
SIX THE WORKMAN CATUPDAMARCH 18 1922 oexOOOOOOO tbe molt tive all up in hive Voir sawa na Corporal rat vent with to about 30 bayonet SENT FOR TRIAL ON SUSISS98 ses socis ciee9 West Indian News.
CHARGE OF MURDER THE THE IDEAL PHARMACY Continet FrPay. number of the Pale why hiva been residents here in the No. 1:8 reet East, Calidonia udico early months of listverk Enquiry Held. Barrett Charged With 14 944 Thuỷ gì tu OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
numbr bakedwie 11 Shooting his Corporal.
thout the (living root tatu it is our waterwis ENGLISH AND AMERICAN not by any means dinh (Concluded from our last Issue)
reckless use their ind tiranoreciation Detectiva Testimony. could se. s. accused sitting modern, the Drugs Patent Medicines less a fairly law Ocine oikolo Joseph Ez kiel Harris, Bwcro on a bench on the front of and however arbre and throaren och gere Itacang Corporal of Deteco barrack room armed with a car Lives in Savela Mar. remem. bine and fixed bayonet and ban Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc. istrates asuvat work at bard Sanday 12h inst About dolic across his shoulder, He 5:30 p, heard a report and saw me and quickly came to the made friends, in cases.
went tablice station present air sabuve. The build with wla nastanhu can saw the barracks on fire. saw ing was on fire, saw accused barn dund sonnt accus in cas ody of Corporal in the custody of Corporal John NO SUBSTITUTES USED otthalos were Johnson and Mr. Fred Forrest son and Sandford. would bave fre and easy, evi smiling patud him on the sbau der shot him but could not get a ople, and their coral, DCand asked him what was wrong. tit. had him tied and destarqattia will least be replied: Ah, my good deuc patched him to Waithara station Only the purest and most genuine Drugs commissed from our streats have my grievance. as the cells bare had been Things are becoming uo bearable destroyed. Whilst in the car he now. This was his auswer to said of his own free will. pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over The Wintar Souson Visitors my question. went with them shoot Samuels, gave Scarce.
to the road and he was taken shots, 40 years experience Way.
kot information that the fire, na pointing to me Samuels had been shot. is your soul wantel, but Our leading hotels are not on WILLIAM searched for him and found him missed you. You tellows see ce OLSA, Proprietor.
joying any feast of planty this winter senson; for visitors are without the wall. He had bul. him there (a dressing the let wounds in the thigh of the crowd) don take bin as you 4COKOSISS0scissisooooooo SSSSS soaroer today than thy left leg. He was washed in see him. He is the biggest by pobeen for a decade. List blood, and apparently unconcious crite in Sav la Mar, Acting Cora revival of prepareradi got a car and sent him to the poral hnson gave me a carbine thing. bave my grievances tions. Brains. Buty and many hospital about 43p.
the and fixed bayonet, and Monteith were represented fully in droves of Canadian and Ameri Examined by the Court: De gave band »lier and cartridge and it catch him he will be gone. mind, catch cans who spent mathin dile fendant has been here about one all of which now produce.
Notice of Removal lars here. In dullness, this sit year. He was Robert David Sanford sald: trouble for everybody else, am always well behavnnt drunk ed and quick at duty. have bad am of Police at They can kill me or do anything Bon eclipses even the worst war very little intercourse with him Sav la Mar.
years and the The Public is hereby notified that the proverbii Eugene Ricbards said: re Sundar eth inst. hemos they like with me, am charged beard the in ght barun through the carpat member Sunday, 12th inst. riogn of u ch bells and saw with murder, make Sergt Camp bell handcuff me. Must be sorgt.
ed corridors of the bast of our Gelective Harris a cwd uing towards the SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO carivanserai Money sent to around the wall of the police polic sta went and mot Major tell you to tell him be as scarca with our cains of stato in Savela Mar, and sav accu met Su Is is rgt Major concurt dy of Actitx fidential.
Has been Removed to 107 Lt the north as well ours au 14.
Corporal Samuels lying against Corral Johnson and Mr. Fred Herbert Thomas Inspector the banana tree over the wall. he Fori to accompanid them 16th Street West.
unconscious, his lex was to the si jor quarters. I am Inspector in command of of Police ad J, sworn, said: TRINIDAD (Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. shot, it hud blood on it, don ca was procured in which he the Westmoreland and Hanover recember which leg.
was put and seat a Rescue of Prisone The new emises are well equipped for turning out Whithorn station Whilst in the division returned from Luces car ha voluntarily said, have police sittion Datroyed by fire. 30 pm and found the the best class of work Parson Slan der Philip Monteith said: live in shot Samuels. is Bavla. Mar. remember Sun. the fire, but you iniss it (point tobbe poble of the 13th went Action.
day 12th iust, saw the police in to the Sgt. jor) It was about 10, 15 where saw the Public Hospital station on tire and saw accused you standing on the top of the step our soul wanted, for you are dead body of Duvid Samuels, PHOTOGRAPHS the cause of thu whole thing who had been a corporal of police Claim Against Eider Of with a thing around his shoulder on the way to Wuithorn be was alive when left on Sun AS and a carbine and tixed Church attempted to talk az in but I called stopped tay. Toe left leg had been NEW YEAR GIFTS prisoners in the cell. heard kave samucis nine su vez in fact, anputated close uo to the hier.
them calling for murder. He and gave him more shots than mo Nxt morning went to Whit Judgement for 20 and Cost.
said come in and open the punc ures my beyela bas had, cost dy told him that Corporal horn where the accu: was in Remember your friends with your photograph this door and let out the prisoners to Majinased it. vm Samuels hat died at ten clock not mad not druck year and they will remember you as long as Referring to the Action of will and give me. He put it down stand trouble, for every body the previous night and had the photograph lasts.
Shader heard in the Trinidad at the wate and moved off. take to the station Te Sara come to Suprem Court, and brought by charge him with mur in der rearrested and charged and released the gant Campbill wha: Serg at him with murder, and gave him Rev Roomson, a Burbidita risoners (hree in number. jo tola you to tell him.
and Pastor of the Arouca Pcs went said, one is left. hai fer drinks to day; they You know, sir, sometimes op the usual caution. He said, Our Photographs are Permanent byleriun Chuch Sai 145 MP WA Whits all Erot and released him also. Prisoner can kill me if they like. He vexed the said Church, clainine 1000 when Kiving me was still vex.
posites de ract esch other black man likes a white man and Have that long delayed photo which you promised instruction. The thing around damages. The defendant bu Cross Examined by Mr. Oppen. dies nit like a black man. He your friend so often made certain allegations against him took it up. It contained unsteady paused and said the only thing one cartridge; kave it to the heim: Accused was the Rev. gentleman chirac er Walist in the car.
Serveant Major want is that you don bring MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO and had stat that he had seen Edwin Uriah Turcer said: Fred Provost said: am a that Sergt. Major near me at all the Parson kissing his id fund few minutes am Aeting Corporal of Police, jeweller residing in Sav. la Mar left the cell.
The coolest in the city where you are certain of the and s) wife with passionate On Sunday inst was at remembered Sunday 12 after heard accused call out best attention.
waru. th.
at the station. siw prisoner at inst. heard a title from my Sret. Campboll twice. weni The Chief Justice in giving about 3, 30. He was very quiet nouse and went the Police back and asked defendant what judgment said the action was as he usually was. knew hin Station and saw it on tire and was the matter. He was sitting for 1000 damages for lundar, for nine months. was in the burning. saw defendant sit on the little platform that runs and the defence was justification.
office at about 530 pm. did ting on the steps under the along the side of the cell and Day and Night Photographs Tois case bas caused so much pillow. He stid anxiety, and the evidence bas not remember seeing Corporal porch of the station, with Samuels. heard a shot from a carbine, fixed bayonet and a don understand think it was SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO been se conflicting that it was voice call out bandolier around bis shoulder, murder from Sunday, but if extremely hard to come to a Lord. Lord, Barrett you kuil He tired several shots in the Samuels dead now, then it must decision, What was the real It came from the sub offi direction of the crowd around. be two dead, one for Samuels 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West. truth of the matter he was not cers quarters. went there. Oa and laughed at intervals. Mon and one for the Sergt. Major. prepared to say. Therefore it my way heard another sbot, teith aud others beat down the told him Samuels had only died came to this that the defendent had put in a defence and heard Samuels call out murder. doors and released the prisoners at ten o clock on the he had Barrett you kill me. saw assisted Corporal Junason to night. He is an ex contingent to prove that it was true The accused at the doorway of the arrest him and took off his left man. He has been with me nine onun was on him and although The examination was a and Johnson his right arm, and months sub ofdicers quarters with he His Honour) could say esrdine and fixed bayonet point cook him to the Surgt. Major ajorned to Thursday 23 ed it was untrue, he was not preHe said to the Sergt, instant when as stared in Fri.
pared to say it was true, ing into the sub officer quar. place, There Lore the onas being on him, he ters. He was watching around. Major You are the man want day Gleaner, Barrets was had failed th other hand, attempted to go in. He turned ed, but missed you; you are committed to take his trial on the bine at me as though he the cause of all this trouble. charges of murder and arson, at (BRANDON BANK)
as regards the plaintill be hai would fire at me. left the build his doubts about the evidence, the next session of the WestKeeper of Police Station.
moreland Circuit Court.
he most admit ing. Before got a chain away heard about four more shots in Michael Smith said: am CorSECURITY question of law; the onus being the same direction. During the poral of Police stationed at Savon the defendant, who hid fail SERVICE day saw Samuels and accused la Mar. remember Sunday Advertise in THE WORKed, he most vive judgment together. They were quarrelling 12ch inst. was at my private MAN. It Pays against him. He did not think High words passed between quarters, heard several ritle Panama It was a case for big damages (Founded 1863)
Colon bem. Accused appeared vexed. snots and bells ringiog, went to be given, and he therefore Samuels told him he would re towards the police station awarded the sum 20 and costs IMPORTNT NOTICE.
port the matter to the Sergt. When got near enough saw Our large Resources and well known Major. never saw Samuels the accused about 31 or chains away. He was cjuntag down the conservative Management afford unDeath of Jockey Borde Police Sergeant Major.
front steps of the station Correspondents and conHe had a carbine and fixed bayonet tributors to the WORK questioned security for every dollar Last week the sad death of Jno. Hamilton said am The station was on tire. Syne MAN please take notice deposited with this bank our one time star Sergt Major of Police stationed time after was at Sergt. Majors that our Post Offices address Jockay at Sar la Mar. About two weeks quarters, was detailed with are Box 74 Panama Eugene Bord: took place Hi career as a Jocky was combefore this occurrence Corporal Corporal Sand ford to take bim City and Box 1102 Anparatively short but certainly Samuels reporteu accused to me to. in one of the most brillant perde consequence of which he was accord heard him say: It was con Canal Zone. Persons ordered to be transferred on the your soul that wanted to take, mailing letters and etc. at e neral Banking Business Transacted of the West Indies. He was first seen in a saddle om timin 13th to another station. Whilst you are the whole cause of this Canal Zone Post Offices are 1918 at my quarters heard the re trouble, He was addressing the under the tuition of our IBAAO BRANDON asked to address same to NATHANIEL BRANDOS BRANDOS well portot. gun at 95 heard Sergt. Mr. Oa the way to knowa rider Joy Binger, it atter waras four suos lu succes Wartboca de siaried 10 iala, Box i102 Ancon so as Prideas was not vers many maths later View Predeas Treasurer but the laid was cally seen sion. was proceeding to the Corporal Sandford keep quiet, to expedite delivery.
to pabiic race course Waring station as the sound of the shots Accused said know am not the pretty colors of Mr.
came from that direction. On bound to say anything, but feel Alfreio Siegert, or when he my way came into sucessfully piloted Vayeete ant crowd. received certain is for him aloe shots. Corporal Sand. Cuple of otheth was howmation and nt to house op ford are you rexed with me ish and English for sale at the posite the station from whence Sergt Major caused the whole Workman Printery.
eter, tv preli ainary to tha (Continued os Page went 1 31 serves as a sun, and heard me.
an the previcus PoE Panama Banking Company Bat it was a after domingo red, but Ront Receipt Books in Spar. Advertise in the Workman


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