Dominion perienced. The strean emerges from the and these tropical colonies are hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
desk in front of the member and drifts already important, and are beover his head. At his feet there is a coming steadily more Taey small electric heater which can be are necessary to our future. The switched on if desired. Thus the system United States is indeed fortunate Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller is designed to keep the members head in that she has within her own cool and their feet worm condition boundaries.
which is understood to be the exact productive land, with all climates opporite of what usually exists in te pre irom arctic to tropical. We are Address. MULLER BUILDINC entative bodies.
not so bessed.
These tropical Another unique ventiltaion equip colonies of the Enpire, are vital CALIDONIA mentre coatly installed in London is at to us, and certainly not at all a large film studio. The frequent occur vital to you. Surely our Ameri rencs of fog and the still more frequent can Friends who are themselves in the atmosphere so fortunately situated, do not causes great expense and delay in the grudge Canada this small tropi taking of file pictures in the London cal connection?
studios. In order to ensure continuous Canada Attitude CALLE No is 255 ft. gins. long and 27 ft. ins.
an automatic om te system of warmIt would not be fitting for a ing and damping the atmosphere of the Canadian beam. She has two decks. tween speak hare on building was desigaed. All the air Canada sacrifices or services in decks ft. high.
enterering the sudio is washed, filtered the war. But of all the Allied and warm d; and the control is so an nations that were in the war rang that whatever change of the temper from usta beginning, Canada English Classes nor Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric ature or condition of the outsida sir alone has neither asked takes place the inside air side is altered received reward of any kind. No For Young Ladies 6 Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering ar, Refrig: ce in such a way that no fog is produced.
seltishness can be erating machine Evaporator and Disuller, Feed The control is so delicate that even tho made agaiost us. We ask nothing AND FOR BOYS 7 water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. switching on one or two lamps in the and we want nothing. But we an immediate respoute would protest against any settleMon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
We must Buy her for our Service by the su omstie plant. Aa endeavour ment that would possibly injure is now being made to remove from the us, such as the transfer of our BARTON, incoming air various gases which are tropical partners to another nacontained ins London fog. These guee tion There can be no transfer ex WE NEED 60, 000 MORE no effect on the photographs taken, cept by the wish of the West but they cause headache and assitude Indians themselves, but if there MONEY among the performers. It is claimed is to be any transfer of these colo Foolish Wives Coming. NOTICE that this apparatus solves the prob nies, do you not think that we You may subscribe some of this by purchasing lem of continuous film production in have reasonably a first claim. Great Britain.
some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound One of the strongest desires 4th March 1922 each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound held by responsible men TO ADVERTISERS AT COLON in each and become part owner.
Lodge Notice.
Canada, is to do their share it To The Editor Of The Workman.
draw. og ever closer the bonds of Sir. notice in a contemporary of DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW On and after March 1st trendo nip between Canada, the yours of this date the following Foolish ISLE OF SPRING LODGE No. Federation of Nations, and our many. or from where! or when. Ad. at present appear in the American member of the Britisu Wives Coming it does nt say how Advertisers at Colon whose 8150 Write to the The meeting nights of this each should have knowledge or just now it is eames:ly hoped the nictauces to the Office and great neighbour. To this end But with business so bad in Panama WORKMAN will make all re37 ORNGE ST. KINGSTON, JMI lodge are held on the 1st 3rd the other Views, and a sy upar something will be dune exclude this Monday and the 3rd Saturday of thetic respect for the other intrusion into the city in these all intending advertisers will each month. The next meeting rights. For this reason have real please communicate direct takes place on Monday the 6th vencured to set forth what is, BAD TIMES with the WORKMAN Printery inst, ai 30 sharp in the thins, the Canadian attitude on Loyal Progress hall Patama, the questions. also notice that there is to be Box 74 Panama City or All officers and members are fight between FOX and a ROACH Box 1102 Ancon, Canal Zone. or Roache is that a fair match? Advertise in THE WORK don think so and I) am sure the By order, MAINARD Per. Secretary.
MAN. It Pays Public will agree with me, THE MANAGEMENT as Were Each in member is Vast areas of most THIS 600 TONS STEAMER tandeneyet working a to PRIVATE ACADEMY studio meets with an have no West Indian Steam ship Company, Ltd.
Advertise in the Workman reducere de benen en It pays.


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