
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1922, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News MONEY IS TIGHT GAS STOVES FREE OUR AIM IS the u fortu on must be ou siders to Cure that Cold in your Head secou must be Galilean Instal Lodge room, Efforts Lodge.
Coloa. de This session Says Gen. Mangin Ancon Court Had lation promises to be a very interesting one Members and Delegates are (Continued from Page 1)
Busy Session requested to be in attendance tion of the League of the Rights Amidst glorious surrounding is scheduled to begin at o clock ind also on time, as the meeting We are helping to reduce costs by furnishing ot Man to treat our cd sub Carlon Pleats Guilty that showed the true fraternal sharp jects as members of the family.
on charge of Embezz e.
put of the universal brother In truth we have never ben a hed and sisterhood, the installa sce otsive dealers. Duabulers ment Judge Kerr Delers tion of Cfficers to serve for the Members of few were recruited among our Sentence.
ei suing tem March. August coastal population at the time of 1922 of the Guiding Star Taber Should Unite. Wherever the Gas pipes are in the house the great adventure, but our No. 11. Independent Order friends of Great Britain and the C) Tamring with Mails of Galilean Fishermen, Friendly Low Countries were always our Find 100 aod Berevolent Society working to the Editor of the Workmin. uperiors in this sort of navigu.
wider the jurisdiction of the tion Even since the abolition of Mr Eltor Plase give me District State Grand Lodge No. 4, 01 Monday last Judga Kar slavery, the landets bevesions in the strict Court a Acon of Central America was held on Dein nur Duper to ways exploited their poss ssions hid qi ta busy day in deal ng Sturday March 11th at the make leur remarks.
in the strong miner thougo your list Saturday with the goveral delincuents and Mostic Lodge Hall Eghth and a rarvellus practical sense Broadway, Colon, Rep. de Pana notied the letters that the ne Eaglish lave excalled in the criminals whw. re up before Parent dy of the UNIA, has the court.
ma, and was a brilliant success xoluitation of the most poulous sent to some of the visions Gas Stove in every house Harry Carlson th: ptmaster from every standpoint Colonies by an intinitial num 11 WAS ner of white ufficials. But the a Culebra who charged As the hour approached for and Chapters down here the olj et of the Universal with English do not admit do. ecomnt funds pleaded guilty to the ceremony, Bro Uriah Blair. Nazro Iprovement Association the embezz em of Gov RW. tue ped the chair over to iOne sim, one Lord, one Desauy, say legally but morally. union of white men and the lostalling Master Bro James do black charg preferred by the women.
Prosenting Attorney Carlson Nichols, who also holds the do not ee why there should be ottice as District Secretary and divisions and Chapters. It is es any mark of soperation among PANAMA COLON GAS CO. The Frenchman is in definite misappropriated the large sum he performed his duties in an ly more cordial with his male of 11 345. 47 which he hai under able and creditable manner in sentially necessary that these so PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: cousios and more gallant with his control. He admitted that he Tendering the beautiful ritualis cooperate if they intend to bring his black female cousins. Gen was taking heavy chines at th tic works of the Order Credit the movement to success. If one Panama Lottery, bus Cathedral Plaza French YOUR erally the 93 Bolivar St.
resident is trying to fight against the nately for him the winning num him for his civilian given or military, lives other it shows the u asterly conduct in bringing the Tel. 798 And exc. llent terms with the local ber never ca ne his way SERVICE Tel. 364 the A not function to a successful that is not end, and population as soon as they real for taking chance with the Gov keeping up to their promises. It he was heartily congratulated at iza we are not there to prose eraments funds, he is now facing shows that they have not yet the close by the membership come to the real wo king spirit cute them or hold them to a beavy fine and a lengtby jail sentenc present with ransom, and that there is every a rising vote of Colonel Rigstale testified tbanks The new officers installed at wh ch the organ zation aims advantage in supporting them It shows me that they who are Wuie as follows. Bros. Ferband selves on our tempered tatelig. Carlson previous good character and good feilowship. This is what and expressed the opinion, that hrop, WAR: Louis Saund: need teaching instead they are distinguishes us frut the Enthe accused W43 not morally glise correct, loyal a. or the sun stolen.
hopeles Restitution Windo s, RW S; Sis. Ellen Binnom teaching soulevne else.
INITH WASBro, August Johnson, Garvey encuare any such Why should such movement as y, who kaow better bow to In the lign: RW. Isis, Breatrice Holder, things. They say on which the NOSTROLINE make themselves feared than to of the recommendation made by the gallant Colonel, Carlson nay bro. JN make themselves loved.
Drummond, RUA; Sis Alberta Jones, RW. organization stands is Unity Nasal Specific, Invaluable for Nasal Hygiene believe we are the only be dealt with lignly by the but that dous US DOL seem to reach court Sis Rbda Walls, RWM: and But it must bremem in the world whicu treats nition INSTANT RELIEF CERTAIN CURE FOR the Ishu us to its full extent as Bro Joseph Walters. ODK the blacks as brothers. it, in pered that arisenmitted a yet in some of the division After the ins alla ion ceremony own here you are alligat as oil nH As into Nasal Catarrh, Influenza suficient moral or default of with Gvernment the Installing Master Hoteliectul unicipati enquired con they from the membership it it was gou dů not jou are not reeg SOOL as you belong to the choir have not attained to social beyin a respole pisti.
their desire that the rettig zu wd are not associate AND INFLAMMATION OF THE NOSE yn chulet On ne talu, Drough Uab Bar Stoun with. Is this Gurveyisin? Asa Vibouc timu Begiven the honcurs of the Past member one is as food as the Simple! Safe! Sere!
Kucrard he and one niston is 2500 ver in the formative te For sale at. 1p to date Deus Stores he other pr Writers It is rotteness to have any such honours to the brother, which ningales. It is witness kind of stlisti pride to the riberal was done in regular and ample ni character with the seadment of Gif no canti ople, especially those who farm So, assumed that is a dues was After the usual thanks from the calo themis tives united bodies April 23 one week after Su. to third patieplice Naturals. our country for all our Bro Elvira Chr. without distinction of shades that iti me feel that some of the day Chair, and also tom other speak bdies me of repeated ottences and it Oslo e next meeting will be bl LDM Vern, WC; JB Wen these sons only contain packs of ers the Ledge was then diesed in hypocrites, and think that such ne were a mun pi strong moral country by in Wednesday evening March Stev, PM: KPS RE00r we then words and by their deeds. ibra, he oath to ot know when Brya Awkins WT; Peace and Friendship, and all he as cutting bond rerepaired to the barqueting roce si concented vody or beds 22 Mesa RCGJ, Peren, Lc; Vw York World able bounis to sit down to a well occorated would be usuen bedelited at they FRI, IN din BMJ In xolea for icerey son yang table the finest assortment of would spend a few nähts learn about the true aun of the GATUN Pure LSD. and Gorks Workers and Og Revgn: 55, 415. 8) Was the Tota: uunb at the Knuston Circuit ago before the late Mr. Jistice dities and refreshments Bro. August Johnson was de orazon, and to discourse News has reached here that in the Itse of Boy Lidge, these were Amount of Wilts and Toastmaster for the cuantiy, one lariguage, one our genial Secretary WV Jourt in Jamaica; the noble Stere na CI Witos PM Egleston, will be returning someJudge said that could co.
Norfolk Bout evening and he lived up to his DpasC Palmer, sinto ter the plea for merey made for reputation as an able Social walking you for space.
time during the preseal month Burion, Rusel, MI Buba Waifs and Chanman. The toasts were as atter haviig spent a well earn A Buckled and the Sister Bustasu Each Fighter Received 119. 47 ned very often e mitud an of stra s, who Isllows: che Respeculully jours, Vacatioa ol sexy days. Mrs presided at the org. o.
as His Share of th) Re ceipts fence to stem the pangs of Welcome by Sister Daisy NEGRO Elcstun will return also bring The best chouested to the order. Fight too Sh. for Test. er; but he refused to give og the bounciag baby girl wiin wat satisfe only do with and all the his Livingstone.
ym. thy to one who is consid The Supreme Lodge by Bro.
members were us in ther praise red kantleman, who after Samuel Johnson Tea And Concert.
for the podido com a which The actual receipts of the vin buen plein a res king by Bro. Zach.
is sted het te pre ed nes, After WI. Norfolk show, including insible and content Ab alams At the Lotge tall St. Bernard, the metatie te bons repared to te the Government tax o 10 na meeting and grand tea tion, havine any won Republic of Panama by Bro.
but touw toute to 5353113 By Thi No 16 JOUV, a very uniqne Concert given asid the Drummond No.
The State Grand Lodge No. trzer Lidee 2784 and sucessful Rally wis beli by Credit wijstly Miny. The they battled for the bers of the Comt v10: Wie on Saturdy high of enten of he not rely o responsiblities and his duty to Mondell West Indian teet on war is in the best S1791)
215 parents, connitted The Gano Christian Ercamp viurbli between cc The 11. 93177 towardene the islands were represented in the men by Sister Holocr Alzhe etters Jamaica came out of her with a determination to work in 2519) We will peren Our Visiters ly Sister v Committee acownd with fast Barbados We must confess, with stel More than 18, moral sentiments Wer TECIVO Birnom Among the no pas fast per vinsi th bout The Daughters of Galilee by formd were dissers Live Bitlisey songs were rendered we chose talvi which 13 155 were pudimi prototid Er AN vis orcon who tiststed very much to make the Tally as Cridit must be Rent Receipt Books in Santigat, including the Governmeni vear old Annaabisan The tickets sold forth Christ Suj ved 110 The Apostolic Fishermen chennals of laughter for the night, Mr Earle for by Bro Gecige Wirt old ish and Engist for sale at the tax ware as follows: 193)
manner he went about getting up The Order of Galileats by attendinx the the function and made it suck Workman Printary.
S1, 10 92 1993 195) at 52 20 13. School at Bulb was placed in Bro, Jas. Nichols, M.
an overwhelming success.
13 14 330 1153020; 3, 005 Our Future Weifare by Bro Canal ne Notes 53) 16 533; 2, 705 at 5770 820, he dock, charged with tar Unfurling of Banner with the United States mailbox Fra. Sanuel 831 60 Cae Past Administration by Bro With the dry season comiogin, he actual blow with which con boy admitted that for som he Rose Response Bro. Blair. RED TANK the hill by the Bachelor had been taking away Court Pacific 9731 Ancient Wills tored Norfolk continues letters out of other pople poss At this stage Bro. Jan es mall, box.
Sate Grand Ruler arrived and he match the State Grand Lodge Clubhouse to inorrow, maut aa eloquent address on be. Paraiso are iny ted to a lecture to are looking in a dreadfully parch at Grove Hall. House No. 973. La boxing quarters and among Russell, Canal Post Office be held at the atove mentioned ed condition and it appears as it Boca Canal ne expects to have boxing fans, but the concensus laspactor of Mails was Cuaca) fire was around these houses a Led Letter Day on Sunday the of opinion was nined that was deterN 4, which was listened to with It istine pravent on The address was Danctuato attuit this baresupait be granted a decent centy received from England bered as the darters an saared up, be paited several that the 19:n iast, when their own re right uppereut to the jiw, de the mails would haven owiba to be hi hly appreciated by the mem. Don fail to attend as this lecture Oad lealdiag to their residence. wil te unfurled All Sisters carrying tremend us piwe with marked bills.
iers and at the close the entire will be of vital importa. ce. 10 ail Courts in the City of Panama and over a short route that caused Ufortunately for the boy he got bistip anos e ard Cu un als kiad red socities in the form Panan tighter to the trap and was caught.
he is a jolly good fellow. Thus PARAISO CLUBHOUSE Re Union of Primitive vitei, are reminder that this cash to the ficar, and that the ended one of ihe best installation Judica Kerr inflicted itine of Lodge at Bocas del Toro.
function boxins as pan vrecise precived in the fall jarred 3105. 00 on the bay, b cause of ceremony in the history of the Norfold that he failed to regain nis age, o herwis: he would have Quie it Siar and all were nis senses before he had been received the maximum penalty The Paraiso Community Club tendering their congratulations held its regular meeting on On Friday February 24h last, st. Expulsion counted out. He was none the of the law. Wa ein waderstand and best wishes for the new Wednesday evening, March 15th. m. th cliers and members of the worse for wear the next day, So far as being a test, tight case. The accused is a mere boy che Jutge symyathy in this a then broke up in the wee hours This meeting me important in Primitivo Lodge No. 2355 AS AU of the morning and all wended boats wing imahe succes interest held a pas meeting in their Lideo TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Gan tae clared tobat the bont was and at this age he is not keen on far too to of room for the purpose of bringiog together short duration their ways homewards to their Club ware decussed, This is t) certify that George prove anything regarding Wills has com nitted. Society would to enornity of the offence he those of that lodge and the members of Thorne, Charles Loa, Einord chance resertive places of abode. sing We are giad to know that the Rose of Bucas No. 2550 of the same Bovell. Rayooli Brath watt and against Dempsey. It is generall prison to begin his life amagat of making a stand gain nothing in sending him to ing For we are jolly good fisher Paraiso Community Club is being Order Ela Thorne have been expelled agreed, however, that even had badened criminals.
alked about by the people of The object of the mee ing was to from the Colon Love Chariot Ben. the bout gone further than it did, bring abou: a cord al understaading in evolent Society, nor violating the it would have resulted in a vie handed a fine of 25 00 for loi ar Volley Ball contest is being reeds to some unsettled business, and rules of said Society in various tory for the New Furquarson was Fishermen District to conducted each Feday right to correct the rum jur that was gone aspects.
Orleans heavy weighton ing at L. Bc. Camp.
The under the auspices of this Club abroad, that the relatijnship between accountoihis tremend DOUGLAS ous physical advantages over at the Balbua Magistrate Court accused was tried som: uime 87 Many other a heletics are being the lodges would be seperated. The Secretary Norfolk The diferenca in conducted by this Club. meeting was very orderly and the who weights. 176 unds for Norfolk against the sentence. Judge the and sentenced. Happealed The State Grand Lodge No. The latest music including can were present carried away with them Reut Receipt Books in Span was sufficient to prove a barrier handed out a tine of 25 00. Tne and 2111 for Wills, it was stated Kerr reverse the sentence and of Central America wil: hold their tata has just arrived from the some lasting impressions of the good bi annual session on Saturday, States for the Easter exercise feeling which existed throughout.
ish and English for sale at he which the black thunderbolt accused was confined during the March 25th at the St. Peter which will take place on Sunday At the call to order, all the officers Norkman Prinery, could not overcome. Exchange. time he appealed.
Puied as be por War her. The Was Sister various th Rally 550 87Second Ikins recently into dane For rertaining men.
Paraiso Simeon


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