
PAGF TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian slands this ALBOA EST EER REWED at this aroused streets and Login would be LOO ORDER BOOKS For: Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY 7h Buke that that many o un reviv.
JAMAICA ho bara entered into bond with der, tongue, vel, hart, ribs, Tog Colleges on the undir neck tail, and briskt are price andeng that such salt i90 81 per le other pirts and paid. had The Sanitary Con she completion of their training urdle id; an 91. pork and to. 71.
dition of Kingston Colleges, the Board woul Ish is prici 41, 5101 int out that whereas twelve this feel that months ago the number of can los is nothing as near The Question put before didates for admission was far as of 01 sist low the number colonias ir the Taxpayers by the required vacancies that Member for Kingston. umbər has been considerabis BARBADOS in excess of such required nur bra result also doub DISCUSSION AROUSED largely du to the inducement ld out by the financial pro East Indian DeleVisions in the 1921 Cod The View that is Expressed in the opinion of the Board gation By Prominet Meris highly undesirable juncture to disturb arrang chant of this City.
a nts, so recently mad. which On Visit to Br tish Guiana have evidently given general PAVING OF STREETS.
atisfaction and which sh ulo sult in considerable improv. TO INVESTIGATE IMMIGRAment in the elementary educa TION SCHEMES.
The issue which the In. ion of the island.
The Board is therefore no Simpson, B. E, ha prepared to placed before the Taxpayers o terasion in the financial proAmong the transit passengers recommend any on board h: Harrison Line prepared to bear extra laxativisions of Articles 107 and 114 Steamer Ingima which arrived Kingston, viz. whether they are hora on Monday 12 from to improve the anitary condt pr the Code which regulate tn Ongland w28 delization of two tions of Kingston and to pay tries of Hand and Assistant Ezet Indian gentlemen en route the streets of the city, han Peachers, British Guiana.
much discussion in As the stemmer remained in this city and members of th Barbvios Monday and Tuesday mercantil habe Reported Plan of the dalec ation had a chance to community kwa takpeakinuke to of. pri Governor to Help me conditions in come ashore and learn mething Burbidos ques of the Army and Officials They visitei certain store yesterday, the gentleman plantation in the country and on Tuesday agred that something should iftarnoon whilst in quest of Mr.
bu dune to improve the Cad John Backles, President of th tip of Kingston and Ch ef Executive Might of local division of the Universal to abate thu gust naisa ca, fer Educational Medical gro Improvement Associa thought there wou were mit tion, they culty in raising the money u Concessions to Civil Harol Wilsin ani codiced pave the streets of Kingston Servants th Barbalos Dye Wo ks, issuing of premium bonds Here the plasman pronte are suggested by Mr. Wellesley his cand which read Mr.
short time ago woud FOR THEIR FAMILIES. Tivary Servant of India Society enable the Government weer Allahabad. He his xplain the necessary funds his colleague and himselho Le mot de interesting to not Public Officers, However. Wou been selected by the Indian the Canadian Much Prefer to Gat Increased Legislative Assembly to vi it Visitor expressed their delight Pay British Goiana, and Tindad for of some of the buildings in Ku the purp se of trvostig ting and ston and one especially evil cd some trust in th proposal salto reporting on the advisability of The Glemer understands that det Indians immigratioi to pave the screts of Kingston His Excellency has had under these parts in connection with The whole question of improvsome time a colon zuion schemes.
Having in the cortion of Kingston scheine for affording some relief neard and read of the UNIA will be discussed at the present to public officers with families mvament he wanted to obain sessions of the Legislative Coun and the proposal has been further information 01 that cil ed since the officials have been point ༢༢ well asking for increased emoluments cartain West Indians th ir views as to get from It is is learnt that Sir Leslie relative to Eist Indian im nisra.
To Reduce Grant Ufficers could be materially help was atvintageous and Probyn is of opinion that public tion.
tion. whether said immigration who ed the Ex For Education to Mr. Ticary was from Northern arrange, whereby they would be India whilst his colleague able e to get certain facilities in from Shoro India. Mr.
educating their children, and in ckles declared that he would Proposed to cut Down case of sickness t) get medical be pleased to furnish any infor.
than Grand in Aid to Schous present at mation which mizu be useful by Sum of 10, 000 No what can be gathered the then britty and cincisely ex to liis distinguish visitors a publico ffie re or the majority plained the aim and objes of them are not favourable to of the UNIA Onvers 15100 THE BOARD OBJECTS any such scheme. They main then switch to im nigration tain that if they are properly Mr. Tivary wanted to know Decision Arrived at, At after her families and to fulll peosal the way from India paid they will be able to look why it was neessary to bring Special Meeting Heid in their obligations; and consequent to develop British Guiana when Kingston Yesterday.
ly the report of the regrading so many thousands could be furShwission is awaited with ins nished ron Barbados terest.
He hid read of Barbadians At a special meeting of the leaving the colony in thousands Board of Education held to con work in Panama, Braz! and sider what reply should be sent TRAM CARS COLLIDE Cub and he thought it strange to the Government proposal to they should avoid itish Guru reduce the Grants in Aid to statement schools by 10, 000 the following Accident on Slipo Road Yester. that India was over ppolated.
was unanimously day Forenoon Mr, Tivary ridiculed keides and carried: declared hat there Tue Board of Education has for a hundred million more sculs.
informed by the Director The Gleaner of the 28th ulto. It the idea of the ot Education of the proposal of the states tha; a rear end collisio in East Indian immigration was ts Coumittee of the Privy Council occurred between two vram curs obtain a class of libourer to to work to subut ntially riduce the Edu Isterday tore coon at ab ut beaver than the native then it cation Vote for 1929 23.
11 20 o clock, resulting in several would be advisable for those who Toe Board is weli a vare of in the cars, receiving injacies or it. Th: Mission appears to be passengers, who were tavelling outertained the idea to abandon the cressity for economy in a more or less serious nature, Exenture during the present bent on doing its work thorough depression in trade and cunse.
From what could be gathered, ly.
leaving untouched no source quent falling off in the revenue Gardens car, bound for Papine, required information. From here shortly after 11 o clock, a Hope likely to turnish them wih the and prepared all as sent stopped at a point along Slip The Mission left for Grenada though relucianuly to all tieces.
con Road, and before it started on on meetin: Mr. Marryshow DED of Expenditure on new buildings was coming along from the rear Trinidad and proposals for the reduction ings again, another tram car which of the West Indian thence to and equipment and and provision for developments which could ran into the Hope car. It is where a conference will be had be postponed without serious the other, got out of control and jurn of dix weeks in the Mag uld stated that the car which struck with Major Wood. After a able dssatisfaction and aların avert the impact.
harm but it views with consider that nothing could bə done to aicient Province the Mission depart any proposal to reduce the salar les of teachers.
100 Among the injured was Mr WW ponit for India ty way of Mr. vary and his The Board submits that a Reanie, who is employed alovleague ex ressed great delight comparison with the salaries in Messers, Thwaites and Co. wh me un Me Backles and re.
1914 is not a safe guide, since it was treated by his private physi retted that he had not mide his was generally admitted then that cian. Some of the other persons cquiantance earlier. Tae party those salaries were too small to also consulted their own medical paid a visit to the office of this provide for a decent standard of advisers.
newspaper and also conversed living and consequently the in with the East Indian traders crease has not arisen solely domiciled in this city.
result of war time conditions. DOMINICA It appears to the Board that any reduction in the salaries Exit of the Poles provided in the 1921 Code would Says the Dominica Guardian of inount to a breach of contract very recent date. The price of By the Lloyd Bras ler)
not only with those teachers who butcher meat bas at length Caxias which sailed for Nuw are already in receipt of salaries been reduced. Thus beef stek, York via Cuba last night, a large but also with those students choice cut, sirlin, roast, shoul. Continued On Page 8)
were to ws don easier terms present.
resolution was room been in advocates of is CZART washing day well with Sunlight Soap. Have the clothes on the line early, and the meals ready to time. The afternoon is then yours to spend at your own sweet will.
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