
HORSE RACES TO. MORROW JUAN FRANCO PARK Exciting Races ibe so as to service, true in VO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1922, PAGE FOUR Deserving Pro Generous Offer.
Elsewhere in this issue aypears an announcement of the Panama Colon Gus Company Ratos for Advertisement on applies Humber Compensa extending to the public one of blished on Saturdays by WALROND, at the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters ted For Diplomat. the most, if not the most gener.
Bus and corner of Street Paasma of public interest te vind.
Service, ous oder ever handed out by ans P. Box 74, Panana All copy for publication must be corporatio or business concern operating on the Isthmus of written on one side of paper only, sed Panama UTES OP SUBSCRIPTIOS must be accompanied by the name of It is with extreme please The Panam Cola Gas ComSunday Marc Oce Year. 40 Cy the writer, not necessarily for publies.
Six Months and gratitication we chrontele pany, to doubt, realisione 20 stop but as a mark of good faith.
Three. do not underisko to retura the omotica of E. Hun great ecoate depression at At 30 Shar ber, one of His Ooo over the cities erejected orrespondence 25.
jesty Conu ar pr sentatives at Panama and son ana desire a the British xation in this to showter symathy to The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS cty For twenty seven yer those of the w) are feel Mr Humber hos re de ed lai the depression mostly, wil SATURDAY, MARCH 11. 1922 and unswervin devo inn way Sluttel of Kve away Service to the British Govern Gas St Vestito in son ment and as a result learn living in 25 where gis pipes weitmotid promotion al y salud in PANAMA COAST WISE TRAFFIC vice e invul through pricom kienus.
the dit on the Chief. Hon Tuis generally know that Prey Bennet, Bi. Redentore per 13 wa Minister to Pasama and Cotwuld be willing to use Gusto Including Thoroughbred and Mar Rice Cuking Pusos, becaust it is One of the greatest commercial neglects in the repub Mr. Humber entered the con cleaner queks and more ecs lic of Panama is coast wise traffic which, with all the ular Service during the reum Due Lilliputian Races Layout quicking growing imp rtance of the towns and villages along the Sir Clavie Coventry Mallt fuel outh parents of richly ii dented coast lin on the Pacific side of the Isthmus. KOMG and durine ait these ki sva is bea always th: ears he has been prmanent une great hind anos is still primitive in the character of the boats and the way attached to thLgation Now, nowever, that the man. ADMISSION 00 in which business is carried on.
has been repre agebeat of ine Cnpany Daily a great number of chalupas (small sail boats) sentative of Lloyds posl has come forward with th: tillid manned in ancient fashion arrived and depart from the Lion which he has with o. for of 41 at Jul of suplynur landing in front of custom house. These sloops, on account atisfaction, dignity and honour the stes tree. there is sure to that be a rush of applications for of their number and the amount of bustling that accom. It is not too mach to say when an individual can remain installing Atos oiter is panies their movements, suggest the tremendous pos in a respɔnsible Beius office all oly for a lunited time, durtog Cut this out and keep for reference sibility for the development of progressive trade between these years and give satisfact on which a livi sed numbe ut sloves the capital and the coastal settlements.
merit the promotion will be installed free.
To let an orier as this slip by Take Notice It can hardly be explained why there has not grown wh ch has come to Me Humber, up a well organ zed coastal service of small and reliable it is certainly a record for one to is to lousa gulden opportunity fel proud of.
that may never be offered agaia.
steamships. Our local business men have made the unpae. To many persons who are not WREATHS donable blunder of focussing their eyes and interests on acquainted with the exacting the city during the days of canal construction. They did nature of the British The Salvation Army Consu ar made from natural flowers not visualize the brilliant opportunities that lay before Hamber did not always give that be said that Mr.
them. They saw only the pay car and the big sea ports, Staff Captain Bux the Divi FOR FUNERALS amount of consideration as would and in these directions they regulated their investments. be expected from an ofticis 1901. Olucer will conduct the BOQUETS for Weddings, Baptisms, or Al this time, while the cities of Panama and Colonais position, but this is very plito acto ai 11 a. and ue se cvices the Hill at Guacha were forging ahead with amazing rapidity alows com ham. we caamot all see thinks. 30 pm other social Functions mercial lines, and taking their stand among the promineat rom the same angle, por cau ne He will be present at the sale condemnation Can be supplied by cities of Ceniral America with the native in abitants Young Peole Mestlog. 30 those in official yielding to the influen e of toreign advancement, the know. hat our people do not clock in the a teran.
position, as we MIGUEL HIVE coastal towns remained in the slumber of their long quite understand the way of beirty Vitton is extend Call at his office No. 94 Central Avenue. Phore 63 or at industrial night unknowu to and unaroused by the busy btaining their rights. And for to the Publice his residence on the Sibanas Road.
hese reasons they are very fun and progressive capitalists of the country.
It would be an invidious comparison to insinuate that als represented and denied that air an ount of considere con any other body commercialists would have seeu the oppor. hich they are entitiei.
PHONES 1039 Saba as tuniti of trafic betwe these towns and the big cities During the latt rear we have Mr. Members and Friends.
633 No. 94 Central Avenho of the republic, but the res raint from expressing this ad do very much with view is not altogether an ea«y matter. For the most part, training to West Indians. We Humber representing matters the people who lo habit these towns are the same as those Don forget the Grand have always receiv. from him whom the pioneers of construction tims came to this cnat amount of court sy, resp e Muxtel and Mysteriou; pero country and found in Panama and in Colon. Taey wer. ende nsideration in respect to formances lo algt at Liberiy noi thought of then cause the necessi y of providing for bose matters that the striet tall Chapter No 11, Guachapain SURGICAL MEDICAL CLINIC the rush of immigrants from all over the world made the exulations of his office permi oy the Gr at assue and comniin to rulate, We thick atter pany, Coule and see Second develop ng of the two terminal cities a matter of primary making a the allowano for Raymond. Tois Scientide ExuCentral Avenue No. 46 importance.
woman indiosyncracies, we must bilion wor 100 any lover Drs. DANIEL CHANIS. AROSEMENA But these cities are now well established with stores admit that he his code well in of toe mysterious but FROM EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY (ENGLAND)
and other business that place them well in rank with other serving the interest of the Em adtnission fee is only 23 cells US for adults and ch idreu 15 cities in these parts. Modern improvements and sanitation Pie Here we have another indica cents. Cume early and secur.
and industry are their bles:ings. Our city merchants and uion of the growing and tang be your seat.
Dr. Chanis from to p.
investors depended on th se povemen for the growth evidence of British democracy.
Dr. Arosemen ftoin to 11 am.
of their business, and they were not disappointed when the old order of things are pass money rolled all around in the days before the big reducing away, and the future civil that of Acting Vice Consul with There are free consulting hours every day in the French tion to labor consequent on the completion of the canal servants is pr goalt with elicou en dit and satis action, For these Oloron nagement ol gelling the sqare reasons we are of commenced to take place.
Pharmacy from 10 to 12 and from to 6pm.
utal tu no mert and furiniui the British Government will respectively tremendous decline in busin ss hay, however, taken service. The position to Me have nothing to rege in the ap place and investors are complaining that things are slow. number is not new. as at various pointment now mate, Many of the business houses bere are losing money, and periods during his We cingratulat Mo Humbes it things don improve some will find it necessary to close with the Leation, he has nilea snd sh tim success.
their doors in a stort while. Is there any solution to this industrial retrogression. Icoast wise settlements would awaken in them a desire to Certainly. The towns along the coast are awaiting kron as much of treir own country as may be learnt The STEWAAT the touch conmunication with the big cities. Primitive Mes rs. Pine! Company, Messrs. Aras Company living is ready to give way to the mandate of modern and perhaps another lave med favorable attempts in putcivilization. While the productive soil is boilirg over with ting the capital in touch with towns in other provinces of its nch lite and anxious to spring into a new and profit the republic, but what these gentlemen have been doing alle existence. People possesses a natural and instinctive on a limited scale should be undertaken in a general and desire to come into close relationships with others, but practical way. Men like these ought to form a big transthey can do much where there is litile means of com portation company and put vessels of commendable size CLASSES IN munication or none, at all.
and durability on the water so that the comonic suffocaThe chalupa fleet is better than nothing at all, but tion row experier ced in Panama might be relieved.
it only answers the requirements of the laboring elements These are the ways of pusu and go, and it is Etc. of the coastal towns a ho are prepared to hough it with wise for everybody who can Ook iato the future and out fteling any inconvenience or intimidation at the slow see the advantages of vai wit prove to be beneficial.
nes: and frequent insecurity of the antiquated sail boat. It Much of the goods that now on the shelves of some is ceriam that people woulu go from Pabama to many of of our ores might easily turn over in the coastal towns 51 16th STREET WEST the places alor ghe coast for tusiness reasons or on ex They may move slowly here, because there might be an curious. This wud mean much activity in these places, overplus or because the fashion of the times makes them PANAMA CITY In what might be a great and paying undert king does back numbers to the people here. But what may be back not seem to dawn upon the minds of those who have the numbers here, will be hailed witli eagerness in the newly money.
awakened districts.
People who are looking for opportunities for invest The savitation of these poes would mein employing their money in profitable business ought to get to ment for scores of men vi experienced in that line of NOTICE. JUAN ILLUEGA gether and fom a big COASTAL COMMUNICATION work. Modern houses cou be constructed by some of the COMPANY with a respectat le capital. They could either lumber kings and rented out as tenement buildings. Not Attorney. ät Laus inaugurate a launch service or a steamship service, with a few summer houses might be up put for residents of The Pueblo Nuevo Auxiliary guiar sea worthy beats runcing up and down the coast the dusty city who after a year hard work might go of the Guachapall Chapter No.
No. 44 Central Avenue ou regular schedule.
for a change of scenery and for a test.
14. will give a grand secular con TELEPÄONE NO. 64. BiX No. 76 Panama is geographically, historically and climatically It is understood that ling in these towns along the cert in their hall at Pueblo Nuevo a very fascinating country, and not only our own resident coast is pleasingły cheap. Chomé, Antoniother places to night, at 730 p, under the Practices in all Courts of population, but even visitors would rush at the privilege fr sh eggs and muk can be had galore ane nih of these tale management of Mr.
Van Farley, Panama.
cf seeing the towns along the cast. At present; people items are inviting to the rest seeker and to the debilita for the occasion would do justice come here and leave without seeing any more of this im ted health seekers, alike. The agriculttral possibilities, also, to metropolitan audience, and English Spoken Fluently portant country than the terminal cities. The natural of these towns must not be over looked, and the natives are residents of the district who grandeur and romantic beautiis of the other parts of the good farmers. If the residents of these places saw that attend, will witness a perfor en country are lost to them. There are natives born and they were being developed it is certain that they would ance of race occurrence in that Rent Leceipt Books in Spanreared in Panama who have never even seen Colon, except increase their cultivations and produce articles of market are, adults 25. and children 15. Ish and English for sale at the.
on the map, aud vice, versa. But the linking up of the able value to a much greater extent. Workman Printery.
our tha sociation Commercial Evening School Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish,


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