p. 8


Soisosas The Suspension and Parent Body of British Prime MinisArrest of Captain ter May Resign.
Solis Ordered Requests Panama Division BREAK IN THE PARTY Denounced for using Third to Co Operate Empire Cannot Afford to Degree to Ohtain ConLose Lloyd George at fession.
THIS IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR WALK OVER SHOES t) VSO as the Bat been able to make substantial Reduction in Prices American Bazaar Stores Mr. Lyd org imminent EXCELSIOR THEATRE who OOOO 0000 Continuation of DAY SHE PAID THE RED ACE they Captain Duit Solis of the It may be of interest to read From the administration of Nation Policy force waters of the Workman to know Disraelll to the present tim, chand with us fores and that several individual com the British Enpire his never violence to abiain a cnfession plaints have been mailed to the found a Prime Minister of the from mine Epifanin Code a efice of the parent body of the calibre of war Lloyd George.
Panume April 20th last UNI ACL. at New York, No man has had year is the town of Concep relative to the attitude cion, Chir Cipt Solis wh the Panama Division No main blems in a which miny serious and grave protime investigating we xth of Maria Lains towards the Guachanali present occubator the office no Aros na arrested Cepedt Chapter 14, among the com IC on sus icion, and it is allegd plaisants bing Me Me it may be said, that amongst the many problem with wh eh We have just received a large shipment and have to anel and hurs Donald, President of the Gamba he he had to deal, ale than treatment for the purpose of get Division N) who, in reply of may not be as satisf. ctory as ONDO then that he was his com lunt, rceived a comthe wbims and caprices of me the card rr of the dead zan. manication from the parent body very up tie al politicians wouli It is said that Cepeda wis taken a py of wh ch he voluntarily lived to have th ra solved to the cemetery where y ebody furnished the Chapter Tae copy under present conditoos, who of osemena is reposing and as furnished the Chapter reads could have done better.
there bunk on a tree to make as follows:him car less, but this he stub Gamboa Division, Fom 1916 during the lata bornly deri Earopea War, vb the En PO Box 982. Ancon, pire was in need of a very strong Cepeda was tried by the inan to take the place of Mr.
Superior Court of the Republic Rep, of Panama and absolved of the crime with Mr. McDonald, President. Asquith who was unqual to the terrible strain of dealing with which he was accused, As the My Dear Mr. McDonald. your the barbarous onslaught of the result of the outrages perpetrat commanication of the 17th inst. Germans. when the Enpire ed on him, and which is contrary informing us of certain unsatis stoc to the provisions of dealing with factory operation in the Division stood in danger of the various parues retarding the progress persons under arrest, Cepeda and Chapter of the Panama City of the plans wbich were de Carough his Attorney Dr. Raul due to the Division not acknow to defeat the Central Powers, PANAMA COLON Alvares Avarado, has brought ledging the Chapter has been re. it was at this puychological Very serius charges againsceived.
moment that Mr.
Captain Slis and he ba In reply this is to officially in came on the scenu and turned SSXSxos SSXSSXS SOMOS Sexe been suspended from his pos form you and all cor carned that what was almost an as a public servant and im we have in Pana na duly acknow defeat into a prisoned. The order was car ledged in this Office Chapter Those interested in the cause Bos Viciory.
Tuesday Capt.
SCONDSSS SSSSSS Salie made a Gadhy is the President and that?
knowa as 14 of which Joseph of Lberty wil! never forget.
SSSSSSSS was due very much to memorial to the Juige asking Alfred nith Secretary and the Prime Minister diplomacy tha DD tixed and that th chat his been issu in the same wat the United States was able man wha accused him be request manner as all other Chapters or to also put up bonds as a Charcers have been issued to to real z: thit it Germany was victorious what would bave been Rarantee of any loss he may Divisions.
suffer. The Court ordered that her share in this drearital cat It was Hoping this information will aclysin. the buil of Capt. Solis be fixed at meet your approval a will set was impossible for any other but saw it TO NIGHT NEXT WEEK 625. 00 and the bund of the tile he question, we are with best a Accuser at 100, 00 a coalition Government to take wishes, Great Britain out of of th Saturday, March lith Yours fraternally pondent position into whiche UNIVERSAL NEGRO had fallen, after Russia la led to FRANCILIA BELLINGTON Jealousy Ends in IMPROVEMENT bear her part of the herculean bu den which had talien oo the MARIE WALCAMP Murder ASSOCIATION, PRESENT HERSELF IN Emire. Sgd. INJ. YEARWOOD For over seven hundred years, Assistant scretary General the Irish question gave th: Melvina not pleased with De As a result of the many com Empire no end of worry, serious arture Attacks Paramouc plaints addressed to the orice cncern and trouble, and with all of the parent bod. the Guacha the astut ness of Mr. Lloyd pali Chapter 14. is also in George p edecessors SHE IS STABBED TO DEATH receipt of a un nuoication from were unable to rid the Enpire TO MORROW that office. Below is produced a of the red ty9 monster which con nuvasly staring the true and correct copy of the was 01 Tuesday las, Hilton Max Coming Soon communication which speaks for lion in the lac. Toe well, found himsell facing th Sunday March, 12th problems itsell capital charge of murder as th are too numerous to recapi ulte, The Famous ELMO LINCOLN of inflicting and it is a known fact, that with February 17, 1922 ANNA CORNWALL thunsettle conditions obtain wounds on his paramour Melvina Panama Chapter ing la tire world politics, it will IN IN1 CULO Ancon, Canal Zone, baa tok pace av the corner of Tenu very dangerous venture to publico Pinama, change the Prime Minister at ad Streets in the city co Joseph Gedsby, President this moment. The Path She Choose The Adventures of Tarzan. Coin Shoud Mr. Lloyd Gorge Hilton and Melvina were living My dear fir. Gidsby we at resivn, the question of paratogether at the time the serious this offics have received many mount in por aoc to the En SEXS253 Sex Sex SSSosos ces Seces esse 550s song of lea was comunitied It ap. conmugications from persons in pire, is woo will be the next pears that after some days of Panama, of the great dissatisfac Prine Min star? At this mo continuous quarrelin. Mix vull decided to and Chapter, as well as inform man who may be chosen that he disagreement and existing between Division ment we are doubtful of that CRICKET Bradford. The bowling of the msios put an end to the unpleasant to us that leader Divisione cerk te will be able to prevent a serious happenings his home life and to acknowledge or accept the crisis in the poliatal affairs of Britannic. La Boca Game good oning and when rain put an end C, was excellent, the fi Iding very keen ships and so runs sme slowly Thomass played was packing his belongings to Chapter the nation enau The anticipated for more congenial Ends in Draw We to the gime, he had made 29 not ouh May Visit the Island of quarters, when Melvina came to Divieion, informing them that about the necessity for the dis out of the total of 40.
lue Cuuciu Luau something the Guachapali Chapter has been cussion of matters which will Jamaica In March must happen before the final lekitimately 18su eu, and is in take the best brain and experAt Standard Oval last Sunday, quite a Games for To morrow breaking up. According to the keeping with the establ shed ience so as to maintain the few specta ore witnessed Boca. CC. Standard vs, Vincentian at Standard The Cleaner learns on reliable Statant harshe actieked rule bearing on the issuing of necessa y equilibrium fighting Britannic bot draw. As one Orl authori that several of tha Maxwell using her teeth to Chapters and Charters of the LB es vs. Surrey at La Boca Oval. smaller units of the United ia the struggle. Uaiversal Negro Improvement art the length and sage the game was rather exciting, and it is probable that had La Bica acceptthe Empire a very ed the chanors given the results might Park Clovelly vs. Yorkshirs at Isthmian States Atlantic Fleet now enEnraged at the attack and per Association, requestiog at the disappointment is being have been different, gaged winter practice of inuing his best discretioa jo get sa ne time, that they give you ex expressed of this ministerial Guantanamo Buy Cabi, will be away from bin, he drew a small their co operativa in order that crisis. and it is vers inuch Britannie won the toss and sent La knite which he had in his posses the work in Palama may ba a hoped CHURCH SERVICE caling at Kingston toward tha and inflicted several wounds success.
that some way will be Bes to the bat, and they batted so end of this month and durias St. Pater Church La Boca.
fuad for renting the party well, tbat at the fall of the last wicket the course of next month, to give on the woman. She was rushed The We desire that you in turn, which has done so much for the they had up a total of 105 uns.
Colon Hospital where on 11 a, m, Morning prayer and address the Crew shore leave grava 21, examination medical three uphold the moral of this gi and nation during our days of ad. prieiple ters were p. to, Sunlay School, The ships that will come are. versity. It Sealey 20, no Morricon 16. At the 30 Evens og and sermon. most likely of the destroyer and vicinity of the heart, and in spite Universal gro Improvement of office before wounds were discovered in the power so that the name of the should Me. Loyd Gorge go out conclusion of te ca innugo a long R:v, Meredith wll be the preacher.
tion ensuu, rather tended classes, and will the situation of all the attendance given her, Association may be respected in which has been the aftermath of to reich our port in batshs of open the ardour of some of MULCARE Roctor.
the three or four vessels at a time.
she died at 1040 a. on Tues the Republic of Panama. the Great War bas been satis fans It sems that Blackman of Bri St. Barnabas Church, Empire It is certain that the Ameri.
day last.
With best wishes, we are, Maxwell claims that the wo factorily settled. Eoglaod has tannie was sent off the field by bis can 11 am. Morning Prayer and address. reception bere, and it is known Naval men will get a warın never been found wasting for Captain for insubordination, and May.
maa inflicted the first stab. He Yours fraternally, greal men in times of perilous pard substituted him. Oa learning that pm. Sunday School, that is under arrest charged with 30 Evening Prayer and address already taking steps to open UNIVERSAL NEGRO situations; but at this moment Maynard would not be allowed to bat the murder of the woman. The.
IMPROVEMENT deceased woman and Maxwell we prefer that Mr. Lloyd George the Captain recalled Bleckman when the St. Bartholomw Church, Canteen, just as was done on should remain.
last two bats of La Boca ASSOCIATION, Las Cascadas the last visit of the American are natives of Barbados, wickets. storm of proteet was raised destroyers some two years ago (Sgd. J, YEARWOOD, by the fans present, some claiming that 11 am. Morning Prayer and address, Address at Panama Baptist Assistant Secretary General. Pleasant Sunday After Blackman could bat, and the maj rity Canadian Fleet 30 Sunday School. pm Erasing Prayer and address society The original of the above is claiming that he could not. After suma noon From private letters received filed among the records at the wrangling La Boca allowed him to bat MULCARE Prist in charge.
in this islands from so ne officers office of the Guachipali Chapter There will be an entertainmen runs in quick time. At all of with the result that be knocked up 16 of the Canadian Alpet who visited time Wednesday is the date of the No, 14 and is open the inspec. entitles a pleasant Sunday after Britannic bad scored 74 for the loss of Meeting of Rose of that they will return to the Jamaica in July, 1921 it is likely Panama Baptist Literary So tion of all interested persons.
ciety, according to report, the noon given by the Corc zal Road wickets. The principal scorso Panama Lodge.
island on another visit at an largest preparations ever made Baptist C, Society at the Coro Blackmin 19 Melatish 15 not out, early date.
for an event of this Suciety is zal Road Church, on Sunday 12th Grahs 15 and Coanoil 14 For La Boca. WILKINSON o clock AF. F.
attorney at law will be tae priaci CONTRACTOR BUILDER are cordially invited there will be and was the only bowler on the La Buca On Saturday 11th of the pre required to Songs, Solos, Recitations, Ad side to capture any wickets.
pal speak the subject will be make themselves seat month the above named pool on the books so that they Law and Order. There will First Class Workmanship dress by representatives of the also be an address by Mr. Plans and Specifications Free all that ends to the making of various Kindred Sociaties and Rain Stops Jamaica Surrey ige and Oder will hold its shall be able to take part in tha Myers, school teacher at Rad. 15th Street Wes Game regular meeting at their Lodge business of th: meestag which Tank. Musie and other enter. 9. Box 4il, Panama, House 99 a pleasant evening Hail for th: purpose of traas shall be of special importance At Isthmian Park, tsin put an end to acting business of vital imor Please accent this as a circolar tainment have been secured the game between Jamaics and Surry tance. All members are bereby to all members.
Rem mbr the Rant Raceit Bjok in Spandate; also the committee expects you to be ish and English or sale at The ish and English for sale at he he loss of wickete. Skipper Eleock of Reut Receipt Books in Span sf er the latter had scored 40 runs fur requested to be present at 30 Fraternally yours, GEORGE CLARKE, present, WORKMAN Printery. Workman Primery.
Surrey won the tow and decided to have Non financial members are Permanent Secty?
over United States Warassist bec in SI to sumarine 10 to dimpen the Victoria League are Boca were at the were a


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