
THE WORKMAN SATURDY, MARCH 18, 1922 PAGE TREE An Agricultural Loan Bank Wanted OVER Varied Assortment of STATIONERY 14, 000, 000 66 111 99 the soil CAN ALWAYS BE HAD able to WORKAMN PRINTERY Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
dence is to be found Only a very SO At present, the only solution for renedying the almost irretrievable desperite economie ba dinips in which this comuunity. fallen, must be a return to Lands here a e abu dint and the opportu.
rity for early reward to labour is Of Every Description ir comparable, more so. if scientific ures are applied in the One Eleven cultivation of the soil, In Panama, thland yield almost everything needed for the comfort and hippiness of man. CIGARETTES We have within e sy bans of AT THE transportation to mark tufi cient cultivabis lands which selling daily in the and only a little would be to feed the popu.
over one year on the market lation with all the necessaries of hum nr quirements; pe mtting 80 reounrativ margin wherdoce for exportation There is a reason for this increasing But the unfortunate situation of it is that these lands are in the popularity When passing drop in and inspect our yaried pissession of a few wealthy pro prietors; who, like in all other BUY PACKAGE TO DAY countries during the early years Stock of of Spanish and British colonizThe 111 Blend is incomparable tior, o tained and secured large and uncontrollable portious under very questionable and reprehensive methods.
These propriators in Commissaries securing 11c. Packuge the lands and bringing it under Clob Houses their citrol, bue done nothing 11.
for its development. They have Post Exchanges 10c.
passed it on from one generation to the other without any improve ment, and they have not con tributed anything to the wealth the nation. Personal owner hind ship of land under the present system restricts the growth and The best Tonic in the World expansion of the population; das troying also the ambition to a life of usefulness and indepen VIGOR TONIC It is a well known fact, tbat This elogant Tonic preparation is highly recommend the present increasing popula ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, of this place is the poorest of any community situated under Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up such favourable conditions, as a run down constitution.
An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
on the Isthmus It promotes digestion, improves the appeabout 12 per cent of the citizens residing here have any tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
direct means of existence or are DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or living on their own premises This in our times a day.
sa Confession of King ano nulous state of affaire for our opinion, is which is spending JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Alcohol. much money on the educa in ot Why Suffer With Dobie Itch?
its people. Surely in the coming Wbro DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC will relieve and cure you?
years, when the vouog men and This old time prescription is living up to its reputation by conquering Come, Alcohol, now answer te the y og women or uday will STOPS DOBIE ITCH The question shall put to tbee; be sufficiently able to appreciate What is thine age? wat is thy sir?
the estimable value of the in The advent of Dr. TICHENOS ANTISEPTIC has proved to be the right thing in the right place. Those that have tried it for Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. Wist is thy trade. what is thy pame? struction they are receiving, dis this troubleso ne itch Mave found instant relief the most serious problem with cooling, soothing appliestion for the atted parts, and you are my age is to thin a thousand years, content and unrest will be one of My aim is to fill the earth with tears, doubly grateful to Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC My trade is to kill and make exp3 180, which this Government will have when the iteh disappears.
My name is Intemperance.
to contend; and for which if the GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAN HOUSE Deace and order of this commu Others have tried it and found relief, why should you suffert Long have ruled upon the er rtb nity are to be maintained, the DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC To every crime ve given birth, Government shall bave to tind a Try TL can be found in all drug stores When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. m father of all grief and woe, solution spread distress where e. go.
During the sovereignity of hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
My dwelling place is at the bar, Columbia, the land was the pro My customers are bear and far: perty fil their hend, drain their puras, the ration, and no one of And turn their blessings to a curse.
was permitted to hold a definite title of ownership by purchase.
Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller daily breathe, a poisonous breath, This was a most sensible My drink is liquia fire and death: policy of economy in the distriMy lodging place is la seat; bution of the wealth of the na My food is filth and be peat meat.
JA tion. Under that system, if the Address. MULLER BUILDING My face is covered with a mask land was not improved up to the My hiding place is in a cask; date provided in the land laws, it CALIDONIA My business is to gender strife, reverted to the nation. But to And put asunder maa sad wife. day, the lards are beld up, with visit grog shops all around, the anticipation that some Whore Satan is, m always found foreign capits list will come in am his wai er day and night, and pay an handsome price for it HS sexvice is my chief delight.
by little the Panamanians will have no room for expansion CALLE No is 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins. He is my captain and my guide, alwais stan close to his side.
and shall become the tenants. and serfs of an alien people, beam. She has two decks. tween ve illed more men upon my word The reduction of the labour Than famine, pestilence and sword.
decks ft. high.
force on the Canal Zone, has With my deceitful, flittering tongue brought about new problems draw to me both old and y ung, which have given rise to the English Classes And when get them in my enite, Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric and chain them fast and keep them there.
Dractice for a thoughtful solution, that will bene For Young Ladies 6 Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig; Temperance workers most dread, fit the people. Under the rigid erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed For they are ruining my trade; economical policy of retrenchAND FOR BOYS 7 water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
And if their cause much for her go.
ment by the Harding Adminis. will jrove my fiosl overthrowtration at Washington, for some Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays We must Buy her for our Service (Confession of King Alcohol years, no financial assistance alleviate the was written by Edward will be given to BARTON, Caveer, Jan. 1842, and found must, therefore, find the neces.
distressing hardships here. We WE NEED 60, 000 MORE among his papers by a surviving sary mass of assisting our MONEY bead of the article in The Front sent unenviable our previene the land. The willingness of Here is an opportunity for The authorities on the Canal those in possesion to let the land constructive solution for You may subscribe some of this by purchasing Zone, have gone as far as they on reasonable and protective difficult problem; if this country can go.
some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound They have open the terms to the cultivators. Then is to be saved from financial NOTICE each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound land for the purpose of cultiva. comes the necessity of an Agri bardships and ruin. Now is the each and become part owner.
tion, but they are no provisions cultural Loan Bank, for the psychological moment, and that TO ADVERTISERS AT COLON who will cultivate, and as a re such a bank is to become useful for country. It without any delay.
DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW On and after March 1st sult, to many who are willing to and receive the necessary supB.
Advertisers at Colon whose work this oderisanial oplade tohto prostitutions deserve, the Govan and sucb Write to the Ad. at present appear in the offer, of a scorpion in place a ola 37 ORANGE ST. JUAN ILLUECA KINGSTON, JAMAICA WorkMan will make all re, it will not be possible for ang of ernment must come forward and mittances to the Office and the capitalists in this city to give the guarantee necessary so all intending advertisers will render ti nascial assistance to as to warrant its successful Attorney. at. Law please communicate direct those who are willing to cultivate workings. Congress must be as there can be no ownership of No. 44 Central Avenue with the WORKMAN Printery the land on the Canal Zone asked for the legislation which Box 74 Panama City or therefore, no legal means of will empower the Government TELEPHONE NO. 64. BOX No. 76 Box 1102 Ancon, Canal Zone. recovery on advances made to Practices in all Courts of By order, such purposes.
make efective trithful and Panama It THE MANA GEMENT problem. The first solution is tracting parties.
This is altogether a National honest performance by th con English Spoken Fluently me THIS 600 TONS STEAMER Little PRIVATE ACADEMY Rank West Indian Steamship Company Ltd.
Advertise in the Workman Pays.


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