
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1922, The Woman Exchange DRESSMAKING Cuins to Versailles Sbe maders Pete with NO rieb or United States GovLEWELRY BARGAINS THE WORKMAN ernment ESTABLISHED BY WOMEN POR WOMEN Demands Part of ReparaPublished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies NO. TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA CITY tion Money Paid by LROND, 11 the ofice Central Avon Correspondence on all matters and corner of StreetPanams, of publte interest invited Germany.
1P All copy for publession must te PO Box 74. Pendwo RP Allias Kave refusat and the written on one side of paper only: CATES OP HUBSCRIPTION u be sccompanied by the name of Amount Distributed One Year 408 Cy the writer, Bot DCOssarily for publica We are hoping that some ocSix Sonths Hon but as mark of good isih It is in toat. In 1977 to casion will bring you to our Three sos aderas Cere tudents of words as to Оое 23.
crejectorrespondence PLEATING what ounts the Uait sto e shority. Ad when yo.
ed States Grenose its do coine b: assured that it will The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS claim to apart of the reparation bi a pleasure for us to crve ndemn typed by Graay you, and that our plea ur in AND SATURDAY, MARCH 18 122 In late the the. xenses of the arm of ceution sh bola serving you will mak your visit come cu of th amunt pai o our stor even more (Accordion, Knife, DARKER GROWS THE ECONOMIC die able fr yourself.
recently. It is a musing a tutorial at the tine Box Plea macho FULL emplied 00 OUTLOOK.
10 ta North Th y se JENELLE to makine that it is their duty to 122 CENTRAL keephen elves iolated from Our Etablishinint in Eu opean politics when ver the sures a perfection of bandi issue is not favourable to Trinidad and Repr When the Panama Canal and Panama Railroad took work which accentuates the United States can call conferenA werican nation; bus bus that the recrurse to the inevitable exp dient of laying of several latest styles so pessiaz to thousands of their employees, the military garrison and ces of the European nations.
sentative Governpatrons dictate measures, and yet refuse the naval base proved to be industrial cases in the vast invitations to any parleys which ment desert of unmployment, and offered work for several may call upon them to share the hundreds who would otherwise have suffered terrible Thones, sime as in the late EuroCommenting editorially tha experiences in the great ma lstrom of tconomic depression ANN THOMAS, Proprietress.
Washer women, cooks and maids, tailors, shoemakers, pean War, she must sit perceed Barbados Herald of the 4th Feb upon a wall and after she has ruary depl re the acuon taken barbers, Carpenters, masons and painters among many sucked the li e blood out of the against presentative Gveraothers found employment at the various army posts on the other nations, then she cao come ment for Trinidad by a sicion Canal Zone and have fully adapted themselves to the rouin and clare, did it to save of the East Indian coinmunity in humanits: atter humanity has thit coloy thus:tine work customary in such surroundings, and even if been already wrecked and every The cause of Representative the pay is small, it comes regular and certain and althouch SURGICAL MEDICAL CLINIC one has made themselves ob iga Guverament seems likely to re.
it might not afford a life of luxury it is indispensable in ted to her. This seem to be ineceive some set back in th West keeping the wolf from the door.
Central Avenue No. 46 new kind of Western diplomacy Indies if we jadge rigatly fron Now comes the unwelcome announcement that plans Drs. DANIEL CHANIS AROSEMENA and Peace Upon Earth God the events which ave been Towards Men.
tiki pisca in Trinidad during are being made in Washington to reduce the Canal Zone FROM EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY ENGLAND)
We cannot see the reasonable he last few garrison by the tremendous amount of five thousand men.
rezrettable wa What a blow that will be! From the little that is left in PRIVATE CONSULTING HOURS made on the present elin, e keep duble rezow months, This is made through a spirit of eens sider the importance whien is the line of employment something is to be taken away, ance and stupidi. y. The Late Trinidad, Dr. Chanis from to P.
and The removal of five thou ard soldiers from the Canal States sunat, ten used to ratlly quently th great accessing of Dr. Arosemena ftom to llam.
the Cleary Zone will mean a heavy increase in unemployment in all Sie steist the would made herself to classes of labor and is stined to plunge the Isthmus into no party to the concev There are free consulting hours every day in the French dicions a do sn us the code on up nou stod a greater crisis than the present one Pharmacy from 10 t) 2m and from to p. in atsirs As far as whave been For several years, and more especislly for the last respectively German, but now De to sither a sentit, bus two years the army Dots have tenis seconomy been the Economic Dot nem is bi 11, 81200 tham nash to 1311 asylums of the numerous ex en ployees of the Panam Sosure insists Canal and the Panama Railroad, and this kind of work aucht MOLIVE rytor venth which ditiers in form and system from that of the Canal Other Lans ce from land were the droit is ration has become familiar and pleasant to the the datinondition with elec primera vitit thu and of men and women who have been fortunale The STEWART acey only lied in their sonster to enough to obtain work.
must dietate and the cctoru, Ulice una representantes Ion Cound hos ver hos Ver to the It woulu le a very ad thing for the Ist me if the actis dieta na army men here were reduced in number. Five thousand as to how the Und States Indian cinnatty Mr.
enlisted men is almost alf of the army streigth in the will collect tie a wount, w: are und and presented in with Car al Zone, and uch reduction as is planned will mean dia tu kwa afraid bat laey are Ducang norgets daerene to the cause of the cutting of the presenti umber of em loyed people, But it will til Colby Govern best, in any capacity wla sever in the arny posts, to nearly CLASSES IN Trinidai Geramea wao fifty per cent. Wiat a reduction like this would cause US CHURCH SERVICE wowards the presentative Govsy opstay may well be imagined from the experience which followed Etc. era neat Association were see St. Paui Church, Panama.
gfienily court ous to the rival year.
Eist Indian dy The army posts are doors of opportunity to all who m, Hly Coman, cae Port of Spain WS 100 Th.
have found employment at them, and if some of these tocado 51 16th STREET WEST to complain.
doors are closed what will the poor people do? Perhaps, 10:30 sayt brist saderacts before me nardly be very severa y banned something ur foreseen may present itself in the bidden 230 pm, Hy it: fu ure tutto nked sight the cutlook is growing carker.
PANAMA CITY the returns to hand with the p. ady may be that the old proverb ite darkest hour is just Van impression that Trinidad es not ante presen ativo Gera keiche dawi will prove true here, but there is no visible VIGHTENGAGE. Vier must very badiy Sich im esidence, Iromise er Lope of its obability in times like St. Alban s, Paraiso.
pression will not more in the favour of the these Charges Coercion derceMy hope is to move the West toisas 11 m, adress, woul, and it is something to There is only chety of relief ard that is to return Ane can people as prot un ly as possible to decide thi markable at the elogy which to the earth and eek living which under natural circun. Cort nned from Pace 1) ernment to accomplish te only storit Stars Carnet de: y sustenance to those who are wise St. Paars CraciL 30. in the West. did WC encugh to pursue agricultural industry. Abslutels, roin American loan would mako mat: Paber of je to let Ciuto ters worse WOOD ingese wol sove the coronie problems of the world lut in my capacity as. Haitian valous hipic is the process of es on ferret as tematy territos consider 11 am Morums Prayer and Vestlidies should to the the filling of the soil. It was this sclivity that buoved up delevate to the second confer calet oostace cal the spirit of the rations curing the late war und revealed ecce at the human tyd interest said.
Haitian ele invoked by the Silay Sho, Vacant ot to politicians and peasants, alike, the amazing potential where sikretol the convenUnited States Gvernment in 730 EV. Our address, BCSG Do Veramental ties of agriculture T: VULCARE. Rector. been declared to be 05 Beutish dependencius ep 1of terror and extortion, continu St. Barnabas Church, Empire of the American Government. ed since 1915.
But there is a ratent fficulty in the idea. In some of to protest gainst the bad faith berpetrating upon Halcio reign the West Indien Islands and in Canada Agricultural Loan which, under pressure of tina legs of is. lt soveromen as soon 11 am. Mwaing Prayer and address, as thes show themselves wurthy Banks ar Government Loan Banks did much to extermi ciers and business mo, decided Advertise in THE WORK pm Sunday Scho, of it But the Trinidad people and nale the financial difficulties that lay in the way of the to invade Haitian territory MAN. It Pays 73) m. Evening Peaver and address. are strange to sły even more St Bartholomer Church, eager than the British Govern prospective farmers. Lards, lying lifeless could be of very to destroy our national indepen little use without an amount of capital to work them. In Las Cascadas ment to proclaim ass for such high bonus 11 am Moving Prayer and address, results would not be so traxeir The Jamaica, people who try to farm for personal sustenar ce possible solution of what threatens to be a huge and grueend indepedence receive loans from the local banks some monster.
230 pm Suns Schal.
they by which they were et able to set cut their crops and tide The public has been responding to the appeals for ve Erang Pesver and ediros, duos would be coniad to trials slone, as we have to arzus ovir badstips till the crops were harvested and marketed. chartable ins itutions here. People have responded becaus MULCARE Priset in charge.
u that case that thDuple The same thing is happer ing in Canada.
they have felt that the suffering of their fellowmen, in Baptist Church.
would be getting their wishes ou, am and 7:15 na Pastor was claim they are not But un latama, the question is somewhat different. The their very sight, was an obligation into which they were or West Indies Islands Thrift, people are all foreigners and warges, for the most part, compelled to look, and in connection wito which they will suiker Chorto, 11 3, V Yearwood, ano wlile it would be a benign consideration for the Gov could not escape definite remedial action.
unaccountable and toa p in Capt. MePher. on; 7:15 Mes resetionary emment of Parama to help them, if funds were available, The land project seriously considered by the unem. Tart: coouuet of the people of the most influential colony. of thase it could not be claimed as a national right, but only regard ployed who possess enough manhood to desire to help Corca Rad, 11 a. and 7:15 Pas.
ed as a sympathetic effort to relieve distress in the face of themselves is as much the problem of the community as Empire, 11 am, 7:15 Descoa the nation.
orp anages and soup kitchens. suffering is suffering any.
Lodge Notice.
Just how the small cultivators will procure funds where, and if the people are helpless their cordition is Civa, Dascon Fister.
necessary for susterance during the period in which their hopeless and will remain so until those who are able to Now Providbe: Dasen Broom.
ercps must påss from sowing to maturity is a tough ques offer relief come to their aid.
Pu. blo Nuevo, 11 sm Me Gallition to answer. Who can lend the money, and who, if they suggestion which is likely to meet with general mm 7:15 Dacon Siews 8150.
Gatun, Thurid y Pastor Thrift.
Tha meeting nights of this can will do so? It is a question, which although hard, is acceptance in the planning for what might properly be by no mears, pieposterous.
termed Planer Week and let the whole community Seventh Day Adventist Church ladse are held on the 1st 3rd Frankly, this is a problem that concerns more besides do all in its power to contribute to a fund to be raised on 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA, of each inonib. The next meeting the governments which are worried about the situation. It that occasion. This fund could be distributed among the Sabbath (s. turday) 45 am. Sab takes place on Monday the 6th is a social patter, and because social, forces itself upon applicants whose cases would be decided on the merits.
ba School; 11 15 sm, General Worehi inst. at 30 pm. sharp in the Money is needed and without it very little progress Young People Meeting: 30 e. 30 pm. Spanish Class; 30 pm.
the atiention of the community. In its last analysis, it is a Loyal Progress hall Parama.
All officers and members are question and a problem for the Isthmian community. This can be made by the people who have taken lands on the Vespers, requesied to be on tim.
unemployment question and the land project must be con Zone. It would be the same thing if they obtain land on Sunday night 30 pm. Eervice, au Wm. MAYNARD, sidered by the more favored people. In this lies the only the small lease system in the Republic of Panama, are welcome Per. Secretary Commercial Evening School. test Dicourse the laying oti ot hundreds of men at the beginning of the Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, With such Wooncas tions adopted. am ward tor Wist.


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