
ccurred under 13 beads or sub aeds, the most prominent being Import Duties 93262 Export Duties 61411, Port and Harbour Duet 20451 Duty on Run 11871 Incom: x 6033 the total darrere bing 26 6184 Expenditure side we ind that the total amount spent or the same period of 1921 was 773711 34 being 1835l in excess ct he Ravenue for that period the 920 Increases a pounting 71681 correspondirg period of ppear under 13 heads while creases to the amount 19621 ccurred under beads of Ex penditure.
Try a Chesterfield and see the difference You know what you ve always wanted a cigarette to do.
Chesterfields do it.
They not only please your taste but they do more they give such a new and different enjoyment to your smoking that there only one way to describe it the INDICATIONS Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Cold Anaemia Following Fevers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia An excellent vehicle for administering lodides, Bromides and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bov.
Irregularities among Children. All ages, al climate all seasons of the Year.
You have Tried the rest Why not Use the Best FOR SALE BY ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON.
They Satisfy According to the statement of sets ani abilities of the Colony on the 31s: October 1921 ne surplus amounted to 563 15. eing balance of Public Build ngs Insurance Fund after deducting a deticit 5762, 15. WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Des Moines la Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans Credelik LARE hesterfield Book Binding!
MYTRS TO CIGARETTES The Police Debt of the Colony in the 31st October 1921 stood at. 55776 11 Accumulated sink.
ng Funds towards is redempLion 351481 2 Surely it does not require a Solon nor a Euclid to tiad out vhat will be the state of the years should things continue on the same nes as shown by the above Geures given by the Colony Chancellor of the Exchequer.
or Solony tinance in the eshow Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at Grenada THE WORKMAN LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
Book Binding Department SAVES care jeets.
LIFE Remember stranded West Indians there SOAP is more than topit is a reputable cermicide and sure disin fectant now in have SHAMPOO WITH IT 30 LIFEBUOY SOAP the rays are WHAT WAR DOES with LIFEBUOY Work on the new Ice Factory ED is progressing. It ought to be for Plente me Back To The Stone Age.
a matter of a short time now for us to have home made ice once more in the Colony. Just as we CENTRAL AVENUE An interestin example pl the world le provided this factory, we sucity of material is found in Bulgarije other naty factories will be installed by Grenadins.
and No. G Street where steel instruments are 50 We must envisage our large that surgeons there are reporled to using fr shty chipp lins instead rosperity which can only come scalpels for performing op rations, on the heels of self help and self support.
The flat has a wonderfully sharp cut Stranded West He said that we are British ting edge and is easier to keep antisep tie than steel. Thus, as a result of the When the deputation of the objects, but not British sub war, Bulgarisa hospitals bave had to Chamber of Commerce met. Indians.
From Chaparra an account is reverto the methods of the Stone Age Wood, during the discussion on after thousands of years of civilization Income Tax the Gover or stated es related of a Barbadian being tieel that the services of an Income to a post for two hours for reTax expert, who is on a visit to Under the above headline the fusing to cut canes at rata HOW FAR DO RAYS these parts, will be sought for Voice of St. Lucia comments edi which could not pay and which TRAVEL?
Grenada torially thus. We publish to the Cubans would not take day, through the courtesy of His It is true, as they have admit Honour the Acting Administra ted, these unfortunate meo wers. committee is being formed tor, certain YOUTH and happiness are linked Discovery Danger.
communications warned against going to those to tix and recommend the tive received by the Governor from places in search of employment, up with health. Link up with electoral districts contemplated Chargé Allairs on the but according to the adage Lifebuoy for health and for the French scientist, Coutremoluis, tor the new Legislative Council. Isthmus of Panama relative to drowning man Brasps at children sake. Lifebuoy Soap prostraw. So these men sitting at LIFEBUOY motes health happy, smiling health; from a hospital ray apparatus travel will probably be identical with As wil be seen fron the com home without employment, some it protects the children from the nearly a hundred yards; it had previ us that of the original committee munications, there has been of them witbous toe where witbal Iy be ib sug at that they only ra diated webers were conceded, had Panama Chariss o electoral formed on dangers of contagious diseases. the Isthmus the to provide their families lies with the Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects a few let.
Organizatio necessaries of life baving hard one with the obj ct of reliving dis of the possibility of obtaining as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where In the creat fight against rsy den perforce to recommend electoral district only. tressed West Indians from time employment Lifebuoy Soap las been used. Lifebuoy Soap gers which many able men are other tells will safeguard the childrent keep them to tine. This organizatioa is naturally yielded to the tem ta weging all over Europe and America healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them this dicovery introduces a new The hits made locally by now appealing to all the West tion and made venture. Their using it before school, after play, before meals. es it flowe 18 at quite a long way from cert in industrious women are Indian Islands for help in their intention was at day rate Toer Hence though USE LIEBUOY SOAP TOT CLEANING THE charitable work; and as will be wat making their way to Trinidad the sparatus may require protection, HOME WAYUR HANDS AND FACE WITH they IT BATH WI The latest method of protection is to and other islands where they seen, Jamaica has already taken bea wrong to ignore tau warna. We are su ing, did with plaster the walls of the room in which are spoken of as materich stranded used with put this industry and other the Isthmus there are many st. tion. Then it must be admitted through which they cannot penetrate, small industries on an organised Lucians; hence we should con that whilst these men were be.
The Government and sider that the appeal has ing warned by the Government Advertise in The Work Agricultural Department should to us direct as St. Lucians.
and others against migratios 1a launch on such campaign We also have before us two quest of work, neither the man it pays.
letters from St. Lucians at San. ernment nor others beld out any tiago de Cuba, and Chaparra, hopes of employment for them at St. Vincent Oriente de Cuba depicting a hoiae.
state of affairs far worse than Patting aside all these consiwhat their confreres on the Isthmus are sufering.
the dera cons, they are now in disNot only tress and like he Prigul Soa Fire At Kingstown are they suffering from have they fects of to tuuselves; non employment, but have appeal us. Wuat are we It is reported in the St. Via. by the Cuban authorities is stance? Are we going to tura a they aver that their treatment gºing to do, under vas circumcent papers that a serious fire worse than that which was deaf ear to their cry for help and took place in Kingstown at mid meted out to slaves in those dark told SO? No! we days say say; a thousand times N!
Blant which com, letely destroy there is work for cane cutters Did we not rush to the help of ed the store ol Mr. Silva in we understand, but the Com the starving the cent block of Bay Street in pany offer a price upon which Did we not give bomily and Belgiun Miss Moss and the labourer two houses cannot possibly cheerfully to PL Crind other away from exist. The native Cubans threat funds to oald be DESPATCH which account the excitment was and the Company, to vernment spirit warehouse on ens to beat them if they work for democracy a struggle not some of the high tension. Willing ledge of the authorities, taeir homes and their all know these very men now hands and heroic hearts how them for not working Thus to go to Europe, Egypt, Jerusagreat extent. The entire building ever saved the situation to the you decided the deep between lam and otaer parts of the world and and the Ideal of sea in (Mr.
letter from Santiago dated ustica?
DES. Iva store) were completely Dec. 28th 1921 is indeed painful stroyed while the following reading. It is an appeal from 103 How shall wip our scanda premises were damaged to a St. Lucians 38 of whom are brethren in Cuba and on to greater or less extent. Mr. ex soldiers from the Great War Isthmus is a question which G. Nanton, Eliza Moss Co. According to the latter since the must naturally suggest itself to Messrs Corea Co. and Mr. 15th of May on the A Good Assortment Evan Hopely. Neither the cause work they have lede life of every one who is willing to help.
of the tire, nor amount covered mise by insurance has been mention uniserya Says the letter. There To this und we should sugger is no body to give us a piece of at once formed in Castries to de virere that a Central Committee to be.
food, no where to.
TO SELECT FROM AT THE all of our clothes worn out, we are vis9 ways and means to help ROOMS TO LET following passage without com Panama, when we shall make partly We quote the stranded St. Lucians in Cuba and CALLE No the English Consul several times, further suggestions for the beneAPPLY ON PREMISES asked him for help. He bluntly fit of the Committee and others refused to help us in our need. willing to help.
come LIVER BROTHERS LIMPORT SUNLIGHIENGLAN but ЈОВ PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND you children property hthe Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birt! Way Cards and Ball Gards.
stock sleep, WORKMAN PRINTERY ment:


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