p. 8


SSSSSSSSSS SSS SS SOOSSO ssssssssssss THIS IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR SPECIAL REEL FEATURE Featuring Old HARRY CAREY EXCELSIOR THEATRE TO NIGHT TO MORROW Saturday, March 18 Sunday, March 19 Grand Boxing Exhibition Bouts Sundown Trail By the youngest but ex Coming Soon perienced fighters, as seen in paragraph below. The Adventures of Tarzan WALK OVER SHOES INWe have just received a large shipment and have been able to make substantial Our Famous ELMO LINCOLN INBoo Reduction in Prices American Bazaar Stores SS6005 00 SXODNOS of JCI int Bere am. divutid Fue hablactate Lolero ve buv Luk Lt tine ID океа Laul hens You to Le tout WA kiel Lab SI be Jobs. tu of the above ar over come the his fulles display.
bas SU LL uits bluu Lave leti co same. LE her inning bard that The to Bee ould tbat he wa still seres were London Correspondence.
Excelsior Theatre To night, Saturday March 18th British Finance. trade estrot recover its pre war activi. PANAMA COLON The maragement this ity wbist Bo Dany coun rits continue in Theatre, one of the best on the Banking nesuits and brir present broken down concition, and Isthmus, is doing all that they SxSXOSSOS though our plans to fostirrut expert can afford to place their pat bening upansion.
trade her the granto! sprcial credit rors. In spite of the best pic fremties may be a temp tary politive tures shown the last week LENARD. RED the ci insinu rolution of th pr bil. mi which were will attended ard Reception Service. Juvenile Cantata CRICKET London, Furuary 19 2, The your by te est oblis tent of genuine pe ce appreciated they hold they can 15. pusauds putucu to and in crdered syrt mif gov nment further place their patror s, by La La cuite aid axit Europe. Mr. God nough di lipd the stor line of thought it for tonight ard hy which Juvenile Contata will take flue Surrey Defeats La Boca giving them a charge of program mears.
On Friday night, March 10 a st the sim guel Bible Truth church.
to kitalet utol e Mr. Kes, Thelter der ares per that, best and Experience San NLaptist Church Beptist) On Thursday April the 13, war nu, Le Lit Lithuat bape for evison of be hare the sn Miguel Brilliant acquired some of the reception service was beat the Fortell known a Batting by Victor and on 1) CLOU Le youngest Johr, Splendid wling by. dusu mu wie buw. ty Lut bio ugleih for, at is tht the 21 Tourde of gred ExbiTECE PS given to the Rev. Isht, she will be many divinin J. Sam Blatkmin.
ition Pinnock. Cantata pr mises to be one of great de astens bili atould be limited ce au lucratus not only An immense erwd gathered at the It gres without. eo Guraso tus obiiy to pay, tu so by this is relva ben to the burclay formerly deacon it. Such as, Missionaries Anti mission La Buea Oval, last Sunday to watch the the who biliny to see iw panen sporting rublic ard this theatre of the Chorrillo Baptist church nires, Sowrs, spers, Christoia, sol. cricket contest betwerp Le Boa The bea should be tulis pa yoriz for ard Superintendent of the Sur. diets, 20. litz, ILLAL seas le lainel to the plans it now slot de building a Burricade and the Sony The La Bece, va ser parte Finneinicien terecierry rieteniso the interests Fardid out Pelow dry school. Having been inden. to keep out Christianity, The Christain bas mide such brilliant abowing this sa pre ical settlement of the resta ice is shown the regular Line up.
LUE LI at Leple problema nit de pnsable fit op tified with the Bible truth races removing the obstacls, and other season skuinst all the clu so far that it POLO church in the US. the Rev. delightful parts are sure to make this an was wondered whether or not tbe Surrey Lutut, 1921 Lauk pinta towards econote to sely, in Europe, Exprreition Kid vs Kid Tror Gentleman was ordained in Jan interesting one. The nature of it will be CC woud bave been able to sop tb alebu CHU. tucu. aut ad berlore et bro bot, unless it 18 Kd T vs. Fid Johouary and left the states in Feb. THE WORLD FOR CHRIST. Boca won the toss and sent Surrey to eu nu au IV. Lietus bidetu be Genos Conforet ce is not likely precededly an Argl. Frenchement Kd Nelson Kd Hamiliep Talala. The San Msionary frm gin to end Every the bat. Surray inuing open diese Ed Williams Sa Ana Ko Miguel church was delighted to Christian wurker u ho, rends this paper rously, a: Tho nas ws sent back to the IV. lut. LLIB, pructe more ban very mited resule.
ste Lim back, having icuod it in thie City should grasp the opportunity pavilio, brugte the umpire ignorano, Luttet att YOUR Folten Young Reely As tegalds currey problems the poss ble to reach the goal we luha which of of seeing one of the obstacles tht come when he had soored only one run this Becht, or at le URRES Kid Noir Ik The Dancing Ghot aimed at ere his departure ne ther, along wib members of once he started to make thin. lt e was taken and là vậy. la, là Prices 50e250. 15. US Cyard though bengill en bis in the Christin way, and bow to taken by Victor Five. Un tad HD. Sollte divertit of opili. Mcrival, the members of LOLLY LOL, LU a la cuar cenic of the evis bob of ha beeilig in diffeur paris of the others organiza son who are luok ng for is the very stioning we have seen this er areu le ce litug that ecula Lavt iftain and a flation, pe. de fer church decided to haye bimus. dvancemals were Missionary work young cricketer play and derves The Complete Inde sheir pastor if he would accept will be required. Admiss on for adults, much Praise for his Kitty Or wrongly, no vocales o And after sendir delega 25. Children 15c.
Coalienor and usa also play in diebing style, and at the fall of the wev. La Leal Club Thu Leva Ulub dues from this ibat ibe pendence Is An testo see him. regard de te sa me matter, be willingly consixth wicket, Surrey declared her wave o budu wais way we went weight Mr, mekenna opin en nounced. sented, providing the members Final Opening.
closed, with the score registering a chan the outside, stability sa Balusta. Ou be wher Land Sir Goseben o mes cut in a olibe same church agrees, 132 John made 72 Ch llenor 32, Wielowl LII CU be buku, But attack on the idea of de Va using Ne name be changed to the San Sura 26, and Garvey 11. Afutros publicitate this, dibuiture Ubie pod nuting.
Yet a third vw Lord Allenby Carried His Miguel Bible Truth Church. It The final opening of the Bible La Bes took bir place, and at oncs кли ра іды ма еві, us Vastakin by Mr. Goocenough Commission Through was unanimously agreed to by truth Church situated on the started in scoriaz brukly, 10 runs 10 vocal, como la Valcea thakers or who thu Bullasalu. makes lite Dace of the approximation that expecta Blendy the membere Ine reception corner of Calidonia and up in Successfully.
service was an interesting one, streets, of which the Rev. we nowing out on time, but at the time. Blackmin began LG basecently been going on between banking and sterling 1648. Mr.
on Sunday 19th oroidable It will be remembered, some representatives from the varices Barclay is pastor will take place demonstrating ever, couns we, eveu ue suenoa paid Boot enough pruebas de bote night. the months ago, Lord Allenby was churches of this city. Addres at 11 am Bro, Olle, at p. the Buca sud denly cula pod for the leeches by the chicas valuation problem will happuy settle sent to Egypt for the purpose of ses were given by representa a special programme of songs, 83 runs. The principal itself, completing arrangements with tives of the Salvation Army, anthems and addresses, by Min Moore 20, and Chambers and Belgrave abuua. wc take place about have not the space to follow these the Nationalists of that untry Panama National Baptist church isters and Choirs of the various 11 each, Surrey thus won the south by ALL Calibetal. See by be proceso eminent suborlies over the wide ares Christian Miesion, Panama and churches in Panama. At for the purpose of establishing 7, 30 69 uns and wickets.
et sulama. lvu, bude 2018 Ut. no hve that their speeches covered, But of an Independent government, born Chorrillo, Nazerene Mission, m. gospel service Bro, Taylor wonen o bie uudertakinge, 16 giving to the Egyptians ble Truth Church, Colidonia, will preach. special offerings Standard defeats Vincentian.
has become the cusute of the chair note were Mr. Knua im. and solve Warning that Taxation was too sovereignity over their national Enezer Baptele San Miguel, for the extension of God king Standard loflict crusing defest Panama, Pen are asked for at all these services At Standard Oval last Sunday, Uwell subual better soldier un baud must be lowered by means of mattban Lord Aller by could Sisters Band Panama, and Ouro dom.
diplo tecostal Assembly sua chodte oppurtuanio, rubiese on the Vicentian CC. Busting first ut my, het hoteloven en de prebenso de revuews of exposition of the feet home in tret that have been sent, as he has car, cal recorde this Baptist. Letters of the Standard puu a total of 159 runs sti. restriction of output militates against overwhelming ainst ried through the mission with welcome were read from the for the loss of wickets Aras bonke aru But the laterest of the community in a satisfaction, both to the Imperial day School, Day school, the above church on Monday his barotid this seo, ani SUCCEES ard and the officers and night, a large gathering way they are playing as never before, bew and the woker in pticular. Theim Government and the Egyptian members of the church. present. Many of the churches blood his been infused into them, and token lice in ubique puidulur 00 ls vous plau, To leading industries is one of the most ou pu per bead of worker in me people. chout the conference, thelne Rev. Tylerbest ce invited to take part were there under the leadership of skippar Hindi cupied the ranks.
vey are playing splendidly. Padlipz tu tetore, the ho eful syn pems or be pri ion in this most cordial and frierd y rela. der the air, while the choir and helped to swell the of Bro.
directorship Those took part were the Pana pubwe are br. accusumed to look easy to cay. But diub les, stations of the total Agind 2)
Corr zal out, Lewis 29. ll cyn. 22 201 Elcosk 19 was observed by the Francis did all possible to make a National Baptist, thed Kuidabeu that are the two the evening bright and success. Read, Nezarene, Ebnezer Bap After recess Vine atian went to th petded swady in these aitticult tout leads atir ciiga and plause bihty to be made by Great Britain were exceptior al che, as this young Amy Too much can when wide spread us toployment representatives of o the nations The piluc Balik spetcute last week restriction of output All the reservations fol. The com congregation was an tist, and the good old Salvation wicke but failed to nog stiste the bow wir wevend by the Right Hon. Reconomic truth of the mattet needs the entertained; faliacy, the and today McKenna, Chancellor of the Exeno an pastor was ktown by most of said of Mrs. Morris, wife of the king of Jord. and s) fell for 71, thus che Datin wide Various Commandant of the Salvation posing the match by 81 runs and a wide qui, aud Low chaltau of the Loudun noa speech bas given to it.
propagation which Mr. independent and sovereign gov. the members of the tion kets. Thap incipal scores for Viconernment in Egypt is an estabchurches of this city, having Army, who sang two solos filling tin were Gladstone 21 not our Ресте Juul, cry and Muland Bank, by Mr.
lished fact laboured strenously to with such sweet 16 and Pollard 14 Jordan Cspcured mo Godtough, chairman of Baraudience were the cluy Bank, suu by si The policy of British about the United spirit among alled to call for an encore Wickats for 32 runs.
Pleasant Sunday Afterno. Government today is the churches. He Guechen, ut tu luperial Nacional Pro The tree was man laden known and beloved by those with Yorkshira deleats Clovelly many defined, and she will not coerce nia and Vwww Bank, Althouga une Park, Yorkshire mat those smaller nations whom he waited on as salesman colours, and bass bearing fruits all appear to think that the outlook is Don forget the Pleasant Sun om remaining subjects of the in the Commissary dep for of money were placed thereon, defeated th» Cl velly cc. also. Bare belter than a year, ayo it is imposible to day Afternoon to mo 10 long years all along the lines, four colours came near each ing first they put up a total of 132 run at Empire; provided they will pre bes, o clock om, at the Mount Serversuch rights commercially and last at La Boca.
other with their fruits. Red or wickets and declared their innings drive much opuble lor tuelt speeches, which are in the mala, essays on the Carmel Lodge ball, when the that she won with the blood white and blue by sister Stuart do ed. This sp es did perform to by It was the thene of all Primrose Cuoral Union of Pana.
that 10, d, Corczıl mad. 539, he Yorkshire obstacie lat banu butween us anu a C.
mvaly the it They see the ma will entertain you with a andon treasures of the British they missed him in the Com white Bro: Webley 1980. Sane aplendit bittiaz of Europe as lively musical program.
a ion, Egypt like South Africa missary for his manly principles red, black and green, brother Dick Smith, wa) after sa abroues Mr. McKeops put the will be the iriend of the Empire, and unselfish manner in which Francis 85. all in US. the three months buvo come back a Biod problem wivu we do not entertain any he waited on bis patrons espec total amount collected was 10. 06, as ever, His strokes last Sunday wera and The Young Worshippers doub doubts as loilu wo. if the as it did in the late were the good wishes and pray quite an enjoyable programm. all superb and many a vouleg feriekinio more lagg kruup of tauons, Cannot League European War, that this newlyers by those who spoke, as well me was experienced by all mute 57 grand otyle. Bra bw. ise 23 drawn up, and a pleasant would do will to copy bis example, Ho Le broken up Lumpu Vertebea as to born ration will uphdd the as these tho surrouided the while every one left wita a hap not out, Greaves is sad sorge sat 14 21 destroying 10 Ucuon wiibu On Sunday the 19th inst. The formid formidable and home church, not being able to enter, the ile he the best to my come out of seat. Young worshippers League of genous democracy of the British as there was not even standing sel smaila bawing enj»yed such a out clovelly in If Ruse a tous buy tea in China or Colon Cristobal wickets could only ruster 69. Buras Baptist. India, our Lastern market for entons Courch, will celebrate their Filth space available inside the church. splendid evening.
We anticipate for carried his bat through for 23 araut, Services for Sunday 19th.
We wish the Rev. Gentleman Egypt a and Augustin and Ferguson made 1L nairowed, the United States teils move anniversary. Programme for successful career in the courts unlimited success in his field of a. Morning prayer. 11 a. meneh. Yoricahire thus won the must by raw cotton to us and our shipping, the occasion will be rendered at of the family of nations; and labour, and pray that the God of preacher Bro. Francis 65 runs and wickets.
bankius, and autu noe business is p congisting of Anthems, that the tradit ons of justice and beaven who has placed him to Sunday School p. at 780 implu.
Luustrations could be mu. Solos, Duets, etc. well known fairclay taught by the English labour among his own people u ual gospel servica Pastor. GAMES FOR TO MORROW pied indefinitely, sh wing how the Orchestra will participate. people will be made practical may crown. Lis labours with sp cial weak of prayer begins Jamaica vs, Standard at Isthmian trade of cacu cunuy is siuked up with bearty invitation is extend ed 10 in the life and conduct of the success to the glory of his name from Monday night and will Park.
of the whore world. Our own all.
nation, Silver Tree also took place at continue throughout the week, Surrey vs. Britannia at Standard Oval.
olibe prepal LOLS at od ibu special th mietin of ser Da This by tu. cial ud tuu.
The tas ol Le 11 ur lataus Lut Luld workers ther uany Wuak bu chem lo the pruv that has det into a is vu le pulse of brennt Tallul pe che de 31 out of ma for Uwe. that the bring the also compelled to clearly was Valul prutperity.
Continued uzliewent chil va acle bus sumary lucidity nalon, sud suli 28 their hr tar that


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