
broach Over in Turkey grow rich aromatic to accos. We buy the choicest selections and combine them with the best American tobaccos.
The result is Chestestreld cigarettes the kind that satisfy. That rare old time tobacco taste wins right and lot One package of Chesterfields will show you why no other cigarette can be quite so good.
Interasting West Indian News (Continued from page 6)
great future that was in stor for this promising youngstera who rose to in a very short rime the e star Jick y of the West Indies. As a rider he hid faw qua and no superiors To regret able les cand by Verstrain and a big ay trunk emperament which about his retirement from the urf at the ment whinhwa at the very top of his profession Camerat shock to th Sporting pulis and his host of Admirers His parformines are 100 well and to run be memory of our partsen ta ned recapitulation His tirst noant was on Water fly, his last Coraline, between the dates ne ride if not all, at least most of the horses that ever looked through a bridle in these parts with Css which was noth ng shot of phenomenal. To his orrowing relatives we offer our incerest condolences in which te sporting West Indies join us Port of Spain Gazette.
INDICATIONS Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Cold Anaenia Following evers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia An excelenter for administering fodides, Brimides and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bow Irregularities mong Children. All ages, all cimat?
all seasons of the Year.
You have Tried the Rest Why not Use the Best FOR SALE BY They Sarisht ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON.
Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans Shinin Pahaco Turkey Book Binding!
Chesterfield Book Binding Department SAVES LIFE 27 Earl of Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than is a reputable germicide and sure disin fectant Representatives of the Ele mentary Teacher Union of Trinidad sfcured an audience with tle Under Secretary of State for the Colonies during his visit there. Among the matters which were on their programme for discussion were: CIGARETTES of tenure of office; Secury Why throw away your old, but no Sil ries: Civil list; Inspectorship: presentation on the Board doubt interesting, books when you Duucation, and Compulsory Education can have them neatly bound at LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
Mr. George McKay. MA, is the newly appointe Direccir THE WORKMAN of Eiuent on at Tinisal Does This Mean Another leaves shortly for his new.
post and is extected to arrive at Link up wiih LIFESUOX Royal Wedding? the end oi bruiry or early in March to take up his dutius for Health S.
Anent thriate of Princess The Gin Guids of Tinida CENTRAL AVENUE Mary to Viscount Lelles it is will be sent Wedding it rumoured that another Royal en wagement is that of the Duke ofita Princess Mars, in the stape and No. G Street York, the second son of King of a cabinet made of local woods, an inscription in silver.
George and Queen Mary, to Lad with The esika has not been decided Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, daughter of the Earl of Strathmore. Lady of the casket on as yet, but it will tollow that to Elz beth is a very attractive Royal Highness the Prince o: rive from England very shortiy possible, and th: Alalui tra joung woman, and in September Wales, on the occasion of his tog iber wi. Mr. Klly, the ci va of the Government by a was hostess to a party that newly appointed Assistant Gov. Lieut. Gwer or resident in the included the Duke in her visit to Trinidad ernment Analyst colony and disthle family historic residence to the Colonial Office should be Giamis Castle, once used by the Horse Insurance.
more satisfactory to the ufi er Kirgs of Scotland as a residence The Port of Spain Gazelle under as well as the pple.
that a Targe action is find in which Duncan is believed stands The United States have been murdered. The pending in Captain Cipriani of Trinidad Strathmore is not Court between a big commercial has been app inted Acent of the Death of Newspaper wealthy, and this may prove an tirin ot Port of Spain and cer Irish Blodstock Horse Inobe asle to the Duke romance tain shippers in the US surance for the West Indies and Editor.
YOUTH and happiness are linked as he would only have 20 000 a over a consignment of lumber is prepared to undertake the up with health. Link up with year provided by the State un recently shipped and found Insurance of any rac horse in Lifebuoy for bealth and for the less the king could add to this about one hundred thousand feet and around the West Indies up The death took place on the children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proshort on delivery being tak o to 1, 000 each at p cent per 22 ulto, at his home in Kingssum motes health happy, smiling health; the capvain of the particular annum The z ite says thu on, of Mr. Joseph Badie, ship was interviewed at Trini. this is the tirst time on record litor and Proprietor of the it protects the children from the WILKINSOT cad and his ex lanation so far that such insurance his reached pimes Newspaper, st. Vi dangers of contagious diseases.
cent, as they could learn pirion was this colony.
Sortery of the St. Vincent Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects lost duria gale at sea. The Agricultural Credit and inan as it cleanses disease germs cannot live where CO. TRACT BUILD Company Agent over there Bank of the 21500 collected last quite a long period He had been ailing for Lifebuoy Sonp has been used. Lifebuoy Soap First Class Workmansmp have however begun Igal pro will safeguard the children keep them Plans and or healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them using it before school, after play, before meals.
15th Street Wes House 99 the taking of certain evidenca Tix, 50 000 is t) brefund card death has occa under the provisions of the sioned wider Pro locally.
USE DOY FOR CLEANING THE PO, BUX 411, Panama, ordinance.
Rent Recrist Book in Spanish and English for sale at The The managing authority of the DEMERAZA ST. VINCENT WORKMAN Printery: Canadian Bank of Commerce at Trinidad have been granted permission to issue their notes in Mr. Bodkin, (Can MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
Reut Receipt Books in Span the Colony. supply is expect Move To With tab) E. FLS. Economic LIVROTHERS LIMITWIRTHE ENGLAND ish and English for sale at heed there this month and will be Biologist and assistant Director Workman. Primery.
immediately put into circulation. draw St. Vincent of Scienca nad Ariculinre in Demerara has sccepted appointment lereu iu by the At the recent Conference of Chambers of And Its Dependencies the Associated Secretary of Sate for the Col.
Commerce at Trinidad, Sir From Windward Islands nies as Goverument Etomelorist Eward Davson was re elected in Palestine, atas of President; and Mr George F, Government. rising to 915. Mr. Edi 100 is 36 years old, has Huggins of Tritidad, Vice Prebrilliant career for a compararident, The Presidents of the Chambers of Commerce at Trini During the consideration of tively young man, dad, Demerara and Barbados, the Etimates for the year and the lusperial Association 1922 23 in the Legislative Counof the respective Leeward and cussion relating to the desirabili Wind ward groun3, re appoint ty of casing that colony con.
ed to form an Executive Contribution to the salary and other mittee ex nenses of the Governor in FOR SALE Chief and his staff, vas started by the Senior Vaoficial Member, The town of San Fernando, An up tohouse containing Trinidad is considering the who urz thai it would be in the installation of an Eectric Light be calaor of interests if at the three apartments; cated in ons expiration of the preseat Gw hectare otlad. Surely fenced ing system, Thº estirated cost of installation is 65, 000 and the entorns then presentvice at the with barbed wire and well plaid of estia ated annual expenditure necessary step: be taken to plantaio, papaya, please, etc.
year, thered with sugar cane, hais. 11, 632 withdraw st Vincent and its al o suitable Mesh Wire The probable annual revenue dependencies from tho Givern closure for poultry. Situated at is placed at 61, 120 and the deti ment of the Windward Islands, Hatto Pintad. Lis Sabanas, 15 cit a 5, 512 and to give extended powers to minunes walk from Tramway.
This latter amount will be the Oticer administeriog the Price Reasonable made up by the levy of a rate of Government of St. Vincent The 25 per ceni. officials solidly upheld the Good Assortment proposition, but at the sugges, ROOMS TO LET The Port of Spain Gazette states was deferred until the next TO SELECT FROM AT THE that Mr Gollop. BSc. of meeting in order to give the CALLE No England has been appointed by Official element reasonable time APPLY ON PREMISES the Secretary of State for the to consider it and to record Colonies to the vacant post, of hair conscientious views thereScience Master of Queen Rəyal on. Says the Sentry: If this Advertiss in The WorkCollege Trinidad separation be effected an annual Mr. Gollop is expected to ar saying of about 6001 would be man it pays.
LIFEBUOY SOAP an Golden Opportunity JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Weddirg Cards ChristenirgiCards, Birthday Cards and Ball Gards.


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