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come the of Household and man as and and the inte niche and negro si will nego CHARGES ADMIRALTY In Haiti. Diplomat says Retrenchment Policy Wipes out Newfoundland the Treaty and Oppressed United States Violated Naval Reserves.
Ceremony in Westminister Abbey the People.
Claims There is an Intellectual With Pomp Dignity of Royalty direat West India cable des patch from St John Newfound from a late issue of the New The following excerpt is culled lani dated Fabruary 22d states York Times. Elite Among the Black Race that as part of the Naval policy London, February 25. Prin: Lead us Heavenly Father, swas of the Admiralty, the Newfound San Domingo was criticised at American policy in Haiti and cess Mary, only daughter of the played as the bridal procession land Naval Reserve which fursa An end must be put to this civilizations. Why have the King and Queen, was married moved up the nave, headed by nished 2, 000 seamen for the Policy Association in the Hotel of the black race It is based solo are callei the benefits of Westluncheon of the Foreign absurd legend of the inferiority people not received earlier what today to Viscount Lacelles with household official Horace all the pomp and dignity befitt Cha nb rlain, the Dean, Canons in the world war is dis konsylvania, by banded b9 Gly on tradition of slavery and is ern civil zution? It must Ing a Royal wedding.
United ceremony of 41 boys and 22 men. Then day by Captain err in charge De. Pierre Harcourt Haitian and Caic, the lates comprise Lostructions or received to Minister to sin Domingo, and not at all flattering to the white confessed that it is largely due the to the woites, who long have within the ti toric wails of the come the bride oa the Kinks of the reserves bure to disband Lawyer who has been nothing to ward the blacks to this Speak ng From Knowledge.
Abbey, was one of impressive arw, followed by the brides the force, sell the obsolete war cows Atable us with the King and made the internet and shios Baitain used as a training Senate Committee for the with whose uct rance is the most stanley the blacks have remaincountry to argue before the but pitiless nig zer drivers.
So declares Gen. Mangin, Darkest Kings suite. During care. return to England with dral of Africa Queen and participatink mony, the bide carried an his permanent officers instruc Ko xles who has also served taken up aivocacy of th a cause Taat is a climate, the humid heat of the to the prim tive.
with all ranks represented in exquisitely bound pink service tors and other personnel.
the the brilliant assemblage, while book, a vilt from Minister to Siberia and of Bolivia, the blacks. following outside the Abbey enthusiastic the of the equator sapping the ener is now counsel for the winning of the Gane surt literary gies of the The Royal bridesmaids were: Dominican. They remain popular homage was given the Princess Mandy Lady fechael HORSE RACING Hd read some of the complaints Prebe the Martinique wriver devo ed to the horrors or faussbridal.
Cavendish, Rene Tayone, ary presented to the Senate and ism and sometimes cannibalism.
London was crowded with ex. Lad Visoria Mary Cambridge added Mangia is the great champion Bat my long experieace of cursionists from all parts of the Lady Dorris Gordon Lenox, of the black army theory, bold, the advanced black races par z bath Boves Lyon, At Juan Franco Race Isles and the Continent. Au Lady In addition to the specific ing that onls by training and mit me to affirun that for family was in evidence, Lidy ericans also Diana Bridg inan Track To morrow charges in the memorandum hundreds having made the voy. Lidy May Cambridge.
filed against the United States armning. colonial sunjacts en vircus. quslities of heart ancu redress the balanci in liatelligenc: they enpire very age to gain a glimpse of Gwernment, and presented to face of our populus Germany, well with oucova pulations.
function. Londoners most of Signs Register With Gold To morrow at Juan Franco ine Senate special committee Tueir tighting value h; proved whom took the day off, crowded Quill.
Race track, a momoth meeting to investigate the occupation and in the war. for Manger ManLacks Hirdity.
the Dominicanina spice.
will heldpurses will administration In signing the register. Prin contested over the trail. Th: Republic, charg a further that all the lack ok em frenca o un tual point of view the army was always. intellec Hours before the 500 puests cess Mary used a guld quili pen, most exciting race for the day the United States either formed were lacks neredity. His misfortune be a ma ch overflows of humanity in every one of her wedding gifts between race scheme or took part in one The signing completed, the Water Bəy and Glorita, for street. travelling the route, some ae General gained his atřec was to se considered for thouwhereby the Dominican people bringing blankets and food with bridal marea from Romeo and side bet of flve huad red dollars were to be deprived of the free for the colore. lr. ces during sands of years as tuman cattle.
Al rues towards th civilix them, made certain of seeing Juliet ana Mendelsohns wed each. Tais race will by the and untrampled right to elect twen y four years he spent in colonial military and adminis ing elemnts of West and East their Princess by keeping within the and can be replayedepped Brod for the superiority of the President of that country.
bride bridegroon night possession on trative corn and 1is not were barred to him. Yat his hors of TO down the Aby to the West end that a corrupt deal merely a a yodiar but has consid heart has remained pare, his chosen lositions.
door precedd by the choir and All the turfites will see a real was propos in the United erable competence in literary soul ingenious anths latelli Great Greeting by People. clergy and followed hour and good race for the money that States bacion in San Dominge talent, waich gives weight to stands and thecaria accused id uadrstandis Cheers for the members of the bridesmaids.
and it is expected whichever is United sates or its regrebenbe his remarks on culture aming races uacurally goo1, faithtul, devoted, Royal fainily ba scarcely abited Tae new Viscountess and her the winner thai the poul qught tives of improper action, at or when there swelled a deafening husband began their triumphal to pay an encouraging ampunt some time prior to the occupa elite among the blacks, woon sentiment of hon ir and the nobis There really is an intellectual loyal and very se isible to the crescendo as the gilded glass return through the tumultuous as both horses will be heavily tion, coach bearing the Princess and street throngs using this time, backed. The race will be one of influence and improper force liberty nas introduced to our lity of individual sacritice for on just causes.
her father, rumbled through the the carriage in which Queen equal opportunities for the wlu to bring about th: election of internet has assertede As experience has Is there a negro literature as nog and it the are ano another The sound of the boofs of the route was varied to give other sene a vay with a good start wine who was propused in the camera demonstrated that this elite there is a negro art? the Gener team of bays, drawing the his crowds an opportunity to see opine that there will be no cause can possesses the ability to excel in al was asked.
wbo was every don sa of hu inan activity present at the time the said deal ever sidelization has its source in but a negro literature exist. for complaint.
torie state coach, was drowned the couple.
The is in the cries of applause.
The wedding breakfast was The Jockey Club are working was made, The coach has a high spacious served at Buckingham Palace to a might and awain to have one of The United States also used Yellow Asta Black India and and can certain that it does seat with plate glass sides, company o 170 persous, includ. two other good events of the its armed force to coerce daly Black Egypt. Greece dates only not lack observation, sensibility tersugh which the features of ing the Royal familyand area thoroughbred horses on the card elected mombars of the Dasmins. Carist and revine was onlys innate sit of imagery and they 200 or 150 before or fantasy The blacks an Princess and friendsA day. They opinion, Government to vote against easily discrenable, even by those force tais was the cutting of a tha: if the horse owners will be their will and conscience for tards parvenue in the history of express with at a considerable distance gigantic 500 pund wedding cake reasonable that they will certrin that man for President.
None world develop ment. Our alpha witnout tinen988 What they feel VA.
Lascelles made in tive tiers, standing near iy me accom Viscount ara Asiatic aid oue figures and meet with success of the reasons given for thin. Arab. In short. th: wnice rac: story tellers are legion. Toeir they think. Their panied by his groomsman, Major gredients of whicu were ly seven feet in height, the inThe regular Lilliputian races tervention and occupation of Sir Victor Audley McKenzie will be run, and some very inter country have as yet been provea so humanity, at griots special caste which Dso, arrived at the Peet espcially from the various paris esang dashes are expected as it by the United States to have the first goc probably the last includes historians, Corner door of the Abbey, and of the British Enpire.
is said the horses are all in good been derived the colorare call will not be ourdistanced by the tory of tal us not less piquant it. a was conducted to the seas Sun Shone Brightly for form.
the so far in the official reserved for him record of the invest! gation is to colored races to fucdia ag. than our old fables in verses.
Toey have also lyric poesy, Wedding the effect that such reasons and But doesn Africa seem a The officiating clergymen, the London, Feb. 28. Foliowing Archbishops of Cantebury and NOTICE statements inade in advance of little behind? the iaterviewer Bongo, a heric and sentimen.
tal lamentation, is most moving, York, the Bishops of London and the rain last night the morning the action of the United States asked, Aud shall say of the Oxford and Canon Maurice broke blightly and the sun shoue were absolutely faise.
The Isthmain League of As Good Morals As Paris Has. touching cradle song of the Sons Lascelles, the Bridegrootn briliantly for the wedding of wil its regular Panama meeting seizing the Government, coercing derstood ti progress.
In violating the territory and That depends on what is un of Sumori?
copies, moyed to Princess Mary.
Geddes The French writer, Black or their sacrarium the voluntary Just before the bride arrived 16 St. The President requests ple, our Government is violating not made mueh advance for ments of African folklore, would oppressing and ruleing its peomoral grogress, which has white, who collected the elebeing played as they proceeded at the Abbey, the crowds became tuil and prompt attendance.
up the nave.
so dense 1a Parliament street all the essentials and ideals of con centuries, and scientific add a pro certainly sensational democracy. It is practicing on a cres Meanwhile, a storm of cheer tbat duzins of women and child agress, which strides with giant novelty to our literature.
ing outside proclaimed the arrival ren fainted.
a present for helpless and friendly people a Princess Mary kind of Government that if in good a pacus. Moral progress is as dan writers of the bride and the King Women of instituted in our own country, The interest of London. subscribed by the perhaps better, taken up their pen in celebra Southern Ireland.
Princess in Fairy like Gown London, February 27. London contributed, the contributions of the Republic.
All classes would soon bring about canh tra than in Paris, confraternite among certain tion of the belle African tribes.
the shown by the bestowal of the Mary from her coach, is aglow tonight with a feeling varying from a few pence to a second, more illusory than real, chiet French literary prize of troly a Princess in her fairy like bordering on excitement over few pounds. It is understood The antithesis of all that we negrues assimilate it with dis the year on a colored wan, is gown combining the sheen of the wedding of Princ ss Mary that Princess Mary will choose a have done for the good of our concerting Three the well known publicist Etien silver, the filmy down of tulle, the brilliant assemolage, waica gift closely associated with South selvas, for the betterment of our months is sufficient for them to as Geosclaude.
He indulges in the sparkling of beads, the dul is to witness the service in Western Irelacd.
country and of humanity across become drivers, suvere criticism of the American sheen of pearls and the exquisite minister Abbey, wlil ba more in An interesting incident is dis the sea, can be used to describă steamboat pilots or taxicab and British way of handling colourings of satin and old lace, the nature of friends All our wireless negroes and shouts the praises against which contrasted the usually the case in great state aloed vedasing the one of the wed in se beba mafuland hopal action chaufeurs lour functions for the guests, credited with hav in the Dominican Republic. It stations in Africa are served by of the Fenca method.
train with its embroidery invited are really friends. under shell tire. Private Robert Doming) has been done not ing rescued Viscount Lacalles cannot be disregarded tast what na. ives.
in Santo Scores America and England.
ante In the vast which and crystal work, or a leas acquaintances of Bepstead of Leadsa By its baughty manner to pearl ben med ward the masses weit. dana bogasts en produse police rather special Invitation ticket. Ben with the consent and knowledale extends between the valleys of thrown back from her face over than guasts merely bidden on stead served in the first Grens of our Government at Washing the Senegal, the Niger, the upper within 108 territory the great atfigents of the Congo, the busin American dem cracy, otherwise of triple diadem twisted silver accouac, of court formality.
Guards with Viscount orders bas ton, been pursuant to of Bahcel Guazal, the White su and orange blossoms, revealed Tae list of Royal Wedding pre: Lacelles.
When the Viscount ordent and instructions issued Nile and Abyssinia, innabited by to forget at this point the so generous and humane, seems at Backiaham was wounded by: shell frage under him who are suppose to cluded in the black demure features of the sents, issued President and those Good tribes which may be mostly inPrincess. Ober drive from the Palace to nigat, comprises of 93 meat and fell across io Samaritan. writes Mr. Grosan Palace, the bridal gown bad been separate art clis. Among the trec. ch. private Benstead dress approve and enforce his decrees. find in the language, manners, did not wait for the proclamawe claude. With us the old regime cloaked in a rich ermine wrap. latest announced is a sum of ed his wounds and brought him Dr. Hudicourt said that religions, monumuuts and arts Toe Dean received the party, more than 1, 200 pounds towards to safety. Continued On Page 5) all the elements of immemorial (Continued on Page 6)
in an man from fon tuof what that is only a stage in sent poets, av Taere is no The What Toere of Anong who have as, and As to stepped rapidity.
is majority of Bilk use zone on ol Droes The on but dier the races we an

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